Southeast Junction There is a big river that divides two domains This river is called the Yinxian River, and the current is swift and choppy Today, a ray of purple light pierced through the void, coming from the Eastern Territory and heading for the Southern Territory. It was Lian Chengyu, and next to her was the maid Zhao Lingzhi "Immortal King Liancheng, is Miss really in the Southern Region?" Zhao Lingzhi asked Lian Chengyu nodded: "I've heard about Su Qingxue. She was accepted as a righteous daughter by the Golden Light Immortal King. Later, when Qin Li established the Nanhua Sect, she took the initiative to help her. She has stayed in the Nanhua Secret Realm for the past few years."

"Great, I can finally meet Miss!" Zhao Lingzhi was overjoyed. Back then, Yunque severely injured Immortal King Rouran and hijacked Su Qingxue, but ignored her. After all, she was just a maid, so she was lucky to escape. Later, Lian Chengyu was kind and took care of her a lot, and only then did she spend several years safely in the East Immortal Palace Lian Chengyu said lightly: "After sending you to the Southern Region, I should return to the East Immortal Palace. From now on, you can live in the Nanhua Secret Realm with peace of mind, and don't come back. After all, there is a deep hatred between the Southeast."

Zhao Lingzhi sighed, and asked in a low voice, "Can't Dongxian Palace and Nanhuazong live in peace?"

"Yun Que won't let go of this hatred!" Lian Chengyu shook his head, his heart was full of entanglements. In the past five years, he watched Yun Que blacken and temporarily dormant, just to become more crazy Sudden!

There was a snap A piece of Lian Chengyu's jade pendant was broken "What, how could the two love jades shatter!" Lian Chengyu's expression changed drastically Zhao Lingzhi asked suspiciously: "Immortal King Liancheng, what is the origin of this jade pendant, and why did it suddenly shatter?"

"The two love jades are originally a pair, Yunque and I each have to be together, as long as someone encounters an accident, the jade pendant will be broken!" Lian Chengyu's face was extremely gloomy: "It seems that the two love jades are broken, it's no big deal."

He didn't believe that Yun Que was dead from the bottom of his heart, but he couldn't help worrying in his heart, so he couldn't help speeding up, wanting to send Zhao Lingzhi back to the South Huazong, and then rush back to the East Immortal Palace to check the situation Speeding all the way!

The two galloped among the mountains in the southern region Before reaching the secret place of Nanhua, I met an unexpected guest From behind, a green ray of light flew towards him rapidly, like the aura of a meteor, or like running thunder "What is that, so fast!" Zhao Lingzhi said in surprise "No, run away!" Lian Chengyu grabbed Zhao Lingzhi and hurriedly dodged boom!

Cyan escaped the light and slashed past A mountain was directly blasted through, disintegrated, and filled with smoke and dust Lian Chengyu had lingering fears: "Who are you, why did you attack from behind?"

"It seems that you are Yun Que's husband, Lian Chengyu. You have almost reached the peak of the Famen Realm, and definitely contain a lot of longevity substances." A monk in green clothes came out from the smoke and dust, his eyes burning with murderous intent "It's pouring rain!"

Lian Chengyu's heart trembled, and he directly struck The seventh-grade Ziyunlan was unsheathed, turned into a sharp purple light, and slashed out one after another. The sword energy was like a rain of swords, sweeping the audience He was originally a dragon and phoenix among men, and he was also a good fighter. As soon as he sensed the opponent's astonishing killing intent, he would strike immediately without talking nonsense. With one move, it is so tyrannical, but the opposite is heaven and man "The Wheel of Heaven and Man!"

The monk in blue shirt was extremely calm A five-foot green wheel manifests behind it, with wood grains all over it, slowly rotating Suddenly, a coercion of heaven and man poured down like a stream, and the spiritual energy within fifty miles was drawn and turned into waves, easily dispelling Lian Chengyu's ultimate move "You are a celestial cultivator!" Lian Chengyu was terrified, and could hardly believe this scene. The Four Regions was actually the seventh celestial being, and he had never heard of the past "Let's go!" Lian Chengyu knew that something was wrong, and immediately burned his life essence in exchange for rolling strength, and took Zhao Lingzhi to flee away. He understood that before heaven and man, the Dharma gate was like an ant, and only by finding Qin Li could he have a chance of survival "I still want to go, I'm overthinking my abilities!"

"Aoki escape pile!"

The monk in the green shirt gave a cold voice and covered it with a single palm The wheel of heaven and man rotates at a very high speed, attracting the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, pouring out the green energy, and turning it into an ancient tree in the sky, thousands of feet high, the whole body is green like jade, and the bark of the tree cracks like dragon scales "Little Jiuhua Immortal Light!" Lian Chengyu had been prepared for a long time, burning himself, the backhand was the strongest blow, and the nine-color light shot out, like a gorgeous killing sword, piercing through the giant sapphire tree, directly attacking the monk in blue "What!"

