Cloudy sky Thousands of evil spirits surged Their actions seem to be chaotic, but they have the rudiments of a battle formation Qin Li was trapped in the center and escorted to the ghost town He was very calm, pretending not to care and asked:

"Wu Hou, have you heard of Mount Dishan?"


"Do you know Emperor Ooze?"

"have no idea."

The black-throated ghost's eye hole, two balls of soul fire beating, cold and ruthless Qin Li fell into embarrassment, he didn't know what to ask, and couldn't get any useful information Come to think of it, this black-throated ghost will become enlightened a bit late Qin Li could only change his angle and asked: "Then you know the Sinking Realm, why did it become like this, judging from the resentment and death, it seems that a disaster happened."

"I don't know. I just remember that I was a city guard soldier before I was alive. Later, when the sky and the earth got dark, I sank here and died with hatred. I don't know how long it took, but I was revived again under the nourishment of death energy, but I forgot the past. "The ghost fire in Wuhou Guijiang's eyes flickered, showing a sense of confusion, not as if he was answering Qin Li's question, but more like lamenting his past Qin Li was even more puzzled and curious, what happened in the Sinking Realm?

call out!

suddenly A ray of purple light attacked down Like purple thunder and lightning, it splits the dark world and illuminates the scenery in all directions The billowing cloud was directly cut in half, hundreds of evil spirits were turned into ashes, and thousands of ghosts were scattered by the shock "Who? Who is secretly attacking?" The Black Throat Demon General was furious, his strength was at full strength, his body was burning with blue will-o'-the-wisps, and a bronze sword was even brighter, like an evil moon, illuminating the surrounding scenery not far away A big monster is hiding Five hundred feet tall, shaped like a tiger, with purple fur, tail like a steel whip, fangs like sharp knives, fierce purple light in his eyes, and scales on his abdomen, crystal clear and noble, exuding endless coercion "A pure blood Purple Roar!"

Qin Li was overjoyed that he finally met the demon The other party seems to be from a prestigious royal family, with strong strength and noble status When Yubei enlightened, he sat second only to Zhenyue and the others "Tsk tsk, it's the first time I've seen such a useless guy like you, unexpectedly captured by a group of Yin soldiers, and insulted the name of Tianjiao, he must be a guy trying to gain fame." Zihou smiled contemptuously Qin Li was silent The black-throated ghost general was already furious:

"You bandits, how dare you sneak up on me and watch me tear you apart."

Rolling dark clouds swirled, and the remaining Yin soldiers intertwined with each other. With him as the core, it turned into a ghost-headed broadsword, 5,000 feet in size, like a mountain peak in the underworld, piercing down in an instant, like a flowing waterfall "Small tricks!"

Zihou looked arrogant and roared towards the sky The momentum is huge, accompanied by purple ripples, like water waves, spreading rapidly Wherever it passed, the rocks turned into dust, the resentment and yin energy were swept away, and the ghost-headed sword was in danger "You can't kill them!"

Qin Li made a sudden move, and the sword came out like thunder The Shengang sword pierced the sky and pulled out a curtain of sword gang like autumn water The purple ripples were blocked, and the crow-throated ghost escaped unharmed, but the soul fire in his eyes danced wildly, showing extreme surprise One was the shock of Zihou's strength, and the other was that he couldn't understand Qin Li's helping hand "Not only are you weak and weak, but you also have brain problems. Helping evil spirits is simply sick!" Zi Hou was furious, his aura rising steadily, and his thick and evil aura spread around, like burning purple fierce flames "He is my prey!"

Qin Li stood with his sword in his hand, expressionless He still needed the Wumao Demon General to lead the way, but he couldn't be allowed to die inexplicably Sudden!

A white light hit No sound, no sound, no sound Like a poisonous snake that has been dormant in the dark for a long time, it is difficult to react when it comes out The Wumao Demon General was already immersed in shock, and he was chopped off in the middle without realizing the killing intent at all There are hundreds of ghosts and ghosts, all of which were crushed and turned into fragments of soul crystals "Good means."

Qin Li's face darkened, and he looked sideways Hidden in the darkness is a gigantic beast, lifeless, like a dead thing It's a half-nirvana Bai Yazi, a pure-blooded demon with extraordinary talents Like a perfect assassin, the slender claws are like the sickle of death, showing their sharpness and harvesting life "Don't look, you will end up with them." Zihou's murderous intent flooded "etc!"

Bai Yazi spoke out to stop him Zihou snorted coldly: "Why stop me?"

