
The three escaping lights are unimpeded Qin Li, Li Pingan, and Han Xinwu looked at each other and smiled without saying a word To be honest, Qin Li has always been a little curious, these two people are too mysterious, and Han Xinwu can easily get a hundred thousand pills, which is outrageously rich. And Li Pingan, what is in his stone box?

Not long The three of them landed on the other side of the river Qin Li smiled and said: "Brother Li, it seems that you have a super will!"

"It's all due to the usual illnesses, and I have developed an extraordinary spirit through experience." Li Pingan smiled wryly, with a trace of helplessness appearing on his pale face The hundreds of Nirvana giants in the distance are also surprised. It is rare to have one in a hundred years to cross the river at this speed. Now three appear at the same time, which is really unexpected Yu Chenzi raised his brows slightly. He secretly admired Qin Li's will, but his aptitude was too bad, no matter how strong his will was, it was useless. It seemed that he had to use a little trick, but he was defeated in the third test One after another, some monks passed through the mirage, and Zhao Tianyu's speed was not satisfied. After too many life and death trials, she has become a common practice, independent, and is no longer the young lady who just came out of Beidou City Lie Dangkong's speed slowed down a bit. After all, his practice was too smooth, so when he saw Qin Li and others, he was surprised and said: "How is it possible that you have already arrived, could it be that you cheated again?"

Li Pingan smiled contemptuously: "You called us waste before, but now you are even worse than waste, are you starting to doubt life!"

"Looking for death!" Lie Dangkong held back his anger and wanted to make a move "Ahem!"

Yuchenzi coughed a few times and said:

"Congratulations on passing the second light. Now we will start the third and final level, the level of combat power. This is a giant puppet, which can automatically adjust its combat power and is at the same level as them. Only by defeating it can you get started."

Whispering Hundreds of humanoid puppets fell They are all forged from red gold. They are three feet tall, with runes engraved all over their bodies, with cold eyes, and they hold broadswords and fierce fighting power "I'll challenge you first!" Han Xinwu stood up, pressed her soft palm down, gathering the light of the moonlight, like a shooting star falling to the ground, with great momentum, directly sent the red gold puppet flying, and smashed it hard onto a mountain peak "Pass!" Yuchenzi was secretly surprised, the blow just now was enough to compete against the Seventh Layer of Heaven and Man, worthy of the Leng Yue's precious body, extraordinary and refined "It's my turn next." Li Pingan rushed forward holding the stone box Yu Chenzi waved his hand The red gold puppet rushed out of the mountain, and was killed like a fierce god Li Pingan was not polite either, he swung the stone box like a mountain peak, and smashed it down, bursting into space, and was astonished. The red gold puppet was like a nail, and it was shot into the ground in a daze "Pass!"

Yu Chenzi frowned What kind of monster is this? It looks sick and weak, but it is actually extremely powerful "It's my turn next." Qin Li then walked out, still holding a low-grade magic weapon, the Golden Dragon Broadsword, in his hand. Originally, this knife was lent to Luo Zisong by Dugu Laomo, but in the end it went around and returned to him Yuchenzi's eyes flickered, secretly urging the power of Nirvana. The golden puppet erupted with a powerful force and leaped out from the ground, covering its entire body with flames. He was deliberately making things difficult for Qin Li, and adjusted his combat strength to the sixth level of heaven and man, which was fierce and powerful "Well done!"

Qin Li's eyes lit up He replaced the sword with a knife, and wanted to sacrifice the chaotic world that dared to learn However, the red gold puppet's neck was tilted, and its figure faltered. Look closely, there is Han Xinwu's palm print on its chest, its head was crooked by Li Ping'an, and its internal structure was damaged by brilliance, so it didn't run smoothly Qin Li seized the opportunity and took the head of an owl "Pass!"

Yuchenzi shouted With ten thousand reluctances in his heart, he could pass through this Forget it, Qingmingfeng's family has a great career, and they don't care about raising a waste. I hope he won't interfere with Zhao Tianyu's cultivation in the future Testing continues!

