midnight The world is dark The Qianyuan world seemed dull Even the stars and the moon were covered by thick dark clouds It seemed to be raining, and the cold night wind blew and howled In Huashen Temple Burning candles warm people's hearts A large number of creatures gathered here, praying silently and sleeping peacefully "Grandpa, did you say the plague will pass?" Xiao Mopan sat on the ground, his eyes full of confusion about the future "Will!"

Motu leaned against the pillar weakly:

"God of China bless us, we will definitely survive this difficult time."

Xiao Mo thought of Qin Li, stroked the sword he gave him, and smiled Snapped!

There is a demon wind Break open the wooden temple door The door slammed against the wall and let out a miserable howl The ensuing coldness stirred up hairs, filled the temple, and awakened the sleeping villagers call--

A large number of candles extinguished Mo Tu's face changed drastically, and he exclaimed:

"This is an ominous evil wind, close the temple door quickly!"

Xiao Mo's face turned pale with shock, he rushed out like a monkey, and closed the two wooden doors Unexpectedly, this evil wind pierced through the rice paper pasted on the windows, pouring the chill into the temple and turning off the lights In the blink of an eye Only the last few lights remained There is only a big flame inside, which will be extinguished at any time "It's so cold!"

"The plague has returned!"

"My body is starting to stiff again!"

The villagers were all terrified and terrified Mo Tu was extremely calm: "Suddenly there is a demon wind and evil spirits are at work. We should pray to Huashen with firm thoughts in our hearts."

When the villagers heard the words, they rushed up and worshiped the statue of Qin Li "God of China, please descend the devil!"

"Please help us!"

"I want warmth!"

.. Click!

There was a crisp sound Huashen clay sculpture cracked No matter how people kowtow to pray The warmth in my heart is greatly weakened, unable to suppress the bronze plague "Hua Shen, I'm so pious, why didn't you save me." A villager turned into a bronze statue in frustration Motu's breath was weak, half of his body was stiff, and the copper rust reappeared Many villagers were similar, wailing constantly "Hua Shen abandoned us!"

"I'm in so much pain!"

"I hate it so much!"

.. Not only here This is the case in Qianyuan Continent The evil wind was cold and extinguished most of the candles Countless creatures' emotions towards Qin Li ranged from admiration to astonishment, doubt, and even hatred This is the resentment of all living beings, and the mighty Honghe is attacking Qin Li's body Because he lied and deceived Zhaomin Hope extinguished, despair worse at the same time Washington state Bronze Island The cultivators were hit hard "Damn it, four lights are broken!"

With quick eyes and quick hands, Old Demon Dugu snatched the lamp of compassion "It's two big culprits again!" The Great Sage Jiuxuan saved the lamp of kindness "Damn, why are there more and more enemies!" Guishou Dasheng guarded a lamp of wisdom seven lamps Only three remain The light of the sun is weak, and the candlelight is dim Most of the results of Qin Li's seven slashes were gone Qin Lianyi was furious: "You two, where is Xiaoxiao?"

The void is stirring The black hand master walked in slowly "Now Qianyuan's junior, you are so powerful!"

"It is much more prosperous than my time, I really miss it!"

On the Conferred God Stage, two undead stood tall and mighty, surrounded by darkness, with hell reflected in their eyes One is wearing a Vientiane black robe, and the other is wearing a black gold treasure garment "How can it be!"

Several saints were shocked In the heart lake, there are turbulent waves It is completely unimaginable that the visitors turned out to be these two figures "Father!"

The red elephant sage was dumbfounded The person in front of him is the Vientiane Emperor Daoist Qingfeng, the God of Everlasting Hate gnashed his teeth:

"Emperor Platinum, I didn't expect such a beast to seek refuge in the Fallen Realm!"

"So it's you, after so many years, I can still see a few old friends." Platinum Avatar said deeply "Death is just a new life for me." The incarnation of Vientiane stood with his hands behind his back The saint mourns:

"After all, man is not as good as God."

"I wanted to reverse the past, but it's a pity that my supernatural powers are no match for days."

She left the battlefield, merged the two incarnations into one, returned to Bronze Island, and guarded the last three holy lamps closely "Kill her!"

The demon emperor is aggressive The Bronze Avatar holds the Death Lance:

"As long as the last three lamps are smashed, Qin Li will definitely die."

The Vientiane incarnation and the platinum incarnation are all saint kings. Although they are imprisoned by Daoguo, their emperor-level vision allows them to have the combat power of saints Four evils come together!

