"Dead or surrender!"

The three-eyed poisonous dragon asked coldly The pitch-black demon cloud slowly pressed down, with a breathtaking power Princess Feng was extremely calm, and said mockingly: "Do you think that our Feng clan has no means to suppress the bottom of the box?"

"All the monsters listen to the order, Fengxiang is in a big formation!"

Words fell The monsters and birds in the valley chirped together The evil spirit poured out, forming a formation, forming a vast red cloud Hundreds of monsters and birds manifested themselves, shuttled through the clouds, showing terrifying combat power, able to fight against the dragon clan "What!"

The three-eyed poisonous dragon was dumbfounded:

"Impossible, you can actually fight!"

Now, the scene suddenly became interesting, and the two demon clouds faced each other If the monks in the Northern Territory saw this, they would be absolutely horrified. The battle formation they were most proud of was actually learned by the dragon and phoenix. Lord Eternal Night must have been furious when he heard the news "If the Dragon Clan retreats voluntarily, our two clans will live in peace, otherwise we will lose both." Princess Feng didn't want to fight and gave a step The three-eyed poisonous dragon burst into anger: "Don't think that you can escape the catastrophe if you have a battle formation. Our strength is twice that of yours. Today, the Phoenix Clan will be destroyed!"


One order Black clouds rolled and swept away It is mixed with ice and cold, and it is highly poisonous, and the mountain peak can melt The Feng Clan was not to be outdone, Chi Yun howled angrily, wrapped in a torrential rain of fire, and slammed into it fiercely One black and one red, the two clouds fought continuously, and the trembling hot spring valley trembled endlessly. Although the strength of the Feng clan is relatively weak, but the battle situation is favorable, the Fengqi sycamore tree continuously radiates heat, strengthens Chi Yun, and even fights Hei Yun to a close The three-eyed poisonous dragon secretly hated, the situation in front of him was unexpected, and it had to be resolved quickly: "Contract the battle for me, transform the dragon!"

hold head high--

The dragon chant echoed across the sky The black clouds churned like tides, and condensed into a pitch-black giant dragon, which was a full three thousand feet long. Its beard and hair were stretched out, its teeth and claws were open, and its scales were sharp. It was like a big river hanging in the sky, and the impact was extremely strong "Transfiguration!"

Princess Feng uttered in horror:

"This is a high-level battle formation, how did you learn it?"

The three-eyed poisonous dragon's voice was cold: "Corpse, there is no need to know too much, tear them apart!"


The dragon's claws fell down like a mountain peak falling down The 3,000-foot black dragon straddles the sky, splits the scarlet cloud, and shatters the battle array of the Phoenix clan in an instant. After a few flashes, a large number of masters of the Phoenix clan were crushed into minced meat, and broken feathers fell all over the sky "Go back!"

"I'll buy time!"

Princess Feng's heart was bleeding and she strongly blocked her Rolling monster power is poured into the fan of five fires and seven birds, and it is fanned out with all its strength. The five-color fire clouds are like a river, and they turn into seven kinds of birds, spreading their wings and flying high, trying to stop the terrifying dragon from killing "The arm of the mantis is like a cart!"

The three-eyed poisonous dragon smiled coldly With a flick of its tail, the pitch-black dragon easily crushed the seven firebirds "Princess Feng, you will be captured without a fight. The crown prince specifically told you that he wants to capture you alive." The three-eyed poisonous dragon raised its hand and shot out a golden light "What is it?" Princess Feng felt a deadly threat, and quickly waved her feather fan, pouring out five-colored clouds of fire, enough to burn mountains and boil lakes However, the golden light was like a golden lightning, piercing through the five-colored fire cloud in an instant, and bound Princess Feng with a sudden swoop. It turned out to be a golden rope, the thickness of a thumb, covered with fine spirit patterns, the more he struggled, the tighter the contraction became, and even the ninth-rank Immortal King couldn't break free "Seventh grade monster weapon, tie the dragon rope!" Princess Feng turned pale with shock, the monster energy in her body was sealed and could not be used "return!"

The three-eyed poisonous dragon raised his hand With a movement of the dragon-tying rope, she flew into the air of the dragon with Princess Feng "Princess Hugh Hurt!" Qing Yunque and the other monsters had red eyes and almost went mad, rushing forward to rescue them with their lives "If you make a move, I'll kill her!" The three-eyed poisonous dragon held the dragon-binding rope, and snatched the five-fire and seven-bird fan by the way Princess Feng struggled: "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Of course it is to take away your true spirit blood!"

The three-eyed poisonous dragon took out a piece of dragon scale talisman and said with a sneer, "The crown prince specially ordered me to take away your true spirit blood."

call out!

The talisman burst into light Then it quickly dimmed and fell to the ground The three-eyed poisonous dragon was stunned: "Why is the blood-sucking talisman useless?"


