Zoroastrianism Located on a rolling volcano On the top there is auspicious clouds of fire, and on the bottom there is Chi Jing's auspicious energy This is a treasure land, and it is a world-renowned place for refining weapons Whenever the ruins of the ancient gods are about to be opened, there will be earthquakes in the Yanshen Cave. I don't know the reason, but the divine fire will inevitably erupt from it, enough to forge high-level spiritual treasures, and even melt the divine gold If there had been an earthquake in previous years, the Yanshen Cave would have been overcrowded, Nirvana would have spread all over the place, great Dharma figures would flock here, and countless craftsmen would gather here However, this year is particularly deserted, basically all Nirvana giants, heavenly and human powerhouses After all, Fa Xiang Da Neng is either wrangling in the magic state, or stationed in his old lair There is also a small group, with their own Tianjiao, to the ruins of the ancient gods, hoping to get some artifacts, preferably some divine substances "The fewer people, the better!"

Qin Li walked and flew, neither fast nor slow Surrounded by monks who control the light, go to the Yanshen Cave suddenly!

An absolute coercion hit I saw an atmospheric cloud car driving in the distance Looking from a distance, it is a sandalwood palace, surrounded by neon auspicious clouds, coming from the sky When you get closer, you can see that the car is inlaid with five treasures and glass, and there are water and fire dragons pulling the car, which is extremely rich If you have superhuman eyesight, you can see a dozen handsome white-faced men in the car through the window, most of whom are celestial monks With rouge on their faces and gorgeous dresses on their bodies, they disguised themselves as women to serve an old woman "This is Li Shan's old mother's car."

"Quickly avoid her, she is a great power in the first level of Faxiang, Megatron Yanshen Mountain."

"It's best for her to keep noodles in her life, and she also likes to let them dress up as women. It's extremely disgusting. Let's not be seen."

Everyone backed away Qin Li also backed away and asked:

"Senior, I thought that after cultivating the Dharma, they are all masters without desire!"

Old Demon Dugu smiled and said: "The Dharma is a wonderful realm, it can enable monks to thoroughly understand themselves and face up to their hearts."

"It is said that there was a Confucian and Taoist Tianjiao, who never approached women, was willing to do good, and was known as a virtuous gentleman. It is a pity that when he was promoted to Dharma, he looked at his heart and knew that he didn't like being restrained by etiquette, and he didn't like others' unreasonable demands, so he became a devil overnight. , betrayed Confucianism. Compared with him, raising noodles is just a trivial matter."

Qin Li's eyes showed surprise, and he speculated: "No one is perfect, and gold has no bare feet. Everyone has some problems, and there are always dark places in their hearts. Doesn't this mean that, except for a very few powerful people, most Dharma figures have special hobbies. "


Old Demon Dugu nodded:

"But they usually choose to hide."

Qin Li suddenly remembered an example, that is Beiming Xichen's mother Married to the Lord Kunpeng, and has a proud daughter, life is so happy, but she still falls in love with Ye Qingcang, and even wants to elope together, presumably it is the result of her valuing love squarely If you use this theory to push back and recall the past, it will be more interesting The obsession of the Holy Lord of Vientiane must be to exterminate the natural Taoism. The obsession of the Holy Lord Kunpeng is inseparable from Ye Qingcang. What is the Holy Lord Hailong? Do the Three Demon Buddhas have obsessions?

at this time!

Close to Zoroastrianism Mountain Gate There is only one entrance for the shrouded formation here It is a red gold gate, about ten feet high, not very domineering But a group of monks blocked the door, shouting loudly: "Why are you closing the door, do you want to monopolize the Yanshen Cave?"

Several Fire Worship Cult disciples said: "In order to prevent some unruly people from mixing in, everyone who wants to enter must show their identity. If they are anonymous, they are not allowed to enter."

Some are happy and some are sad Nirvana giants are all famous, and their faces are proof Those celestial and human casual cultivators will be in trouble. If they can't prove themselves, they won't be able to get in at all, and they can only complain at the door "Do you need help?"

In the mountain and river bracelet, Old Demon Dugu said In fact, except for him, everyone among them was paying attention to Qin Li's actions "No, I'm also a formation master anyway!" Qin Li was full of confidence, soaring into the air, looking for loopholes in the formation The formation is combined with the terrain, and when it is established, it is the most powerful But the terrain is not static. As the sea changes, the formation does not fit, and the loopholes will increase Moreover, the Yanshen Cave is shaken every few hundred years, so there are many loopholes "Here it is!"

