The people from the Xu family were also stunned, and the people from the Wen family were all pale "Doctor Wen, is what Qin Li said true? Are you really doing this out of vanity?"

"Doctor Wen, we trust you, please give us an explanation!"

Qin Li snorted coldly in his heart, how ridiculous?

These people are willing to believe in a doctor who would even take the patient's life for the sake of his reputation?

It was really kicked in the head by a donkey!

The man was in so much pain that he looked at Wen Qingguo with a look of despair in his eyes He gritted his teeth, and slowly turned to Qin Li: "Doctor me..."

When the words fell, there were tears in his eyes In the beginning, it was Qin Li who warned him to accept Wen Qingguo's treatment after confirming that the acupuncture diagram was correct But he believed in Wen Qingguo, scolded Qin Li, and said that Qin Li was meddling And now?

Wen Qingguo, who made him look like this, hid aside, trying to escape but was caught by Qin Li!

Everyone is attacking Wen Qingguo!

Qin Li who was scolded by him was right ridicule! What a taunt!

He was startled and desperate. Since Wen Qingguo was unwilling to take care of him, Qin Li, who must have been scolded by him, was even less likely to want to take care of him But the next moment, he was forced to lie flat Qin Li's face appeared in front of his eyes, and the man was taken aback: "You..."

"Shut up, and be careful not to leak your vitality." Qin Li said, and slapped the man's chest with his palm. Immediately afterwards, three silver needles were inserted into his acupoints The man spat out another mouthful of blood But after he spurted out this mouthful of blood, his body no longer had that kind of pain He darkened his armpit suspiciously, and pressed other places Doesn't hurt anymore?

Not only that, but his body feels better than before! Not perfect, but not bad at all!


In an instant, the man knelt down in front of Qin Li At this moment, Wen Qingguo's face was ashen, and he gritted his teeth and looked at Qin Li: "Qin Li! I can tell you did it on purpose! You must have investigated my acupuncture and moxibustion method a long time ago, and deliberately found a weakness!"

"If you don't press his armpit, you can't prove that my formation is wrong!"

Until now, Wen Qingguo is still defending himself "Okay! You are not convinced? Then let me tell you, why do I know you are wrong about the stitching method behind this!"

As Qin Li said, he pulled out all the needles on the picture, including the original one hundred and twenty-eight needles Then, one needle at a time, piercing quickly "The first needle is the lifeline at the beginning, and two fingers need to be inserted! The second needle is the lifeline of the foundation, and three centimeters of the needle needs to be inserted!"

"The third stitch..."

Qin Li opened his mouth, explained each needle in detail, and pierced Because of his actions at the moment, everyone in the hall was stunned in place!

Qin Li explained in detail that people like them who don't know Chinese medicine at all think that they can heal diseases themselves!

How detailed?

Wen Qingguo's face was pale, and the excuse he had made to excuse himself turned out to be a stepping stone for Qin Li!

Qin Li's every sentence, every word, was like a knife, cutting his disguise to pieces!

Let his true colors be fully displayed in front of everyone!

"How could it be? This Qin Li...why did he know such details?"

Wen Liu was stunned "Don't be kidding, his current formation is just the original one hundred and twenty-eight stitches. What if it was planned in advance?"

Wen Changmo sneered, but felt guilty well planned?

He said it, do you believe it?

Wen Liu pursed her red lips, but she didn't believe it either, but it seemed that only this excuse could comfort herself "The last one hundred and ninety-nine stitches, the first stitch!"

Qin Li continued to speak: "Introduce the needle with one finger, point the empty point around the acupuncture point! It is to open the pulse and enter the spirit!"

"Fuxi created this needle in the general period of Huaxia's spiritual energy. This needle can lead spiritual energy into the body and expel viruses!"

"And the second needle..."

Qin Li's words completely dumbfounded Wen Changmo, who was still harboring a glimmer of fantasy just now What bullshit, because the front is the original picture, so Qin Li may have planned it 1

What should I say now?

The last one hundred and ninety-nine stitches, he stitch by stitch is so detailed, how to explain?

Wen Qingguo was already ashamed, and everyone below, including the eldest son who mocked Qin Li at the beginning, was completely dumbfounded!

Why is this guy from a small city so awesome?

They even felt that apart from Qin Li, there was no one else who could do this master of national medicine!

Such a thought, when their faces were horrified!

How can it be!

But in just two hours, they completely changed their views on Qin Li!

The hall was dead silent, and Qin Li's explanation continued!

Wang Shouyi saw it from the beginning to the end, and even at the last moment of madness, he hoped that Wen Qingguo would press Qin Li to death!