Darkness swallows everything Most of the land in Huazhou trembled non-stop Bronze Island is even more imprisoned in the void, unable to move Qin Lianyi's face turned pale: "The enemy is too terrifying, we can't stop it!"

The female saint was very calm: "Don't worry, calculate the time, it will be dawn, and father should be back."


Eastern sky A ray of golden light tears the night It also reflects the countless tragic colors in the world of Qianyuan Even if the sun rises, it cannot resolve the suffering in people's hearts, and the plague is still raging, devouring batch after batch of lives "Why!"

A long sigh Qin Li came across the sky He was listless and pale The grievances of all beings turned into chains of thorns You can still hear the cursing of all living beings in your ears "Not worthy of being called a god!"

"You lied to me, and you lied to everyone!"

"Why did you give me hope, and then cruelly snuff it out!"

Qin Li looked at the four murderers quietly, and said, "Your target is me, why do you want to kill billions of living beings?"

The bronze avatar sneered and said, "It's not self-inflicted. After offering sacrifices to the heavens, we will combine the power of all sentient beings to seal the saint's Dao fruit."

"As long as the shackles are still there, my combat power will drop, and I won't be able to hurt them at all. Therefore, I can only destroy all living beings, so that people's hearts are ugly, resentment rises to the sky, and the merit system collapses, so that I can take the opportunity to kill."

Qin Li closed his eyes Clearly feel the suffering in the world And the root of all this cholera is oneself I am the reincarnation of Dao Yuanling, and the Fallen Domain will be destroyed at all costs "What nonsense with him, let's kill him as soon as possible, so we don't need to wake up and waste a lot of dark matter!"

The Platinum incarnation and the Vientiane incarnation rushed forward impatiently It was absolute silence and darkness as soon as it was shot "You can't hurt me!"

Qin Li said lightly boom!

The clouds burst The forty-eight merit pagoda was born It is like a round of holy scorching sun, with boundless rays of light, and golden clouds of merit and virtue hanging down The two incarnations fell into the clouds, and felt the power of perfection and tenderness, which is the nemesis of darkness and can resist the sage Jiuzhong "The donkey is so poor!"

The bronze incarnation Jie Jie laughed strangely:

"Aura of merit and virtue can't stop evil power."

The four evil spirits all sneered, pouring out a huge amount of evil power, containing the crime of destroying the world The golden cloud of merit and virtue, which is omnipotent, is polluted into dark clouds, turned into countless wailing grimaces, evil spirits, and singing the sound of suffering "It's over!"

"It's over!"

The red elephant sage's will is decadent He couldn't accept the fall of his father He also understood that after his father took action, Qin Li would have no chance of life The incarnation of Wanxiang glanced at his son, and said with a smile: "After Qianyuan is destroyed, I will bring you down together, and it will last forever!"


"I'm not dead yet!"

Qin Li's determination was superb, steady and calm The bronze incarnation sneered: "Watering evil power, the pagoda of merit will also decay."

As he said, the pagoda was stained with copper rust Qin Li shook his head:

"You underestimate me."

"I have already penetrated the "Xi Jing"!"

"Have mastered the merits and virtues, you can't hurt me at all."


The pagoda shook violently A sacred and noble atmosphere erupted A little bit of morning light, golden light, and the rising sun in the sky, complement each other After a while, the pagoda seemed to be burning, and the sun was blazing, warming people's hearts, clearing away all sins and evils, and returning the world to a clear and clear sky chi chi chi.. The evil power disintegrated, and retreated far away The four fierce men were astonished: "There is such a level of understanding."

"Xiguang and the merit pagoda, we can't break through his defense."

"Forget it, the purpose has been completed, as long as we destroy the merit system, the pagoda will automatically dissipate, and he will definitely die."

They are exceptionally decisive Knowing that he was invincible, he vacated and retreated "Qin Li, don't be complacent, this is just the beginning."

"When I burn the dark matter and wake up my real body, it will be my death."

Qin Li didn't answer A look of worry appeared on his pale face "Father!" Qin Lianyi flew over excitedly Qin Li looked sideways at the female saint, and said with a smile, "Is it a girl from the future? She is so heroic, and she will definitely shock the heavens in the future."


The corners of the saint's mouth quivered There was unspeakable sadness in his eyes Qin Li smiled brightly and asked:

"Am I dead?"

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