All the giants of Nirvana showed surprise in their eyes and talked a lot:

"Reporting to the teacher, I don't think this is appropriate! Only Nirvana monks are qualified to ring the holy bell."

"That's right, the rules can't be changed. Besides, he's just a celestial being, so it won't work if you give him a chance!"

Qin Li looked puzzled and asked, "Well, what is a holy bell?"

Nan Jianzi explained: "The natural holy bell is the ancestor's natal sacred weapon. It has incredible power to suppress the luck of the sect, and it is also the core of the four poles of the universe."

Qin Li was quite shocked, not to mention him, most of the disciples were shocked when they heard the name of the Holy Bell for the first time "Since he is a proud man, he must have something special, so give him a chance."

Ye Qingcang spoke with a firm attitude To this!

It is not easy for everyone to refute Ye Qingcang took the lead and left in the air The elder Taishang, the master of Nirvana Peak, and all the disciples followed Qin Li was still a little dazed, but his life was saved, Zhao Tianyu rushed over excitedly "You are really lucky. I was only qualified to go to the temple to ring the bell when I was in the first stage of Nirvana!" Hua Haitang leaned over, and next to him was Hua Banxia with a happy face, and senior brother Dugu was opening and closing his mouth "Thank you for speaking out!"

Qin Ligong cupped his hands, thanked him sincerely, and asked:

"Take the liberty to ask, what's the secret behind this so-called ringing of the holy bell?"

Hua Haitang explained: "Every disciple of the Zongmen has the opportunity to ring the holy bell when he is promoted to Nirvana. If he can ring once, he can become a Daoist. The Zongmen will grant you a wish, and you can use this to keep the hell." Divine power."

"So it is!"

Qin Li suddenly realized, and couldn't help asking:

"By the way, I don't know what wish Hua Daozi made after ringing the bell?"

Hua Haitang said: "I want a spirit treasure as a treasure for protecting myself. Not only me, but the other three disciples all want a spirit treasure. Only Jun Tianxia is special, and I haven't made a wish yet."


Qin Li's face collapsed I seem to have missed a big opportunity Lingbao!

Naturally, Daozong, a sect with a big family and a great career, doesn't have many pieces, and I still think about the Hanging Sun Killing Sword!

Forget it, fate is not enough!

It is not known whether he can keep the supernatural powers of hell Natural Dao Palace Central!

There is a towering ancient bronze temple It is three hundred and thirty feet high, simple and heavy, solemn and solemn, and covered with green copper rust This is the temple, the gate is tightly closed, as if it is rusted together, and it has not been opened for a long, long time "Little Ye Zi, why are you here!"

A clear voice sounded A girl in a green skirt came out of the door She seems to be real, but in fact she is illusory, and she penetrates the bronze door like a ghost Qin Li was taken aback, isn't this the girl who made him a guest disciple before? It seems to be honored as the ancestor "Hua Hua Daozi, I just came to the sect not long ago, so I don't know the identity of this ancestor, can you tell me the truth?"

"I don't know either, but the Supreme Elders are called Patriarchs."

Hua Haitang whispered At this moment With a bang, the door opened Inside the temple is another world, but it is very different from any world There is no heaven, earth, mountains and rivers in it, only a boundless illusion, grotesque and strange, as if thousands of time and space are folded, unpredictable, and there is an aura of destruction "There is a little fellow who wants to ring the bell, and you help to make a way."

Ye Qingcang smiled softly, like a spring breeze "OK!"

The girl in the green skirt smiled strangely If an uninformed person took a look at it, they would think that a young couple would not think of the head teacher of Taoism and the ancestor at all Tear--

The void cracked layer by layer A rainbow bridge stretches into unknown territory "Let's go!" Ye Qingcang and the girl in the green skirt walked in front as guides Qin Li and others followed in, passing through the psychedelic colors, almost blinding their eyes Some people also saw the scenery of the peaks, some people saw the strange scenery, and some people saw themselves "This is……"

Qin Li frowned thoughtfully He has seen a similar scene, that is, the Space-Time Emperor Butterfly Could it be that the natural sage king has some relationship with the emperor of heaven, and there is definitely important information worth digging behind it "arrive!"

The girl in the green skirt stopped Everyone came to a silent void, and all the splendor faded away ahead!

A bell hangs Bronze vicissitudes, Hunyuan nature No pattern, no trace, no light, no splendor, no power, no sage However, it is nine feet high, and there is nothing strange about it. It is just a big bronze bell, but it is embedded in the void, suppressing the fire, water and wind, and it seems to stand on the long river of time, reflecting the rotation of the four seasons "An incredible bell!"

