
A burst of energy came Qin Li was pushed into Shayin Ridge and hit the ground hard "Cough, cough, cough!" Qin Li coughed heavily, and he vomited blood continuously. This move really hurts and endangers the five internal organs However, this is nothing, the real serious injury is the aging caused by the second supernatural power, the life energy is completely lost, and the whole person is dying. Fortunately, when he left the upper realm, he took away most of the long-lived substance of the long-lived chain, so he could spend it with peace of mind Qin Li drank a sip of the longevity substance, and he was rejuvenated, with white hair and black hair "It's so weird here!"

Qin Li was extra careful and looked around Surrounded by mist and mist, there are ghostly shadows, revealing an evil force The ground beneath his feet was gray and lifeless, devoid of any vegetation. The air is filled with an evil wind, invisible and substanceless, pervasive, like billions of capillary steel needles, penetrating through the pores, corrupting the internal organs, and shattering the soul "My divine sense, as well as the induction between heaven and man, have all been suppressed!" Qin Li only felt a chill down his spine, as if he was being stared at by something sneaky, and his hair stood on end, but when he looked back, there was nothing but mist "This place is too mysterious, Senior Dugu is sleeping again, I must leave here quickly, otherwise there will be big problems!" Qin Li's heart was shrouded in dark clouds, always feeling hairy and indescribably uncomfortable Qin Li moved the golden sword body, covered with golden light, like a statue of a god, and like a golden lamp in the dark night, its brilliance is dazzling. He still remembered the direction in which he fell in, and if he walked in the opposite direction, he should be able to get out But the more he advanced, the more cruel and fierce the yin gang was. He couldn't blow the mist, but it made Qin Li clang and sparks flew everywhere. It was like walking in a storm of blades. If he didn't take a step forward, he would be cut into pieces "It's strange, I didn't go wrong! Why do I feel like I'm going to the depths of Shade Ridge? Forget it, I'm going a few miles. If it doesn't work, turn around!"

Qin's solid surface glowed with purple awns, which is his strongest defense, the purple gold sword body Not long!

He advances a mile The surrounding black mist flowed like flowing silver, extremely heavy Moreover, the wind became more and more violent, and almost solidified into a weapon. Qin Li felt that he had been put into a meat grinder and wanted to retreat "There is light ahead!"

Qin Li saw the flames ahead, and seemed to see a glimmer of hope He rushed over against the Yin Gang, but saw a dark pool, flowing with pitch-black liquid, burning white will-o'-the-wisps. This is a kind of yin fire, just as the so-called yin and yang attract each other, once the yang qi is sensed, the yin fire will sweep up like a tide, trying to swallow Qin Li "Northern Ice Spear!"

Qin Li held an ice spear in his hand and swept across the world The tyrannical force burst out, extinguished the dark fire, and evaporated the black pool This can poke a hornet's nest, just like throwing sparks into an oil drum, it will finally explode, turn into a wave of will-o'-the-wisp, and burn in the sky. There is also a pale cloud of thunder, straddling the void, killing Qin Li Boom boom boom!

Qin Li swung his ice spear and defeated Yin Lei The more he moves, the more ferocious the thunder is, and he must resist it with stronger strength, which makes the thunder stronger This is a vicious cycle, just a few breaths, the thunder is like a waterfall, mighty, like thousands of dragons dancing wildly, Qin Li vomits blood again and again, and his whole body will be nailed to the ground Sudden!

A ray of killing light struck Silent, sharp and deadly In the black mist, evil monsters have always been hidden. They saw the golden light, hibernated in the mist, and followed Qin Li secretly. Now they saw the opportunity and attacked in an instant Stab it!

A splitting sound sounded Qin Li was caught off guard and was hit by a trick Zijin Jian Qi was pierced through, and a hideous wound was cut on his waist, which almost severed his spine "What kind of monster dares to attack me!" Qin Li worked hard, took a sip of the longevity substance, and activated the second supernatural power again. In an instant, the white hair was flying, and the ice spear was like a god of war. With a few moves, he struck all directions, splitting the sky and thunderbolt "ah--"

A sharp and piercing sound sounded The sneak was shot, spilled black blood, and fled quickly "Where is the escape!" Qin Li yelled, beheading him with an ice spear in his hand At this time, Yin Qi was stimulated and began to counterattack frantically. The Yin fire and Yin thunder gathered together and turned into a river of thunder and fire, washing down, and all mountains and rivers fell "Sunset Bow Strength!" Blood oozes from the corner of Qin Li's mouth, and he used his second supernatural power twice in a row. Even with the longevity substance, his origin was still shaken. Now that he is in a desperate situation, it is even more precarious, and he can only fight to the death Draw the bow and shoot the arrow, and the ice spear of hell shoots out of the hole, with unparalleled power, tearing apart the river of thunder and fire, piercing through the black mist of Yin Qi, and opening a road, although I don't know where it leads, but this is the only way "Golden Spirit Void Lightning Flash!"

