It's over!

Qin Li was going back to Fengyun City to bid farewell to Yang Simu "Xiaoju, why don't you go back to Fengyun City with me, and I'll give you the status of a normal person." Qin Li wanted Yang Simu to take care of Xiaoju "Follow your lord's orders." Xiaoju seemed very well-behaved "Okay, let's go!"

Qin Li soared into the sky and took Xiaoju away He ignored Gu Zhuang, but his belief intensified "Xiaoju, you are in Fengyun City, so why don't you have any relatives?" Qin Li asked as he raced all the way Xiaoju shook her head: "I'm an orphan, and I'm from a humble family, not a commoner, so I can't live in Fengyun City."

The Yan Dynasty was strictly hierarchical, with the highest royal family, followed by nobles, and noble honors. For example, the three major families belonged to noble honors. Below are civilians, lowly, and at the bottom are slaves. This shows that Xiaoju's life is bad "My lord, Fengyun City is smoking!" Xiao Ju called out Qin Li looked sideways On Fengyun City, thick smoke billowed The sound of weapons clinking and shouting and killing can be faintly heard "Looking at this posture, could it be that the three major families are fighting to the death." Qin Li narrowed his eyes and accelerated his speed In Fengyun City The Yang family mansion was blazing with flames Thick smoke spread across the city, and countless monks were terrified, not knowing what happened "Come in, slaughter the blood of the Yang family, and take good care of Yang Simu. Whoever can take her life will be rewarded with a thousand pieces of Jade Valley Pills and ten acres of spiritual land!" Mrs. Di rushed forward, wearing a military uniform, with a vengeful look on her face With a few clicks, the Longma team crossed the tall mansion wall, like heavy cavalry entering a flock of sheep. Wherever they passed, the swordsmen moved forward, the houses collapsed, and blood flowed into rivers. This is a well-trained soldier and a ruthless harvesting machine "Aww!"

Several wolf howls pierced the sky More than a dozen giant forest wolves came out, spraying the wind and blowing out the flames On the back of the wolf are all the elites of the Yang family. Yang Simu took the lead, looked at the collapsed compound, and shouted angrily: "Mrs. Di, are you crazy? To start a war and break into the Yang family's mansion, do you want the three major families to fight to the death?"

"You bitch, Feng'er who killed me, I want the Yang family and you to be buried with Feng'er!" Madam Di's eyes flashed with hatred Yang Simu was about to vomit blood: "How many times have I told you that your son died at the hands of the three true spirits, so it has nothing to do with me."

"If you hadn't needed spring water, Feng'er wouldn't have gone to the towering mountains, and he wouldn't have died. And you were the only one who survived a team of more than a dozen people. There must be ghosts among them." Mrs. Di spoke eloquently and righteously Yang Simu was furious, this guy was unreasonable at all: "It seems that only by subduing you can we have a good talk."


The forest giant wolf's blue light shines brightly, as fast as lightning Yang Simu rode a giant wolf, like a Valkyrie, with a heroic posture and long hair fluttering. A long sword burst out with watery sword energy, overturned several dragon horse cavalry, and pointed at Mrs. Di call out!

crucial moment A prairie sword energy struck Yang Simu's hair was matted, he glared at the giant wolf, and rolled to avoid it The forest giant wolf didn't even react, it was pierced by the sword energy, the wolf's body was burning, and after a while, it smelled of incense "Patriarch Di made the move himself!" Yang Simu was still in shock "Di Ying, you're going too far!"

Yang Songbai's face was ugly, and he rushed out to protect his daughter He has been watching from the sidelines, and has no intention of making a move. Because the people below are fighting, there is still a chance of relief. But if the head of the family ends, it means that the two big families will never die "Yang Songbai, the Yang family will perish today!" Di Ying, wearing a golden armor and riding a tall dragon horse, charged into the Yang residence, dominating the audience At this moment!

Footsteps sounded densely A pair of dozens of black iron heavy armored guards also rushed in They are like a torrent of steel, with strict discipline and clanging armor. The leaders are Li Chenguang and Li Patriarch "Di Ying, are you crazy? You are not tolerated by the Great Flame Law if you start a war against a noble person. Stop it now, maybe there is still a chance to turn around." Patriarch Li shouted loudly Well, he and the Yang family have always been on good terms, now that the Yang family is in trouble, naturally they can't sit idly by Di Ying calmly said, "Hmph! You still have the face to mention the Great Yan Law, you are really shameless."