Qin Li understood that this Taoist clock was definitely a rare treasure in the Qianyuan world "This is the fifth time I have witnessed the holy bell. Every time I watch it, I have a different feeling." Hua Haitang sighed "Who wants to ring the bell!" asked the girl "It's right here!"

Qin Li stood up with high fighting spirit "So it's you, you've improved so fast!" The girl in the green skirt shook her head, "Unfortunately, it's hard to ring the bell if you don't reach Nirvana. Let's practice for a few more years!"

"It's all here, let's try it!"

Qin Ligong cupped his hands "good."

The girl in the green skirt smiled and said:

"Just let you give up once."

Qin Li took a deep breath, walked in front of the crowd, and approached the holy bell When I got closer, I found that there were many traces of the avenue on the clock wall, but it was too dim to be seen "Sunset God Bow Strength!"

Qin Li erupted instantly and punched out The strength of the whole body gathers together, like a full moon bending its bow, about to shoot down the stars Snapped!

Fist hit the clock The heavy clock made no sound Qin Li's fist tingled, as if he had broken a bone in his hand "It hurts!" Qin Li shook his hand, the clock has never moved and cannot be shaken Ye Qingcang made a point: "Naturally, the Dao Bell is a supreme holy weapon, you can use all means, and once it rings, it will be considered as your pass."


"Twelve vertical and horizontal paths!"

Qin Li drew out the Zijin Killing Sword and swung it with all his strength The golden sword gang pours down like a tide, and the essence of the sun and the moon flows into it, forming a torrent that shakes the universe, and the twelve sword movements flow in it, some are like a breeze, some are like thunder, some are so firm and soft.. This is the strongest move, it can push ten mountains However!

Dao Zhong didn't move at all There was just a faint muffled sound that could not be heard, that's all "Did I succeed?"

"Not counting!"

Ye Qingcang shook his head The girl in the green skirt covered her mouth and sneered:

"As soon as the Taoist bell rang, the sound spread for nine days, and there were many visions. You are far behind!"

Hua Haitang shook her head: "It's really too reluctant. Most giants on the first floor of Nirvana can't ring the holy bell, let alone just a celestial being."

Lin Wenqiu smiled contemptuously: "You are extremely arrogant, you wasted everyone's time, and quickly abolished the hell magic power. Let's see how you argue this time."

Nan Jianzi couldn't help shaking his head, this time he was doomed, he had to abolish himself "Wait a moment!"

Qin Li manifested the wheel of the eight heavens and man The roulette is huge and golden, but because of the cover, it is blurry The Master of the Punishment Hall said in a strict voice: "Even if you wait for a day, you can't change any results. Don't delay any longer. If you don't want to part with the supernatural powers of hell, I can help you abolish them."

"Give me ten more breaths."

Qin Li said seriously The wheel of heaven and man spins wildly behind him Lin Wenqiu curled his lips: "Dugu Wudi, what trick do you want to play..."


A thick voice came Everyone was shocked and looked back Far away, a flying dragon came across the sky and entered the temple "Where did the real dragon come from?"

"It's not a real dragon, but a great trend!"

"My God! This power is the majestic momentum of Jiuqu Jianhe!"

Nan Jianzi screamed out. As the master of Tianjian Peak, he might not understand that when he was young, he was still taking advantage of the situation by the river "Exactly ten breaths!"

Qin Li smiled slightly, strategizing The mighty dragon is rushing forward, with waves and torrents, and rivers of sharp swords The momentum of the stegosaurus wrapped around the eighth round, and soon solidified into the ninth round, which happened to be a perfect ten feet Nine rounds gathered together, a total of 106 feet, breaking the limit of 100 feet, is an incredible size The nine kinds of forces in Qin's body gathered together, and his combat power ushered in an explosion. If he met Dong Rihuang again, he would cry with three moves "One sword is enough!"

With nine rounds on his back, Qin Li cut through the air with a single sword Taking the power of Jianhe as the carrier, it merged the twelve powers of swords, the essence of the sun and the moon, and the cloud flame and thunder gang, and turned into a dragon of swordsmanship, wild and tyrannical, sharp and bright, and slammed headlong into the Dao bell boom!

The power of a collision is like a sky collapse The ancient clock was finally shaken, and a deep sound erupted The sound of the bell is natural, deafening, like a thunderclap, it resounds through the nine heavens, spreads across the universe, surpasses the limit of the Taoist palace, and spreads one hundred and eight peaks

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