"As big as you want!"

Qin Li's physical body transformed again There are also the first three levels, the middle three levels, and the last three levels in the realm of crossing the catastrophe Qin Li survived the seven calamities and stepped into the third stage, his physical body undergoes a qualitative change, which has surpassed the realm of matter and is close to the Tao "Small!"

Qin Li flinched The body shape turned into the size of a grain of rice Under this perspective, the sky is infinitely high and the earth is infinitely thick "big!"

Qin Li changed accordingly The body swelled wildly, blinking Obviously, this is not the end of Qin Li, it can be even bigger "Is this my limit!"

Qin Li is more than one hundred thousand feet tall, piercing the clouds, the clouds above his head, carrying mountains on his shoulders, his eyes are like the sun and the moon, like the giant king of the immortal god dynasty, carrying the sky on his back The fist is like a shooting star With one punch, the stars burst Even stomping one's feet, the mountains and rivers of a hundred thousand miles trembled Old Demon Dugu said in amazement: "The me I am today is far from your opponent."

"Are you going to cross the catastrophe? I'm afraid you won't be able to hold on!"


Qin Li is ambitious He vowed to surpass the Three Ancient Emperors Because he understands that the real enemy is the Fallen Domain The three emperors all failed in their conquests back then. Only when he becomes stronger can he flatten the darkness and completely establish a world of great harmony "I'm afraid you have no chance!"

suddenly A cold voice came The Black Sky Demon Emperor spans dozens of small worlds "You will never succeed!" The elephant giant came from the sky "I didn't expect such a monster to be born in Qianyuan, which has been in decline for a million years!" The Golden Crow Holy King spread his wings and descended in an instant now The battle line was completely defeated Qianyuan suffered heavy losses and blood flowed like rivers "Qin Li, our resources are almost exhausted!"

The Great Sage Nine Profound is on the verge of extinction Qin Li frowned:

"It's still a bit worse to worship the heavens!"

Kung Desi has already connected two trillion eight hundred billion living beings, just short of it "But we can't take it anymore!"

Daoxiong's back felt cold besides All the great saints have come Qianyuan's major imperial artifacts were also forced here "I still have one trick, seniors, please persevere! In the future, I will compensate you all!"

Qin Li fought hard!

Use all your strength to mobilize the second supernatural power Suddenly, the epiphyllum flew and fell into the hands of everyone Immediately, they also had desperate means!

Holding the blessed epiphyllum in his hand, the saint emperor weapon burns himself, bursting out with decisive combat power "Unbelievable, is this your innate supernatural power?" All the monks present were frightened Qin Li waved his hand "I will lend you the merit pagoda!"

"Be sure to hold on until I pass the eighth calamity, the Lei Bing Tribulation!"


The power of the sky is boundless, and the thunder calamity expands The rumbling thunder sound completely divided the battlefield into two parties The saints took the pagoda of merit, burned themselves, and fought desperately Qin Li rushed straight to Jieyun, wanting to pass through the eighth calamity and become the first person in the true sense of the past and present now!

Among the robbery clouds Thunder is gone There is only thunder liquid flowing turbulently Continue to compress, the quality of Thunder Liquid changes, and crystals are born soon Crystal growth!

It turned into three hundred and sixty-five thunder soldiers Swords, guns, swords and halberds, axes and hooks, boring sticks and sticks, whips, maces and hammers.. Everything is crystal clear and thunderous!

Surrounded by golden thunder marks, it is a natural thunder weapon!

Opening the orifice is equivalent to a king's weapon!

Moreover, a weapon spirit was born, turned into a human form, stepped on the robbery cloud, held various weapons, proficient in martial arts, and possessed wisdom For example, the sword weapon spirit is a master of swordsmanship, with terrifying combat power "Sure enough!"

Qin Li held the fairy sword and was under great pressure His way of crossing the catastrophe is too cruel and cruel You must know that ordinary kings, in order to survive a catastrophe, need to prepare a catastrophe platform, a lightning rod, innate golden pills, various blood-burning secret techniques, and be familiar with the transformation of the physical body. By the way, it takes thousands of years to practice a holy-level supernatural power but!

Qin Li didn't need it at all Relying on its own combat power, it is strong and continuous "I'll meet you first!"

call out!

The thunder sword pierced out It is the spirit of a sword His swordsmanship is fierce, and he wants to defeat Qin Li "Pediatrics!"

Qin Li jumped forward, his sword light was absolute Between several changes, it shows the elegance of a famous swordsman The thunder sword was cut off and turned into a congenital dao mark, which merged into Qin Li's immortal body "I'll be next!"

The sword weapon flew out This group of thunderbolts is quite a gentleman, come one by one "No need to be polite, let's go together, I'm in a hurry!" Qin Li said heard the words The Thunder Tool Spirit shook his head:

"If we go together, you will surely die."

