
Yaoxiong retreated A mouthful of royal blood spurted out "Father!" Zhenyue panicked and helped Yaoxiong Guishou Dasheng's expression was displeased: "I'm waiting to discuss the future of Qianyuan, and I don't have the qualifications for you to speak."

Yaoxiong gritted his teeth and resisted the pressure: "Great Sage, Qin Li is unparalleled in righteousness and righteousness. He has made great contributions to Qianyuan, and he is also the number one emperor star. Now we sacrifice him for our own selfishness. It is too shameless."

"Are you scolding me?" Guishou Dasheng looked cold, he was pulling out disasters for the Yaozu, but Yaoxiong was eating inside and outside, so how could he not get angry: "Just this kid, what great contribution can he make?"

The red elephant sage said sadly: "If he sacrifices, it will be a great contribution."

Emperor Wan sneered and said, "Qin Li, you still don't want to die voluntarily."

"History will remember your exploits."

Full of morality To put it bluntly, they are all malicious There are too many forces, and they wish Qin Li would die "enough!"

The Great Sage Nine Profound was furious With a roar, the situation in all directions was turbulent All the monks and mighty kings in the audience were frightened into silence "My generation of monks is self-reliant, upholding morality and carrying things, and no longer a holy name. Now that we are in a critical situation, we should unite more, but you want to harm others for peace. Are you stupid to believe that if you hand over Qin Li, foreign forces will give you peace? ?"

After a lot of scolding, the blood was pouring on the head, and the sage didn't dare to refute The Nine Profound Sage went up a few steps Putting one hand on Qin Li's shoulder, he said firmly:

"Qin Li is the star of Emperor Qianyuan. The future emperor can only die in the struggle between emperors, and must not die in internal struggles."

The holy word is like the holy decree What you say is what you say, and what you say is what you say Qin Li found a layer of holy light covering his body This is the blessing of the Nine Profound Sage, whoever dares to tear it will be his enemy Qin Lixin was surprised. He had only met him a few times. Apart from his own integrity, the big reason why the Nine Profound Sage defended himself like this was because the girl was the future Lord of Taixuan, so he was considered a half disciple of Taixuan "Let's go!"

The Great Sage Nine Profound waved his hand This meeting, can be regarded as broke up unhappy Qin Li cupped his hands to express his gratitude: "Thank you, senior, for your words of help."

Great Sage Jiuxuan smiled and said: "It's okay! Don't take what they say to heart, practice hard, and you will definitely be Qianyuan's lucky star in the future."

Qin Li smiled, and felt that the Great Sage was surprisingly approachable: "I think the sacrifice is still short of half the altar's living matter. I just happen to have some in my hand, so I gave it to the seniors. It can be regarded as a contribution to the sacrifice to the heavens."

Say it!

Take out a jade altar It is full of green life essence The Nine Profound Sage stared wide-eyed, and couldn't help laughing:

"I said that you are the lucky star of Qianyuan, but I didn't expect it to be a prophecy."

The Great Sage Guishou grimaced He didn't say much, just walked away The Red Elephant Saint looked at Qin Li, and found that Qin Li had a nine-layered appearance, and the accumulated fear was so deep that the king would retreat three points Wandi was worried, and secretly sent a voice transmission: "Brother, Qin Li has become a serious problem. This guy has saved the world. If the merit system is established, he will benefit endlessly. Coupled with the recovery of Huazhou, he will become even more lawless."

The third king frowned, his eyes glistened with poison, and he didn't know what was brewing Naturally, the holy spirit also had a bad face "Brother Qin!"

Zhenyue invited:

"Can you come to Taoyuan as a guest?"

"I wish for it!" Qin Li nodded immediately!

Several people took the wind to leave Tear through space and travel through nothingness "That's the Taoyuan World, the residence of the God Ape Clan!"

Qin Li looked away, and found an extremely eye-catching peach-colored world, surrounded by evil spirits, shining brightly After entering, the sight is suddenly beautiful, and you can see the blue sky, the majestic mountains and beautiful peaks, and the eternal spring never winter In addition, there are a large number of ape monsters in the world of Taoyuan, roaring monkeys screaming at the mountains, water apes dancing in the waves, white apes swallowing clouds, and mountain apes with great power. In addition, there are many other species, such as Tongbei apes, Red-spiked horse monkey, golden-haired ape.. "Good place!"

Qin Li couldn't help admiring Zhenyue warmly entertained and said: "Let's go to Shengtaolin."

They speeded up and came to a secret place where they planted various peach trees, such as longevity peaches, golden peaches, snow kiwis, jade walnuts, white peaches with cloud patterns, white jade flat peaches, green jade flat peaches.. The most precious thing is the core, a three-foot peach tree, with a trunk twisted like a dragon, carved like purple chalcedony, surrounded by Dao patterns, it is natural, and the leaves are like purple star gems, emitting holy light and bursting out. sound On the jade branch, there are still twenty-three holy peaches, slightly bigger than a fist, many plump, moist and glistening, containing pure holy power, and even radiating visions, forming a baby-like shape in it, with a congenital breath "Purple jade flat peach!"