And the current scene, like a huge mallet, completely woke him up!

Qin Li... He really wasn't the one he used to be. He came from a small city and opened a clinic in Jiang City!

Although, he still didn't understand why the chief took such good care of Qin Li But now, Qin Li's actions made him regret a little.. Maybe, he should really apologize to Qin Li?

Thinking of this, Wang Shouyi showed a look of resignation on his face! No! If he didn't know the chief's thoughts, he would never be able to apologize to Qin Li for this!

A mere major general, not to mention his embarrassment, let him be dismissed by the chief!

He absolutely cannot swallow this matter easily!

"The first nine stitches, our doctor Wen Qingguo, are still correct, but the last one hundred and ninety stitches are not where he said at all!"

"First of all, the tenth needle is an empty needle! What is an empty needle? This needle is not as good as an ordinary acupuncture point, and it enters the gate of martial arts cultivation!"

One needle is placed on the lower abdomen of the human body diagram: "Put three fingers into the needle, and point the dantian acupoint! Lay the foundation, and complement each other with the second needle of the first 128 needles!"

Qin Li continued to explain. After half an hour, all the needles were pierced, and the explanation was terrifyingly detailed When he finished speaking, the entire hall was so silent that a needle could be heard!

Wen Qingguo swallowed in horror for a long while "This is the real complete acupuncture method! I can also pass this formation method into the hands of Huaxia Chinese medicine practitioners! Can it be considered that I, Qin Li, have won?"

After Qin Li's words fell, his face was gloomy. Before anyone could speak, he said angrily, "I, Qin Li, never thought that one day, my Huaxia's acupuncture method is not for curing diseases and saving lives, but for the sake of competition and vanity." !"

"This acupuncture method is too difficult. If someone fails to learn it and starts treatment, anyone can report to me once they find out! I, Qin Li, swear that I will never let you go lightly!"

There was a moment of dead silence, and for a long while, suddenly thunderous, rainstorm-like applause rang out But, no one yelled, no one yelled They only felt that Qin Li was really worthy of respect!

The chief watched clearly from the backstage. At this moment, there was a relieved smile on his face, his eyes slowly looked at the blue sky outside the window, and his eyes were squinted Whispering: "Did you see it? Are you satisfied?"

The battle for master of Chinese medicine naturally ended with Qin Li's victory Wen Qingguo didn't wait for people to leave, so he left here privately as if fleeing Wen Changmo and Wen Liu even had no face to continue to stay, those sons who served Qin Li at court, and the children of the family who were not optimistic about Qin Li They all left immediately This celebration party was extremely successful!

Everyone was severely beaten!

On the second day, Qin Liqinggong would explain the needling technique, and it was reported on the news It's just that the matter of Wen Qingguo was never mentioned from the beginning to the end After all, it is a big family in the capital with a rich background, even though this matter was done wrong The news side dare not make a fuss about them!

The Xu family and Li Zirui called Nuclear Power one after another But Qin Li hadn't seen Wang Shouyi's figure until now "Tricked me, just want to disappear?" Qin Li sneered, "I still don't believe that you can avoid me for the rest of your life!"

Qin Li took a sip of tea, stood up from the sofa, and turned off the TV Recently, Chu Qingyin has been busy with company affairs and has not been able to come back Three days ago, Chu Zitan transferred to Beijing School, which was arranged by Song Yan Qin Li looked at the schedule and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief. After working for so long, he can at least rest for a few days The summit is three days away There are still more than ten days left for the Jiang family. Thinking of this, Qin Li happily took the car keys and drove towards Chu Qingyin's company It's been a long time since I found my wife Wen Cun. He had agreed with Jiang Jun to be the CEO, but he didn't remember keeping Chu Qingyin so busy!

The car drove fast all the way, and just when it was about to go downstairs to Jiang's Group, Qin Li's phone rang suddenly The caller ID is still an unknown number "Hi, hello, are you Chu Zitan's family? Chu Zitan owed a classmate 100,000 yuan at school and has been reported to the Academic Affairs Office. I am the director of the Academic Affairs Office of Capital University. Please come to the school. "

"We need to deal with this matter immediately."

Qin Li was stunned for a moment, who?

He didn't turn the corner for a while, Chu Zitan?

Didn't she just come to school? Why do you owe 100,000 yuan?

"Hello? Hello? Are you Chu Zitan's family? Please reply!"

Qin Li came back to his senses and frowned: "Okay, I understand, I'll go there right away."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Li thought about it, but still didn't tell Chu Qingyin, and drove towards the Capital University

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