Qin Li pointed to Yang Yuantu and said:

"If you don't want me to anger the Yang family, then kill the culprit."

Yang Songbai's face turned pale, this is his only biological son, even if there are many faults, how can he do it Yang Yuantu was terrified and cried bitterly: "Father, don't kill me. I'm the only male in the Yang family. Let my sister die. She's just a girl and she's going to get married after all."

Yang Simu felt like being struck by lightning. He thought that this ineffective brother was just a bit of a dandy, but he didn't expect to be so vicious. Obviously you brought the Yang family to this point, and you want me to take the blame with my life Stab it!

Mizusawa's sword energy streaked across Yang Yuantu's eyes popped out, and his head fell to the ground Yang Simu put the sword back into its sheath, a ruthlessness of a superior appeared on Binghan's face Qin Li nodded slightly, secretly praising Yang Simu's determination, maybe she will be the head of the Yang family soon Watching his son die, Yang Songbai sat on the ground powerlessly: "Really, now that my son is dead, can you let our Yang family go?"


Qin Li smiled playfully The faces of the Yang family were instantly ashamed Qin Li said: "I need the Yang family to reduce or exempt taxes. The previous nine out of ten draws are too exploitative. Why not change it to eight out of ten draws."

Since the tenants regard themselves as the gods of the valley, it is natural to give some benefits. After all, these tenants are living too hard, and they are not as good as the hunters in the mountains However, Yang Songbai's name was embarrassing: "Really, we don't want to exploit the tenants like this, but there is no king in the world. Half of our annual harvest will be turned into the tax revenue of the Yan Dynasty."

"Besides, during the holidays, we have to manage the city lord, the county lord, and then reward the family and raise the family. In the end, the Yugu Dan that fell into our hands is actually not much. Now that the income is reduced by 10%, the Yang family will be unable to make ends meet."

Qin Li frowned, it seemed that he thought things too simply, after all, every family had scriptures that were difficult to recite: "In this case, then you should make a rule!"

Yang Songbai rolled his eyes, thought for a long time, and said: "Our Yang family is willing to give up 30% of the profit, and let the tenants get 13% of the jade grain."

"No, give the tenant fifteen percent!"

Yang Simu said suddenly, she was not scared stupid, after the Di family was wiped out, the land was divided equally between the Yang and Li families, and the profit was 50% "Our Li family is also willing to give up 5% of the profit!" The head of the Li family said quickly, he understands the pros and cons, so let's spend money to eliminate the disaster Qin Li nodded in satisfaction: "Actually, I have one more thing."

Yang Songbai is going to faint, what else do you want to do!


Qin Li brought Xiao Ju:

"This is my maid, Xiaoju, I hope the Yang family will take good care of her!"

Yang Simu patted her chest and said, "Lord Qin, don't worry, from now on, Xiaoju will be my own younger sister, and no one can bully her."

"With your words, I will put it down. I should come back to see Xiaoju from time to time!" Qin Li's words were obviously threatening, and then he threw out a bottle of high-level elixir, showing both grace and power He has checked Xiaoju's body, and her cultivation aptitude is good. Although she is a bit sick from overwork, it is not a problem for the longevity substance to wash the marrow and cut the scriptures. If the Yang family cultivates Xiao Ju well, there will be a celestial being in charge of the Yang family in the future "You will be called Yang Xiaoju from now on!"

Yang Simu pulled Xiaoju, just like pulling his own sister "By the way, Mr. Qin, you should leave Fengyun City as soon as possible! After all, you killed Fengyun City Lord, and soon, Zhenjiang County Lord will arrive. He is an eternal giant of the five layers of heaven and man!"

"I'm waiting for him!"

Qin Lilang laughed and sat on the city gate He has always wanted to find an opportunity to test his upper limit of strength You must know that Qin Li used all means to kill Wan Guiyi, who was at the triple level of heaven and man, but the other party was a super existence who had mastered thirty-three magical powers By analogy, I should be able to fight against the fourth level of heaven and man. As for the fifth level of heaven and man, if I can't beat it, I can escape The monks of the Yang family and the Li family were already so horrified that the first level of heaven and man challenged the existence of the fifth level. Even those arrogances of the Holy Land and the wizards of the great religion did not dare to be so arrogant In a very short time!

In the midst of the situation, all the monks ran in panic and evacuated frantically A devil descends, and the Princess of Zhenjiang kills him afterwards, which will definitely trigger a shocking battle, and the city will be razed to the ground Above the city tower!