"Come on, drag Yang Yuantu out!"

Words fell Yang Yuantu was brought out He was disheveled and terrified "Father, save me, save me quickly!" Yang Yuantu was hysterical Yang Songbai's face changed drastically. His son had been missing for several days, but he was arrested by Di Ying: "Di Ying, you are shameless. Let my son go quickly, so that our two families will not die."

The head of the Li family also said angrily: "Di Ying, your actions have broken the rules. My Li family wants to declare war with the Di family."

Di Ying smiled contemptuously: "I think you are the ones who broke the rules, and dared to risk the disapproval of the world to practice magic skills, and I caught it."


The faces of the two masters changed dramatically "Don't spout blood, we don't practice magic skills!"

Di Ying sneered, and took out a spar: "I don't need to go into details about this magic stone. Once it senses the magic energy, it will turn black."

Say it!

The Subduing Demon Stone approached Yang Yuantu The pure white and transparent spar instantly reacted, and a touch of gray appeared Yang Yuantu cried out in fright: "Father, I have only practiced the secret art of blood-sucking in the past few days, and I only sucked a few livestock. It is definitely not harmful to anyone, and it is even less likely that I am a monk of the magic way."

Yang Songbai almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, how could I have such a stupid son as you, who voluntarily admits to practicing magic arts, even if you practice for a few days, according to the law of Great Yan, you will be killed, and if the circumstances are serious, the nine clans will be imprisoned "Hahaha, there are all human and material evidence, let's see how you argue!" Di Ying laughed happily: "My son is practicing magic arts, and I can't get away from it. Master Li, you still have to fight against me and help this group of demon cultivators ?"

The head of the Li family sank, the Li family couldn't bear the accusation of being a partisan of the demon cultivator, but this was too strange, and if they didn't help, they would be ashamed at this time!

A golden light strikes Qin Li fell to the ground with surprise in his eyes Xiao Ju was left outside the city by him, so as not to be affected by the war situation "What happened here?" Qin Li asked "Mr. Qin!" Yang Simu smiled wryly, telling the cause and effect Qin Li said indifferently: "Cultivating magic skills for no reason, and only practiced for a few days, and was caught. There must be ghosts behind it. A little investigation will follow the clues and arrest the real culprit. Why bother to go to war and rush to settle the charges."


Di Ying's expression changed Yang Songbai was overjoyed and shouted:

"According to the Law of Great Flame, criminals also have the power to defend themselves."

"Yuantu, tell me quickly, who taught you your magic skills. Once you catch the real culprit for your father, you will be able to wash away your grievances."

Di Ying sneered secretly, the black-robed man who performed the exercises before was himself. This matter was done seamlessly, without leaving any traces, Yang Yuantu is absolutely dead Yang Yuantu was also flustered, the black-robed man was too mysterious that day, how could he know it. But if you can't tell why, the Yang family is over, so there must be a scapegoat Suddenly, a venomous light flashed in the eyes of this dude, and he stared straight at Qin Li. If it weren't for this guy who appeared suddenly, he and his sister wouldn't have conflicts, and they wouldn't be practicing magic skills in a flash Yes, all mistakes are because of him, and he should pay for them "Father, it's Mr. Qin who taught me the secret blood-sucking technique. I'm really innocent. You must believe me." Yang Yuantu shouted Qin Li was stunned for a moment Yang Simu was horrified on the spot, and screamed: "What nonsense are you talking about, Mr. Qin is aboveboard, how can he be a demon cultivator!"

Yang Songbai naturally understood that his son was lying, but when things got to this point, a monk had to be killed. Qin Xiaoyou, don't blame the old man for being ruthless. If you want to blame it, blame you for being unknown and wanting to mistreat my daughter "It turns out that you are the mastermind behind the scenes. I thought something was wrong with you before. I suddenly found Yuexia Spring Water, hooked up with my daughter, and tricked my son into learning magic skills. It seems that you are here for my Yang family business." Yang Songbai was extremely vicious, so he made up a name and put it on Qin Li's head "Father, are you crazy!" Yang Simu was about to faint, Mr. Qin is a cultivator of heaven and man, you are pushing the Yang family to a cliff by making such a false accusation!

Qin Li smiled The smile is very cold, like a frozen prison

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