
Qin Li said something The atmosphere suddenly sank Ye Qingyu and the others were poured with cold water I just felt a chill hit my forehead, and my hairs were pricked up Xiaoju straightened up in fright, and said solemnly: "Senior, thank you for saving your life, but please don't blaspheme Huashen."

Qin Li explained: "Qin Li was envied by the heavens, and the plague was only a part of the envy of the heavens. In order to save Qianyuan and protect his family, he voluntarily sacrificed himself and turned into a brilliant sun to save all sentient beings."

Shock Incredible!

I can't accept it at all Wen Shu gasped in horror "Grandma!" Qin Hao quickly supported her "Is there a mistake? Perhaps Huashen and my son have the same name."

Qin Yuanbo couldn't believe it, and stared at Qin Li, hoping that he could give a perfect answer Qin Li was speechless, and raised his hand Snapped!

There was a crisp sound The statue of Huashen struck Dispel its brilliance and reveal its face It is astonishingly indistinguishable from Qin Li, and it is lifelike "My God!"

Princess Feng couldn't bear to close her eyes Ye Beichen said sadly, "Such a tragic thing happened."

Wen Shu almost fainted, Qin Yuanbo seemed to be ten years older and couldn't accept it Everyone looked for Qin Li happily through the Cave of Rebirth, but suddenly heard the bad news, and no one could bear it Qin Hao didn't speak Trembling eyes indicate inner peace He couldn't help turning his face to the side, looking at the sun in the sky through the window lattice "Is my father Xi Ri? I have never met him, and I will never see him again. The first regret in life!"

Although he had never met, he was his father after all. He was very sad when he heard the news of his death at this time The banquet is no longer tasteful Qin's father and Qin's mother went to rest Ye Beichen and the others also resigned first Qin Hao was full of filial piety and went to comfort his grandparents "Mr. Qin, help me go back to my room." Ye Qingyu was weak Qin Li looked distressed He actually didn't want to be so cruel But pain makes people grow, I hope they work hard Wasted a lot of effort Ye Qingyu returned to her room Qin Li comforted: "Ma'am, my condolences have changed!"

Ye Qingyu drooped her shoulders and asked, "Sir, help me rub my shoulders."


Qin Li stepped forward subconsciously Suddenly his face changed drastically, and he coughed dryly:

"Ma'am, you miss your husband so much, you called the wrong person."

"Pretend to me." Ye Qingyu showed a tricky smile Qin Li was speechless:

"How did you know?"

"Dead ghost!" Ye Qingyu ignored his reserve He rushed forward and hugged Qin Li, tears welling in his eyes "Your temperament is so unique, the only one in the world, how could I not recognize it! You lied to me that you were dead, too bad!"

Qin Li showed his true face, and sighed: "You are too careful, my parents noticed something, but they didn't think about it, but you have a good understanding, you can find it out at a glance, but don't say it!"

"Hush money!"

Ye Qingyu wiped away tears There was a hint of playfulness on the bright red lips "Okay, I'll gag you tonight." Qin Li bowed his head and kissed The two have seen each other for decades. They have been separated for too long, and they have missed each other forever. Now they finally meet, and all their emotions have turned into fierce collisions It wasn't until the middle of the night that I couldn't get enough of it Under the red account Ye Qingyu was satisfied She leaned on Qin Li's arm and talked about Sifangyu Now that the four domains are unified and the four sects are unified, this is a new atmosphere Many of Qin Li's friends, Feisheng, Wang Tianci, Xu Yinran, and two former apprentices, Han Linger and Yang Lejia, are now married correct And father-in-law Chu Jing Because of practicing, he regained his youth In addition, his mother-in-law is dead, so he traveled to the four regions and practiced his martial arts dream Qin Li listened fascinatedly, and sighed: "Everyone is doing well, so I feel relieved. By the way, our son's innate supernatural powers..."

"Seek common ground while reserving differences!"

Ye Qingyu replied with a smile:

"He is very similar to you, and his understanding is extremely high!"

"The Demon Kingdom of the Northern Territory taught him to use a sword, and Xixuan Academy taught him to use a sword."

"I wanted him to choose a preference, but it turned out that he mastered it, and even realized the innate supernatural powers, which can be compatible with all dharmas and promote heaven and man."

Qin Li was amazed: "As expected of my son, but a little impetuous."

"That's not right!"

Ye Qingyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry:

"He has been spoiled by us since childhood!"

"In addition to his extraordinary strength, he claims to be the number one master in the Sifang domain."

Qin Li smiled: "Simply the heart is pure and good, and he has grown into a decent appearance, but he lacks training, and Qianyuan is the most lacking in setbacks."


Sunrise in the east It complements Xiyang Qin Hao and others gathered together again Qin Li said: "I'm going to Nanhua Mountain, do you want to come?"