Qin Li quietly admired the afterglow of the setting sun Beside him was a small table with a storage bag on it, a bowl of steaming steaming jade rice, and a jug of fruit wine There are tens of thousands of jade and grain pills in the storage bag, which is the wealth obtained by Qin Li selling Longma. After all, if you go to the countryside to do as the Romans do, you still need to hoard some local currency. As for the rice and fruit wine, he specifically asked for it. It has been almost a month since he entered the Qianyuan Great World, and it seems that he hasn't eaten yet Qin Li ate leisurely The rice grains are crystal clear, like a white jade wall, exuding an attractive rice fragrance Taste a mouthful of rice, the teeth are soft and glutinous, and the mouth is sweet. The more you chew, the more fragrant and pleasant it is, and there are wisps of aura that nourish the body "Senior, this jade grain tastes so good, it's comparable to medicine pills. If I can return to the upper realm, I will take the seeds back and spread them to the earth..." Qin Li smiled, but found that Dugu Laomo didn't answer, and then remembered the senior already asleep Being alone in a foreign land as a stranger, without a friend to chat with, it is unavoidable to be lonely "Princess Zhenjiang, you came so fast!"

Qin Li looked at the sky distance!

A flaming meteor strikes Piercing through the clouds and roaring through the air, several times faster than the sound Not long after, a majestic middle-aged man arrived. He was wearing a water and fire Taoist robe and a red gold marquis crown. He looked coldly at Fengyun City, which had been reduced to an empty city He was saddened by the news of his grandson's death, so he went to Wei'e County to help his son clear up the relationship. As a result, they were only halfway through the conversation when they found out that their son and daughter were dead, and they rushed here in a rage "Where are the monks in the city?"

Princess Zhenjiang asked a question and was furious As expected of the existence of the five layers of heaven and man, once angry, within a range of hundreds of miles, the heat will evaporate, the forest will burn, and the flames will soar into the sky "They all ran to Guzhuang to take refuge. After all, there will be a war of destruction between you and me, and it would be bad if the innocent were involved!" Qin Li calmly and calmly, pawing and pawing the jade bowl, finishing the last grain of rice. Every grain of labor is hard work, so don't let it go to waste Princess Zhenjiang's eyes spewed fire: "So you killed my son!"


Qin Li put down the bowl and chopsticks "I'm going to tear you to pieces!"

The princess of Zhenjiang was violent and murderous, and he slammed out with a palm Spiritual energy surged for hundreds of miles, turning into a sea of ​​flames, covering it, the earth was burned into glass, and the city tower was instantly destroyed "Su Na You Epiphyllum!" Qin Li smiled with the flower, and a mysterious rune emerged, like a dreamy Epiphyllum, crystal and exquisite, blooming and withering, the flower blooms again and again, exuding a charm of the great way Qin Li's strength soared instantly, breaking the limit, and his power was unstoppable. With long snow-white hair flying in the air, boundless arrogance and domineering air enveloped the audience. It was a demonic hell god of war descending. Before he could make a move, he aroused the Yin energy of the world, causing a heavy snowfall, covering hundreds of miles, and extinguishing the flames There are a large number of wooden houses in the city, and there are tens of thousands of acres of fertile fields outside the city, where a large number of jade grains and green grasses grow. It would be a sin to burn them all "Devil's pride!"

Princess Zhenjiang also saw the way, so she was particularly shocked "Fight with me in the clouds!" Qin Li soared into the sky, stood on the top of the blue clouds, bathed in the scarlet sunset, and his white clothes fluttered, reflecting a wave of magic "It turns out that you are a member of the devil way, no wonder you are so arrogant. It's a pity that you killed my son. I want to draw out your soul and burn it day and night with inextinguishable flames!"

Princess Zhenjiang soared into the sky and used all her strength to reveal the five wheels of heaven and man, namely, the Qi wheel, the Yuan wheel, the gang wheel, the cloud gang wheel, and the flame gang wheel There is not much difference between the physical realms, and sometimes there are examples of challenges by leapfrogging, but the gap in the realm of the Dharma Gate is further widening, and monks who can leapfrog are known as geniuses. And the gap between heaven and man is like a ravine, each level has special changes, and those who can challenge beyond the level are all freaks and evildoers However, Qin Li tried to cross the four realms today and challenge the existence of the five layers of heaven and man. He is simply the king of freaks and the overlord of Tianjiao. As long as he survives, his name will be resounded throughout the Great Yan Dynasty

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