"Oh." Qin Li glanced at Qiao Shen up and down, "Then I'll wait."


What are you waiting for?

Qiao was taken aback for a moment, and when he realized what Qin Li said, his face immediately became gloomy!

But when he looked up, he found that Qin Li was already walking towards the first floor!

His eyes turned cold: "Qin Li! Don't blame me if you overestimate your own capabilities and ask for trouble!"

"Master Qiao." A few people came up and frowned, "Should I find someone to teach me a lesson?"

"Hmph! No need, let him jump around for a while, you self-righteous guy! He thinks he will look down on the world if he wins the championship of the Warrior Competition!"

"I don't know his strength. In front of the real big power, he is not even worthy of lifting shoes!" Qiao was very angry!

It's nothing more than a guy from a small city, but he even gave him Qiao Shen's face!

If it weren't for the rare spirit stones that appeared on the site this time, they Qingtang, they wouldn't come to such a small place to participate in a bullshit leading party!

Qiao Shen's eyes were gloomy, he snorted coldly, and walked towards the first floor: "Let's go! Even if I let him jump first, I have to charge some interest first!"

When Qin Li went downstairs, he saw Ling Xingtian and Gao Lei surrounded by many people Qin Li didn't know those people, but judging from their compliments, they should be some small forces Sirius, Qingtang, Xuantianhui These three can be said to be the leading vanguards of the big inland forces. There are other small forces everywhere, but none of them dare to really take action against these three major forces Today, the three major leaders gathered together to fight for a piece of territory that seemed to have appeared in the spirit stone. Naturally, these small forces rushed to come here, and it would be best to make some connections with the three major forces "Brother Qin?" Ling Xingtian broke free from the siege of these people, leaving Gao Lei to circle around inside alone He looked up and saw Qin Li, and stopped immediately: "Why did you go downstairs?"

"Some flies up there are too noisy." Qin Li shook his head, with a hint of impatience in his eyes Ling Xingtian was taken aback for a moment, just in time to see Qiao Shen coming down from above, and immediately understood what was going on The Qiao family is also the honored guest of Qingtang, and Qiao Shen is also a prominent existence among the underground forces But it's also thanks to him having a good father, otherwise who would know him?

"There's a booth over there, Brother Qin can go over there to do it, he's obviously there too." Ling Xingtian pointed to the front Qin Li nodded and walked directly towards the booth Qiao Shen didn't see the conversation between Qin Li and Ling Xingtian, thinking that Qin Li didn't know Ling Xingtian at all Immediately stepped forward: "Deputy Chief Ling."

Ling Xingtian glanced at Qiao Shen lightly, but still nodded: "Young master Qiao is also here."

"Haha, follow me to broaden your horizons. But it seems that Sirius is here this time with you and Gao Lei. If that's the case, it is estimated that this territory will fall into the hands of our Qingtang."

Joe sneered deeply He secretly shook his head at Ling Xingtian, and returned to the vice-leader, even with this point of strength!

Ling Xingtian did not explain: "Then we will wait and see."

After saying that, he left directly Qiao Shen squinted his eyes and snorted coldly: "The people in Jiang City don't know where their arrogance comes from! It's really ridiculous!"

"Thinking of my huge capital, even the big ones, there is no such self-esteemed person!"

Several people behind him looked at each other and responded But I don't know how many people are speechless for a while, there is no noble person?

what are you then

Say Qin Li is noble and Ling Xingtian is noble, aren't you more noble than anyone else?

But they only dare to think about this kind of words in their hearts, but they dare not say it out of their mouths "Sit down." Just as Qin Li sat down, Gao Mingming brought Qin Li a cup of tea "You can call me Qin Li. I'm just a name, not the core figure of Sirius." Qin Li smiled lightly, took a sip of the tea "That's good, Qin Li." Gao Mingming smiled, showing two dimples, and he was not polite, "I just heard from my brother that there are three people here in Qingtang this time, and these three people can be said to be the pinnacle of Qingtang strength "Among them, two men and one woman. The woman's name is Mu Qing, and the other two, one is Mu Chen, who is Mu Qing's older brother. The other is Lu Yan, who is also the most powerful of the three of them. It is said that he has complete combat skills. Be with you."

Qin Li made a note and nodded: "Do you know their strength?"

"They should all be above the sixth rank." Gao Mingming shook his head, "After all, it is a great power that has been passed down, so it is different after all."

