at this time!

The scene was quite embarrassing The Sixteen Immortal Kings looked at each other, their eyes flickering In the past three days, everyone finally let go of their prejudices and united as one. They also discussed many tactics and were fully prepared. But it's good for you, you betrayed directly, which made us look confused, it's not good to kill, it's not good not to kill The Snow Envoy smiled and said: "All spirit kings, can you wait for me to go to Qipan Mountain to meet the two great masters. From now on, you and I will be comrades, helping each other, and fighting the Longevity Demon Cult together."


Qin Li said coldly: "You must die!"

Fifteen Immortal Kings were astonished, but they didn't understand why Qin Li was so decisive The Snow Envoy was furious: "You are not known as teachers of benevolence and righteousness, but now I am joining with sincerity, why do you say that?"

Qin Li sneered and said: "You are a blood cultivator, and all your cultivation is obtained by cannibalism. Do you really think that you can atone for your sins by confessing your mistakes?"

Yun Shiyu also reacted, and shouted: "When the Longevity Sect was flourishing, you were domineering. Now that the two immortals have risen, you have changed your camp and are still chic and calm. How can there be such a good thing in the world."

Mu Yuege nodded: "That's right, you're a blood cultivator, and you can't change your nature. Although you surrender to the situation temporarily, you will definitely harm people in the future."

Aotian Immortal King sneered and said: "I am righteous, I don't need a reason to kill you!"


It is rare for the Sixteen Immortal Kings to have a unified opinion The snow envoy burst into anger and screamed: "A group of hypocrites, in fact, you are no different from the Longevity Sect, I will kill you."

"Blizzard in June!"

In an instant, the temperature plummeted, and a deadly chill spread, freezing water vapor, condensing countless hexagonal skates, spinning and cutting, and shooting down, like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, smashing down on the head and face Mu Yuege and Qin Li were the first to bear the brunt of the attack, and quickly launched defensive measures "The moon is cold and foggy!"

"Golden light!"

For a moment, the white mist was transpiring, as thick as a slurry, as heavy as mercury, and dissolved the ice skates all over the sky. There is also bright golden light, which radiates in all directions, like thousands of golden swords flying across the sky, bringing warmth and dispelling the severe cold "It's time for us to act!"

The Four Great Immortal Kings who assisted in the attack attacked one after another "Broken Star Finger!"

"Fire Cloud Palm!"

"Left Sword Murderous!"

"The right sword kills!"

As soon as the Flying Star Immortal King pointed it out, the fierce starlight flew through the air; the Earth Flame Immortal King urged two hundred-foot-high fire palms to block the left and right with blazing heat. As for the Immortal King Zuojian and Immortal King Right Sword, although they are only third-rank, they are proficient in the art of combining strikes, and when the two swords are pierced out, they turn into a mixed beam of light, going forward without hesitation, piercing through the void "Mysterious Ice Shield Wall!"

Xue Nu's complexion changed, and she pushed her palms horizontally The ground suddenly cracked, and a wall of crystal clear ice, one hundred feet high and ten feet thick, stretched across it, as if it had been cast from a millennium of black ice, cold and indestructible Boom boom boom!

After a series of explosions All the four major ultimate moves were blocked, and the ice wall also wailed and collapsed, stirring up ice dust and dust all over the sky "Must get out of here!"

Xuenv made a decisive decision and turned around to flee "Evil, where are you running!" The top ten immortal kings in the formation had already prepared their preparations, and now that they had the opportunity, they poured out their immortal arts crazily In an instant, there are all kinds of colors and murderous intentions. Some peach blossoms are in full bloom, pink; some are golden, pointing directly at the vital points;

The top ten ultimate moves, greeted them together boom! ! !

There was a loud explosion, and the mountain trembled Several miles were blasted into scorched earth, and a huge pothole appeared on the ground. It was like the end of the world, and the air was filled with the smell of death "Damn guy!"

The snow emissary screamed and rushed out from the scorched earth Even if she was a sixth-rank Immortal King, she couldn't stand the indiscriminate bombardment of a group of Immortal Kings. So much so that now her hair was scorched black, she was spitting blood, and she was in a mess Mu Yuege said in surprise: "She is not as strong as imagined, it should be because she suffered a serious injury before!"

Qin Li guessed: "She escaped from the Longevity Sect. She must have been intercepted and killed. She narrowly escaped death and was finally taken advantage of by us."

Several people looked at each other and exchanged opinions at this time "Glacier Fist!"

Xuenv's fighting spirit was crazy, and she broke through with a strong force With a punch, it was a 300-foot-high mountain peak, crystal clear and heavy, suddenly suppressed, like an ice crystal meteor, pouring out ferocity and coldness, trying to forcibly fight a way out "Full Moon Slash!"

