The bell strikes nine!

Earth-shattering, shaking the universe Natural Daozong is in a small world, protected by the Holy Formation And the penetrability of Dao Zhong is too terrifying, it actually penetrates the barriers of the world and transmits it to the Qianyuan Great World, shocking all beings The first one to react was Xianta City. The Nirvana City Lord was practicing, but when he heard the bell, he was horrified. All the monks in the city heard it too, and it was deafening, and the violent spirit energy caused all kinds of visions This is not over yet, the nine bells converged into a world-shaking wave of sound, with the natural Taoist sect as the core, passing through the air, spreading thousands of miles, covering Shengzhou and the next-door Fengzhou, and even breaking into some super The world of Zongmen is too shocking Now!

Tens of billions of monks heard the bell Countless monster creatures looked up, not understanding what happened Some ancient mighty men, masters of great sects, and head teachers of sects were horrified, and they left the gate one after another to peek into the distance "What kind of bell is this? With a faint holy power, it can penetrate the barriers of the world and affect our small world." Some powerful people exclaimed "That direction is the Taoist sect of nature. Could it be that the holy bell resounded, but isn't that a dead bell?" The ancient figure came out and told the ancient secret "Natural Daoism has been silent for millions of years, and finally ushered in a turning point. It seems that the whole world is changing. It is said that in the ancestral land of Kunpeng in Fengzhou, the rotten god pool is once again filled with emperor ointment." Someone said a big event Fengzhou!

In a mysterious ancient land The blue-haired goddess looked into the distance and murmured:

"Ye Lang, you finally managed to revive the holy spirit and reverse the decline of Daozong."

Vientiane Holy Land!

At this time, it has become a mess In the deepest part of time and space, there is a world of stars The ninety-nine elders gathered together, lying on top of the stars, keeping silent like cicadas A brilliant sun sits in the center, with raging flames, shining everywhere, burning the void, and the Holy Lord of Vientiane sits in it, furious:

"Why did this happen!? Can someone give me an explanation? Isn't that a dead bell? Why did it ring again, and even spread into the world of Vientiane? This is a naked provocation!"

As the old opponents of the Natural Dao Sect, they certainly understood the meaning behind the bell, so they were particularly angry. Ming and Daozong were still alive, and cracks appeared in the Holy Formation, but now the Holy Spirit has awakened and made a strong announcement to the world "Holy Master, Ye Qingcang must have done something to cause a big change!" a Supreme Elder whispered "This offal!"

The Holy Lord of Vientiane was even more angry, and the void was burned to pieces He and Ye Qingcang are of the same generation, they fought almost all the way, Ye Qingcang is not weaker than himself Even, he was faintly at a disadvantage, so he especially held grudges Another Supreme Elder respectfully said: "Holy Master, Gongyang Xun's life card was broken a few days ago. He went undercover to the Taoist sect to find loopholes in the Holy Formation. It seems that he has been exposed."

"An eventful autumn!"

The Holy Lord of Vientiane snorted coldly, feeling sullen in his heart Now that Qianyuan has changed drastically, and geniuses from all walks of life emerge in endlessly, I thought this was the time when the Vientiane Holy Land was booming, but the hostile sects became even more prosperous "By the way, you can find out the origin of Dugu Wudi, defeating the eight treasures with one sword, and let us lose a moon tower. I don't want another emperor from the Taoist sect to rule the world."

All the Supreme Elders looked at each other and smiled awkwardly "A bunch of trash!"

The Holy Lord of Vientiane exploded in temper like a mad dragon Wan Guiyi's eyes moved, and he suggested: "Why don't we find a reason and go to the Natural Dao Sect to investigate the situation."

"What reason?"

The Holy Lord of Vientiane quenched his anger Another Supreme Elder said, "What's the reason for worshiping the mountain?"

"Good reason! Didn't there be a genius out of the door, and now he is half-step Nirvana, let's gather ten more people to go over and find out the situation."

"That's right! We can use this to enter the Taoist sect, investigate the matter of the holy bell, and test the strength of their younger generation by the way, killing two birds with one stone."

Wan Gui nodded: "Everyone is right, but to go deep into the hinterland of the enemy sect, there must be a Supreme Elder leading the team. Who has the qualifications?"


All the elders looked at him Wan Guiyi's expression changed, and he said awkwardly: "It can't be me again!"

Wanxiang Sheng nodded: "It's you! Last time, in order to heal your soul injury, too many treasures were consumed, and you should also contribute to the sect."


All return to the surface respectful In fact, I was crazily complaining in my heart .. Natural Taoism!