"In Harvest Ghost City, there is a ghost commander sitting in the town, and there are 100,000 ghost soldiers. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the two of us to deal with it."

Bai Yazi's eyes flickered, he looked at Qin Li carefully, and said with a sneer: "If there is a bait that enters the city and disrupts the situation, you and I will sneak out again, and the leader of the ghost commander will be taken from the army, and the winning rate will be very high."

"You mean to make Dugu invincible as bait to lure the enemy?"

The corner of Zihou's mouth twitched into an evil smile "Yes!" Qin Li put his sword back into its sheath It is really lucky that a guide dies and another guide comes Bai Yazi was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Qin Li to be so weak, and he didn't have the arrogance of a genius at all: "You're smart!"

"Tsk tsk, are all geniuses of the human race this kind of coward? Those who don't even have the courage to resist, who have no understanding, are useless in the end." Zihou laughed mockingly. He didn't like the human race at all, and he looked down on Qin Li even more Qin Li was silent and didn't bother to pay attention call out!

Fleeing light splits the sky away Bai Yazi leads the way, Zihou postpones Qin Li stopped in the center, locked tightly by two big monsters who were half-nirvana It didn't take long for Qin Li and his party to clearly feel that the cloudy air was getting thicker, and the surrounding rocks were covered with black frost "We're here!" Bai Yazi stopped Qin Li took a closer look far away There is a black island Hundreds of miles wide and eerie Layers of mist floated out of it, covering a dilapidated ancient city The howling of ghosts and wolves was endless, and a large number of Yin soldiers shuttled through the city, guarding a palace as high as a low mountain If you look carefully, you can clearly see the edge of the black island, which is extremely smooth, as if it was dug out of the land, and it does not look like the traces of the broken continent at all "Is this Harvest City? A meal for the Demon Emperor Kunpeng." Zihou looked at the city with shock and admiration in his eyes Bai Yaizhu exclaimed: "In the past, the demon emperor was so powerful that he swallowed the city of Harvest with a population of one million, declared war on the human race, and embarked on a journey of devouring the world, committing countless murders."


Qin Li's expression changed dramatically He seemed to realize something, and asked anxiously:

"The so-called Sinking Realm, isn't it in the body of the Kunpeng Demon Emperor?"

Zihou had a strange expression on his face, and then he laughed loudly: "Haha, you human race doesn't know anything, yet you dare to come here to seek the perfect Nirvana method."

Bai Yazi explained: "Kunpeng is so huge that I don't know tens of millions of miles. After the death of the demon emperor, Kunpeng became the world, sinking into darkness, decaying and depraved. And now we are in the stomach of the demon emperor, which is an infinite space. "

Qin Li opened his mouth wide It turns out that this is the true face of the Sinking Realm!

No wonder there are dilapidated mountains and rivers all around, it turned out to be the food residue of the demon emperor No wonder there is so much resentment and death here!

The demon emperor ate an unknown number of billions of creatures, so it's no wonder he didn't have any resentment!

"Trash, hurry up and lure out Guishuai."

Zihou urged Qin Li gave him a cold look Bai Yazi frowned: "Why, have you repented now?"

"No, I just want to take care of Guishuai, and then deal with you two little monsters!" Qin Lilang laughed and drifted away The expressions of Zihou and Bai Yazi changed drastically at this moment boom!

There was a muffled thunder Immediately, the golden light shines, illuminating thousands of mountains and rivers Qin Li carried the divine sword on his back, stepped on the golden thunder, and was dressed in a black robe from hell When he set foot in Harvest Ghost City, it was like a golden sun falling, a god and a man descending to hell, and the yin and resentment around him melted away like white snow in spring "What a dazzling light."

"Is the sun going down? It's too hot!"

"There are foreign enemies invading, quickly form a formation with me and go to stop it."

Hundreds of thousands of Yin soldiers and ghosts reacted, gathering dark clouds, churning like waves, covering the area like a curtain There are also hundreds of ghost generals among them, some powerful existences, equivalent to the little giants of the ninefold heaven and man Some held broken knives, some carried broken swords on their backs, and some held chains. A row of terrifying scenes came to besiege "It's just fish!"

Qin Li snorted coldly and didn't bother to pay attention His goal is handsome ghost, but he doesn't want to get entangled with the little ghost The golden lightning arc continued to burst out, and finally turned into thunder, enveloping Qin Li, tearing the curtain of Yin Qi, fierce and unstoppable Looking at it from a distance, it looks like a golden thunder dragon sweeping across the world, killing the ghost army to surround it, leaving glaring scratches in the darkness In the end, he entered the tallest Guishuai Palace

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