call out!

A blue light flashed across Like a thunderbolt across the sky, a golden sword pierces the clouds Qin Li fanned the Kunpeng's wings with great speed, and the mountain in his eyes moved back quickly It's been a while since I left the Great Yan Dynasty. Qin Li has no regrets after finishing all matters and beheading the Huolong Elder He decided to go to Beihai. First, if he wanted to go to Ruizhou, it would be more convenient to fly along the coast The second is the perfect Nirvana method In the hands of the Hailong Saint Clan, there is the Nirvana method of the third phase, "Blood of the Dragon King of the Vast Sea" This was created by Emperor Hailong. After practicing, the blood energy is like a vast ocean, and the blood is like a river, surging and rumbling, providing a steady stream of energy Moreover, the blood has mutated, and it is as expensive as a precious medicine, as rare as a magic weapon, and a drop of blood can kill heaven and man "I hope that this trip to the North Sea can lead to the perfect Nirvana method!"

Qin Li was secretly sad Nine perfect It was an incredible challenge after all The second nirvana is the explosion of his character, with the help of the power of broken wood With the stability of the broken wood, although he still has the ability to realize the Tao, he will not erupt the invisible force again, and he can only rely on himself in the future "sea breeze!"

Qin Li's spirit lifted He flew along the great river, facing the sea After flying away for a whole day, I finally smelled the moist and salty sea breeze After turning over several peaks, the sight suddenly opened up In front of you is the endless sea, the mist is vast, the waves are immeasurable, the sea and the sky are all blue, spreading to the extreme distance, where the sky and the water meet Qin Li's eyesight was excellent, and through the obstacles of the waves, he saw the lush and gorgeous swimming fish in the sea, the crystal crab the size of a human head, and the sea snake dragon diving deep into the ravine There are also patches of colorful corals, among which are hidden old clams and giant clams, swallowing orbs "Beihai is a treasure land!"

Qin Li sighed boom!

The water wave burst Suddenly a hundred feet dragon rushed out With the cultivation base of the Ninth Layer of Famen, he opened his teeth and claws, and breathed out the sea-blue monster aura "Hahaha! Everyone around has eaten up, I didn't expect that there is a fish that slipped through the net here, just for me." Jiaolong laughed "Tell me how to get away from the Hailong Saint Clan, and I will spare my life."

Qin Li replied lightly "Bold!"

Jiaolong shouted coldly:

"Can the saint race be able to go to the human race?"

With a cry, the Baizhang Jiaolong spat out a jet of water, which was icy cold to the bone, and with a force of over a thousand junctures, it could easily smash down the top of a mountain collapse!

Qin Li snapped his fingers The innate sword gang was not used Just the strength of the physical body blows up strong winds, tearing apart the opponent's water column The dragon was dumbfounded, and before it could react, it was torn apart cleanly by the strong wind "It seems that we still need a local guide!" Qin Li waved his hand, and hundreds of monks flew out of the mountain and river bracelet, basically all of them were in the Famen realm, and there were only a few heavenly monks They are monks from the Bichao Gate, they were bought by Qin Li from Ao Sanqian in the Happy World At that time, Yu couldn't bear it, and planned a trip to Beihai at the same time, but now it finally came in handy "See you benefactor!"

All the monks of Bichao knelt down and bowed down Compared with the unkemptness of a few months ago, they have been washed clean Qin Li did not forget them, and gave them some basic supplies, and there were many spiritual springs in the mountain and river bracelets, so he finally got rid of his distressed appearance "Ah! It's not benefactor!" The head of the Bichao Sect, a delicate female cultivator, suddenly found that Qin Li's appearance had changed drastically, and he became more dignified, and there was a golden vertical line between his eyebrows, and he was shocked "Dugu Wudi has already retreated. I'm his good brother, Qin Li, and now I'm bringing you back to Beihai." Qin Li made an excuse casually, and changed the topic: "By the way, what's your name?"

"Junior Bichao sect master, Miao Ningbi!" Miao Ningbi said respectfully "How to get to the Beihai Saint Clan?"

Qin Li asked again Miao Ningbi shook her head and smiled awkwardly:

"Senior, the lair of the Dragon Clan in the North Sea is in the extremely distant sea. We are just a small sect near the sea. How can we know the exact location of the Holy Land of the Monster Clan? But seniors can go to Shanjing Island. Where is the most prosperous Xingluo Islands?" Haishi, you can buy news from all directions."

