Chu Qingyin is dead!

The news hit people's hearts like a bolt from the blue Qin Li's heart sank, his face collapsed, and a nameless anger burst out:

"How is it possible, Qingyin can't die, there are so many resources in the Wasteland Continent, and all old friends have ascended, why did something happen to her!"

Between the sky and the earth, a strong wind suddenly rose, and the sky was originally clear, but in an instant, it was covered with dark clouds, and thunder and lightning flashed. The ground was trembling, a terrifying breath swept all directions, and all the monks were trembling Under the pressure, Ye Qingyu explained: "We don't know why, we only know that Chu Qingyin's situation is very fast, the higher the cultivation level, the greater the risk of becoming a demon, this time she is going to hit the last hurdle in order to see you sooner. , was eager for success, so she fell, and her body was buried in Yangcheng!"

"Why is this happening!"

Qin Li's anger soared into the sky, and his white hair flew wildly, like a cloud of snow, freezing a radius of a hundred miles He couldn't accept this blow. When he woke up, all his family members left, and Chu Qingyin died. He obviously survived the catastrophe of annihilation with great difficulty, but in the end, his wife and children were separated, a scene of grief "Qin boy, calm down!" Dugu Laomo's voice sounded, he and Qin Li were both prosperous, so they also resurrected: "Chu Qingyin's death is full of weirdness, let's go to the lower world to see."

"Yes, go down!"

Qin Li had sharp eyes and asked, "Is there a reception desk here?"

Ye Qingyu nodded: "There is a reception platform in the Nanhua Sect, and it leads to the Wasteland Continent."

Not long!

Several people arrive at an altar The altar is made of jade and carved with complex patterns "You stay in the upper realm, I want to go down." Qin Li instructed Ye Qingyu was very flustered: "Unfortunately, if you forcibly go down to the realm, you will be backlashed by the power of the world."

"Don't worry, with my current strength, I should be able to resist the backlash and reach the wasteland continent safely." Qin Li showed a relieved look, then tore apart the space on the reception platform and jumped into the darkness It is clear!

There is a thick wall ahead "It seems that this is the world crystal wall!"

Qin Li's strength was at full strength, the golden sword qi and the purple gold sword qi were mixed together, turning into a spiral turning head, wrapping Qin Li, spinning rapidly, trying to pierce through the crystal wall of the world The crystal wall is very thick, a full mile thick, and the repair speed is very fast. After digging out tens of meters, the hole behind it starts to heal, so it can only go forward without retreat Snapped!

The hole was dug open Qin Li entered the wasteland plane "It's strange, why I didn't encounter the backlash of the power of the world."

Old Demon Dugu gave the answer: "It may be because you are the savior and favored by the will of the world, so you didn't suffer backlash!"

"That's not bad!" Qin Li stepped on the light and shot out, the speed was more than a hundred times faster. If the activity in the upper realm is to swim in the water, the assistance is particularly strong, while flying in the lower realm is equivalent to flying in the air without assistance, so the speed increases dramatically "The lower realm is too open, and it is completely incomparable with the upper realm!" Qin Li was very fast, and on the way, he encountered a meteorite that was hundreds of miles away. It was as fragile as a sponge, and he directly smashed through it It seems that there is a huge gap between the upper and lower realms. No wonder Wang Aotian was able to kill all directions and dig away the origin of the earth when he descended to the lower realms "finally reached!"

Qin Li looked at a continent in the distance The territory is open, with strange peaks and ridges, big rivers and waves, mountains and forests are green like waves, and the aura is highly concentrated, giving it a bit of an upper realm atmosphere. The sky is filled with auspicious clouds and clouds, and many elixir and spirit beasts are bred underground "This wasteland continent is ten times larger than the earth's area, and its spiritual energy is more than a hundred times more intense. It seems that it is developing very well!" Qin Li's gloomy mood brightened slightly He is preparing to return to the wasteland continent Sudden!

Several sword lights struck "Where did you come from Yexiu? How can you set foot on the wasteland continent?"

Several monks rushed out. They took a flying boat, held sharp swords, and looked at Qin Li with unkind eyes "Who are you?" Qin Li asked Pointing to the "Qin" imprint on their bodies, those few monks jokingly said, "Ignorant, even our Qin Sect doesn't know, and dare to come to the wasteland continent to mess around."