Ye Qingyu cooperated and said, "What kind of place is this?"

Qin Li eloquently said:

"The God of Hua is here to open up the Nanhua sect."

"It is said that his family members are all there. Among them, Qin Lianyi, Ye Huanling, Mojun, Master... are all famous."

Qin Yuanbo, Wen Shu came to the spirit: "I don't know what happened to the eldest granddaughter?"

Ye Beichen, Princess Feng said pleasantly, "We want to see our daughter."

soon The plan is finalized Everyone wants to go to Huazhou Before leaving, Qin Li gave Xiaoju a gift In addition to high-level cultivation techniques, there are also moon crystals and earth flame stones Xiaoju was so grateful that she had nothing to repay, so she could only send a lot of souvenirs, and finally said goodbye on the city wall:

"May Xiyang bless you all!"

A group of people left Qin Li acted as a guide It is not easy to go to Huazhou Departing from Shengzhou, one has to go through Fengzhou, Jiuzhou, and Chanzhou before arriving This long road is a trial Qin Li didn't make a move Qin Hao was always at the forefront He is very powerful in combat, encountering mountain bandits and killing monsters Of course, there are also times when he misses and is beaten by the opponent Qin Li acted at the right time, helped out, and gave a few pointers by the way, which made Qin Hao suddenly enlightened and admired even more "Do you just do one trick?"


Qin Hao smiled awkwardly:

"I have penetrated the two ways of Confucianism and demons."

Qin Li couldn't help laughing: "You are just a skin."

"Confucianism and Taoism are vast, and the way of magic is vast. If you fuse a hair to death, you won't be able to get on the stage."

"Your supernatural powers are special, and you must learn extensively before you can unleash your powerful power. I recommend several directions, hardness and softness, light and heavy, water and fire, yin and yang, and even dragon and phoenix, offense and defense..."

Say it!

Just stuff a bunch of books "Thank you Brother Qin, thank you Brother Qin!"

Qin Hao was overjoyed, holding the jade slips in his arms, and went to study by himself Ye Qingyu sniggered, and said via voice transmission: "You are downgraded. If you are open and honest in the future, it will be absolutely embarrassing."

Qin Li smiled without saying a word After a few days They entered the boundary of Fengzhou Ever since Kunpeng Holy Land was destroyed, demons danced here Various forces have set up branch sects, bandits are rampant, bandits block the way, there are evil cultivators, and even demon cultivators appear "Let's rest!"

Qin Yuanbo and Wen Shuxiu did not succeed Ye Beichen said, "There just happens to be a wild temple ahead."

above the mountains There is a dilapidated temple It should be a mountain temple, which has been in disrepair for a long time After Princess Feng entered, she swept away the dust and lit the bonfire Qin Hao humbly asked: "Brother Qin, I feel my whole body swells, and my Shaoyang acupoint and temple are bulging."

"You have reached the limit, and you should be promoted even higher. This is the sun and moon gem. After you absorb it, you can condense a ten-foot moon wheel and a ten-foot sun wheel." Qin Li will not be stingy with his son "Thank you Brother Qin!"

Qin Hao was overjoyed Ye Qingyu interjected and taught:

"I got Mr. Qin's guidance and treasures, so I should be called Master."

Qin Hao didn't twitch, he was now admiring Qin Li's five bodies, and he didn't have the arrogance of just coming to Qianyuan, and he was about to kowtow to pay homage to his teacher A fragrant wind hits the door There is one more woman She has a beautiful appearance and is wearing a flower skirt It was Xu Zisong's older sister, Luo Baihua I haven't seen her for decades, and she has already reached the sixth level of Nirvana "you……"

Luo Baihua was shocked He found that Qin Hao resembled Qin Li in spirit But she thinks it's just a coincidence There are many similar people in the world, but there is only one Qin Li in all the heavens However, she still reminded: "The Plum Blossom Witch did evil to Fengzhou, I was ordered to arrest you, you better be careful!"

Say it!

She floats away Everyone couldn't help being surprised Is there really a Plum Blossom Demon Sect?

Qin Li said, "She's gone, come out!"

Ye Qingyu was startled, but she didn't realize that there were other people in the temple in the dark There was a sound "It was able to break through my magic talisman."

A young girl came out with an extremely apprehensive expression Her skin is snow-white, her face is beautiful, she is born with an attitude that can overwhelm the country, and she can also charm the world. Her starry eyes are shining like a goddess walking down from the night sky. She has a thrilling beauty that is beyond the ordinary Looking at her clothes, the black robe is deep, not concealing her exquisite figure, and the blood-colored plum blossoms are embroidered on her chest, she must be the Plum Blossom Witch And on her back was Qin Li's Taiyin sword box Qin Li was shocked and asked:

"Dare to ask the girl's name?"

Plum Blossom Witch said:

"Qin Taxue!"

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