"Phoenix Slash!"

Qin Li and Mu Yuege fought back A round of bright moon rises, and the cold light shines brightly, like a nine-day silver blade, reflecting the cold mountains and rivers. A round of flying slashing with a red blade, gold as the border, engraved with the shadow of a phoenix, like a round of the sun, its brilliance is blazing call out--

call out--

Two long and narrow cracking sounds The double blade cuts the iceberg and blocks the snow girl "Do it!" The Four Great Immortal Kings, who were assisting the attacker, poured out their offensive "Let's make a move too!" The top ten immortal kings joined forces to launch a second wave of offensive, with brutal power A set of combos!

The three-stage bombing was overwhelmed Explosions sounded one after another, and the terrifying sound waves spread hundreds of miles away, shattering the clouds. The devastating attack wave leveled the area even more, and pushed the mountain peaks to two. Ordinary immortal kings of the sixth rank would shed a layer of skin even if they were not dead However!

Snow Maiden survived She was already injured beyond human form, her whole body was scorched black, her eyes were blind, her skin was also burned, and she was surrounded by a layer of plasma, full of vitality Qin Li said differently; "Is this the "Blood Demon Dafa"? Such a strong vitality, it won't die."

Yun Shiyu said coldly: "She won't last long, one blow will kill her!"

The two looked at each other and made moves together "Lihuo Jiantong!"

Two scorching sword lights shot out Like two golden flaming swords, sharp and sharp, as fast as thunder. One pierced through the eyebrows of the snow emissary, and one pierced through the heart of the snow emissary So far!

The Snow Envoy died on the spot The alliance of the Sixteen Immortal Kings instantly disintegrated The three forces all have bad eyesight, and they are urging the immortal power in their bodies, wanting to fight among themselves, snatching the body of the snow emissary, and swallowing three eighth-rank pills alone "Don't be so tense. According to the previous agreement, the corpse will be placed here, and we will exchange it for the elixir, and each of us will take one!" Mu Yuege said a few words to ease the conflict "Miss Mu is right!" Aoshan Immortal King smiled coldly "I have no objection!" Yun Shiyu stood holding a sword The Sixteen Immortal Kings set off again Soon after Everyone returned to Qipanshan A group of people entered the central tent of the island in the middle of the lake "Reporting to the two immortals, we are lucky enough to kill the Snow Envoy!" Mu Yuege said respectfully, and took out the Xue Envoy's body Yuan Danxian nodded: "These are three first-grade pills, as a reward."

Three blue lights fell There are three eighth-grade pills wrapped in it The Sixteen Immortal Kings burst into action in an instant, increasing their speed to snatch the elixir The Aoshan Immortal King, Mu Yuege, and Qin Li had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and each got a elixir Qin Li looked at the pill carefully. The longan is the size and heavy. At first glance, it doesn't look like a elixir, but it looks like a projectile forged from lapis lazuli. It shows that it is covered with gorgeous patterns, just like the spirit pattern of the top-quality ore, flowing with brilliance and glittering. What's interesting is that Bapin Dan doesn't have any medicinal fragrance, it seems that the medicinal power is extremely restrained, and it's all about oneness "As expected of an eighth-grade elixir!" Qin Li's heart was burning, but his face was solemn, and he kept staring at his surroundings The rest of the Immortal Kings looked unkind. Although each of the three parties got a pill, they all wanted more than just one pill. If it weren't for the Shuangxian sitting here, they would have fought a lot The scene was deadlocked for a while Suddenly!

Qin Li had a flash of inspiration He reported to Shuangxian: "I want to report to Shuangxian, I got a piece of news that in order to practice the secret technique of longevity, Master Changchun bloodbathed the Changsheng sect, and even the twenty-four envoys were murdered."

Yuan Danxian smiled and said: "You did a good job, this news is very valuable, I will give you a first-grade pill as a reward."

A blue light fell Once Qin Li grabbed it, it was another peerless treasure "Gold, you are blessed to share!" Yun Shiyu moved over excitedly "Of course I won't forget you!" Qin Li handed out a Green Gold Pill, and Yun Shiyu jumped excitedly, wanting to take it on the spot The rest of the fairy kings looked envious and jealous, and the Aoshan fairy king was going crazy, a piece of news could be exchanged for a pill, if I knew it, I would have said it in advance at this time!

Wu Qixian sighed: "The news is late!"

Yuan Danxian said: "He is here!"

The monks don't know why Sudden!

A roar resounded through the sky The sound roared like thunder, roaring to move rivers and mountains in all directions "Siqi real person, Yuandan real person, get out and die for this deity!"

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