After some exchanges I don't know what Qin Li said Yan Chenzi and others nodded: "We agree to this duel."

Now it's the turn of Vientiane Nirvana to be in doubt, I can agree with this, I feel that there is a problem! If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, but it is obviously impossible to win by picking the eight treasures!

After thinking for a long time and discussing for a while, Vientiane Nirvana also nodded in agreement:

"Okay, let's play with you!"

So far!

The competition is finalized No chance of repenting Qin Li's back was straight and straight, and the sky was calm all the time The Eight Great Treasures were furious. Even in the Holy Land of Vientiane, no one dared to underestimate them. This was a blatant insult "Stinky boy, dare to despise me!" The breath of Hai Chao's treasure burst "I'll make you pay the price in blood!" Lei Ming's body was wrapped around Thunder, and he was full of fighting spirit "Hmph, I don't know how to live or die. Are all people in the natural Taoist sect so arrogant?" Jian Hongbao's face was pale, but he still had the strength to fight In addition to them, the lava body, the gale body, the bronze body, the dragon's blood body, and the different-colored pupils also showed their aura one after another, shooting out various colors of light, forming a stunning vision, which is extremely terrifying "very good!"

Qin Li was fearless The thunder sword was out of its sheath, and it was extremely sharp If he tried it, how strong was he among his peers suddenly!

"Wait a moment!"

Vientiane Nirvana forcibly suspended the duel Yan Chenzi frowned: "What, you guys repented?"

"No, we just want to add a condition." Vientiane Nirvana said in unison: "The use of Nirvana bone charms is prohibited!"


Yan Chenzi's expression changed The reason why they agreed just now was because Qin Li said that he had three or four bone charms in his hand, and he would surely win. Now that they are restricted to use, something bad is going on! The duel must be discontinued.. "OK!"

Qin Li nodded:

"I don't have any bone charms at all!"

The three of Yanchenzi were dumbfounded, no, you didn't say that before, could it be that your kid is really an undercover agent in Wanxiang, and you are obviously giving the other party a moon tower, this competition must be stopped "You guys can't go back on your word!" The Vientiane Three Nirvana stared coldly It's hard to get overwhelmed, everything is a foregone conclusion "let's start!"

Qin Li soared into the sky, his white clothes surpassing the snow Yan Chenzi almost fainted, it's over, lost a Moon Tower, how should he explain to the head teacher!

After the eight great treasures have been fully charged, the moon wheels behind them are perfect ten feet long, sprinkled with icy moonlight, and are as pale as a sickle: "Arrogant boy, you are doomed. If you have any last words, just say them."

"I think of a master!"

Qin Lixin felt something, and said lightly: "Although he has no supernatural physique, he is a master of swordsmanship, with amazing talents. It's a pity that he was born in the wrong era, and finally walked into the grave with regrets!"

Eight Great Treasures chuckled lightly: "Then you go down and accompany him!"

"Thunder Dragon Shocks the Clouds!"

"Thousands of miles of vicissitudes!"

"Flying Rainbow Streamer!"

"Bronze Giant Phase!"

"Lava Furious Mountain Phase!"

.. The Eight Great Treasures unleashed the strongest killing move The inheritance of the Vientiane Holy Land is special, and every disciple will choose one aspect to practice Now the Eight Great Aspects crashed down, there was a giant thunder dragon, engulfed in dark clouds;

The ultimate move is fierce, and there are eight moonlight wheels blessing, pouring silver and white moonlight, as heavy as mercury, interweaving a picture of killing life under the moon, the power is surging, the huge force pierces the sky, the void is trembling, and the moon tower is trembling Yan Chenzi was horrified, Qin Li couldn't beat this kind of power at all Zhao Tianyu and Bai Ruyun were worried. Although the Immortal Emperor had a strong heart, under the eight ultimate moves, Qin Li would be crushed and could not recover at all "Looks like we won!" Wanxiang Nirvana laughed heartily However!

Qin Li was always fearless The thunder sword is unsheathed, and the moon hangs in the sky "Twelve vertical and horizontal paths!"


