"I heard that the White Turban Army is coming."

"They are teachers of benevolence and righteousness. They beat local tyrants and divide the land."

"Bullshit, this is a group of vicious gangsters who just entered the city, burned, killed, looted, and did everything."

"Yes, don't be fooled. The White Turban Army looks like they have never seen a woman before. They only pick and defile the girls and maids of rich families. If you have daughters, you should hide in the cellar and wait for the rescue of Emperor Qin."

at this time The king of Qin was in chaos The White Turban Army can be described as unscrupulous Qin Li strolled on the street, originally wanted to go to the palace, and saw Emperor Qin As a result, when he looked sideways, it was full of chaos, and the people were miserable, which made him extremely annoyed Qin Li prevented several atrocities, killed more than a dozen Bai Jinjun soldiers and bandits, and then urgently recalled all the commanders of the Baijin Army In the hall Qin Li sat upright There are dozens of commanders below, silent like cicadas "What is the purpose of my White Turban Army?" Qin Li asked coldly Dozens of commanders said differently; "To overthrow the tyrant Qin, to reform the ancients, to plead for the people, and the world will be unified."

"I always warn you, don't forget your original intention, don't forget your mission. As a result, before the Qin Dynasty was overthrown, you started to indulge your desires and harm the people. Have you all forgotten how you were bullied by the nobles before? Now it's the other way around Bullying civilians is hateful, sad, and irritating." Qin Li hated that iron cannot be made into steel "Boss, you put out the fire, it's just a few rat droppings!"

Tie Niu handed out the tea with a smile Qin Li took a sip:

"By the way, there is one more thing!"

"Those bastards who defile women, murder and steal money must be severely punished according to military discipline."

"Boss, is this bad?"

Tie Niu smiled foolishly: "After all, I just enjoyed the young lady of a rich family."


Qin Li's pupils shrank: "Why are you doing this?"

Tie Niu chuckled: "When I was a tenant for a big family, their young ladies treated me like trash and bullied and humiliated me. Now that I have power, I naturally want to ravage these young ladies."

"Don't make excuses, you just want to vent your animal desire." Qin Li said with cold eyes, "According to the discipline of the White Turban Army, you must apologize with death, and the inheritance will be handed over to the victim as compensation..."

Qin Li felt a pain in his stomach His face was black and blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth Looking at the teacup, Qin Li had a look of disbelief: "The tea is poisonous, Tieniu, I never thought you would plot against me!"

"Who told you to be so ignorant!" Tieniu sneered, no longer honest and honest as before, and the other dozens of commanders also laughed "So you all betrayed me, why?" Qin Li asked "You still have the face to ask?"

Tieniu was very angry, and shouted loudly: "Brothers fight the world with you for the sake of glory, wealth, and title of prince."

"And you are an idiot, you don't want gold, silver, beauties, land, or official positions. You actually hand over all these good things to those mud legs who have never met before. This makes the brothers very chilling!"

Qin Li looked at his greedy face, and thought about his previous honest appearance, he couldn't help but wondered: "A few months ago, you still lamented that the dynasty changed, the people were suffering, and you wanted to build a new era with me, how did you become so rebellious?" quick."

Tieniu smiled and said: "I used to be a farmer, thinking about farmers. Now I am a commander, thinking about soldiers. In the future, I will be an emperor, thinking about nobles. The vision is different, and the direction of thinking is naturally different."

"You still want to be the emperor?" Qin Li smiled, very contemptuously: "I want to achieve great harmony in the world, but you want to continue to be the emperor, despicable and selfish!"

"So what about despicableness, what about selfishness? You must die tonight, tomorrow you will overthrow the Qin Dynasty, and the day after tomorrow I will be enthroned, and the day after tomorrow will be rewarded for your merits." Tieniu laughed loudly, holding a machete, and slashed at Qin Li's neck. Pooh!

Blood splatter Qin Li is safe and sound Iron Bull's chest was pierced by a silver spear "Aren't you poisoned..."

"Just this bit of poison can't hurt me!"

Qin Li was ruthless, and with a flick of the silver gun, the iron bull was torn apart "Damn it, he killed Tie Niu."

"Kill him, Qin Li is already crazy."

"Chop off his head, and we will be the new emperor."