"If you weren't the king of merit, we wouldn't release the water!"

"Go all out! Teach him a lesson, anyway, he has a pagoda of merit and virtue, which can resist all attacks."

Shhhhhhh.. Zhou Tianlei soldiers blasted out together Countless weapon masters came to attack and bombard Qin Li In the blink of an eye, Qin Li was submerged!

Although it is sharp at the beginning, there are too many opponents, and the battle formation is faintly concentrated Clang——

Lei Bing slashed at the flesh There was a crisp sound, the Dao mark was cut, and the flesh was scorched black Within a breath, Qin Li was carrying thousands of scars, and his body was about to be smashed to pieces. No wonder the Three Emperors didn't dare to survive the Eight Tribulations "Setsuna Ubiquitous Epiphyllum!"


Qin Li broke out The fire of the years is burning all over the body He did not know how many times he used the second supernatural power But this time, it's different and unprecedented The power of time is extremely ferocious, extending the dao mark, turning into crystal epiphyllum flying all over the sky, reflecting the brevity of life "As expected of a fairy body!"

Qin Li's strength was rising steadily, but his hair was still black The five major physiques of the living beings in the world, from low to high, are mortal body, spiritual body, treasure body, king body, and sacred body The spirit body is close to spiritual energy, such as the wood spirit body; the treasure body breeds supernatural powers, such as the Changqing treasure body; the king body is born with innate supernatural powers, such as the star king body; the sacred body has a holy spring, such as the innate sword king body And the Immortal Physique surpasses the Holy Physique, what is so special about it?

"Endless longevity!"

Holding the sword, Qin Li looked up to the sky and laughed wildly After achieving the Immortal Physique, it is no longer restricted by the shackles of Shouyuan Immortals are existences that jump out of the rules, and Qin Li did it!

Although it is not eternal, it can still be killed However, the second supernatural power is not restricted, and it burns crazily, reaching the extreme call out!

A sword fell There is no trace in an instant, and flowers are flying all over the sky Qin Li's black hair was flying in the air, exuding a stunning beauty But it also contains a peerless murderous intent. It can cut off the thunder soldiers and shatter the weapon spirit with a single sword. It cannot be stopped at all "Finished formation!"

"Zhou Tian Lei Yao's troops!"

This group of Thunder Soldiers has wisdom And no longer hold back, turning into a thunder wheel, obliterating everything This is a condensed formation of more than 300 royal weapons, even if Qin Li is in possession of an immortal body, he is trapped in it and cannot extricate himself "Six Killing Swords!"

call out!

A sword split out Qin Li resorted to a lore trick One hundred thousand sword marks also turned into a reverse winch It's a pity that the thunder wheel is too strong, completely suppressing the sword wheel Pooh!

The thunder gun shot straight Qin Li had a whim, but was suppressed His chest was pierced, his heart was torn apart, and thunder poured down his internal organs "You can't survive this little skill!"

Thunder Gun Qi Ling shook his head "Yeah!"

Qin Li's internal organs exploded Five-color divine light gushes out, tearing apart the thunder gun After being promoted to the King Realm, the power of the five prisons' supernatural powers has been raised to a higher level "Everywhere you look is hell."

Qin Li stepped on it The five-color light swept across the world in all directions The underworld of hell spread out, turning the battlefield of thunder into a dark hell The originally arrogant Zhou Tianlei soldiers were instantly weakened, unable to crush Qin Li, and broke the formation "kill!"

Qin Li fought bloody battles Raising the sword in hand, tearing Lei Bing apart But Zhou Tianlei's soldiers were not afraid of death, and fought back frantically This is a bloody battle, with close combat, thunder bursts, and sword light surges Qin Li walked like a mountain of knives, his flesh and blood were scraped off, his head was smashed many times, but he still swung his sword like an ancient god of war finally!

Cut off the last soldier Qin Li was completely out of shape However, after crossing the eight calamities, he absorbed three hundred and sixty-five kinds of innate dao marks "Crossing the eightfold tribulation, the body of emptiness!"


Exhale Qin Li then disappeared Invisible, formless, without trace But it is not the way of the master To be precise, it is the atomization of the physical body, which is immune to all physical attacks After a gathering, Qin Li returned to his original state, his previous scars were gone, he was full of energy, and could fight again "It's still short of the last calamity, Lei Du Jie!"

Qin Li was dignified The last calamity is far better than the eighth calamity But now that he has reached the limit, whether he can get through it is still unknown "and……"

Qin Li looked sideways I saw the chaotic battle situation in the distance Even if the Qianyuan sage had the second supernatural power, he was still losing ground They can't take it anymore!

Countless Qianyuan creatures are howling!

Qin Li was troubled in his heart On the one hand, there is the Nine Tribulations that have never been seen before or since!

On the other side, there are Qianyuan sentient beings!

How should he choose?

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