With a single strike of the sword, there is a myriad of phenomena It seems to break the sky and open the earth, and the stone breaks the sky, and the Taotao sword light bursts out, invading the heaven and earth The basis of this move is Master Wan Jian's "One Thought Ten Thousand Swords Jue". He once integrated more than a thousand kinds of sword techniques into one move. He wanted to achieve innate supernatural powers, but he failed in the end His influence on Qin Li's swordsmanship was fundamental, and even contributed to the birth of one sword breaking ten thousand methods However, with the increase of his cultivation, the power of "Wanjian Torrent" gradually failed to keep up. Qin Li spent a lot of effort to reshape this ultimate move and integrate it with the twelve vertical and horizontal paths With just one sword, the sword gang is mighty and mighty, like a torrent of water gushing out, like a sea of ​​waves flowing, containing all kinds of killing swords and reels, bursting out with purple awns, and pouring out thunder and fire. There are also sword dragons tumbling, sword winds swaying, sword thunder piercing through the air, sword tides are fierce, sword waves spurting, sword wheels shining... These are the concrete manifestations of the twelve vertical and horizontal swords This trick comes out!

The six great nirvanas are jaw-dropping:

"What kind of sword technique is too incredible!"

"Run away!" A group of Taoist disciples hurriedly evacuated, for fear of being affected As for the mighty eight evil faces, they were crushed by Qin Li's sword wave. After all, there are twelve broken faces in them, and one of them can always be aimed at you "How is it possible!" The Eight Great Treasures were terrified, and wanted to resort to life-saving means, but in the blink of an eye, they were swallowed by the sword tide and almost pierced by Wanjian. Fortunately, Wanxiang Nirvana made a move and escaped "I won!"

"You lost a tower!"

Qin Li put his sword back into its sheath, and everything returned to calm The ferocious wave of swords turned invisible, as if a nightmare had come to an end. If it weren't for the sword marks sweeping hundreds of miles, which had been scraped to the ground ten feet deep, everyone would not have believed that it was the strength of the Seventh Heavenly Man "Cough, cough, cough! Brother Dugu's strength is outrageous." Li Pingan coughed in fright, that sword was too horrifying, beyond imagination Han Xinwu was wearing a white gauze hat. She couldn't see her expression, but her voice trembled slightly, she was shocked: "He deserves it. Although he is only a celestial being, he can be compared with the most dazzling star today."

"Is this his strength? This kind of terrifying sword move can be retracted freely." Lie Dangkong felt deeply frustrated. He thought he was not far away from Qin Li, but now it seems that there is a Impassable mountains The rest of the Taoist disciples were also extremely astonished, and the horror in their hearts merged into one sentence:

"Long live Senior Brother Dugu!"


Qin Li remained silent He stood quietly, showing the demeanor of a master In fact, he was short of energy and suffered a lot of internal injuries, so he was unable to speak The sword just now was equivalent to making twelve moves at the same time, and the exaggerated consumption of it was so exaggerated that even with Qin Li's strength, it was exhausted in an instant. Moreover, this move was too imperfect, which caused him to suffer a lot of backlash. If it wasn't for his embarrassment, he would have spurted a mouthful of blood "Okay, okay! Naturally, Daozong is capable. This generation has a master of swordsmanship. Before he was promoted to Nirvana, he was already invincible compared to his generation. He has the demeanor of Fengshen back then." Do it, behead Qin Li The Fengshen they talk about is the current Supreme Headmaster. In their generation, he was a peerless figure who ruled the world and turned the tide. It is precisely because of this that the Vientiane Holy Land is particularly afraid of the genius disciples of the Taoist sect, for fear that another Fengshen will emerge "I advise you not to act rashly!"

The three of Yanchenzi were not in vain, their aura rose, and they were ready for a bloody battle Naturally, Taoism has been weak for too long, and finally ushered in an explosion. Qin Li is the third peerless figure, and he must not be allowed to lose The war is imminent The six Nirvana wished they could kill each other But in the end, reason prevailed, and everyone kept their distance silently "According to the agreement, you still owe us a lot of moon cores!" Yan Chenzi didn't want to give in on this kind of matter "Hmph!" Wanxiang Nirvana snorted coldly, and threw out a storage bag, which contained only 6,000 moon cores, which was quite shabby: "We will only harvest these this time. As for the Moon Tower, we have the ability to seize it."

The threat in his words is obvious, he obviously wants to violate the bet, and dare not send the tower The three of Yanchenzi also had nothing to do Break up badly!

People from Vientiane Holy Land left Before they even left, they left a sentence:

"Dugu Invincible, our generation has also produced a King Body Tianjiao, who has been accepted as a disciple by the Holy Master. I think he will regain the face he lost today."

Yan Chenzi was a bit worried about gains and losses. It seemed that not only the talents of the Dao Sect were born in large numbers, but also the entire Qianyuan World and all the holy places of the sects were full of talents This is a golden era Qin Li secretly sent a voice transmission: "Master, to be honest, Qing Lanzi is dead, and the Moon Tower he guarded is empty. Now we are justified and can live in that Moon Tower."

Yan Chenzi was startled

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