Lin Shishi's bracelet It is obviously a small thing refined by Yun Shiyu Qin Li was overjoyed, he didn't expect to meet their traces so soon: "Stone, who gave you your jade bracelet?"

"Ah!" Lin Shitou was startled suddenly, feeling that the bracelet was hidden behind his back, and said in fear, "My lord, this is just an ordinary bracelet." Judging by his appearance, he was very afraid of high-ranking monks, and was afraid that Qin Li would snatch it from him. Bracelet Qin Li took out a healing herb, used his second supernatural power, sacrificed the herb, and injected it into Lin Shitou's injured thigh. The bone wound healed, and the flesh and blood healed, leaving only a shallow scar "My leg is healed, thank you sir!" Lin Shitou was ecstatic, knelt on the ground and kowtowed, and offered a jade bracelet as a reward Qin Li smiled and said: "I'm not greedy for your bracelet, but your bracelet was made by my wife. I want to know where she went?"

Lin Shitou was stunned for a moment, and said, "My lord, this is a jade bracelet. It was a gift from my father when I was full moon. I don't know the origin."

"Then can you take me to meet your father? Don't worry, I don't have any malicious intentions, I'm just looking for someone." Qin Li specially sent a thousand-year-old ginseng to express his goodwill Lin Shitou's eyes glowed, and he nodded heavily: "My lord, please come with me, my family lives in Yuancun."

The two walked together Lin Shitou was very careful, always paying attention to the movement around him Qin Li's cultivation base was very high, he ignored any threats, and killed all the way Soon after!

The two reached a hidden valley Around the valley, dense black thorny vines grow The black thorns are like steel needles, and most beasts will stay away from them with respect. There are also gray flowers growing in them, emitting a strange fragrance Old Demon Dugu smiled and said, "These flowers are called dung flowers, and the ones rooted in high-level beasts are dung. It seems that a lot of dung has been scattered around the ape village, so that some ferocious beasts dare not get too close."

Qin Li couldn't help sighing that one side of water and soil nurtures one side of people "My lord, we are here!"

Lin Shitou walked through the thorn bushes and raised his finger to the dense valley The terrain in the valley is flat, and hundreds of wooden houses are built, with smoke curling up, primitive and simple. Many villagers wearing animal skins are busy coming and going, some pushing stone mills, some practicing boxing, and some teaching children. A little further away is a clean water pool, where many women fetch water Qin Li turned on the induction between heaven and man, and found that in the ape village, the highest cultivation bases were only the three monks of the ninth level of physical body: "I thought that in the Qianyuan Great World, Dharma is not as good as a dog, and heaven and man walk around everywhere. It seems that I am too worried." gone."

Dugu Laomo smiled and said: "You think too much, most of the monks in the heavens and myriad worlds are in the physical state, and they have mastered the superficial method of strengthening muscles and bones. The method requires family inheritance, and the number is rare. As for the monks of heaven and man, they have It's the majesty of the eight sects!"

Qin Li was puzzled and said: "But I look at the Holy Land of Vientiane, a hundred disciples randomly come out, all of them are from the ninth level of the Dharma School, and when the opportunity comes, they will all be promoted to heaven."

"That's different." Dugu Laomo explained: "As one of the top forces in the Qianyuan Great World, the Vientiane Holy Land has a profound heritage, which has been passed down for millions of years, and all of its disciples are geniuses."

Qin Li raised his brows: "It turns out that the Holy Land of Vientiane is in this world, it's not that enemies don't get together!" He smiled coldly The two are chatting Sudden!

A boy sprang out of the village He is tall, thin, dark-skinned, and has monkey-like eyes Lin Shitou asked strangely: "Shouhou, your face is so ugly, did something happen in the village?"

The thin monkey panicked, "Shitou, your father is going to die!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Lin Shitou was frightened suddenly, and said furiously, "Shouhou, my father and Uncle Dali are both experts in the village. They went hunting together in the morning. It's just evening. How could something happen?"

The thin monkey took a breath: "Not long after they left the village, they encountered a poisonous swamp anaconda. Unfortunately, your father was bitten and was severely poisoned. Now he is lying in the village chief's house, dying, and said he wants to see you for the last time."

As if struck by lightning, Lin Shitou rushed to the only two-story wooden building in the village "father!"