In the temple, there are ever-changing changes All the monks were frightened and dumbfounded, they didn't expect Qin Li to knock nine times Qin Li was too reluctant, even with the double blessing of broken wood and emperor's heart, the real person's skin cracked, blood exploded, five internal organs were shattered, and bones were broken Fortunately, he had stored a huge amount of long-lived matter, which he crazily poured into the emperor's heart and transformed into surging vitality. Only then did he hold his breath and slowly recover, which shows the degree of danger this time "It's a big loss!" Qin Li felt even more painful. He had paid so much, but he hadn't gained much. It was just that the black of the broken wood had faded, and there were traces of cyan, which was still nothing special And the natural Dao bell didn't know whether it was because of the nine rings, the stimulation of the emperor's heart, or the influence of the broken wood, it poured out the natural divine splendor crazily, bursting out the sound of the Dao Lun, filling the entire void with chaotic energy, as if it had opened up the world On the bronze bell wall, there are not only one hundred and nine peaks, but also the sun, moon and stars, the darkness of hell, the real dragon and phoenix, the Kunpeng and the Golden Crow.. Sudden!

A majestic voice struck "The years are endless, what year is it?"

This voice is desolate and ancient, as if it has come through the ages, revealing a faint Taoist rhyme, which makes people worship Naturally, Dao Zhong Guanghua became more and more dazzling, as if he had opened the door of brilliance, and a figure in green clothes came out, hazy and unreal, mysterious and unfathomable, obviously Dao Zhong Holy Spirit, a living saint "Meet the ancestor!"

Ye Qingcang fell to his knees with tears in his eyes The rest of the monks all had blank minds and knelt down in horror and excitement There were only two people in the audience who did not kneel down. One was Qin Li, who was still a blood man, and fell to the ground, dying The second is the girl in the green skirt, with tears in her eyes and a trembling voice: "Brother, after more than a million years, you finally woke up, and the Taoist sect is almost unable to hold on."

The Holy Spirit of Daozhong looked up and took a panoramic view of the peaks: "All suffering is tempering. Now the change of Qianyuan is just the turning point of my Daozong from decline to prosperity, so there is no need to be too sad."

Ye Qingcang was trembling with excitement. He worked hard all his life for the rise of Dao Sect. He never expected the surprise to be so unexpected: "Old Ancestor, as long as you can wake up, we have no fear of the Vientiane Holy Land."

"I'm not awake!"

Daoist Holy Spirit shook his head and said weakly:

"I'm just temporarily awake for a while. After all, Qianyuan can't accommodate me now, and the pendulum has not been recovered."

Ye Qingcang became anxious in an instant: "Old Ancestor, why did the pendulum disappear? Was it taken away by Emperor Wanxiang? As long as you tell me the location, I will try my best to get the pendulum back."

"it's not true."

Dao Zhong Holy Spirit smiled slightly:

"The pendulum is hidden by the master, and when the time comes, it will be born naturally."

Now, all the Daoist monks, including Ye Qingcang and the girl in the green skirt, all looked shocked The source of the decline of the Natural Dao Sect was actually the deliberate action of the Natural Sage King "Why did the ancestor hide the pendulum?"

"It's a calculation!"

Daozhong Holy Spirit smiled mysteriously, and set his sights on Qin Li Qin Li had almost recovered at this time, and he was taken aback: "Old Ancestor, do you have anything to do with me?"


"very good!"

"Just right!"

Natural Holy Spirit nodded Qin Li looked puzzled and didn't understand what he meant "Thank you for touching me just now, this is the reward you deserve!"

Naturally, as soon as the Holy Spirit pointed out, a blue light flew out, fell on the center of Qin Li's eyebrows, and turned into a blue vertical mark, as if the eyes of the sky had been opened "Let's fight each other! This golden era has not yet kicked off!"

Dao Zhong Sheng Sheng made a point, and then disappeared Shengwei disappeared All kinds of visions in the sky also disappeared into nothingness and returned to calm Everyone woke up in shock, and slowly got up, all looking at Qin Li with incredulous eyes Ye Qingcang's eyes were strange, and he also rang the bell many times, but he never awakened the holy spirit. How did Qin Li do it? It seems that there was something on him that touched the ancestor "Everyone, don't look at me like that."

Qin Li was heartbroken Mu Xiuyu is bound to be destroyed by Lin Feng, he is a bit too ostentatious now Ye Qingcang thought for a while, and said: "I wanted to make you a Taoist, but now it seems that I will let you be the deputy head teacher!"

All the cultivators around were taken aback, especially Jun Tianxia, ​​who looked shocked But when everyone thinks back, there are nine levels of heaven and man, and nine rings of the bell. For such an ancient genius, it's nothing to be named the deputy head teacher "Well, after becoming the deputy head teacher, can I make a wish?"

Qin Li was still thinking about Lingbao "cannot!"

Ye Qingcang shook his head and said:

"But you can enjoy the best resources of the sect without paying any price."

Qin Li was a little embarrassed, he had no shortage of resources!

Suddenly, he remembered something important: "By the way, have you seen my wife Bai Ruyun?"

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