The light pierced the sky Qin Li crossed thousands of mountains and rivers and headed for Weiwei County The brothers and sisters of the Jiang family lead the way. Their cultivation is at the seventh level of the Famen, and they can be regarded as young talents with extraordinary strength "Brother Qin, the majestic city is in front of you. It is the starting point of the 100,000-mile majestic mountain range. It governs a county and has fifteen large cities under its jurisdiction. Fengyun City is only one of them. The most powerful force in the city is the City Lord's Mansion. In addition, there are The eight major forces all have celestial and human giants sitting in their towns, and our Jiang family is just one of them."

Qin Li looked up The mountains stretch endlessly to the horizon If you look down on the universe, the majestic mountains are like a dormant dragon, lying between the sky and the earth, exhaling feng shui and breathing clouds And the towering city is just in front of the dragon's head, like a dragon ball, gathering the beauty of mountains and rivers, and gathering the talents of a county. In this position, you can just see the county city, the city wall is as high as a mountain, the houses and palaces are magnificent, the monks of the Famen shuttle back and forth, and there are auspicious clouds and auspicious clouds in the sky all year round "Let's go down!"

Jiang Xiaoquan gave a reminder and landed on the ground Jiang Xiaozhu warned: "Brother Qin, you must never fly in the towering city..."


There was a loud bang in the sky I saw a white light flying into the city Look carefully, it turned out to be a cloud-patterned carriage, inlaid with five treasures, without wheels, an auspicious cloud at the bottom, and two white cranes of Famen level in front of the cart With black lines all over Jiang Xiaozhu's head, he explained: "I don't know which big person's car is in violation of city regulations. Our Jiang family dare not be so arrogant."

Jiang Xiaoquan frowned slightly, guessing: "It doesn't look like a power in the city, it should be a big shot from another county, who came here specially to attend Princess Baihua's birthday banquet."

"Princess Baihua, what is her origin?" Qin Li asked curiously, this was not the first time he had heard of this name Jiang Xiaoquan explained: "Young Master Baihua is the second princess of the Yan Dynasty, but because he couldn't stand the battle between the five kings in Yanjing, he came to Wei'e City on his own initiative to seek peace. It is said that Princess Wei'e must respect her when she sees her."

chatting Several people approached the towering city gate There is actually a fee to enter the city, and a jade pill in exchange for a month's right to enter the city is really black enough paid the fee The three entered Weiwei City Looking up, there is a lot of traffic, the flow of people is dense, and the traffic is prosperous "Which direction is Huanan Flower Shop?" Qin Li asked the most concerned question, he just wanted to see his wife now Jiang Xiaozhu chuckled: "I didn't expect Brother Qin to be so anxious, wanting to see Hua Fairy's peerless beauty. But it's normal, gentlemen are also lustful, so I want to take a look too."

"You men are really..." Jiang Xiaoquan rolled his eyes, unable to complain Qin Li smiled awkwardly and did not explain Then!

The three rented a carriage Weiwei City occupies a huge area, like a small plain, divided into nine districts There are two districts away from the South China Flower Shop, and since you can’t fly in the city, it’s really cheap to go there, so I still take a horse-drawn carriage The ground is very flat, paved with bluestone, without a trace of soil. In order to show their enthusiasm, the Jiang family sisters specially rented a dragon carriage, the wheels were tied with animal skins and cotton, and the interior was fragrant and fragrant, very quiet and elegant Soon after The three arrived at Huanan Flower Shop It's a pretty little shop, but the doors are tightly shut With a thought, Dugu Laomo said: "There is no one in the room, and there is a prohibition on the door, please don't break in."

Qin Li was approaching the flower shop, and the rich fragrance of flowers rushed to his face. If you carefully distinguish, dozens of kinds of flower fragrances were mixed, and there was a familiar smell, which was so faint that it was almost hard to smell, but he noticed it instantly "Tian Yu!"

Qin Li was overjoyed Stunning girls have deodorant I have so many wives, each of which has a special fragrance, some are as strong as fire, some are as gentle as water, and Zhao Tianyu's performance is like an orchid, lonely and independent, with a faint fragrance in the sky "It's a pity, the flower fairy is no longer there." Jiang Xiaozhu was a little disappointed Qin Li knocked on the door of the next room "what!"

The door next door opened A middle-aged female nun who has stepped out of a year of aging Qin Li took out a jade bottle and shook the Jade Valley Pill: "I want to ask a few questions, if you can answer them, the pill will be yours."