Hastily pushed open the door Lin Shitou looked sad when he saw more than a dozen adults in distress And my father was lying on the clothes, his breath was weak, his face was black, and a mountain cut was drawn on his arm, which was already black with pus "Father, you have become like this!" Lin Shitou knelt beside the bed, tears streaming down his face, as if feeling like the sky was falling When Lin Yan saw his son, his eyes lit up, and he asked: "Shitou, you are finally back. Dad needs to sleep for a while. I will inherit my ivory bone hammer. Remember to be filial and take good care of your mother in the future. If you meet For things, ask the village chief and Uncle Dali for help!"

A rough man nine feet tall patted his chest and said sonorously: "Lin Yan, this time you saved everyone's life. From now on, I will raise Shi Shi as my own son."

There was an old man with a gray beard next to him, with the highest cultivation level, he should be the village chief of Yuancun, sighed and said: "Hey! It's getting more and more uneven recently, and the famen-level swamp giant anaconda appeared outside the village. A few days ago, I Seeing a wooden Pixiu, like a small mountain, is too scary."

Lin Shitou burst into tears: "The recent riots by the beasts, if it weren't for collecting the tribute, my father would not have to go out and work hard, let alone encounter such a thing."


The adults in the village sighed Suddenly, Qin Li stood up and said:

"I know some medical skills, can you show me?"

Lin Shitou seemed to see the savior, and kowtowed heavily: "Master, please save my father's life, I am willing to be a cow or a horse."

A group of villagers were startled suddenly. A stranger appeared beside him without a sound. He was wearing precious silk and satin clothes and was called an adult "Fortunately, the snake's poison did not enter the five internal organs." Qin Li shot out a golden light, cut off the carrion, and forced out the poisonous blood. Then make a few detoxifying herbs, mix them with blood-enriching medicinal materials, mix them into a slurry, and apply them on the wound Lin Yan's face faded to black, although it was pale, but there was no serious problem "Thank you, my lord, for saving my life!"

The rest of Lin Yan's life after the catastrophe was full of surprises. He hurriedly endured the severe pain, knelt on the ground, and was about to kowtow in thanks Qin Li stretched out his hand, and the breeze blew in. He helped Lin Yan who was weak, and asked directly: "I came to Yuan Village to find my wife. Lin Shitou's jade bracelet was made by her own hands. I don't know if you have any news about them?"

Lin Yan nodded: "Twelve years ago, a group of old women came to the village and lived here for a few days. They asked us about the surrounding conditions and gave us many treasures in return. Bracelets are just one of them."

old woman?

Qin Li's mouth twitched slightly Dugu Laomo said: "They may have used the Phantom Transformation Technique. After all, I passed on to Nvwa the "Hell Without Life Sutra", in which appendix forty-two acquired supernatural powers are enough to keep her invincible."

Qin Li smiled awkwardly, Old Demon Dugu really spoiled him too much. Afterwards, he asked Lin Yan, "Where did these old women go?"

"It should be thousands of miles away, Fengyun City!" Lin Yan pointed to the east Qin Li nodded, and asked about the news of the master and the devil Lin Yan looked bewildered The old village head left an impression and said:

"Eighteen years ago, two strange people came to the village, an old man in white and a monk in black, holding a baby in swaddle. The two asked for some information, and then separated. One went to the west, and the other went to the north. "

Qin Li secretly had a headache, unexpectedly, the master and the devil acted separately Old Demon Dugu asked: "Are you going to Fengyun City now?"

"Forget it, after the exchange of blood, we will take action again." Qin Li has felt the oppression of heaven and earth in the past few days, and if he uses powerful means, he will inevitably encounter backlash, and the induction between heaven and man has been compressed to a range of ten miles, which seems very tasteless Thinking of this, Qin Li took out a Fire Ganoderma lucidum and asked, "Because of certain things, I need to temporarily stay in Guicun for a few days. This is a reward. I wonder what the village chief wants?"

"Welcome, very welcome!" The village chief was overjoyed. Now that thousands of beasts are rioting and rampant, the ape village is like duckweed in the rain. It would definitely be a great thing if there is a Famen monk guarding this place In this way, Qin Li lived in Yuancun, preparing for a blood exchange And he happened to live in Lin Shitou's home

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