"50 points."


There was an uproar, and many people's eyes widened Qin Li turned out to be a perfect score?

"Liu Zonghe, 40 points."

"35 points."

"30 points."

"40 marks."

In the entire Huaxia team, no one scored less than thirty points Compared with that country H, I don't know how much higher the score is Before the H country, it was ridiculous to say that they are the orthodox Chinese medicine The young man from Country H's face was gloomy, he only felt pain in his face, and his eyes were gloomy Especially yesterday, many people saw him yelling loudly. At this moment, those people looked at him with contempt and sneer It made the young man feel even more that he wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in!

All the results were announced soon. In the end, Huaxia ranked first. Xu Tian and Liu Chu's faces were full of joy The finals were quickly arranged, and Qin Li and the others strode to the high platform in the middle, and then sat in Huaxia's team seats There is a table in front of the seat with a responding machine on it This time, the topics are all practical For example, acupuncture and moxibustion for a certain disease, which acupuncture point should be used, and then go forward and use a dummy to demonstrate "In the final, I won't lose to you guys again!" Han Minghao suddenly stood behind Qin Li and said sadly Qin Li glanced at the young man, just smiled and said nothing Can't even answer a basic theoretical question correctly, and still want to beat Qin Li in practice?

It's wishful thinking!

The question started soon, and Han Minghao's eyes were fixed on the answering machine in front of him. No matter if he could or not, he had to grab it!

"first question."

The host spoke and finished describing the topic. In an instant, the bell for answering the question rang, and the ten teams reached out to press the answering machine But a strange thing happened, before they even touched the answering machine, the machine in front of them had lost its light!

This means that someone pressed it before them "Brother Qin, we must grab it later." Liu Zonghe was still saying this, but when he turned his head, his eyeballs almost fell out!

what did he see

As soon as the warning bell rang, Qin Li rang the answering machine in front of them And this speed, right next to the warning bell, was nearly a second faster than others!

Qin Li withdrew his hand calmly, and the host was obviously stunned for a moment, swallowed and said, "The Huaxia team took the lead."

Qin Li nodded, looked at Liu Zonghe and the three old men: "Do you know?"

Liu Zonghe wanted to say that he wanted to try, but... this is a competition, if he accidentally tries and makes a mistake, wouldn't it be over?

So he shook his head resolutely. The three old men just felt very sad today When they came to this foreign country, they originally thought that they were the most powerful people in China, but only now did they realize that they were already old!

The three of them also shook their heads slowly. Seeing this, Qin Li went straight up with the silver needle!

"He cheated! How could he press it so fast!"

Han Minghao shouted When he shouted, the other teams also frowned and muttered: "That's right, he has already pressed it before everyone has moved. It is indeed suspected of cheating."

Twenty mentors frowned, and one of them said, "We have a slow-motion replay, everyone can take a look."

As he spoke, he called up the slow-motion playback When everyone saw that the moment the warning bell rang, they were all fuzzy, only when Qin Li pressed it down, he stopped talking hehe!

Where did people cheat? It's just that you are too weak!

There was a sigh in the audience, and the faces of several teams were flushed. It's okay if you didn't watch it just now, but after seeing it, they all look like mentally retarded!

"Fuck! Even if he gets it, I don't believe he can get full marks!" Han Minghao snorted coldly "Indeed, this kind of practice questions is prone to mistakes. As long as there is a slight mistake, or if you don't follow the steps, you may deduct 0.1 or 0.5 points." Someone echoed "Dididi——! Qin Li, score judgment, five points! The total score for this question is five points."

There was a moment of silence, the expression on Han Minghao's face froze, and the people who agreed with him also instantly petrified on the spot!

Another slap in the face!

The audience around watched with excitement, Xu Tian and Liu Chu punched the air directly in excitement!

Xiaomi and all the people who followed also blushed: "Long face!"

At this moment, no matter what they were doing, they could tell that they must have misunderstood Qin Li back then At this moment, they only feel excited and proud!

Proud that Qin Li is from China!

Han Minghao reacted with a gloomy expression, and gritted his teeth: "There are ten questions in total, and I won't let you grab them again!"

When Qin Li returned to his position, Liu Zonghe immediately held Qin Li's hand: "That's awesome!"

"The young man is very powerful." The three old men also looked over at this moment, their eyes full of admiration Qin Li smiled and didn't say anything. He was reading the second question right now In an instant, the warning bell rang again!

Some people in the surrounding team stared at Qin Li closely without blinking their eyes Others, put their hand over the button, just wait for the alarm bell to go off, and press it immediately!


"Congratulations to the Huaxia team for taking the lead."

Qin Li retracted his hand with a smile, and met the angry eyes of other teams around him!

Han Minghao's eyes seemed to be breathing fire, and the representatives of countries D, M and all other countries also frowned "How did this Qin Li react so quickly?" Someone wondered "It felt a second or so ahead of all of us, it was scary."

