In the blood jade coffin Store a bronze blackboard book Dugu Laomo took a look, his face was ugly, and he exclaimed again and again Qin Li also came over and took a closer look. The bronze writing on the blackboard was covered with rust marks, intertwined with complex spiritual patterns, and gathered into an immortal palace. I don't know what kind of material it is, but it is engraved with a large amount of information and the charm of the avenue. It is a bit similar to the imprint of supernatural powers, but it is not "So that's it. I was wondering just now why a small dynasty mastered the method of sending corpses with grass. After all, it involves the three ways of Buddha, ghosts and evil. It is a magical conjecture that the dead are immortal." Dugu Laomo suddenly realized:

"It seems that they are all doing it?"

"who are they?"

Qin Li looked puzzled and full of curiosity "Bronze Palace!" Old Demon Dugu's eyes showed a trace of coldness Qin Li was even more puzzled, and humbly asked for advice: "Senior, what is the origin of the Bronze Palace, I wish I had never heard of it?"

Dugu Laomo slowly explained: "The Bronze Palace is a notorious ancient force that spans the heavens. It only recruits Feng Tianshi. It only seeks one goal, immortality. For this reason, they carried out many evil experiments. Resurrection from the dead, pills for the living, undead zombies, human weapons, and restraining power are all within the scope of their research."

Qin Li was shocked in his heart, he never thought that there was such a strange force behind the Great Wei Dynasty. They must have arranged the royal palace formation, maybe Wei Jinshui's "Feng Shui Different Formation" was also taught by them At the same time, Qin Li had a doubt in his heart: "Senior, you seem to know a lot about Feng Tianshi?"

"Because I'm also a celestial master!" Old Demon Dugu replied Qin Li was startled suddenly, extremely restless Afterwards, Dugu Laomo uttered another explosive message: "Actually, I used to be a member of the Bronze Palace. In pursuit of power, I went astray. Although I found my way back, I have seen the evils of the Bronze Palace."

Qin Li's brain exploded, the old devil's experience is really rich, he is worthy of the devil king of the five prisons who has traveled around the world. Immediately, his mind became active: "Senior, how about you do me a favor and give me the inheritance of being a celestial master."

"I've said it before, absolutely not!" Old Demon Dugu said seriously "Senior, could it be that my aptitude is not enough?" Qin Li asked Old Demon Dugu shook his head: "You are extremely talented, extremely enlightened, and you have the support of the Immortal Emperor's Heart. I don't want to be a master of heaven, but I really don't want to harm you!"

Qin Li touched his head, hesitantly said: "Could it be that senior is afraid that I will encounter some evil curse?"


Old Demon Dugu nodded, recalling with his eyes: "Among the mysteries of the world, there are too many strange and evil sects. Even if you walk out alive, you will be infected with the unknown. Do you still remember the old Feng Tianshi I mentioned before? He is my master." , is an existence that surpasses me, but in the end, its supernatural powers are invincible to the sky, and it is going to die young."

"However, all of this is nothing. Feng Tianshi's most terrible curse comes from himself. Every place is mysterious, like a dangerous treasure chest, and there is definitely a treasure hidden in it. Every time a decryption is made, crisis and danger coexist. The blood is flying, and the joy of harvesting makes you fall in love with that feeling."

"Gradually, you will look forward to what kind of treasure you will encounter in the next mystery, and then you will be so confused that you don't want to continue to practice boringly. But when you often stand by the river, where are your shoes that don't get wet, you will always miss it. A single failure will ruin your life, and many of my brothers and sisters played themselves to death like this."

Qin Li was poured cold water, and most of his enthusiasm for Feng Tianshi was extinguished "I'd better study alchemy and weapon refining honestly!"

Qin Li sighed Then!

He continued to organize the wealth All kinds of elixir ores are placed in the mountain and river bracelets in different categories Qin Li also cleaned the blood jade treasure coffin and put Chu Qingyin in it, it really made her face ruddy and she seemed to be asleep. He also put the last spirit grass into the coffin: "Don't worry, I will wake you up soon."

Old Demon Dugu put away the bronze writing on the blackboard, took away a low-grade magic weapon, and by the way took away the body of the King of Wei. It seemed that he wanted to change his body Zhao Tianyu got two low-grade magic weapons, one for attack and one for defense, and one for sword and one for shield "Okay, let's go out!"