Dozens of commanders have been dazzled by the benefits, and they have also dreamed of the Spring and Autumn Dream of the king's land under the whole world Qin Li was speechless There was only one silver gun, stabbing out one after another When the gun shoots out, there will be blood; when the gun is returned, the head will be taken;

After more than a dozen breaths, in the hall, there were corpses all over the place, with the last panic remaining in their eyes A silver gun was dyed red, but Qin Li's heart went cold Without saying a word, he quietly walked out of the hall, only to find that the outside was noisy and chaotic, and the flames were soaring into the sky Just a short while after the meeting, the White Turban Army was in complete chaos As long as one person starts to plunder, the rest will join in, and the rest will feel that they have less benefits, so they will become more crazy, a vicious circle, and countless sins The flames were burning, the children were crying, the defiled women jumped into the well, some innocent men turned into corpses, and the army of millions fell into madness. The sharp weapons, instead of aiming at the Qin army, slashed at the common people "The white scarf is a symbol of holiness in my eyes, but if you have defiled this honor, you will wash it away with blood."

Qin Li stepped on the silver horse and galloped in all directions He started killing again, but the silver gun was aimed at his former subordinates Those evildoers fell down one by one, white scarves danced wildly, and the blood reflected the fire, dyeing King Qin into a purgatory on earth "Run away!"

"The commander is crazy!"

"I don't want to be a white scarf anymore!"

The rest of the white scarf army still saw ghosts and gods, and fled the capital in horror There was another commotion, Qin Li looked at the surrounding scenery coldly, feeling sad Although he knew that this was the test of the supreme technique, it was just an illusion, but he was still sad, and even a little unworthy "You can't do things without a beginning and an end, Qin Tianzi must die!"

In the flames In a chaotic background Qin Li rode a white horse and entered the palace alone The place is unusually empty, with no eunuchs, court ladies, or imperial guards Go straight all the way and you will arrive at the Jinluan Hall Entering it, the empty hall is brightly lit and silent, with only one person sitting on the dragon chair Wearing a dragon robe and a golden mask, he was condescending and said with a light smile, "Is it fun?"

"What do you mean?" Qin Li understood that this person was Qin Tianzi "The rise and fall of dynasties is a game, you should enjoy it very much." Qin Tianzi sneered Qin Li said coldly: "That's just your game. I want to jump out of the cycle of reincarnation and build a world of great harmony. I don't want everyone to be happy, but I want to stop having the inherent hierarchy and oppression."

"Hahaha! It's better to say than to sing, just rely on your white scarf army? I gave up all defenses, but they killed each other. It's so ridiculous! It's like your dream." Qin Tianzi laughed Qin Li replied: "So what? No matter what, I will kill you!"

"You can't kill me!"

Qin Tianzi took off his mask!

Qin Li was stunned!

Just because, the face under that golden mask.. Impressively, it is exactly the same as Qin Li!

Emperor Qin turned out to be me?

"This..." Qin Li was stunned, and immediately understood He seems to have understood the test of the supreme technique Qin Tianzi sneered and said: "Don't think about it! The way of heaven is constant, and everything has its extremes. No matter how lofty your ideals are, you will degenerate and become the next me. This is the curse of the emperor."

"I will break the curse!" Qin Li's eyes were firm and pure "Ridiculous guy, I'll let you see how ruthless the law of heaven is." Qin Tianzi snorted coldly, holding a golden sword, and charged forward Although there is no brilliance or splendor between the swords, and there is no supernatural power, but there is an overbearing that cannot be denied, that is to say yes Not to be outdone, Qin Li waved his gun to block it clang!

There was a sound of gold and iron The silver gun was cut in two, and Qin Li was cut "Look at your fragile ideal, which is also trying to go against the way of heaven."

"Open your mouth, keep your mouth shut, I want to know, what is the heaven in your mouth?" Qin Li waved his broken spear, resisting with difficulty Qin Tianzi's sword moves are not slow, with suffocating power: "The way of heaven is a mountain, a river, and a gust of wind, flowing with all things, revolving the heaven and the earth, and finally sailing to nothingness and chaos. Therefore, it is easier to destroy than to build. All Nine out of ten times life is unsatisfactory, so you will die in my hands."


Cut off with a sword Qin Li was stabbed in the stomach, and blood flowed horizontally He spasmed in pain, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said:

"It turns out that all things have constants, so they are all in the urn of heaven. If you want to jump out, you have to be impermanent and become an anomalous number."

Qin Tianzi was taken aback, and asked: "Then how do you become an odd number?"


Qin Li smiled slightly, giving birth to holy light:

"If you are too sensible, you will eventually be calculated by fate. People have to be stupid and stubborn. Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, they tend to go to the mountains. Although we all know that ideals are impossible, it does not hinder my lifelong pursuit and dedication to it."

"Hahaha!" Qin Tianzi looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, then dropped his sword and said:

"Congratulations, you have passed the test of the supreme technique and mastered the essence of the supreme technique "Deception of the Heavens"."

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