Xia Qifeng!

The main peak magma lake A group of nirvana giants gathered Basically, all one hundred and eight peak masters have arrived This trip to the Golden Crow's Nest was no small matter, and it was started in advance just to lay a solid foundation for the new disciples I thought there was no big problem, after all, there were old disciples escorting them, but everyone rushed over after receiving the distress signal from their own disciples "What happened down there? All the disciples are asking for help. It doesn't make any sense!" Nan Jianzi anxiously paced back and forth. Not only are there many sect geniuses down here, but there is also a genius!

"Golden Crow's Nest has existed for millions of years. I don't know how many times it has been opened. There is no great danger below. Why did such a big mess happen this time?" Xuan Lianzi scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, but there was nothing he could do "Unlucky! There is a problem with the trip to the moonfall, and there is also a problem with the trip to the Golden Crow's Nest. I just hope they can save the day." All the Nirvana giants can only wait. Below is the remaining restriction of the Golden Crow King, and they cannot enter at all Rumble!

The magma lake boiled for a while The mountains and rivers trembled, and the brilliance of the mountain guard was dimmed Xuan Lianzi squinted his eyes and said: "The seven-day deadline has come, and the formation can no longer support it. Let's move quickly and take out the Dragon Terrace!"

"It's not too late, let's do it!"

Hundreds of nirvana giants shot at the same time, pouring out the power of nirvana like a torrent The formation was pushed to the extreme, turning into nine fire dragons, roaring in the air, then plunged into the lava, diving a hundred thousand feet After a long time!

The mountain peak trembled slightly The Earth Fire Flame Dragon rushed out of the magma carrying the dragon platform on its back One dragon camel and eight platforms, a total of seventy-two stone platforms, suspended in mid-air All the giants of Nirvana hurriedly widened their eyes and looked for their own disciples, but found that the dragon platform was crowded with people, and it seemed that there was not much loss Nan Jianzi heaved a sigh of relief, and asked, "What kind of crisis did you encounter, and you actually sent out a distress signal at the same time? It seems that it was a false alarm."

Xi Murong's face was a little strange, and he explained: "We headed to Dima Lake, but we encountered a golden city, and it was still shrouded in the mystery of heaven and earth. It seemed to be a positive and negative turbine."

"There is such a thing!"

All the giants of Nirvana looked surprised Yu Chenzi's eyes flickered: "I have seen this kind of mysterious world in the ancient books, and the center is absolutely pregnant with treasures. Do you get it?"

"Not really?" Zhao Tianyu shook his head, and said slowly: "Because the mysterious center is a Golden Crow egg, which is the heir of the Golden Crow King, Dong Rihuang, who has transformed ten times and survived a million years, and is now born. To kill us."


The Nirvana giant exclaimed again and again:

"The descendants of King Jinwu are still alive!"

"Sleeping for millions of years, how earth-shattering."

"The Golden Crow King is such a big hand, the descendants born are absolutely amazing."

"No matter how powerful it is, what's the use? If this group of juniors are safe and sound, it means that the chick will definitely die."

All the peak masters laughed triumphantly, and the peak master of the University even said: "I heard a secret story, the ancestor once defeated the Golden Crow King, and now this group of juniors can be regarded as continuing to write the glory of the sect."


Hua Banxia smiled awkwardly:

"We can only be tortured and killed in front of Dongrihuang!"

The laughter stopped abruptly, the faces of the peak masters blushed, and Nan Jianzi didn't understand why: "Huh? But why did you all come out safely? Could it be that Dong Rihuang showed mercy and spared you."

Bai Ruyun hurriedly said: "Dong Rihuang is cruel and savage, it is impossible to let us go. Fortunately, Dugu Wudi fought desperately, which was able to repel Dong Rihuang and save everyone."


Qin Li became the focus The giants of Nirvana smiled again The more Nan Jianzi looked at it, the more satisfied he became, he couldn't help nodding, and praised:

"Dugu Invincible, look at your divine radiance is full, and your aura has improved to a higher level. You must have been promoted to the eighth level, and you have made great achievements. You are worthy of being the swordsman."

Xuan Lianzi laughed heartily: "I feel that you are the lucky star of the sect. On the trip to the moon, you defeated the eight treasures with one sword. In the Golden Crow's nest, you defeated the heir of the Golden Crow King. You will definitely be rewarded..."

"He is not a lucky star, but a magic star!"


Lin Wenqiu yelled There was a sudden silence in the audience, and they all looked sideways Bai Ruyun and Zhao Tianyu's face turned pale, and the last thing he wanted to see happened Lin Wenqiu's expression was serious and his eyes were cold: "Dugu Wudi cultivated his supernatural powers, and that's how he defeated Dong Rihuang."


