"It's so similar!"

Qin Li felt turbulent in his heart The Qiankun Pearl on the waist is white, and when activated, it will emit seven colors of light. Changchun Daoist's beads are blue in color and emit seven colors of light. Apart from the color, other characteristics are generally the same "That green spring eye!" Qin Li suddenly remembered that there is a green spring in the Qiankun Pearl, which has a healing effect, but unfortunately the effect is only equivalent to a third-grade elixir at this time!

far away The three heavenly beings confront each other Wu Qixian said solemnly: "This is the Changsheng Qiankun Pearl, which can store a huge amount of life essence. How many monks have you killed!"

Changchun Daoist laughed wildly: "Except for some confidantes, the Longevity Sect has been wiped out. I have slaughtered more than 90% of the monks in the four regions. They are very honored to be part of me."

Yuan Danxian hoarsely said: "Things that are not as good as animals, how can you kill so many innocent lives, they are all real people! They are all your kind, your kind!"

Changchun real person shook his head and said: "All life is meaningless, joy, anger, sorrow and joy are nothing but smoke. Whether it is a billion monks or tens of billions of living beings, they will eventually turn into dust and everything is empty. Why not achieve my eternity."

He is preaching, expounding the eternal way, detached from all things, ruthless like the way of heaven, despising all living beings, and pointing directly at the true immortal All the monks around hated his idea, but they couldn't refute it Yuan Danxian opened his mouth and said slowly:

"Even if you reach eternity, it's nothing but a heartbeating stone if you lose all your emotions and desires. One day, you will kill all living beings. At that time, endless loneliness will strike you, and you will have no chance to regret it."

Changchun Master sneered and said: "Stupid, nothingness contains infinite possibilities. Since the Sifangyu can be born, thousands of unknown worlds will surely be born. After I slaughter the living beings in the Sifang, I will travel through the emptiness, look for other worlds, and start The next round of massacre."

Such a theory!

Jaw-dropping, incredible But if you think about it carefully, what he said is correct, nothingness is so big and boundless, there must be other worlds, if it reaches eternity, and roams around thousands of worlds, isn't it a real "immortal" Suddenly, everyone remembered the myth that in the past, the monster clan was in a cholera world, and suddenly a real fairy came and beheaded the three real spirits, and then disappeared without a trace. Maybe this is a true story. The real fairy came from another world. After saving Sifangyu, he returned to his hometown "Are you shaken?"

"Do you agree with my Word?"

"Do you believe in my way, which leads directly to the realm of true immortals?"

Changchun Zhenrensen sneered: "If you waver, it means that we are the same kind of people, and you deserve to be swallowed up by me!"

As soon as this word comes out!

The remaining monks were horrified Because they were indeed shaken, and even a little yearning for the Daoist Changchun Qin Li's face was frosty, as expected of the most top existence in the world, killing people was so reasonable that the murdered one forgot to refute The two immortals shouted angrily in unison:

"Is it really worthwhile to slaughter a world of creatures for one's own selfish desire?"

"We understand people's desires, and we also know the paleness of justice and the weakness of morality, but there are some things that we have to do. This is our hometown, and I hope that the Four Realms will prosper, not be destroyed."

"In the darkness, who burns himself and blooms light? It's me! In despair, who gives up life to bring hope? It's me..."

Immortal Wu Qi, Immortal Yuan Dan sang an ancient ballad, took out two black pills in his hands, they were the cruelest dead pills among the eighth grade pills, after taking them, they would consume their lives in exchange for supreme power "You guys are so ruthless!" Master Changchun was shocked Shuangxian took the Death Pill and said coldly: "Let's fight to the death!"

Boom boom boom.. The three heavenly beings fight each other with their lives The roar of the explosion was endless. This time, the destructiveness was far greater than before. The heaven, earth, mountains and rivers were torn apart, and the earth suddenly opened, revealing a huge abyss, which swallowed Qin Li and the other sixteen immortal kings Qin Li seemed to have fallen into the water, his thoughts were empty, and his thinking stopped Shuangxian's self-sacrifice shocked him greatly. No wonder Yuandanxian and Wuqixian didn't leave any inheritance. The moment they took the Death Pill, they were doomed to die early Faintly, a voice sounded next to his ear, as if he was talking to himself: "Qin Li, which side do you want to choose, the eternal Changchun real person, or the great twin immortals."

"Slaughtering all beings to achieve self, or sacrificing oneself to save all beings."

