Natural Dao Palace In front of a fragrant jade que Hua Pinellia paced back and forth, her pretty face anxious After waiting for a while, there was still no movement, so she knocked on the door anxiously "Sister, are you alright? The sect trial is about to begin, and Brother Dugu is about to be robbed." Hua Banxia called Boom!

The jade gate opened slowly Immediately, the fragrant breath rushed over Through the portal, you can see a wide world, sunny and colorful A girl in a Chinese robe came on the rainbow, with red phoenix eyes, a beautiful nose and jade lips, her skin was as smooth as fat, and her face was stunningly beautiful. Her long hair hung down naturally, a full three feet long, fluttering in the wind, giving rise to the vision of thousands of flowers, and the flowers bloomed Fall, leaving enough fragrance She is the person behind the Spring and Autumn Hall, one of the Five Daozi, Huahua Daozi, Hua Haitang!

"Can't you stop these days?"

"It can't be stopped!"

Hua Banxia pinched her robe and jumped anxiously:

"Senior Brother Dugu encountered a catastrophe, I absolutely can't sit idly by."

Hua Haitang stroked her younger sister's forehead and shook her head helplessly: "Okay, let's go to the Hall of Judgment. Can you change into a suit of robes? It always feels like men's clothes, with poor taste."

"Sister, I don't allow you to say that!" Hua Banxia puffed her mouth and said, "This is the clothes that Brother Dugu gave me. He saved us in the Golden Crow's Nest. This kindness is as big as a mountain, and we must repay it."

Hua Haitang nodded: "If it wasn't for your face, I wouldn't go into this muddy water. However, you are also given too much hope, so I can only say a few good words for Dugu Wudi, how to judge, only Can rely on the head teacher to make a decision."


Hua Banxia nodded Hua Haitang raised her hand and waved, the fragrant wind gusts The two flew away, turned into a streamer, and headed for the punishment hall far away!

Bronze towers rise Extend several thick chains and imprison them on the ground This is the Judgment Tower, an important place of the sect, which is generally not opened It will only be opened when encountering difficult things that are difficult to solve, calling on the masters of the peaks, the elders of the major elders, and the Supreme Headmaster to gather together Go through the light gate!

The second daughter entered the trial tower It's the first time for Hua Pinellia to come, and I'm curious to see The pagoda has seven floors, the interior is open, and there are no compartments Surrounding it are layers of bronze platforms, the lowest layer is ordinary disciples, and the highest layer is the Supreme Master There is also a blue stone platform in the center, with steel drills inserted and stained with blood "Let's sit down!"

Hua Haitang took her younger sister to sit on the fifth floor She is the Daoist of Huahua, with great power, and can sit with the masters of all the peaks Raising one's hand, one can see that on the sixth floor, there are several big figures sitting upright, all covered with divine light and splendor, as if they were gods This is the position of the Supreme Elder!

Naturally, among the Nine Grand Masters of Dao Zong, six of them came in total, except for a few who had been closed to death The coercion spans all things, stands upright in the world, is a power far beyond Nirvana, and makes the atmosphere of the audience depressive In addition to the elders, there is also a peerless person sitting on the sixth floor. He is shrouded in rich starlight and lingering with star runes, like a supreme god, independent and detached from the world "Jun Tianxia is also here!"

Hua Haitang felt pressured when she saw her old opponent The right of the deputy head teacher is equivalent to that of the elder, so he sits on the sixth floor Hua Banxia's gaze stayed on Lin Wenqiu next to Jun Tianxia Seeing the Shengang sword on her waist, Hua Banxia gritted her teeth "Welcome to the head teacher!"

All the elders stood up to greet him "Welcome, Master!" The rest of the peak master's disciples also greeted him shortly Tower top!

The void twisted for a while A big blue sun descended leisurely The natural light is shining, warm and refreshing, making people feel like spring breeze He is the supreme leader, a legend of a generation, known as the wind god, who once saved the fallen natural Taoist sect by himself "Such a battle, what is the so-called?"

The teacher spoke The blue sun rippled slightly The soft voice is clearly transmitted to everyone's ears, calm and vicissitudes The Master of the Punishment Palace stood up. He was the Supreme Elder, covered with a layer of pure murderous aura, completely unable to see his face: "My disciple is Dugu Wudi, who cultivates supernatural powers in hell. His origin is unknown, so he is judged."

Jun Tianxia spoke, and his voice was leisurely, resounding through the entire pagoda: "It's just a devil thief, just kill him, why bother to disturb everyone's cultivation and tranquility."

