Luo Tian is dead!

The death was very abrupt and straightforward The Nanyu sword pierced his divine court and shattered his divine soul As the Lord of the Southern Territory, he didn't want to die in Qin Li's hands, but chose to end his life in this way, retaining the last trace of arrogance Snapped!

The body fell The brilliance of the sword in the Southern Region was dim A long period of enmity ends here Old Demon Dugu said: "It's hard-hearted, but it's a pity that a proud man, if born in the heavens, would have made great achievements. However, the real dragon was born in a muddy puddle, and he was trapped to death."

Qin Li didn't say anything, raised his hand to grab it, and the Nanyu sword fell into his hand, and Luo Tian's body was also put into the storage bag. The storage bag can't carry living people, but it can store corpses. After returning to the Southern Region, he will find a geomantic treasure to bury Luo Tian as agreed boom!

There was a bang The swamp exploded, and a blue light flew out Yun Que was terrified, controlled the escape light, and desperately fled to the distance She hid in the swamp with Luo Tian to heal her wounds just now, but Qin Li saw the flaw at a glance. But she still had a fluke mentality, thinking that if Qin Li would chase Luo Tian, ​​she would be able to escape It wasn't until Luo Tian's fall that she realized that she was at the end of her rope, and she turned pale with fright. The four great celestial beings have fought for countless years. Although there were victories and defeats, there was no death. The appearance of Qin Li forcefully broke this fact and caused her a fear that she hadn't experienced in a hundred thousand years "Stop struggling!"

Qin Li was extremely fast, chasing through the air Seeing the distance between the two getting closer and closer, Yun Que's face turned pale, and he was about to cry out in fright: "Qin Li, I know I was wrong, as long as you let me go, I will refine the eighth-grade utensil for you."

"Not interested!" Qin Li raised his hand and pointed, and the Purple King Sword was unsheathed again, turning into a flash of light, unparalleled sharpness, piercing the sky "Nine Flowers Immortal Light!" Yun Que was horrified in his heart, and felt that he had chopped out a stream of bright light with the Eastern Region Sword to resist the Purple King Sword. However, the disadvantages of Jiebao are undoubtedly exposed. After leaving Sifangyu, the Eastern Yujian is just a stronger and sharper seventh-grade weapon Pooh!

There was a muffled sound The Purple King Sword cut across coldly Although Yun Que had expected it long ago, his shoulders were cut off, and his shoulder blades were split open "It hurts so much!" Yun Que snorted in pain, and with the previous broken arm injury, she couldn't hold on any longer, and fell with a crash, hitting a barren mountain, cracking earth and rocks, stirring up smoke and dust Qin Li landed, surrounded by the Purple King Sword, like a nimble fish swimming in the void, swallowing and blowing purple awns, with a murderous intent "Don't kill me, I will satisfy you with all your demands!" Yun Que was in a state of embarrassment, bleeding profusely, his hair was loose, and he completely lost the arrogance and domineeringness of the past Qin Li was indifferent and speechless, he just approached step by step, with murderous intent Yun Que was so frightened that he lost his mind: "Qin Li, don't go too far. Even if I am wrong in every possible way, I am Xiao Yu's mother after all. If you kill me, no matter how Xiao Yu likes you, there will always be a grudge in my heart."

Qin Li paused. This question was also difficult for him. After all, Yunque was his mother-in-law. If he killed her with his own hands, he would feel obedient Yun Que saw that this was effective, as if the drowning man had grabbed a life-saving straw, and hurriedly called: "Don't forget, when you were the third-rank Immortal King, you fled from the Southern Region to the Eastern Region, and you were chased and killed by Aotian all the way. If it weren't for me If you rushed all the way, you would have died a long time ago, let alone what you have achieved today."

Qin Li frowned deeply Almost forgot about this story Due to emotion and reason, Yun Que saved his own life. Although it was just a matter of convenience, it was a life-saving grace after all, and he shouldn't kill them all. But this old hag is too good at acting as a demon, if she is not killed, maybe what will happen moment!

Qin Li was in a tangle Damn it, it's the mother-in-law's problem again!

This extremely disgusting feeling is exactly the same as that on Earth "Senior, what do you think I should do?" Qin Li couldn't make up his mind, so he could only ask silently Dugu Laomo said lightly: "Since you don't want to kill, then don't kill. Because of a momentary fever, you will damage your Dao heart and mess up cause and effect, and this will be troublesome."

