The magic cloud rolled A ferocious beast in troubled times straddles the void This is a magic dragon, hundreds of miles long, like a black mountain range It had nine heads, as big as a mountain, with ferocious fangs, and opened its mouth to spit out dark ice, phosphorous fire, dark thunder, strong wind, venom, sand, black light, black clouds, and magic sounds. Mixed together, it is a natural disaster to destroy the world "I wanted to kill you alone, but now it seems that the magic army is still needed!"

The son of Juejue stepped on the nine-headed dragon His eyes were cold, showing absolute arrogance and burning anger Being suppressed by a group of unknown soldiers, as the son of the emperor, he was naturally extremely upset, so he immediately issued orders and dispatched troops The Nine Street Demon Dragon exploded with a bang, opened its mouth to spit out, and was covered by a hundred-thousand-mile demon cloud, and all living beings would die. It has six dragon claws, cast like black gold, as huge as a mountain, chopping down, tearing the void "Invincible!"

Old Demon Dugu shot out several streaks of blood Drag everyone present, leave the pass, and enter the protection range of the Holy Formation "No, we have to stop them from breaking through the barrier." Yuan Zheng was shocked, jumping his feet anxiously Han Xinwu took back the holy bead with a sad face: "It's useless, the combined strength of a hundred thousand nirvana demons, not to mention us, even the Lord of the Ninth Layer Holy Land, can't resist it."

"Oops, they're starting to break through, why didn't senior Demon Buddha come to support him!" Zhen Yue panicked Rumble!

The Holy Formation shook violently, with myriad visions The nine-headed demon dragon wanted to pass through the boundary between righteousness and demons, but he was too huge, and the barrier was so big that he couldn't get through at all, so he gnawed wildly and poured out his magic power, and he would soon be able to open a way Qin Li squinted his eyes. Although the Holy Formation suppressed the individual realm, the gathering of one hundred thousand demon troops can exert the combat power of the magic phase. This is an extremely ingenious method, and it is invincible in the abyss Fortunately in misfortune, the speed of the nine-headed magic dragon is a bit slow. After all, it is not a living thing, but the product of mobilizing troops and gathering formations. But he can't slow down, and will soon tear the boundary "Brother Li, can you still open your stone box?"


Li Pingan wants to cry but has no tears:

"I don't know why it just can't be opened."

Old Demon Dugu looked at the stone box with great curiosity in his eyes Qin Li told him about this treasure. It is said that once it is opened, it can bury the entire world, and it is more ferocious than a holy weapon "This box of yours is too terrifying. It touched the holy formation's stress defense. You didn't even notice that this bundle is dead." Old Demon Dugu pinched the seal in his hand, shot out a bloody light, and washed the stone box immediately Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed The stone box is wrapped with densely packed holy patterns, like a chain "Senior, do you have a way to untie the shackles?" Qin Li knew that the Dugu old demon had a supernatural power, so he might have a way "It's not difficult to untie!" Dugu Laomo nodded: "As long as I build an umbrella of the formation, I can temporarily block the interference of the holy formation and open the stone box. But there must be a fulcrum as the eye of the formation, which must be a holy step." things."

"Is the holy fruit of Bodhi acceptable?" Yuan Zheng took out the fruit given by the Demon Buddha "Yes, but I can't last a few breaths." Old Demon Dugu shook his head "Then how about my Great Xia Dragon Sparrow Stick?" Zhen Yue showed no mercy "A fallen sacred artifact is not a sacred artifact." Old Demon Dugu still shook his head Han Xinwu sighed: "It seems that there is only my Taiyin Haoyue Pearl, but my spirit is weak, and I can't even move."

"Take it, eat the sacred fruit of Bodhi, and the brain will generate wisdom light, and you should be able to control the holy bead for a short time." Li Pingan also spent his money Everyone also contributed holy fruits one after another "I'll give it a try."

Han Xinwu swallowed a holy bodhi fruit Rounds of wisdom halos emerged from the back of her head, as bright as the moonlight, setting her off like a moonlight bodhisattva A holy bead appeared between the brows. Only by observing it closely can one feel the shock It is full of complicated dao marks, intertwined with pieces of gorgeous articles, just like a moon, with twenty-eight orifices, all of which are opened, but due to the curse of Qianyuan, it is difficult to flow the holy power, and only a small part of it can escape. the power of "Barely able to control." Han Xinwu nodded "Very well, just wait a moment."

Dugu Laomo made a move Dao Dao Yuan Zu's blood energy condensed into formation patterns now!