"That's wrong!" The Hall Master of Contribution shrouded in a layer of clear light, shining brightly, and his voice was clear and sweet. It was obviously a woman: "This is a swordsman, how can he kill him casually?"

Short conversation The contradictions of today have been highlighted Some people think that a thief in the Devil's way deserves to die But some people think that it would be a pity to kill the swordsman "Where is Dugu Invincible?"

The teacher spoke again Immediately!

The scene fell silent The Lord of the Punishment Hall preached:

"Bring out Dugu Invincible."

Not long after, Elder Punishment appeared with Qin Li He was wearing a prison uniform, with a calm expression and an extraordinary demeanor Standing on the blue stone platform, without fear, face the great giants of Nirvana and the mighty powers of the world In front of the crack, Qin Li used all methods, but he couldn't shake the invisible barrier He really had no choice but to turn back and stay obediently in the prison Although the disappearance of Zhou Xiazi and others caused a commotion, it had nothing to do with Qin Li His time has come to stand trial After entering the Bronze Pagoda, Qin Li looked around, why didn't he see Bai Ruyun?


Hua Haitang whispered:

"This Dugu Invincible looks good."

Hua Banxia smiled triumphantly: "It's not just good, Senior Brother Dugu is simply superb, and no matter his character or strength, he is top-notch."

Hua Haitang couldn't help but roll her eyes, her sister is absolutely crazy "Dugu Invincible, are you guilty?"

The Lord of the Punishment Hall shouted Qin Li raised his head and looked in all directions Standing like a green pine on a cliff, he said proudly, "What is my fault?"

Lin Wenqiu snorted coldly, and said bluntly: "You cultivate the supernatural powers of hell, and violate the taboo of the sect, how dare you speak boldly."

Qin Li said indifferently: "First, I don't kill innocent people indiscriminately, second, I don't spread demonic ways, and thirdly, I don't commit crimes. What crime is there? Is it because I practice demonic supernatural powers? Could it be that I am a criminal butcher with a killing sword in my hand?"

"How dare you quibble!"

The Lord of the Punishment Hall snorted coldly, and exploded like thunder:

"Weapons are ruthless, and demons are evil. How can they be confused. The ultimate purpose of the creation of demons is to degenerate oneself and plunder the common people."

Hua Haitang smiled slightly, and said: "Elder Supreme, what you said is too absolute. Since ancient times, many magnificent and powerful people have been practitioners of immortals and demons. For example, the natural sage king I admire most."

This speaks volumes Indirectly put a big hat on the punishment hall master Lin Wenqiu's expression changed drastically, and he scolded: "Who is he, he is just a devil, how can he be compared with the ancestor."

Not to be outdone, Hua Banxia fought back: "Shut up! Senior brother Dugu is the master of swordsmanship, a genius who is rare in the sect for a thousand years, shouldering the heavy burden of revival, and is the bright future of Daozong."

"I think it's a dark future! This devil has done a lot of evil. When he started, he went through the back door, and then he picked up the peaks with his sword, arrogant and arrogant. I heard that he still wants to kill Junior Sister Yun, and his evil roots are deep."

Some Nirvana peak masters retorted. After all, there are many people in such a big sect who are unhappy with Qin Li Of course, there were quite a few people who valued Qin Li, so they refuted it The Judgment Pagoda was completely lively "quiet!"

The teacher spoke again The voice was clear and crisp, sweeping the audience Everyone felt a chill in their hearts, and their anger subsided a lot The scene fell silent, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to speak "Master!"

Zhao Tianyu looked expectantly Yuchenzi bit the bullet and stood up:

"Teacher, I have something from the bottom of my heart to tell you all, please listen quietly!"


The teacher nodded Yu Chenzi took a deep breath and said:

"No matter what Dugu Wudi's grade is, no matter what magical powers he cultivates, in the Golden Crow's nest, he has indeed sacrificed his life to save thousands of disciples."

"If he hadn't acted, the entire army of the elite disciples of the sect would have been wiped out, and the inheritance of the sect would not be accepted. We have not rewarded such a great achievement, but instead shouted and killed him, just because he cultivated magical powers, is it too cruel?"

The Master of Jingzhe Peak also helped: "Yun Chenzi is right, if such a meritorious person, a genius disciple, is killed, it will chill the hearts of the disciples."

Peak Master Wanhua also said: "It's better to balance the merits and demerits, that's all!"

Zhao Tianyu smiled slightly They collected a drop of long-term biomass, so naturally they wanted to say something nice At this time, Lin Wenqiu chuckled lightly, and said, "After talking for a long time, Dugu Wudi didn't explain clearly, how did he get the supernatural powers of hell?"


Everyone's eyes instantly focused on Qin Li!

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