Qin Li was slightly stunned: "Qin Zong, why have I never heard of it? It stands to reason that there should be only one sect on the Wasteland Continent, the Earth Sect."

"That's the old calendar. In the past, the Earth Sect was ruled by several parties. Now our Qin family is the only one. In order to highlight the greatness of the ancestor of Qin Li, the Earth Sect was renamed Qin Sect." The monks explained The corner of Qin Li's mouth twitched. He founded the Earth Sect in the hope that all the forces would restrain each other so as not to monopolize power. But with all the veterans ascending to the top, the Qin family is expanding day by day, and corruption is inevitable Moreover, Qin Li has complicated feelings about this Qin family. Except for a few relatives, he doesn't like the rest of the Qin family very much. After all, he was targeted in the past, but now he has become the owner of the wasteland continent "I am Qin Li, hurry up and let the Sect Master Qin come out!"

Qin Li got straight to the point "Bold!"

Several monks directly blasted their hair "If you dare to pretend to be the ancestor of Qin Li, I will tear you to pieces."

After a few clangs, the swords and sharp weapons were drawn out, and they slashed at Qin Li's body. Qin Li felt that he was being poked by a few toothpicks, and with a slight shock, the weapon broke "How is this possible!" Several monks were so frightened that they retreated a few hundred feet: "Quickly raise the alarm, there are demons invading the wasteland continent, call all the disciples here."

In a short while!

Many starships flew over A large number of Qin Zong's disciples came to kill him, as well as many elders Old Demon Dugu teased: "Is this the force you created? They don't even know you."

"Back then I was too eager to ascend, so I made a head start and became the shopkeeper. It's normal for them not to know me." Qin Li's eyes were cold, and he didn't have time to play house games with this group of juniors. Chu Qingyin's body Suddenly, he saw the moon in the sky, full of pits and moonlight "One sword!"

Qin Li faced the moon and waved his hand The golden sword energy stretches across thousands of miles, unparalleled in sharpness, stunning the silent universe Slashing down suddenly, like a hot knife cutting butter, the moon was cut in half abruptly, and the cut surface was brilliant Now, it happened to be night in the wasteland continent, and it was still full moon. Many people raised their hands to admire the moon, and some young people cuddled together, pointing to the moon in the sky, saying that love is as long and complete as the moon Then!

The moon is cracked The immortal moon, turned into two halves The monks in the entire wasteland continent went crazy, and the world was boiling "The moon has been split in half, how is it possible, am I blind?"

"He did it. He cracked the moon with one move. This power is too terrifying. I'm afraid it surpassed the ancestor of Qin Li!"

The group of Qin Zong monks who had witnessed everything fell into madness. After all, such a thing as smashing the moon with bare hands was too shocking and shattered their three views soon!

A ray of light strikes A middle-aged monk with a big belly was sweating profusely and said with a smile:

"Greetings, senior. I am the current suzerain of Qin Zong, Qin Jianshu. I don't know where senior is from. We Qin Zong didn't provoke you, did we?"

"I'm Qin Li, the founder of the Earth Sect. Don't you know me?" Qin Li could feel that this person was a child of the Qin family and had a little blood connection, but he didn't seem to have seen him before. He probably was a talented junior "You are Qin Li!" Qin Jianshu looked confused, and quickly took out a genealogy tree from the storage bag, compared it carefully, and came to a conclusion: "Ancestor, why are you so much more handsome than before!"


Qin Li suddenly realized The higher the realm, the more handsome and powerful he is, and his handsomeness is striking. No wonder none of these disciples recognized his identity "Where is Chu Qingyin buried?" Qin Li didn't want to talk nonsense, so he was straightforward Qin Jianshu bent down and said flatteringly: "It was buried in Yangcheng, her ancestral home. Speaking of this place, it is also strange. Obviously, the earth has expanded ten times, but Yangcheng has nothing to do, so Grandma Qingyin has been practicing in it. He was also buried in Yangcheng after his death."

Qin Li's heart trembled. The Qiankun Pearl came from the earth, and Changchun Daoist, Yongye Demon Lord, and himself are also earthlings. Obviously, there are still big secrets hidden in the wasteland continent, which may have a great connection with the Heavenly Emperor Perhaps the secret lies in Yangcheng. And he had a premonition that Chu Qingyin's death was directly related to this great secret "Hurry up and take me to Yangcheng!"

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