"Breaking Sword Power!"

Qin Li's mind was calm, and he struck the sky with his sword The congenital sword gang was compressed into a line, stretching for hundreds of miles, splitting layers of demonic clouds However, the magic cloud is invisible and qualityless, and when the evil wind blows, it will return to its original state, except for the loss of a few Yin soldiers, there is no damage at all "As far as your strength is concerned, I really can't figure it out. How did you get on the Tianjiao list? Could it be that there is no one in the right way, and the leader is chosen from among the dwarfs?" Yin Jiuzhong smiled contemptuously, and shot a ball of Yin fire casually It was like sparks falling into an oil drum, and the three hundred miles of demonic clouds ignited and turned into raging fire clouds, exuding a bone-piercing cold, directly freezing for thousands of miles, and a layer of black frost formed on the ground, and the Nirvana cultivator shivered "Your head, I want it!"

"Yin fire wheel!"

Yin Jiuzhong typed out a rune at random The dark flame turns into a grinding wheel vortex, which can not only suck up the temperature and freeze people into ice cubes, but also draw out the soul and burn it into dregs "The battle has just begun!" Qin Li smiled, his black hair was as white as snow, pure white and cruel, followed by power beyond imagination "Piercing Cloud Potential!"

A sword pierces through, and the power is terrifying It is still the sword gang turned into a sword thread, but instead of being cut and cut, it stabs straight out, silently, easily piercing through the fire cloud "Is this the secret technique that Yinzhen said? Improving combat power in an instant, jumping twice and killing people is easy." Yin Jiuzhong had been prepared for a long time, and the bone tower automatically protected it, blocking the sword thread, leaving only a shallow mark "If I draw my soul to ask about the secret method, I may become the strongest devil..."

"Twelve vertical and horizontal paths!"

Qin Li didn't drag his feet, and made a desperate killing move every time he made a move A sword pours down the torrent of the sword gang, splits the eleven major forces, spreads across the four fields, sweeps away the surrounding demon clouds, and washes away the tower of injustice "The swordsmanship is good, but the cultivation base is too weak!" Yin Jiuzhong was extremely calm, raised his hand and pointed, and millions of Yin soldiers moved in unison, throwing millions of bone spears, like a rain of death, smashing eleven Jianhe made Qin Li extremely embarrassed "Injustice Demon Light!"

call out!

The Wrong Soul Bone Tower took advantage of the situation to show its power The tower trembled, casting a pale cold light Just like a touch of white rainbow, reflecting the misery in the world, containing pain and unwillingness, it is a deadly poison, if the soul is illuminated, it will collapse immediately "Oops!" Qin Li was startled, these bone spears hadn't been dealt with yet, another killer move came, he hurriedly activated the seamless celestial clothes, glowing with layers of blue light, resisted the densely packed bone spears, and there was another Injustice, poison and magic light, delayed a lot of time "Is this the seamless clothes? It will be worn on me today!"

"I'm ready, damn you!"

"Ten thousand ghosts cry city!"

Yin Jiuzhong raised his hand and typed out a demonic rune He summoned millions of Yin soldiers just now, and displayed them in all directions. Except for throwing a bone spear once, he did not participate in the battle This is not a display, but a usual tactic of the Yin Gui Demon Sect. First use the trick to delay the opponent, and then the Yin soldiers push the big formation. It only takes a while to prepare and mediate the Yin Qi for thousands of miles The originally scattered demonic clouds condensed into bricks and confronted each other into a city, turning into a majestic and majestic city, surrounded by ghost buildings and Yin River, which is far more concrete and terrifying than Yin Zhen's display. Crows pecked at food, millions of Yin soldiers entrenched in one place, covering the four poles, and the world collapsed "Coincidentally, I'm ready too!"

"Five hells supernatural powers!"

Qin Li raised the sky with one palm, and runes burst out from five fingers Hell supernatural power is the most special supernatural power he has learned. After a small success, it is even more difficult to activate This combination of supernatural powers is too powerful. Qin Li poured a large amount of innate swords, and then promoted the supernatural powers, spraying five colors of light, spreading hell in five directions, cutting a radius of five hundred miles into five parts, flames transpired, goose feathers and heavy snow, swords and soldiers, and thorn trees Thorn, one side of the earth Rumble!

The two ultimate moves collided strongly There is a ghost city of injustice above, and there are five hells below These are two realms, the moment they come into contact with each other, they will explode and fight against each other "How is it possible, the five prisons are gathered together, even the lord of hell, there is no such inheritance, because the crucial "Weiyang Hell Sutra" is missing." Yin Jiuzhong was shocked, and laughed wildly:

"There is definitely a big secret in you, I must get it! Millions of Yin soldiers obey the order, break hell for me, and capture him alive!"