There was an uproar around The sect rules clearly stated that cultivating magical powers was a capital offense Nan Jianzi's complexion was ugly. He didn't expect Qin Li to have such black spots, but he couldn't help but favor a swordsman genius:

"The road to growth is not smooth sailing. When I was young, I also learned the secret art of the magic way, and then I got lost. Although Dugu Wudi learned the magical power of the magic way, he saved many disciples. The merits and demerits are equal, and he should be given a chance to repent."

"But he learned the supernatural powers of hell!"

Lin Wenqiu added Immediately!

Nan Jianzi was speechless The eyes of all Nirvana giants burst into light, revealing a terrifying power The atmosphere was suppressed in an instant, and the air was filled with scrutiny, suspicion, and puzzled eyes, and finally converged into one sentence: "Are all of your nearly a thousand disciples dumb? Does Dugu Wudi have the supernatural power to practice hell?"


The disciples shrank their heads Zhao Tianyu panicked and said, "Although my husband is practicing magic and supernatural powers, he has never murdered innocent people, which is against the law!"

Bai Ruyun nodded heavily, and pleaded: "Masters and elders, there is no distinction between good and bad supernatural powers. Dugu Wudi even used hell supernatural powers to save everyone, so he shouldn't be punished."

Yun Hongzi regained his energy in an instant, and his eyes burst into a poisonous light: "Look at your words, it seems that Dugu Wudi really cultivates the way of magic, and the evidence is solid. I have already seen that he is not a good guy. He showed his fierce face before and tried to kill me! "

Nan Jianzi's face was extremely ugly, and with a kind of deceived anger, he roared in a low voice: "Dugu Invincible, where did your hell power come from? Why did you fall into the devil's way and practice evil power?"

"The chance came, and I felt that it was very powerful, so I practiced." Qin Li stood with his hands behind his back, calmly "you are lying!"

Yun Hongzi let out a strange cry and drank:

"Every hell magical power has a great inheritance. Even the hell demon sect has few. You can't get it casually."

Lin Wenqiu snorted coldly, and said directly: "The matter is already obvious. He is an undercover agent of the Demon Dao. He must have been sent by the Demon Sect of Hell to covet the Supreme True Law of our Dao Sect."

She wished Qin Li would die soon, so she slandered him from the most vicious angle "Kill him, eliminate demons and protect the way!"

Yun Hongzi was hoarse, his sword was out of its sheath, and he wanted to drink blood In the last setback, not only did her lifespan decrease sharply, she became old, and she was also reduced to the laughing stock of the sect. She had hated it to the extreme long ago, and now she found an opportunity to kill Qin Li no matter what "enough!"

Nan Jianzi yelled loudly and said sadly:

"There are rules and regulations for everything. Since Dugu Wudi is cultivating demonic powers, he will be escorted to the sword mound first, and then reported to the Supreme Master, and he will make a decision."

The elders of the Hall of Punishment nodded and raised their hands to strike out a black chain "Don't resist, otherwise you will bear the consequences!"

Qin Li remained indifferent Bang!

There was a crisp sound The chain is fastened around the neck Qin Li felt a strange and mysterious force blocking the meridians and silencing the qi "You are not qualified to use the Shengang Sword!" Lin Wenqiu's eyes flickered, he snatched the divine sword, and immediately beamed with joy "You only have the right to be arrogant after taking advantage of my strength being sealed!"

Qin Li didn't even lift his eyelids Lin Wenqiu was a little annoyed:

"So what if it is, so what if it's not!"

Just as she was talking, she reached out and took off Qin Li's storage bag, opened it, and found that there was nothing good in it: "Where's the Divine Stone of the Earth?" She has always been thinking about this unworldly treasure "Thrown into the magma!" Qin Li laughed "I look at them."

Lin Wenqiu looked sideways at Bai Ruyun, Zhao Tianyu:

"Masters and uncles, these two guys are the wives of Dugu Moxiu, and they must not be good people. They should be imprisoned..."

"Cough cough cough!"

Yuchenzi coughed a few times, his eyes were not looking good He is not easy to bully, if you want to move his apprentice, you have to weigh a few times Lin Wenqiu suddenly faltered. She is only a heavenly being after all, and she dare not compete with the old Nirvana giant "Okay, let's disperse! I will escort Dugu Wudi to the Sword Tomb!" Nan Jianzi was upset, raised his hand, and took Qin Li, flying towards Tianjian Peak Qin Li was very calm Because before he came up, he had left behind

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