Qin Li's feet glowed with golden light, and he left quickly There was a dark fire behind him, and the thunder roared, chasing him relentlessly "There is light ahead!" Qin Li was stunned for a moment, and there was a gleam of light in front of him. It was not the light of the dark fire, but the sun. Could it be the way out Qin Li was overjoyed and hurried over Immediately!

He enters another world The black mist disappeared without a trace, and the thunder and fire also receded "What is this place?" Qin Li turned his head and saw that it was a wall of dark clouds, blocking all sinister and sneaky things But the front is a completely opposite scene, the sun is just right, the grass is luxuriant, the land is flat and fertile, there are several low mountains in the distance, and at the foot of the mountain is more than ten acres of fertile land, planted with jade valley, green mulberry, corn, and fragrant glutinous rice It's like coming to a peach blossom source isolated from the world. The peach blossoms all over the mountains and plains are in the opening season, and the flowers are blooming like fire and gorgeous like clouds. There are more than a dozen thatched huts, and there are many simple-dressed monks coming and going "Oops, my cultivation has been suppressed!"

Qin Li woke up suddenly and found that he couldn't activate his supernatural powers The usually tyrannical golden sword qi and purple gold sword qi are huddled in the dantian, no matter how he mobilizes, he can't use it "This place is too weird. It seems that I still haven't left Shading Ridge. I'd better find someone to ask!" Qin Li wanted to take off, but found that he lost the ability to fly, so he walked over on foot ahead!

There is an acre of paddy fields On the edge of the field, there was an old man His hair is gray and he is in good spirits. He wears a bunt and holds a jade pendant "Old man, may I ask where this place is?" Qin Ligong asked very politely, cupping his hands The old man was smoking. When he saw Qin Li, he was so frightened that he coughed. After finally calming down, he looked at Qin Li carefully, his eyes were round, and he exclaimed loudly: "Everyone, come out quickly, there are newcomers in the village!"


There was a flutter of chicken and dog jumping Dozens of people poured out of the huts on the mountain Most of them are elderly people with missing arms and legs "Oh my god! It's been decades, and finally a newcomer has arrived in Yecao Village!" An old man was excited and incoherent "My God! He's a handsome guy, just right for me!" An old woman with only three teeth left in her mouth laughed "This young man's strength is so powerful, he is definitely at the level of a celestial being. When he came in, his hands and feet were not cut off by Yingang." A lame man was shocked Qin Li was dumbfounded At this moment!

A woman stepped out of the crowd Wearing a green dress, she has a pretty face and a graceful figure. She is the youngest among a group of villagers. There is a piece of green jade engraved with the word "Ginger" on her waist, and her limbs are intact "My name is Jiang Su, what is the name of your son?" Jiang Su smiled Qin Li said: "My name is Qin Li, what is this place?"

"This is Wild Grass Village, located in the center of Shade Ridge. Congratulations on becoming a member of us!" Jiang Su picked a few wild flowers, wove them into grass bracelets, and gave them to Qin Li to represent his heart Qin Li nodded, and asked again: "Why can my cultivation be suppressed here, and how can I recover my strength?"

Jiang Su shook his head: "If Shade Ridge is compared to a storm, we are deep in the center of the storm, condensing high-intensity spiritual pressure, so we cannot use mana. If we want to recover our strength, we must either leave here, or have the ability to resist the entire city. The power of Shade Ridge."

Qin Li couldn't help laughing. With his strength, how can he resist the mystery of the world? He should leave here as soon as possible: "How can I leave here?"

"There is no way to leave!"

Jiang Su sighed helplessly: "There are dozens of seniors here, and there are many great masters at the sixth level of heaven and man, but no matter what method they try, they can't leave, and they are scarred and scarred. The gain outweighs the loss."

"Gradually, everyone gave up and formed the Wild Grass Village. Although it is not as glorious and noble as before, it is a blessing in misfortune to survive and have someone to accompany it."

Qin Li's face froze

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