The eyes of the middle-aged female cultivator straightened instantly, and she nodded desperately: "My lord, just ask, I have lived here for decades, and I know all kinds of trivial things."

"Is Hua Fairy's real name Zhao Tianyu?" Qin Li asked lightly "Yes!" The middle-aged female cultivator nodded Qin Li asked again: "Then Zhao Tianyu runs the flower shop in South China alone?"

The middle-aged female cultivator said: "That's right, the flower shop is supported by the Flower Fairy alone. Although many young talents came to show their love as a matchmaker, they were all rejected by her. She also said that she is just a widow."

Qin Li raised his brows. Just now he wondered why there was only Zhao Tianyu's body fragrance in the store, but not Xia Yufei's scent. Maybe they separated and went to develop elsewhere: "Where is Hua Xianzi now? When will she come back?"

"It should be to pick flowers in the lofty mountains. Every year at this time of year, the flower fairy will go to collect flowers and refine fragrant flower water. This is a very tight commodity in the lofty city. In seven or eight days, I should be back!" The young female cultivator said slowly Qin Li was very satisfied and threw out the jade bottle The middle-aged female cultivator took a look and found ten Jade Pills, an unexpected surprise, so she said, "You are too arrogant, and I will tell you a shocking secret, the flower fairy may not be human!"


Qin Li was taken aback The Jiang family siblings were also dumbfounded The middle-aged female cultivator secretly said: "I once saw by accident that a drop of blood fell on a wilted flower from a flower fairy, and it instantly revived and bloomed. There have been rumors in the market that the flower fairy is actually the essence of plants and trees, and it is a humanoid medicine."

Jiang Xiaozhu was amazed: "The rumors are a bit false, but the beauty of the flower fairy is so extraordinary that it will indeed make people have mysterious associations."

Qin Li frowned. In order to help the wives cultivate, he did not hesitate to use a large amount of long-lived matter to cleanse their marrow and cut their scriptures, resulting in a change in their physique. They have vitality beyond imagination. It is indeed a life-extending medicine. If this kind of thing leaks out, it will inevitably attract the attention of interested people "Don't talk about these rumors, brother Qin, you'd better go to Jiang's mansion, we will warmly welcome you." As a girl, Jiang Xiaoquan has no interest in Huaxianzi, and now she just wants to invite Qin Li home as a guest Qin Li nodded. Zhao Tianyu should come back in seven or eight days. During this time, he must find a place to live. The Jiang family is a good choice Then!

The three leave The carriage drove through the busy streets Qin Li moved his nose and smelled a pleasant fragrance of medicine He opened the curtains of the car and looked sideways. The medicinal fragrance came from a nine-story building, which was constructed of precious green sandalwood, covered with crystal glazed tiles, radiant and colorful, with cornices and brackets, carved beams and painted buildings. On the blue plaque hanging high, there are three big characters "Qingyun Pavilion" "What's the history of that store?" Qin Li remembered that he still needed to refine a Celestial Pill, and was in urgent need of various medicinal materials. After all, when he left the Upper Realm, he didn't take a single medicinal plant with him Jiang Xiaozhu said with a smile: "Brother Qin, you really have foresight. Qingyun Pavilion is the best medicinal material shop in the city, selling a large number of precious pills and herbs. Behind it is Qingyunmen, one of the towering eight powers. Their ancestor is a A master of alchemy, who can refine precious pills, has a great reputation."

Qin Li waved his hand: "Stop the car, I want to buy some medicinal materials!"

"All right!"

Jiang Xiaoquan frowned slightly She didn't seem to like Qingyun Pavilion, but she didn't say much Park the carriage!

The three entered the attic Qin Li saw many good things The lofty mountain range is rich in products, the lofty city is also a gathering place, and the quality of the secret medicine is very high. There are also many panaceas in the store, which are expensive, and the treasure of the town store is a treasure pill The elixir of the heavens is more general, divided into Fandan, Lingdan, and Baodan. As long as it is used for the realm of the physical body, it is Fan Dan. And the panacea is provided for Famen monks, which is similar to the upper realm elixir The first and second ranks correspond to low-grade panacea, the third and fourth ranks correspond to middle-rank panacea, and the fifth and sixth ranks correspond to top-rank panacea. And the Qipin Dan corresponds to the top-notch elixir, which is equivalent to the limit of the elixir. As for the eighth grade pill, it refers to the precious pill, each one is worth tens of thousands of jade pills, and is extremely rare Sudden!

A voice sounded "Miss Jiang, you are finally willing to show your face."

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