Mountain Whale Island Qin Li frowned This seems to be a saint dojo Founded by the mountain whale sage, it is the strongest sect in the Star Luo Islands As a human force, it is natural to be at odds with the Hailong Saint Clan, and the two have been fighting each other for hundreds of thousands of years Although it is difficult for the Saint Dojo to fight against the Holy Land, relying on the land, as well as the help of the Vientiane Holy Land and the Natural Dao Sect, it can barely resist According to legend, when Ye Qingcang was young, he also joined the Beihai Monster Hunting Team It's a pity that the sky has changed!

The Holy Land of Vientiane turned against the enemy, and the Taoist sect closed the mountain naturally I don't know if Shanjing Island can prevent the Hailong Saint Clan from disrupting the landing plan "Let's go, let's go to Shanjing Island." Qin Li waved his hand, coercing the crowd, riding the wind and waves, as fast as thunder There are many island groups dotted around the sea, and there are tens of thousands of them at first glance. The Tide Gate once occupied a small island If it is a large island, only those big sects guarded by Nirvana giants are eligible to occupy it As for the Mountain Whale Dojo, it is located in the largest island group off the coast Qin Li was very fast Soon approaching a small island There should have been small sects stationed there, but now they are all ruins I encountered many small islands one after another, all of which were dilapidated Even if there were no traces of the monster clan's attack, the islanders had left without knowing where they were going "Damn it, it's all the fault of the Sea Dragon Sacred Clan, who clearly occupy the vast and vast open sea, but are still greedy for the sea and land." Miao Ningbi looked at the miserable state of the islands, and her heart was bleeding Qin Li said: "Greed is never-ending. It seems that the Lord Hailong wants to become the overlord across the sea and land. After all, the Qianyuan Continent is the core of the struggle. Outside the North Sea, it is a bit remote."

Miao Ningbi was indignant, but there was nothing she could do. She was an ordinary celestial being, how would she decide the general situation of the world. With a sigh, she looked around the sea, seeing the vast sea, endless waves, and some floating wood.. "Hey, there seems to be someone there."

"There are indeed people!"

Qin Li's eyes flickered, looking into the distance There are many rotten old logs floating on the sea, and an old man is sitting on them He is stooped, dressed in linen clothes, travel-stained, with gray hair, cloudy eyes, and a red rosacea nose At this moment, the old man was sitting on a piece of driftwood, holding a yellow leather gourd, drinking by himself "Old man, where is home?" Qin Li landed on the sea "I don't have a home!" The old man took a sip of wine, looked at the waves and the sea, calm too much, as if he could see through life and death, and didn't even care that a group of people suddenly appeared Miao Ningbi felt the same way, thinking of the island where she lived for generations being occupied by monster dragons, she couldn't help feeling sad: "It seems that the old man has also been persecuted by Hai Long."

"By the way, old man, what's your name, where do you want to go?"

"Just call me an old drunkard!"

The old alcoholic gulped down all the wine, grinned, and said:

"I don't have much life money left, so I want to go to Shanjing Island. I heard that they have a strange wine, Haiquan wine. I want to try it."

Qin Li took a look, the old drunkard was depressed and his blood was withered. It was obvious that he had already begun to decline, and he would not live for long. He was moved with compassion, and offered to suggest: "Old man, you won't be able to reach Shanjing Island like this, why don't I take a ride!"

"Thank you, descendant."

The old drunkard smiled happily Qin Li raised his hand and continued to fly away There is still some distance between the mountain whale and the island, and it takes more than a day to fly "It should be here soon." Qin Li estimated, and continued to fly away, only to see the sky covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder If you get closer, you can find that the sea is originally calm, but the waves are rough and the undercurrent is surging There are also bursts of hurricanes that roll up sea water and inject it into the clouds, forming a strange phenomenon of dragons absorbing water Looking around, there are sea tornadoes everywhere, connecting the clouds and the sea, like pillars of heaven, standing in all directions, forming an invisible and strong wind wall, covering millions of miles, it is an invincible fortress "Presumably this is the 'Thousand Waters Linking the Heavens Holy Formation' of Mountain Whale Island. It seems that the Sea Dragon Saint Clan forced them to activate the strongest protection." Qin Li looked through the layers of waterspouts and saw the rear island It is more of a small continent than an island In a radius of a million miles, there are both lakes and rivers, as well as mountains and plains. It is as warm as spring and rich in aura It is rumored that in order to leave a heritage for his descendants, the mountain whale sage moved mountains and filled the sea, forcibly created the world, and smelted the mountain whale island "Where is the entrance?"

Qin Li glanced around, looking for the entrance

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