The teams from Tsu and Beijing will compete first Qin Li led his team members to sit in the auditorium to watch. Unexpectedly, as soon as they sat down, Tang Yi led his team members towards the seat behind Qin Li Lin Fan and the others were immediately tense "It's said that Jiang City is the dark horse of this tournament, and that Qin Li is Jiang City's savior."

"I think it's just your luck. Now that your luck is exhausted, even if you can make it to the semi-finals, the champion of this year is also from our coast."

Tang Yi's sneer sound came from behind, Qin Li turned his head lightly, seeing Tang Yi's eyes full of disdain Qin Li ignored it, but Lin Fan and the others gritted their teeth Xu Tan couldn't hold back the most: "It's not certain who wins and who loses. If you talk too much, be careful that your face will hurt!"

"Hehe, it's just a small city. Do you think our coastal city will lose to a small city? As I expected, you won't win the semi-finals!" Tang Yi sneered She knew that two of the judges were from Tianhai City Unless those two judges were idiots, how could it be possible for someone from a small city to win against Tianhai?

Xu Tan wanted to say something more, but was caught by Qin Li: "Let her fantasize again, maybe she has champion paranoia."

Xu Tan pursed his lips, secretly thinking that Qin Li really wasn't as plain as he seemed "Hmph! It's ridiculous!" Tang Yi rolled her eyes, she just watched here, don't leave!

Take a good look at Jiang City, how did it lose the semi-finals!

"Captain, you may not know that Coastal City and our Jiang City have always had a grudge." Guan Cheng said suddenly "It sounds like a relationship that can't be fought in eight lifetimes. After all, Jiang City is a small city. But we have to start with the first martial arts competition."

Qin Li raised his eyebrows. Just now he thought about why the people in this coastal city are so hostile Feelings already contradictory?

"In the first session, I heard that the one from Coastal City was also a woman, but the captain of the Jiang City team gave it to me! Since then, the grievances have been settled!"

"I guess, this Tang Yi thinks that Jiang City's captains are not good people."

Qin Li was stunned and speechless Where could there be without a villain? But flies don't bite seamless eggs, if the leader of the coastal city didn't do anything, he really wouldn't believe it "Don't worry so much." Qin Li looked towards the high platform, and the battle between the two teams had entered a fierce battle "If we win, we will compete with the winning team again." Qin Li said, "Even if we lose, we can still get the third place, but what I want is the championship."


A dull crash sounded on the field, and the Beijing team failed completely!

"Next, invite Team Tianhai City and Team Jiang City to the mall!"

Qin Li got up and followed the crowd down Xie Wen's face was gloomy, he knew he couldn't beat Qin Li, but no matter what, he still wanted to go up and get beaten!

"Anyway, if you can't win, just go through the motions and flop if you don't think so." The person in charge said, "Your role is to get Qin Lilun down."

"It doesn't matter if you lose a spot here, they will fight for it later."

Xie Wen's face became more and more ugly, no one wanted to hear such words!

But it was a strategy they had negotiated Because he, Xie Wen, was injured the day before yesterday, and if he was usually on the field, he would just let someone who is not very strong play on the field He came to fight the other members of Jiang City, and he was guaranteed to win Although it may be said, but the result is right But... now that he is injured, he is the weakest person in the team "Quick battle!"

Qin Li was already standing on the stage, and Xie Wen stepped forward with a gloomy expression People from the Coastal Team were also staring at this place. The vice-captain behind Tang Yi was also a girl, and said at this moment, "Sister Tang, could you be mistaken?"

"No! I saw him go to that clubhouse with my own eyes. Not long after he came out, a girl with disheveled clothes came out!" Tang Yi had an ugly face, "Man, there is no good thing!"

The deputy captain shut up and sighed "Qin Li, remember, I will repay everything here double!" Xie Wen on the high platform roared and rushed towards Qin Li violently Qin Li frowned, feeling really disgusted with Xie Wen Immediately, he jumped up suddenly, and the whirlwind leg was thrown out fiercely!


It was an instant kill that was expected, even though all the audience present thought of it, they still gasped when they saw it "Damn it... Qin Li in Jiang City is a devil!"

"Another move in seconds!"

"How many times!"

"Jiang City is really a dark horse!"

"Sister Tang, I see that Qin Li's strength is higher than yours?"

Tang Yi's face was a little gloomy, she asked herself, she couldn't do it to the point where Xie Wen could be knocked off in seconds, at this moment her forehead could not help but ooze sweat "Just because he wins doesn't mean others can win too, just watch!"