The monk in green shirt hurriedly avoided But after all, he didn't escape completely. A bloodstain was cut on his neck, and his hair was chopped off, which was blown away by the wind "Damn aborigines, you can actually simplify supernatural powers. I underestimated you. You should get serious."

"A stab to death!"

The monk in blue shirt was furious, and immediately drew his weapon It was a wooden thorn, as green as jade and as hard as steel. After being blessed with green qi, it had the power to pierce through mountains, and it pierced out suddenly, like a blue thunderbolt, killing Lianchengyu in an instant "So fast!" Lian Chengyu was so shocked that he didn't even have time to resist call out! call out! call out!

At the critical moment, three talismans flew out This is the life-saving talisman that Yun Que refined for him, which is equivalent to a blow from the pinnacle of the method However, the cultivator of heaven and man was too strong, and with one stab, the three life-saving talismans were easily pierced like paper However, this also gave Lian Chengyu a chance to breathe, turned around and dodged desperately, and successfully removed the vital point of the spine. But the left waist and abdomen, a pile of intestines, and even a kidney were blown up, presumably bitten by a wild animal, and the blood flowed wildly boom!


Lian Chengyu fell to the ground, vomiting blood He hastily swallowed a few pills, but his injuries were too severe and his life was dying "Immortal King Liancheng, don't die!" Zhao Lingzhi fell to the ground, feeling as though she had taken out some healing elixir to stop Lianchengyu's bleeding "hehe!"

The blue-shirted monk sneered:

"Famen cultivator dare to be called the Immortal King!"

"You all go to hell! The Wheel of Heaven and Man!" The green-clothed monk raised his hand, and the wheel of Heaven and Man spun rapidly, and the cover was pressed down like a millstone, trying to crush the two of them into plasma and bring them back to the world. one "Damn it, I didn't see Xiao Yu after all!" Lian Chengyu regretted in his heart. In fact, this time I went to the South Region, nominally to send Zhao Lingzhi off, but in fact it was because he wanted his daughter. It's a pity that he was attacked and killed just halfway crucial moment!

A golden light came quickly Running like thunder, with a bang, it pierced through the wheel of heaven and man "What!" The green-clothed monk was startled, and saw that sword light falling on the ground, turning into a golden scabbard, crushing the ground "father!"

A cry of disgust "It's Xiao Yu's voice!" Lian Chengyu hurriedly looked sideways I saw a purple golden light coming from a distance, like a sharp sword that splits the sky, and within a breath, it killed Qin Li and Yun Shiyu "Xiao Yu!" Lian Chengyu was surprised and delighted, and the wound of excitement opened Yun Shiyu hurriedly took out a green fruit, which was the fruit from the Ten Pill Tree, and fed it to Lian Chengyu, the scars were healed in an instant, the kidneys recovered, and no scars were left: "Father, Qin Li said that his mother died. Not really?"

Lian Chengyu's joyful mood sank in an instant, thinking of the incident that the two love jades were shattered just now, a terrible guess emerged in the heart of this sudden celestial cultivator "Hey!" Qin Li couldn't help sighing, he had planted a blood mark in Yunque's body, and the mark sensor suddenly disappeared not long ago. If Yunque hadn't had a great chance to unlock the mark, it meant that she was dead Old Demon Dugu was shocked: "Boy Qin, Sifangyu is in serious trouble. This man is a cultivator from the heavens, and he is a heavenly man!"

"Who are you?"

The blue-shirted monk's eyes showed apprehension "The one who killed you!" Qin Li snorted coldly, and the Purple King Sword swung out "You are the Lord of the Southern Territory, Qin Li!" The green-clothed monk sensed this extremely strong aura of heaven and man, and instantly understood Qin Li's origin. Directly use all the strength, throw out the wooden spike weapon, and turn it into a blue lightning, which is unparalleled in sharpness clang!

A purple light cut through The splinters broke and disintegrated into pieces "How is it possible!" The green-shirted monk was startled, and hurriedly backed away "One sword breaks all spells!" Qin Li was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly resorted to the strongest killing move. The Purple King Sword burst open, filling the purple gold sword qi, not only severely injuring the green-clothed monk, but also obliterating his wheel of heaven and man. Old Demon Dugu reminded: "Don't kill him, we still don't know how he entered Sifang Domain?"

"That's exactly what I meant! Soul search technique!" Qin Li pressed his palm on the forehead of the green-clothed cultivator, piercing the opponent's soul with his divine sense and reading his memory

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