Qin Li laughed when he heard this, just joking, if his reaction ability of a half-step master is the same as that of ordinary people, it will be abnormal!

Qin Li didn't ask a few people this time, but stood up directly by himself, walked over and started to demonstrate A minute later, the electronic speaker sounded: "Qin Li, five points, five points out of five."

The eyes of everyone in the audience were a little stiff, and there was nothing but apprehension in their hearts. Damn, we must grab the title this time!

But Qin Li didn't intend to leave any chance for these people at all Just kidding, there are a total of ten questions in the big question, and each question is only five points It's only fifty points for him to grab all of them, although his fifty points is equivalent to fifty points for the entire group But if he concedes a little bit, and others take five points, they will lose five points There are many small questions in the back, nearly a hundred, but one is only 0.5 points, and the demonstration is also simple But Qin Li wasn't in the mood to fight over such trivial matters The other teams thought so too, but they had no chance at all!

As a result, the electronic sound kept ringing "Qin Li, five points..."

"Five points."

.. Everyone went from apprehension and fear to solemnity to numbness to despair At the end, the Huaxia team scored a total of 50 points. The score is full, and they will not be able to participate in the following quick answer Things are completely over But at this moment, the rest of the team was resurrected with full blood Everyone looked at the Huaxia team with fearful expressions, thinking to themselves, are all the people in Huaxia so awesome?

Then, a new debate began until two hours All scores are out But apart from the Huaxia team, the faces of the other teams are getting uglier than the other at this moment!

0.5 minutes, even if you finish the answer, how much can you have?

Oh shit!

The Huaxia team is too bullying!

But what can they say? This was an official request, and what was given was a fierce competition. Who knew that they would meet Qin Li, a bastard?

"First place, Huaxia team! So far, a perfect score of 100 points!"

Everyone's hearts were calm, and they were full of Cao Nima "Second place, country D! So far, sixty points!"

Forty points difference!

The team leader of country D is a middle-aged man with a gloomy face at the moment: "We are not afraid, there is still a final play-off. Don't forget, our teacher is Fleck's apprentice!"

"That's right, in Chinese medicine, what we are best at is emergency treatment, and serious illness!"

A few people talk to each other After the scores were announced, it was ridiculous that Country H was at the end Total score, forty points The additional questions had been prepared long ago, and everyone left the stage. The surrounding audience and even the twenty mentors couldn't help but cast their gazes on Qin Li and the others Traditional Chinese medicine is indeed a Chinese heritage!

Now, who dares to talk about the sick man of East Asia?

"The additional questions this time were sent by medical institutions. This is the most difficult disease to treat this year, but according to scientific research, there is a 30% possibility that this disease can be cured by traditional Chinese medicine."

The host said: "Each team has an opportunity to observe. Those who are confident enough will go forward for treatment."

"We want to guarantee that you will be able to cure it. If you have the mentality of trying and cannot determine whether there are side effects, please do not try!"

"This is a test of your professional ethics and a relief to patients."

Everyone nodded, understanding in their hearts So it is an additional question, not who wants to go, but who will, and who will not cause consequences!

Then, because the Huaxia team was ahead for the time being, the Huaxia team went into the ward to observe They have to change into sterile suits and have ten minutes to go in and observe "We may not." Liu Zonghe was convinced by Qin Li. He just watched Qin Li demonstrate and score in one minute It shows that Qin Li's strength is more than ten times stronger than the four of them!

The same Chinese medicine, the same young people, why is there such a big gap?

"I'm not sure, just take a look." One of the younger old men said, "I haven't seen this kind of disease before."

Qin Li nodded, not feeling at all shameless about cheating, and said righteously: "That's right, we must have the courage to explore."

Liu Zonghe rolled his eyes when he heard this, expressing that he didn't want to talk to Qin Li!

On the hospital bed, lay a man. The man was as pale as a tissue There are many bloodshots in the skin folds The case showed that this man was from country M. He was fine before he became an adult, but he was suddenly admitted to the hospital one day after he became an adult From that day on, his body could not be touched by anyone, even the skin would crack and bleed This is a variant vitreous disorder!

So far, only a few people can treat this disease, but this mutated vitreous body can only maintain the characteristics of life so far, but it cannot make him heal Living is worse than being dead At the end of ten minutes, Qin Li and others walked out of the room The team behind, go in next "How?" Liu Zonghe worried, "I'm not sure..."

The three old men also shook their heads, not sure Qin Li wanted to give it a try. He promised that there would be no side effects, but he had never treated this disease, and he might not be able to recover from it But it should be better than the current symptoms "I'll do it." Qin Li nodded and said, and then began to plan how to treat him Time passed quietly, and Qin Li hadn't spoken yet after the last one from country H came out Then Han Minghao raised his hand suddenly: "I can heal!"

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