The ghost town boils The million Yin soldiers threw bone spears again This is formed by the condensation of Yin Qi and dead Qi, which is endless and corrodes the foundation "You think it's so beautiful!" Qin Li stomped his foot, and the ground was torn apart, and monsters and monsters rushed out, waving red flags, holding ice spears, wearing stone armor, carrying shackles, holding killing swords, and gathered the five-color army In groups of five, 200,000 troops rushed out, pouring out five-color lights, sweeping away millions of bone spears, and trapping Chengtou with chains. The five-color ghost army charged up and attacked the city in reverse The battle between the two armies was magnificent The five-color ghost army is more powerful, with one blocking five There are even more Yin soldiers in a million, throwing bone spears frantically, shooting down the intruders Gradually, after ten breaths, the two sides added up to a hundred thousand ghost troops, and their souls were completely scattered. It was like a meat grinder, and the battle became more and more crazy Yin Jiuzhong was in great pain, and hurriedly threw out the bone tower of injustice: "The tower town is a ghost town, the tools and methods are integrated, and the cover presses the four poles, ghosts and ghosts in the world."


The Bone Tower falls in the city It seems that with a backbone, the ghost town becomes more real and can crush mountains Really powerful supernatural powers have special magical weapons and weapons. Once the weapon and method are integrated, the illusory method has a real support, and the strength skyrockets "In normal times, I really can't subdue you, but this is my territory!" Qin Li took out the vajra wood token, and as soon as the stellar energy was activated, a huge amount of golden Buddha light erupted from the ground Buddhist supernatural powers are the best at suppressing evil spirits and ghosts. Under the light of Buddha, the power of the majestic ghost city is weakened. Millions of Yin soldiers among them howled, disgusted with this power, and wanted to hide in the shadows for refuge "What? Didn't I destroy the Vajra Formation?" Yin Jiuzhong was horrified, he purposely destroyed the formation patterns, because he hated Buddhist tricks "Because I fixed it." Old Demon Dugu stood with his hands behind his back, calm and calm "Thank you senior!"

Qin Li urged the formation token with all his strength:

"Great thousand shines, King Kong's glaring eyes, flames that subdue demons, oppress the ghost city!"

The vajra formation was completely awakened, and the Buddha's light was so dazzling that it transformed into a three-thousand-foot giant with a golden body, like a golden building, grinning, glaring, holding a vajra and carrying a flame wheel The million Yin soldiers were even more terrified, as if they had met their nemesis, trembling The five-element ghost army is fine, demons and ghosts, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are endlessly alive. They are the most perfect defense. They are not afraid of thunderbolts, wind and fire, and ignore the magic of immortality and Buddhism. Their weaknesses have been erased Boom!

The angry King Kong covered it with a palm The golden five fingers clasped the city wall, climbed directly to the ghost city, and burned it in all directions The 200,000 five-element ghost army took advantage of the situation to rush in, fought around, tied up the ghost soldiers one by one, threw them into hell, and began to assimilate "Not good! Injustice Bone Pagoda, come back!" Yin Jiuchong was in a hurry, the army was defeated like a mountain, Qin Li occupied the Vajra Formation and stood invincible, he had to evacuate as soon as possible, otherwise he would fall here,

"You can't get away!"

How could Qin Li let him go Vajra turned across the sky, his palms were like lakes, and he clasped the bone tower tightly The twenty-five ghost army also came to help, condensing the power of the five elements, turning them into dense chains, trapping the bone tower and preventing it from escaping "My bone tower!" Yin Jiuzhong was in a hurry. Most of his combat power was on this bone tower. If someone captured it, it would definitely be a fatal blow "You should care about yourself!" Qin Li spread out the Kunpeng's wings and entangled the Thundering Golden Snake at an astonishing speed. In the blink of an eye, he passed a few hundred feet, and within a breath he was approaching Yin Jiuchong The bone tower was restrained. He was like a tortoise with a broken shell. He had no means of defense at all. He could only dodge repeatedly, but he couldn't escape Qin Li Tear!

Slashed with a sword The sword gang was stirring, thunderous Yin Jiuzhong tried his best to dodge, but his arm was cut off, and blood spattered "Damn it! Qin Li, I will come back again, keep my injustice bone tower, and wait for me to get it!" Yin Jiuzhong was forced to sacrifice his life-saving talisman Enveloping the power of the Dharma, the whole person turned into a stream of light, took advantage of the opportunity to engulf the evil poison, and rushed into the Massive Burial Ridge, but he didn't know where he went As soon as the master left, the bone tower was completely quiet A million ghost army without a command is just a piece of loose sand "This group of Tianjiao is really hard to kill, but it doesn't matter, anyway, if the Lingbao stays, I should be perfect Nirvana." Qin Li urged the five hells with all his powers, dragged a million ghost soldiers into hell, and brewed a more essential plan. sublimation

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