"Today's gathering is said to be for the purpose of fighting for territory, but people who really care about it, besides us Sirius and Dimen, Qingtang and Xuantianhui."

"Others are here to join in the fun and build relationships."

Gao Mingming sneered: "I've seen more than a dozen people from big families alone."

Qin Li raised his eyebrows and did not deny that Qiao Shen belonged to the Qiao family He also saw a few familiar figures just now, originally Xu Yinran wanted to follow, but Qin Li refused to agree in order to avoid suspicion from the Xu family "Captain?" A doubtful voice came, and Xu Tan's figure approached Qin Li was also taken aback: "Why are you here?"

"I also want to ask you, our Xu family has something to do with the underground forces, so we were invited to this kind of underground leader gathering." Xu Tan said, with apologetic expression on his face, "I'm sorry about Xu Le."

Qin Li shook his head: "Just deal with it."

Qin Li's eyes flickered. After returning from the game, Xu Tan's attitude towards him was no longer rigid He even called him the boss yesterday on the spot Xu Tan's apology, Qin Li could see very clearly, he is not the kind of person I have a small belly, so he should be treated as a good friend "It's been dealt with!" Xu Tan's eyes were a little gloomy. After returning, she sent Xu Le out of Jiang City directly "What are you doing here?" Xu Tan had been wandering around the hall since he entered the door. He had just seen Qin Li's figure just now, and he wasn't sure at first When he got closer and found that it was really Qin Li, he was stunned for a moment "I was also invited." Qin Li returned, "By the way, this is Gao Mingming. You should have met the daughter of Sirius Gao Lei in the girls' dormitory that day."

"This is Xu Tan from the Xu family. He participated in the martial artist competition with me. His strength is pretty good."

Qin Li introduced each other The two women shook hands Xu Tan continued: "People from the Tang family also came, but you probably don't know that Tang Yi couldn't get rid of it, and was threatened with death by her father, so she stayed in the Tang family."

"Just now I saw Tang Yi, being kept by Patriarch Tang's side, constantly dealing with people from small powers. It seems that I want to drain Tang Yi's last trace of value."

Qin Li frowned suddenly Gao Mingming was puzzled: "Tang Yi?"

"You should know the secrets of the Tang family in Coastal City, right?" Xu Tan sat beside Gao Mingming and said, the indifference on the doll's face was completely different from the indifference of Gao Mingming's star face But the looks of the two are really comparable Gao Mingming was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said: "You said it was the Tang family who made their fortune with their daughter?"

Xu Tan nodded Gao Mingming frowned: "I heard a lot in the follow-up, and the Tang family is here today?"

Xu Tan nodded, and suddenly pointed to a place Qin Li and the two looked around, and saw a girl following a fat man, her eyes were somewhat empty "This is Tang Yi, the daughter of the family. She just came back from the warrior competition and won the runner-up." Patriarch Tang said with a smile "Really? Tang Yi, the name is good." It was a young man who spoke, but his face was pale and his steps were sloppy. Looking at Tang Yi's face, he was full of greed He slowly stretched out his hand to touch Tang Yi's face, the greed in his eyes became more intense!

He is one of the masters brought by Dimen this time. His name is Chen Yu. He is also a warrior, but he is not an authentic warrior Others rely on self-cultivation, but by chance, he got a copy of the dual-cultivation method It's a pity that this requires that the other party is also a warrior and a woman But if he cultivated twice, his partner would die immediately, and all the strength in his partner's body would be swallowed by him Today, he can reach the sixth-rank realm, during which time he squeezed three women dry And the one in front of her... is stronger and more beautiful than the previous three!

Simply superb!

If he can double cultivate with him, wouldn't his strength reach the eighth rank?

At a glance, Chen Yu fell in love with Tang Yi "In addition to the three major forces this time, it seems that there is also a newly emerging force called Dimen." Xu Tan frowned, "I heard that there is a demon cultivator inside."

"Magic cultivator?" Qin Li and Gao Mingming were taken aback, apparently hearing this for the first time "It's a martial artist who cultivated by improper means. The magic cultivator relies on dual cultivation and the strength of devouring women to improve. I heard that three people have died in his hands." Xu Tan frowned She sighed and felt a little thirsty, and turned to look for the attendant to get a cup of tea "Do not touch me!"

Suddenly there was a sharp shout Everyone in the hall looked over!

Suddenly, Tang Yi's eyes widened, and he shook off Chen Yu's hand: "Don't touch me with your dirty hands! You bastard!"

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