Qin Li found a crack He took out the top grade gemstone and began to carve the rune pattern These are the output of Yuchun tree, the quality is extremely high, and it is most suitable for carrying lines and serving as the foundation of the formation Carving 19 pieces, Qin Li felt Fengshui, threw it into the corresponding direction, and the originally impenetrable formation curtain began to tear, forming a corridor, allowing Qin Li to enter it "It's rare. It's not easy for you to improve your formation cultivation after the recent unrest and another wave!" Dugu Laomo praised "It's all thanks to the seniors, and the "Dong Xuan Jing" opened my eyes."

Qin Li smiled slightly and looked in all directions There are mountains of flames outside, but here is the fragrance of birds and flowers, green springs and waterfalls It should be the formation that suppressed the firepower, so that there is green here, nourishing a beautiful mountain and river scenery "That should be the Yanshen Cave." Qin Li looked up, and could see the flames soaring into the sky in the distance, flying five thousand feet into the sky, spreading out, forming a burning cloud, which lasted all year round, which was particularly eye-catching "Naturally, the disciple was also imprisoned in that place." Qin Li took out the disciple token and pointed him in a direction Tread away Qin Li didn't delay at all All the way through the blooming flowers, stepping on the green grass, and crossing the streams and ancient trees The line of sight suddenly opened up, and a temple stood in front of it, with glazed tiles, bluestone walls, rich doors and red walls, red sandalwood railings, carved beams and painted buildings, resplendent and magnificent "A temple!" Qin Li walked through it, and found fire worshiping disciples coming and going, and a large number of monks trapped in the temple, worshiping and chanting scriptures in front of a red gold statue, the god's name is "Huoling Mountain An Sheng Ping Shu Zheng God!"

"Which god is this?"

Qin Li has very little knowledge of Shinto Su Qingxue explained: "This god is the Lord of Fire Worship."

"It is said that thousands of years ago, the Yanshen Cave was shaken, and a piece of sacred bone was ejected, which was obtained by the fire worshiper, and obtained the incomplete Shinto inheritance. Therefore, he proclaimed himself a righteous god, established the fire worship cult, and enjoyed incense offerings."

Qin Li said strangely: "As far as I know, the gods are incorporeal, and all the gods we meet are like this. They should have no bones, right?"


Old Demon Dugu shook his head and said:

"Although the gods are incorporeal, they are powerful gods who will cast their bodies."

"It must be that the gods buried in the Yanshen Cave have terrifying origins. After so many years, there are still god bones. Maybe here, it can really melt the fairy gold and forge a supreme killing sword."

Between chatting Qin Li traveled to dozens of halls He approached the Yanshen Cave, and the temperature was scorching hot Thousands of monks gathered there, all of them were big figures with heads and faces air!

Stand alone Stepping on the void, looking down on Pingchuan He is the same as the statue in the temple, and also somewhat similar to Huo Kui'er White face and red hair, eyes ejaculating, and a flame robe fluttering with the wind, it looks like a mass of red flames burning from a distance Below is the Yanshen Cave, tens of feet wide, pouring out red flames, scorching the surrounding fields, and the void is distorted by burning, while the surrounding rocks have undergone mutations, turning into scarlet crystals, with natural patterns "The law is one weight."

Old Demon Dugu saw the truth of the other party Xiaolong asked suspiciously: "Such a precious place is actually occupied by the first layer of Dharma Xiang?"

Su Qingxue made an investigation and explained: "It is precisely because this place is too precious that all the holy places covet it, and the Platinum Holy Land cannot monopolize it. So everyone shared the Yanshen Cave and fostered a Fire Worship Cult by the way."

Mo Yao instantly realized: "It turns out that the Zoroastrian Cult is just a housekeeper and a gatekeeper."

Qin Li breathed a sigh of relief The first level of Faxiang is also acceptable If it is the level of the Holy Master, it is really unbearable The fighting power of the Ninth Layer of Faxiang is too terrifying. Even though the mystery is more powerful against high-level suppression, he has sacrificed several spirit treasures, and he is still hunted and killed in a panic!

I don't want to experience this kind of experience again in my life "Save people first, refine weapons later!"

Qin Li activated the supreme technique, but there was no trace of it Following the guidance of the token, he approached the fire prison of Zoroastrianism It seemed that Qin Lihui was expected to come. The intersection was full of checkpoints, and Nirvana monks were stationed there, so it could be described as airtight It's a pity that for Qin Li, these are trivial matters, and he soon approached the fire prison Just as he was about to break through, he found that there was a restriction at the door In desperation, Qin Li used some means to break the restriction squeak!

The cell door opened It's empty Only one acquaintance stood among them "Qin Li, you are indeed here." Jun Tianxia smiled faintly

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