However, what surprised them was that today's Jiang city team seemed to be on a stimulant Facing the huge Tianhai City team, he was not timid at all, and he didn't feel any difference between a small city and a big city!

This momentum made many viewers see Jiang Shi even more "What's going on with the Jiang City team? I remember that when I saw them in the morning, they all looked dejected, muttering that the people in the big cities are too powerful and they don't have confidence."

"Damn, now a person who is full of energy, seeing us is like seeing tender meat!"

All the team members in Tianhai City were extremely worried. Is the plan they thought they could win really all right?


On the high platform, Xu Tan suddenly lowered his figure, relying on his slender body, like a slippery fish, he suddenly passed by No. 2 in Tianhai City!

Then, she bent back, bowed out in a terrifying arc, and strangled No. 2's head!


Hit the ground hard!

Xu Tan wins!

Jiang City, two victories!

Just one more point for another three-game winning streak!

The audience area was dead silent, and the eyes looking at Jiangshi's team were full of surprise!

Tang Yi's right eyelid twitched wildly, she had a bad premonition The team members of Jin City are also closely watching the Jiang City team at this moment. They have an interesting premonition that their opponent in a while may be Jiang City!

Before he had finished thinking, Fatty Hu who was going up suddenly bounced, relying on his huge body, before the Tianhai City team members got up, they pressed down hard!

Mount Tai overwhelms!


None of the team members could resist, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and passed out directly!


There was an uproar all around!

The corners of the eyes of all the people in Tianhai City twitched, and they stared fixedly at the scene on the high platform, feeling terrified in their hearts If they are under the pressure at this moment, their heads will explode, right?

It hurts to look at it!

"Jiang City wins!"

Liu Zheng was so excited that he couldn't find the north. He originally planned that it would be good to be able to enter the semi-finals!

At this moment, he even won a game!

"Five minutes of rest, five minutes later, the Jin City team and the Jiang City team will have a final battle!" The host stepped forward and said Tang Yi frowned: "Why? Don't the judges of Tianhai City have any ideas?"

Wang Zhe has a lot of ideas, and he trusts Qin Li even more!

It's a pity that Tang Yi didn't know that the two judges of Tianhai City were not very friendly to Tianhai City, but they were more friendly to Jiang City Five minutes later, the audience looked towards the high platform one by one Heimajiang City, an old Tianjin city Who loses and who wins?

Qin Li faced off against Wang Zhaoyang, the captain of Jin City Wang Zhaoyang is also the young master of a big family whose foundation is martial arts and has been passed down for a long time Wang Zhaoyang's strength is more than one level higher than Xie Wen's!

"Wang Zhaoyang has combat skills in his hands, Qin Li can't win this round." Tang Yi said coldly The vice-captain frowned slightly, she always felt that Qin Li was not simple, and the captain might make a mistake this time.. "The dark horse of Jiang City, Qin Li." Wang Zhaoyang walked up to the high platform with a big horse and a golden knife, his burly body had a feeling of arrogance and domineering As expected of the young master of a family of martial arts, his gestures speak of flamboyance and elegance Qin Li smiled lightly: "Thank you."

Wang Zhaoyang laughed loudly: "However, it's a pity that you are facing me. I'm afraid you can't win this game!"

"That's what I was going to say to Young Master Wang." Qin Li stretched out his hand slowly, neither humble nor overbearing, "Let's do it."

The hearty smile on Wang Zhaoyang's face suddenly subsided, his body was like a cheetah, and he rushed up!

Qin Li's eyes flashed, and he saw that Wang Zhaoyang's hands were gathering spiritual energy!

Combat skills!

This Wang Zhaoyang actually has combat skills in his hands!

Qin Li smiled. Up to now, although he has met many warriors, he has never seen a warrior with combat skills in his hands. Wang Zhaoyang is the first one!

At this moment, Qin Li became very interested!

Throwing a punch with one hand, touching and changing several knot seals in the hand, and suddenly punching out with a palm!

Wang Zhaoyang did not expect that Qin Li also had combat skills, and the feeling of a mistake made him flustered, and the two fists collided silently!

But at the next moment, there was a sudden movement, and a crack of nearly two meters opened on the ground under his feet!


The entire auditorium, even the contestants, and the judges' seats were all erupting!

That was something that no fifth-rank martial artist could leave marks on, but at this moment, Qin Li and Wang Zhaoyang split a two-meter crack!

Tang Yi finally took it seriously, his face completely serious

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