Qin Li put away the Suan Ni Thunder Sword and the Shuanglong Pestle, but will not take them out for the time being The top-rank magic weapon was consumed too much, he was completely unable to exert its full power, and the Ssangyong was not clean when it came out, so it was still hidden What he is using now is a middle-grade magic weapon, the Thunder Crystal Sword. Pulling it out is like a piece of azure crystal, flowing runes and flickering arcs. Old Demon Dugu guessed that it was made from scraps of the Suan Ni Thunder Sword The three left the palace The black mist in the sky has dissipated Since the two spirit grasses were taken away, the terrain has been broken, and the mystery no longer exists In addition to the horrific battle just now, the huge royal city was in ruins, and even the bone prison collapsed, burying all the sins "Brother Qin!"

Luo Zisong waved from afar He rushed to the palace and found that the sky was shaking, so he did not enter After waiting outside for a while, they met an old servant in gray clothes. The two waited outside for a long time, praying for the safety of Qin Li and the others "Brother Qin, why did you come out alone?" Luo Zisong asked suspiciously "The inside is the backhand of the Great Wei Dynasty. Those people were too greedy and fell into tricks, and they were finally buried with them. We survived." Qin Li made an excuse to fool him Luo Zisong didn't become suspicious either, and asked, "This trip to the secret realm has completed my merits and virtues. I have harvested Xi Ruihua and I am about to leave. Brother Qin, do you want to leave with us?"

"Wait a minute, I need to find someone else!"

Qin Li was still thinking about Concubine Xia Yu and the others, but the secret realm was so vast that he couldn't find it Fortunately, a tracking token was found in Xu Yan's storage bag. Zhao Tianyu offered a piece of Concubine Xia Yu's clothes The clothes burned, exuding the breath of Concubine Xia Yu, and the tracking talisman was sensed, turning into a stream of light, reaching a valley fifty miles away. This is not a valley, but a depression that was blasted open due to intense fighting "This is the breath of a female baby. She fought here before, and she used the supernatural power of the five prisons, leaving a very weak yin energy. It happened ten years ago!" Old Demon Dugu knew the bottom line of his inheritance, and instantly noticed the strangeness "They're in danger."

Qin Li's face was gloomy for an instant, and he quickly spread out his spiritual sense to dig three feet into the ground There was no useful information around, but a fragment of warm jade caught Qin Li's attention. When he dug it out, it was carved with flame patterns "This is the decoration style of our Dayan royal family." Luo Zisong was surprised, the same pattern was embroidered on his brocade clothes, which was the symbol of the royal family Qin Li frowned, and instantly thought of Princess Wei's words: "Ten years ago, Prince Dayan came to the secret place of the old capital. Could it be that he had a conflict with Concubine Yu and the others, leaving traces behind?"

"Brother Qin, the person you are looking for must be a beautiful woman, right?" Luo Zisong asked suddenly, with an ugly expression on his face Qin Li hurriedly asked: "Brother Luo, what do you know?"

Luo Zisong explained: "Prince of Great Yan, Luo Songyi, is my eldest brother. He has a habit of wearing accessories such as warm jade and sun crystals. Moreover, he is extremely beautiful, and the girls who are captured by him cannot leave. Get out of the prince's mansion."

"Because of this incident, the prince was criticized by the court, but the most thorny thing is that the prince is not a genius. However, the amazing thing is that the 800-year-old prince has already reached the eighth level of heaven and man, and the speed of this progress is astonishing. Therefore, it is rumored that the prince is taking a minor in magic arts to speed up his cultivation."

Dugu Laomo nodded: "It seems that I didn't run away. I felt a very weak magic breath in the warm jade fragments. It should be that Prince Da Yan practiced the magic secret technique of harvesting yin and replenishing yang, and he was infected with a trace of magic. So use the warm jade sun crystal to suppress it, so as not to reveal the stuffing."

Qin Li jumped up anxiously: "Damn it, Concubine Yu and the others encountered an accident, I must go to Yanjing to find Prince Yan and find out the truth."

"Don't worry, they have good luck to protect their bodies, so it's absolutely fine." Dugu Laomo was unexpectedly calm: "Besides, caring is chaotic. Could it be that you want to run under the eyes of Lord Dayan to search for his eldest son? ?”

Qin Li's face darkened. The Great Wei Lord who has retreated in strength is so powerful. He can't defeat the stronger Great Yan King: "Damn it, I'm in a hurry. Senior, what suggestion do you have?"

Dugu Laomo comforted: "Ten years have passed, don't rush for a while. You are approaching a breakthrough now, and when you are promoted to the fourth level of heaven and man, we will go to Yanjing together to find their traces."


Qin Li nodded

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