This torture hit the soul directly "I……"

Qin Li pursed his lips To be honest, he yearned for longevity But when he thought of massacring sentient beings, the time on Earth, the experience of the four regions, all kinds of people, everyone in the academy, all kinds of relatives and friends, and his unborn child flashed through his mind "After all, I am a soft-hearted person!" Qin Li sighed. Although the choice was very difficult, there were some things that had to be done His mind has already given the answer Suddenly!

The voice sounded again "Congratulations, you passed the level!"

Qin Li's heart trembled and he woke up It turns out that there is no time travel at all, everything is a dream. He has been standing in place, with seventy-two eighth-rank pills on his head "No, two are missing!"

Qin Li spread out his hands, and it was the green-gold Yipin Dan "We're back!" Yun Shiyu looked at the Yipin Dan in her hand in surprise Qin Li looked around and couldn't help asking: "It's strange, Sixteen Immortal Kings, why are there only two of us left, where are the others?"

The cyan treasure map flew over and manifested a hazy figure, which should be Yuan Danxian, and explained: "They chose longevity, so they are not worthy of enjoying the eighth-grade pill, and they were expelled from the secret place at the bottom of the lake by me!"

Qin Li suddenly realized that the last questioning was the real test: "Yun Shiyu, I didn't expect you to be kind-hearted and choose to save all living beings."

Holding the sword, Yun Shiyu said lightly: "I have my arrogance, killing innocent people is not my style, and I don't care about this kind of evil eternity!"

The two looked at each other and smiled suddenly!

Yuan Dan remnant said: "If you want to leave, I will open a passage, but I warn you, the Fourteen Immortal Kings are guarding the lake, obviously wanting to intercept and kill you to obtain the elixir."

Yun Shiyu gritted his teeth with hatred: "Damn it, these guys have deep roots, they are selfish, and they want to steal our elixir."

"It doesn't matter, when I am promoted to the third rank of Immortal King, it's their death time!" Qin Li meditated with his legs crossed, and swallowed the elixir in one gulp Yipin Dan enters the stomach It was like swallowing a golden pill The powerful medicinal power spread out, just like a great river roaring and rushing, sweeping the limbs and bones, filling every flesh and blood Qin Li is like a ball, which is getting more and more bulging, and a huge amount of medicine is swimming through the whole body, just like dozens of small mice swimming under the skin. This is a typical overdose of medicine. If it is not controlled in time, it will explode and die "Fire refines the golden body, and the phoenix will never die!" Qin Li recalled the content of the "Nirvana Sutra", and the lasing fire from his body wrapped him up. At the same time, a large number of weapons flew out, all of which were shattered, and turned into metal energy and injected into the bones As expected of an eighth-grade pill, the medicinal effect is terribly tyrannical. It refines the body over and over again, making the golden sword bones more radiant and growing complex spirit patterns. The purple divine sword in the dantian keeps growing, storing more and more sword energy, and its cultivation level rises "Three Immortal Kings?"

Qin Li opened his eyes, shining brilliantly Many third- and fourth-grade swords around him were all turned into scrap iron "I feel that the physical body is comparable to a sixth-grade weapon." Qin Li grinned, glanced sideways, and found that Yun Shiyu was also breaking through, so he didn't bother "A strange and powerful Dao, which has never been heard before!" Yuan Dan's afterimage flickered, and a voice came out Qin Li was a little delighted, and respectfully said: "Senior, I have something to ask for. Can you give me a Yuanyuan pill, I have a senior who suffered from Yuanyuan's injury."

Remnant image of Yuan Dan refused: "These eighth-rank pills are reserved for those who come later, so don't be greedy. If you really want something, you can gather another pass and come here to break through and grab the pills!"

Qin Li sighed Suddenly, he heard something and asked: "Senior, what happened to Yuan Dan Xian and Wu Qi Xian?"


The afterimage of Yuan Dan said slowly:

"Although they won in the end, the death pill was too poisonous. Not long after, they passed away one after another. I am a remnant brand of Yuan Danxian. In tens of thousands of years, I should also be wiped out."

A sense of sadness rose in Qin Li's heart. Such two great existences have been forgotten by history. Today, few people know about the twin immortals, let alone their sacrifice and greatness "Golden, I have been promoted to the second rank of Immortal King." Yun Shiyu stood up Qin Li smiled and said, "Let's go out!"

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