After some investigation There is nothing wrong with the princess mansion "Let's go to Beichen Mansion now, hoping to gain something."

Qin Li and Ye Qingyu walked side by side Beichen Mansion!

A half-demon stands at the door You Dadao's golden eyes revealed a playful smile as he peeped at the movement in the mansion "Why are you here?" Qin Li wondered why he encountered this half-demon again and again You Dadao's eyes darkened, his pupils returned to their original color, and he said with a smile, "It's nothing, just walking casually, let's leave now."

Say it!

He hastily turned and left Qin Li didn't think much, and entered Beichen Mansion together with Ye Qingyu In the corner, You Dadao grinned, showing his sharp fangs: "Interesting, it's so interesting. I'll add a fire to detonate the entire Eternal Night City. I can't wait to see the face of the Eternal Night Demon Lord."

.. Beichen Mansion The two entered it Qin Li saw the sycamore forest at a glance "The sycamore tree likes the heat, and it actually grows in the icy Evernight City."

Ye Qingyu shook her head and explained: "My younger brother is actually very worrying. His father has high hopes for him, but he is absent-minded."

"Once he picked up a little cardinal, and he liked it very much. He also specially cultivated a sycamore tree. He just cared about teasing the bird every day, and even his cultivation was neglected. Fortunately, I woke him up by scolding him."

Qin Li was slightly taken aback. He thought Ye Beichen was a cold cultivator, but he didn't expect him to be so elegant. He even went to the street to buy rouge and powder for his maid. He seemed to be a gentle man At this moment!

A butler came running:

"Meet the eldest princess, the second seat in the wine department."

Ye Qingyu said directly; "Where is my brother?"

The butler said respectfully: "Master is cooking medicinal porridge."

Ye Qingyu raised her eyebrows: "The first genius in the Northern Territory, you have to cook the porridge yourself. Is it because your servants are lazy and didn't serve you well!"

The butler knelt on the ground and said in panic, "The eldest princess has been wronged! In the past month, the master suddenly wanted to learn cooking skills, and now he cooks by himself day and night, and his cultivation has been wasted."

When Ye Qingyu learned the truth, she became even more angry: "Playing with things and losing one's mind, I used to play with birds, but now I am learning to cook, so absent-minded, how can I rule the North Kingdom in the future, where is he now, I have to teach him a lesson?"

"It's in the kitchen in the backyard!" The butler replied The two rushed over immediately boom!

There was a bang Ye Qingyu kicked the door directly and entered Qin Li looked around and found Ye Beichen waving the five-fire and seven-bird fan in the corner of the kitchen, cooking porridge in a small stove with charcoal fire, and adding Muxue orchids "Sister, why are you here?"

Ye Beichen felt extremely flustered as he put away his fan Ye Qingyu cut to the chase and said: "Father entrusted you with a heavy responsibility, but you cook porridge here. I am so disappointed!"

"Sister, I'm sorry!" A few drops of cold sweat fell from Ye Beichen's forehead, and he remedied: "I'll change my clothes now and go to the city to investigate the case."


The corner of Ye Qingyu's mouth curled up, and he said triumphantly: "The mastermind behind the scenes is most likely hiding in Beichen Mansion, you don't need to go out, just search with me."

Ye Beichen was startled suddenly, feeling very guilty: "Sister, how could the thief hide in my mansion? By the way, I have already checked it and it is absolutely safe. You should go out with me to investigate..."

"Are you hiding something from me?"

Ye Qingyu's eyes were like lightning, and his voice was suddenly cold As an older sister, she could tell at a glance that her brother was lying. Qin Li performed the Lingming pupil technique, scanned around, and said in surprise, "It's strange, the master bedroom of Beichen Mansion is so strange, there is a seal amulet on it, I can't see through it."

"That's my brother's room!" Ye Qingyu immediately started call out!

She gallops out Then he kicked the door of the master bedroom "Sister, don't!" Ye Beichen wanted to stop her, but it was too late Qin Li hurriedly looked inside, startled again and again In the bedroom!

Sitting a beautiful woman He was wearing a thick and confusing black robe, and was weaving children's clothes "Princess Feng, how could it be you!" Qin Li's eyes stared straight, and he even suspected that he was dazzled "Heretic Immortal King, and Princess Eldest!" Princess Feng panicked, "Beichen, what's going on?"

Ye Qingyu narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "Yao Qi, you are a monster, no wonder there is a seal amulet on the master bedroom, it turns out that my brother Jinwu Cangjiao!"