Princess Feng's complexion changed dramatically The three-eyed poisonous dragon had a flash of inspiration, recalled it, and laughed loudly:

"I understand. You're lying. The Phoenix Clan has fallen into disrepair. How could an awakened one be born? The prince who was also hurt was nervous for a while, and even borrowed me to tie the dragon rope. It turned out to be a false alarm."

Princess Feng's pretty face was pale, her lips trembling Moment!

All monsters are quiet They froze in place, with disbelief written all over their faces Qing Yunque gritted her teeth and asked loudly: "Princess, is the three-eyed poisonous dragon talking nonsense, you must have awakened the blood of the real phoenix."

"That's right, I'm awakened!" Princess Feng nodded heavily "Still stubborn until death!"

The three-eyed poisonous dragon grabbed Princess Feng's neck:

"In the true spirit's bloodline, there are incomplete supernatural powers. Once it is perfected, you can become a true spirit. Now that you have awakened, let me see the true phoenix's supernatural power, which is also an eye-opener."

Princess Feng's pretty face was flushed, and she said stubbornly: "How can you use the power of blood indiscriminately, if you use incomplete supernatural powers, it will definitely damage the foundation."

"Sad Phoenix Clan!"

The three-eyed poisonous dragon laughed mockingly: "Push it to the sycamore tree!"

The three-thousand-foot black dragon roared, and its mountain-like dragon tail lashed down, like a meteorite falling, tearing apart the sky boom!


There was a harsh bang The dragon's tail hit the phoenix phoenix tree The hundred-foot-high tree wailed and collapsed, sending earth and rocks flying "No!" Qingyunque and other monster races were heartbroken and almost fainted on the spot. There are two spiritual pillars in their hearts, one is Princess Feng, and the other is the plane tree, and now they are both down, their hopes are disillusioned, and they are swept away with destructive despair, making them no longer have the slightest will to fight "I have the blood of the true spirit!" Princess Feng burst into tears, mumbling incessantly, hating her incompetent self in her heart, why did not awaken the blood, it is possible that the Feng clan will perish today, I am so unwilling, why the miracle has never been established On the head of Feng Clan.. "Let go of that girl!"

Suddenly, a cold drink sounded from Yunxiao Qin Li broke through the gate and came out, stepping on the void, and there was a sound of black robe hunting "Where do you come from?" The three-eyed poisonous dragon looked puzzled, and he felt that the opponent's strength was unfathomable "I am the one who killed you!"

"Phoenix Slash!"

Qin Li didn't talk nonsense, and struck out with a sword The Qi of Lihuo and the Qi of hardware burst out, turning into a golden phoenix, as fierce as a blade, directly splitting the black dragon's big mouth, grabbing Princess Feng back with a sudden grab "So fast!" The three-eyed poisonous dragon yelled in horror, knowing that he had encountered a master, he quickly gave orders: "Don't stand still, hurry up and urge the battle to crush him!"


The giant dragon rolled and charged down At first glance, it looks like the Milky Way is sweeping in, and it looks like five or six mountains smashed down end to end. The power is terrifying, the hot spring valley is shaking endlessly, the ground is cracking, and all the monsters are desperate "Force me to come up with a trick!"

Qin Li calmly threw out the white jade hand This hand has a mysterious origin. After being infused with sword energy, it rose against the wind and turned into a washbasin laughing, bursting out five-color hairs, like the right hand of a god, just pressing it down, the space is torn, the mountain is shattered, and all living things will disappear Boom!

There was a terrible explosion The sound was so loud that it caused a huge avalanche hundreds of miles away A three-thousand-foot pitch-black giant dragon was torn apart inch by inch, and the raging demonic power vanished and became invisible. Among them, the dragons at the level of demon masters all died on the spot, smashed to the ground, and spread the dragon corpses all over the floor. The demon dragon at the level of fairy king survived. , but all suffered heavy losses and continued to vomit blood "How is it possible! How is it possible!" The three-eyed poisonous dragon was almost insane. In such a terrifying battle formation, the opponent could be instantly killed with one move. It is simply a fantasy. I must be dreaming "Lihuo Jiantong!"

Qin Li focused his eyes and began to finish A beam of golden sword light shot out, although it was only one foot five, it surpassed a thousand junctures, and it pierced through the eyebrows of the three-eyed poisonous dragon with a puff "Go to death, too!" Qin Li held the Phoenix Sword in his hand, and shot out bursts of golden sword energy, blending the Ten Thousand Transformation Sword Intent, the Aohan Sword Intent, and powerful terror, instantly beheading the remaining demon king-level dragons From start to finish It's just three breaths The dragon army that had just come in menacingly had turned into corpses all over the place, and the blood was still warm, which gave people a great sense of shock "After being promoted to the sixth rank of the Immortal King, it's so easy to kill Chunzai, the seventh rank of the Demon King!" Qin Li suddenly found that his power had grown to the ceiling of the Four Realms, and the number of people who could threaten him in the world had rapidly decreased "No, Bai Yushou is too perverted!"

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