It's not even down there either The sound of rumbling and cracking was uninterrupted "Haha! I have finally broken through the boundary between good and evil."

The Miejue Dizi looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, beside the torn boundary barrier The nine-headed dragon crossed the boundary and entered the range of the Ten Holy Formation. With one mouthful, there were nine kinds of attacks, which disrupted the formation patterns in all directions The ten holy formations were originally ten holy formations pieced together, but now, the gap between the formations has expanded, and even collided with each other, causing the bottomless abyss to vibrate, especially the city of Tianyi, which is crumbling. Mo Buddha did evil and yelled in fright "Don't destroy them, eat them for me."

Miejue Dizi pointed directly at the top above A pearl hangs high Like the bright moon in the sky, surrounding the ninefold wisdom light wheel, it is holy and solemn Old Demon Dugu also spent his blood. After devouring the purple blood avatar, the blood energy of the born ancestor turned into formation patterns, and with the holy bead as the center, he built a nine-foot blood-colored umbrella, spreading out a piece of heaven and earth "No matter what trick you want to play, the outcome has been determined."

The nine-headed dragon rushes to the night, opening its mouth to swallow the sky "Oh, is it so."

Li Pingan laughed jokingly Now that the shackles are gone, he opens the stone box There is nothing inside, only the purest darkness Flowing down, like crude oil, one drop can pollute thousands of miles, dragging the world into an abyss darker than darkness, and an end more solitary than extinction This kind of power is very strange, as if it is the opposite of all living beings, and it is also the end point of all restlessness and prosperity, the ultimate emptiness, the ultimate silence, and all vitality and supernatural powers will fall prickly——

Black power drips from the dragon's head There was the sound of acid eroding rock The ferocious demon gang disappeared, and the ferocious dragon head disintegrated and disappeared Among them, the five thousand Nirvana Demon Cultivators, who are only slightly contaminated by black power, will die and collapse no matter how crazy they are "What kind of power is this?" The Exterminator was terrified "The power to kill you."

Li Pingan pushed with all his strength, and the gap in the stone box widened Like a flood, the black force swept down, destroying all life It's like using boiling water to irrigate an ant's nest. One hundred thousand demon army is equal to one hundred thousand ants. In the endless darkness, they are going to die without leaving any bones or souls This is a doomsday catastrophe. The nine-headed demon dragon, which was invincible just now, has no residue left, only the extermination demon is left, and he shouted almost madly: "Impossible, this is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible."

Li Pingan was extremely comfortable, and raised his hand The black wave engulfed the Extinct Emperor, and he was like falling into a pool of acid, disintegrating and collapsing instantly, but healed quickly, and then was dispelled again. This cycle went on and on, and he never died seven or eight times "The power of the emperor's blood is comparable to the matter of longevity." Qin Li was very surprised Old Demon Dugu shook his head: "He doesn't have the real emperor's blood, but he just got the legacy of his father's generation. If he continues to water it, he can't last it."

"A group of bastards ruined the great affairs of the Demon Kingdom, we will meet again!"

The extermination of the emperor's anger was at its peak Boom!

Then he blew up The demon was extremely decisive and blew himself up on the spot The power of the emperor's blood burst out, pushing away the black force and tearing apart the void The Holy Death Sword flashed past, disappeared into nothingness, and went nowhere "The son of Extermination is dead!"

Li Pingan smiled happily Old Demon Dugu shook his head:

"The emperor's child will not die so easily."

"If I'm not mistaken, the Demon Emperor Condemning the World must have planted some means for the son of Juedi. The Yuanling is immortal and can be resurrected in the Demon Realm, so he blew himself up so decisively without any hesitation."

Han Xinwu smiled and said: "Anyway, we won. It was a hard battle. This is mainly due to Li Ping'an's contribution. Of course, without everyone's joint efforts, it would not have been possible."

Zhenyue laughed loudly: "After this battle, I think it will be difficult for the world of gods and demons to commit another crime in a short period of time. We are all heroes to save the world. It just so happens that I stole a few jars of Ten Thousand Years Monkey Wine from my father. Let's celebrate it."

"Wait a moment!"

Qin Li interrupted suddenly: "I have a bold idea."

"The bottomless abyss is the wound of the Qianyuan Great World. The reason why it has been unable to heal for a long time is because there is a heaven-reaching magic formation below, which is like a poisonous needle, piercing the throat of the Qianyuan World."

"The eye of the formation that looks like a magic formation is a magic city. If we push it, what will happen..."

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