"Sister, listen to my explanation!" Ye Beichen panicked Ye Qingyu was expressionless, and said coldly: "I didn't expect you to have the habit of raising monsters and maidservants. If it's an ordinary monk, it's nothing, but you are the future master of the North Kingdom, this is a big scandal, you must be killed." Yao Miekou, I will help you dispose of the corpse."


Dai Mei's mandarin duck knife was out of its sheath The murderous intent gushes out, making people horrified Ye Beichen tried his best to stop him: "Sister, Ah Feng and I really love each other!"


There was a sudden silence in the audience Ye Qingyu was stunned, and said in disbelief: "Beichen, don't tease my sister, how could you fall in love with a monster? Do you want to inherit the Northern Kingdom in the future and rule the Northern Territory?"

"Sister, I've been forced to practice by you all the time, I'm really tired!"

In desperation, Ye Beichen confided in his heart: "Ah Feng, that little linnet was wounded by the dragon tribe back then, but was rescued by me. I kept talking to her, and with her encouragement, I gradually developed feelings for her."

Qin Li suddenly realized, no wonder Princess Feng has a good impression of human beings, no wonder Ye Beichen wants to buy rouge and gouache, there is such a story in it Perhaps the battle formation of the Feng Clan was taught by Ye Beichen. After the fall of Hot Spring Valley, Princess Feng came to Eternal Night City, so in the past month, Ye Beichen's temperament changed drastically, and he even took the initiative to cook Ye Qingyu exploded in anger, and the veins on Yujie's forehead bulged: "Ye Beichen, you are so confused that you actually fell in love with a monster. If father finds out, he will definitely kill you both!"


Ye Beichen knelt on the ground and begged:

"Sister, just help me and conceal this matter. As long as I find out the thief, the martial law in Eternal Night City will be lifted, and Ah Feng will be able to go out, and she will never come back again."

At this moment!

Princess Feng's eyes turned red Her demonic power was in disorder, and she was about to run away "No, Ah Feng is about to go mad again." Ye Beichen panicked "I'm a sixth-grade alchemist and a doctor, let me have a look!" Qin Li used the Lingming pupil technique again, took a closer look, and was startled again:

"How did you awaken the true spirit blood?"

Princess Feng looked pained, and explained: "In a great battle, the hot spring valley fell completely, and all the monsters left. When the sycamore tree fell down and did not die, I noticed something was wrong from the break, so I broke open the trunk and found the heart of the sycamore tree. A drop of true blood from the real phoenix, as the last back-up of the phoenix clan."

Qin Li was stunned. Unexpectedly, there was such an opportunity. He couldn't help but warn: "You are too reckless. It is the blood of the real phoenix. How can it be fused casually? You seem to be insane now, because the real blood is eating back."

"Then what should we do?" Ye Beichen jumped up and down anxiously Qin Li smiled and said: "It's your luck to meet me. I have rich experience in dealing with insanity. I will give you a few sixth-grade pills, and I will prescribe some medicinal materials. By the way, I will get you a few leopard fetus pills. You will be able to recover within a month." cured."

"What kind of treatment, I wish she would die!" Ye Qingyu was furious, she felt that her brother's life was ruined Ye Beichen took his sister's hand and begged, "Sister, just help me and let me be self-willed once?"

"You..." Ye Qingyu hated that iron can't be made into steel, but the deal is done, so he can only push the boat along: "Qin Li will treat his illness, and then the three of us will join hands to send her out of the city!"

"Thank you sister!"

Ye Beichen and Princess Feng spoke in unison Qin Li smiled without saying a word, listed a few prescriptions, and sent out the pill Ye Qingyu thought carefully, and thought: "Now that the whole city is locked down, it is very troublesome to send her out. We need a plan. The most important thing is, how to hide my father's sense of heaven and man..."


"What are you hiding from me!"

A cold voice sounded, and the situation changed The three present all had chills down their spines, and their minds were terrified Tear!

A huge force strikes The huge bedroom was instantly torn apart The Eternal Night Demon Lord stepped into the void and stared at him coldly Behind them is a group of fairy kings from the Northern Territory, all looking at the scene in front of them The Flame Demon Immortal King said with a strange smile: "Your Majesty, the second secretary of the wine department asked me to report to you that there are demon clans hidden in Beichen's mansion."

Eternal Ye Mojun nodded: "The second seat in the wine department has made a great contribution. I didn't expect that there would be a demon phoenix lurking in my son's house and awakened the blood of the true spirit. It is likely that she stole the "Twenty-Four Wars Atlas". Kill her and search for her soul, and figure out all the ins and outs!"

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