Many monks were eliminated But at this level, there are not many weak players In the end, only 9,000 young talents passed the three tests. Compared with the previous 100,000 monks, they must have been much deserted, but all of them are dragons and phoenixes "Congratulations, you have entered the gate wall and become a member of the Natural Dao Sect. As for which peak you want to go to, it is your luck." Yu Chenzi smiled slightly, and began to select disciples who entered Qingming Peak The hundreds of Nirvana giants above also left the field one after another and began to divide up the disciples. They had paid attention to it for a long time just now, and they had already made a distribution plan. Yifeng took about a hundred disciples, and the distribution was very even But some powerful mountains, such as Tianjian Peak, took away five hundred disciples, and even Lie Dangkong, the treasure of Chunyang, was taken away Han Xinwu was taken away by a black-clothed female cultivator. This Nirvana giant had an extremely deep aura, and seemed to be the leader of Duyue Peak. Among the audience, only seven people were taken away, and then he left in a hurry Li Pingan was valued by the master of Shenli Peak. It should be that the appearance just now was too horrifying, which attracted the attention of the Nirvana giant, and he was brought up alone Qin Li and Zhao Tianyu were assigned to Qingming Peak's team not for a while More than 9,000 disciples have been allocated The Nirvana giant rose up with the wind, returned with a full load, and left here "Let's go back to Qingming Peak!" Yuchenzi greeted, raised his hand to create a cloud, and took away hundreds of disciples I don't know when, beside Yu Chenzi, a monk in blue shirt appeared, very young, handsome, with a face like a crown jade, and carrying a green gold sword, which looked different "Let me introduce to you, this is my youngest son, Zhang Zifan, the sixth level of heaven and man, and he will be your senior brother in the future. He will lead you to get acquainted with the matters of getting started." Yu Chenzi introduced A group of new disciples were astonished, and called senior brother again and again, trying to curry favor Zhang Zifan, on the other hand, looked aloof. He glanced at everyone and was really too lazy to respond. Only when he saw Zhao Tianyu, his eyes lit up: "Junior Sister Zhao, I have seen your performance just now. You are worthy of the Changqing treasure body. Qingming Peak, we are a family."

"En!" Zhao Tianyu nodded, without much response, but instinctively stood by Qin Li's side Zhang Zifan frowned. He watched the selection meeting and knew that Qin Li and Zhao Tianyu were husband and wife. He lamented that a flower stuck in cow dung was very uncomfortable at this time!

Yu Chenzi was extremely fast All the way through the mountains and rivers, I saw a stretch of blue mountains in the distance The mountain is like a dragon, and the peaks gather together. There is a giant peak that pierces into the sky, like a pillar of heaven, surrounded by auspicious clouds, shrouded in aura and neon, and there are several majestic waterfalls of thousands of feet hanging down, just like the Milky Way falling nine days The mountains are covered with primeval forests, with towering ancient trees, old medicines everywhere, cranes spreading their wings, and old apes brewing wine There are also many Qionglouyuyu, Baitayuge, and a large number of monks shuttling among them, some of them swallowing the morning glow, some practicing swords on cliffs, and some waterfalls for body training. The scenery is peaceful "This is Qingming Peak. The place where you will practice in the future, I will teach it to Zhao Tianyu in private, and you will follow Senior Brother Zhang." Yun Chenzi waved his whisk and took Zhao Tianyu to a towering hall on the top of the peak Some new disciples couldn't help muttering: "Why is she treated specially?"

Zhang Zifan cast a sideways glance and said, "In the Natural Dao School, a group of disciples can be divided into two categories. One is ordinary disciples who belong to a peak. If they want to exchange for pills, magic weapons and supernatural powers, they need enough contributions. The income of the elders is the gate wall, imparting supernatural powers, and presenting magic weapons."

Everyone suddenly realized that ordinary disciples had no backing and could only work hard on their own, while master disciples were backed by Nirvana giants, and they really couldn't envy them. After all, not everyone has a treasured body "Go down!"

Zhang Zifan landed on a cliff There are already many senior brothers and sisters here, and they are here to help "Start registering your identity now."

Zhang Zifan took out a green jade slip and disassembled it, and there were hundreds of jade strips: "This is a natural gem produced by the Taoist Palace. Blood is dripped on it, and your names are recorded. It can sense your life and death. After recording the information, Everyone receives a storage bag, which contains basic supplies, and then these brothers and sisters will take you to the residence."

Everything was in order, with hundreds of new disciples recording information one by one Qin Li's thoughts drifted far away The Dao palace he was talking about should be the dream palace in the clouds Above the sky, the sea of ​​clouds and waves, the rays of the sun, a vast palace complex looming, illusory and unreal, like a mirage, not in this world, but can clearly feel the rhythm of nature "Hey, why are you in a daze, what's your name?" Zhang Zifan asked impatiently Qin Li came back to his senses: "Dugu is invincible."

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