Qin Li couldn't help exclaiming This is the holy medicine bred by the fairy flat peach Zhenyue proudly said: "This is the treasure that my family has cultivated for generations."

"Qin Li, don't be too polite, just treat it as your own home!" Yaoxiong took out a five-color jade pole, took out the plumpest purple jade flat peach, and gave it to Qin Li, and also dug out a ten thousand year old monkey brew "Thank you senior."

It was Qin Li's first time eating flat peaches Take a bite, the delicious juice splashes, and after swallowing, the lips and teeth will be fragrant Taotao's holy power swept through the limbs and bones, tempered the bones, improved understanding, prolonged life, and even added a hint of purple luck "In the temple just now, the senior spoke out righteously, but he has not paid back. Now he invites me to take the holy medicine, which greatly improves my physique. I am really ashamed. This is a small gift, and I hope you can accept it." Qin Li sent out a jade box "Actually, the Great Sage Guishou is not bad, but he is the Great Sage of the Monster Race."

Yaoxiong smiled and accepted the gift He didn't pay attention either, and when he opened the jade box, he was shocked Among them is a jade-colored walnut, shaped like a crystal, with dao lines and immortal marks, exuding a crystal-clear fairy light, which is extraordinary and refined "Fairy walnut!"

Zhen Yue's eyes stared straight This is the fairy walnut of Yu Qilin "This gift is too precious, take it back quickly."

Qin Li shook his head: "I don't need this thing, it's best to give it to you. It can be cultivated into a purple jade flat peach tree. If it is refined by Zhenyue, he will have the opportunity to become emperor, and he will become a saint in the future, and it will be sure."

Yaoxiong hesitated For the sake of my son, I have a thick skin "Zhenyue, go to the treasure house of Taoyuan and take out the ancient slips from the deepest place."

"Understood!" Zhenyue nodded and flew away, and after a while, he flew back with a treasure box "Qin Li, I see that you are about to cross the catastrophe. This volume of ancient bamboo slips is the unique knowledge of my ape clan, and it is the most suitable for you." Yaoxiong was very enthusiastic, and directly stuffed the ancient slips into Qin Li's arms Qin Li took a closer look, and found that it was a simple and simple jade slip, and the corners were all broken "It turned out to be the method of crossing the catastrophe "Nine Changes of Awakening Insects"!"

Transcending the tribulation first level, longevity is boundless The second level of crossing the catastrophe, an indestructible body Crossing the Tribulation Triple Layer, a whim Transcend the tribulation fourfold, the melting pot of vitality Crossing the five levels of tribulation, derived from flesh and blood Crossing the sixth level of robbery, take pictures on the wall Crossing the seven stages of tribulation, the size is as you wish Overcoming the eightfold tribulation, the body of emptiness Crossing the nine stages of tribulation, ever-changing The so-called Transcending Tribulation Realm is the fusion of the flesh and soul You need to go through the nine stages of tribulation to perfectly integrate without any regrets Every time a catastrophe is passed, the physical body will be sublimated once, and finally turned into endless flesh and blood dust, which can be broken up and reorganized, and it will change ever-changingly Waking of Insects means that the spring thunder bursts and revives all spirits. It is the power of life in the thunder calamity. It can not only temper the body, strengthen the bones, but also sublimate the flesh and blood. After nine changes, it can even return to the ancestors "It's such a "Nine Changes of Awakening Insects". I was still wondering why the predecessors were dressed in silver hairs. After crossing the catastrophe, they were covered in golden hair and their blood returned to their ancestors. It turns out that they benefited from this exercise, which is so powerful."

Qin Li was full of admiration. He obtained several volumes of the Emperor's Scripture, the strongest being the "Taiyi Emperor's Scripture". Among them, the chapter on crossing the catastrophe is far less mysterious than "Nine Changes of Awakening Insects": "This exercise has a great origin."

Yaoxiong smiled and said: "The god ape clan spreads all over the heavens, we are just a branch. According to legend, there was once a god ape demon emperor who broke through the extreme realm and became a true emperor. He also created the "Indestructible Immortal Art". Nine Changes."

Qin Li was stunned. There was such a history of this exercise. The more he read it carefully, the more extraordinary he felt. There was a kind of insight that surpassed that of the emperor In fact, he is almost ready, as long as he pushes the Primordial Immortal Formation, he will be able to communicate with heaven and man, cause the power of heaven to descend, condense the calamity cloud, and become king after transcending calamity But the door of all wonders is his heart disease, before crossing the catastrophe is his last chance, if he doesn't push open the fairy door, there is no hope at all, so he must be careful

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