"But if I don't kill her, I'm afraid she will turn into a demon!" Qin Li said painfully Old Demon Dugu specified: "I will teach you the little blood technique, and there is an extension method, the blood imprint, which can be planted on her heart. If she still dares to kill her, you can activate the imprint and shatter her heart. "

Qin Li nodded, and said to Yun Que: "It's okay to let you go, but you must let go of your defenses and let me plant a restriction on your heart to prevent you from coming back and persecuting you again."

"What!" Yun Que was shocked and angry. The majestic master of the Eastern Territory was going to be imprinted and controlled by others. This kind of pain and humiliation was unbearable In an instant, Yun Que thought of fighting to the death, and secretly clenched the Eastern Region Sword. But after Qin Li raised his hand and snatched the Eastern Region Sword, Yun Que completely gave up. She was not as upright as Luo Tian, ​​and she was willing to give up her dignity in order to survive "I agree!"

Yun Que lowered his head and stopped defending Qin Li didn't talk nonsense, he directly cut his wrist, and a piece of blood flew out, muttering in his mouth: "Use blood as a guide, bridge of communication, imprint of blood, control life and death!"


The blood sparkles In the end, it dripped on Yunque's chest and penetrated deep into her heart, forming strips of spirit patterns, framing her heart "Cough, cough, cough!" Yun Que clearly felt that it was not applicable, and there was a sense of fear that life and death were decided by others "get out!"

Qin Li accepted the Eastern Region Sword and didn't want to deal with it anymore Yun Que hated secretly in his heart, but it was of no avail. Holding the wound on his severed arm, it turned into a blue light and tore apart the cracks in space. He should have returned to the Eastern Region Know everything!

Qin Li let out a long sigh of relief "By the way, where are the master and the devil? Where did they go?"

.. A purple light pierced the sky The Master fell and soon came to his senses "Where is this place? This dilapidated world seems to be the end of the world, and there is such an evil power."

The master felt the devilish energy and resisted instinctively. Although he didn't know what it was, he understood that he had come to an evil world "There seems to be a white light ahead!"

The master looked up, and there was a layer of white light in the broken mountains and rivers "Go over and have a look." Without any hesitation, the master stepped on a ray of light, approached quickly, and saw clearly the situation in the white light The entire Gangzheng Realm was dead silent, lifeless, and filled with demonic energy. However, within the area covered by the white light, there is aura filled with green hills, green grass, and gurgling streams, like an oasis of life in the desert of death "What kind of power is this white light? It's so comfortable!" The master felt surprised, and his whole body was warm, and the purple qi in his body became active for a while, as if he had encountered the same power "Who are you?"

A milky voice sounded From nowhere, a child appeared, about seven or eight years old, with delicate features like a porcelain doll, braided into the sky, and only wearing a bellyband with the word "正" embroidered on it, extremely cute The master was shocked, even with his cultivation base, he couldn't see the child's footsteps, but he didn't take it seriously, and replied: "My name is Master Xu, I come from another world, and I accidentally entered this world by mistake."

The child was very surprised: "It turned out to be a human race from another world. Could it be that they are also Confucian and Taoist monks, and they are bathed in the awe-inspiring light without any trace of being burned."

"My little friend, why did you say that? I think the white light is very comfortable! It's as warm as the morning light, and as gentle as the breeze." The master smiled The child jumped up in fright: "The mighty divine light is infinite, it is designed to kill evil spirits, and people with unclean hearts will burn their souls after bathing in it. You actually feel comfortable. Do you think that you are a great scholar from another world and have a righteous heart?"

The master was confused: "Ru, what is this name, I have never heard of it."

"As for being upright, I really don't dare to be. I'm old enough to get along with each other. After all, I'm just too naive. I know that the law of heaven is ruthless and the weak are prey to the strong, but I still hold old-fashioned ideas and try to value peace. Peace, to put it bluntly, is just a stubborn delusion."

The more the child heard it, the more shocked he became: "Although I haven't learned about Confucianism, I am well versed in the profound meaning of Confucianism. Although I am old, I have the heart of a child. Could it be that you are the legendary natural saint? Damn it! Why didn't you appear a hundred thousand years earlier? In that case, Hao Ranzong will not be destroyed."

The master was a little at a loss, but when he saw the child crying, he silently handed over a tearkerchief The child cried even more sadly, and choked up while crying: "Come with me, whether you can get any treasure depends on your own good luck!"

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