A Buddhist practice Proficient in sleep aids And can freely enter the Mahayana treasury Serving Buddha Cultivator of the Buddha, tampered with the Holy Lamp immediately Everyone's face changed dramatically A possibility came to mind The horror in my heart was even more difficult to calm down, and I looked sideways "Look at me!"

Wangyou Bodhisattva was isolated by everyone He was full of anger, standing in the center, no one approached Some bodhisattvas realized that their actions hurt others, so they said:

"Could I be mistaken? Wangyou Bodhisattva is a disciple of the Buddha Emperor. How could he betray Xitian? The son of vacuum must be someone else."

"I also feel the same way. Wangyou Bodhisattva has always been kind-hearted."

"Yes, this may be deliberately planted by the Son of Vacuum."

Everyone has some disbelief in their hearts Qin Li said:

"I have a pair of fairy pupils."

"Can see through all fog and cover."

Wangyou Bodhisattva panicked, stepped back and said, "What do you want to say?"

"Even if the evil Buddha Buddha covers it for you and deceives the Buddha Emperor of Lingshan, it cannot be hidden from my eyes." Qin Li shook his head and continued:

"As long as you open your eyes, everything will be revealed."

There was something strange in the eyes of all the Buddha cultivators They no longer plead but to examine Wangyou Bodhisattva turned pale:

"We know Wan Zai, but you doubt me."

"The Daoist from the other shore has been here for less than a month, but you all believe in him."

King Nuzha Ming's eyes were cold: "I have known Tianlong Bodhisattva for 80,000 years, but it is a pity that he betrayed him and fell into the Buddha."

"I'm different from him!"

Wangyou Bodhisattva pointed at Qin Li and said angrily:

"I have practiced meditation with my eyes closed for ten thousand years, so why should I open my eyes to prove my innocence?"

"It must be this guy, in order to secure the position of the future Buddha, he used a knife to kill people. He wanted to destroy my supernatural powers, and even wanted to get rid of me, the heir of the Buddha Emperor."

Qin Li took out the Buddha seal and said: "As long as you open your eyes, if your eyes are clear, I will apologize on my knees, offer the Buddha seal with both hands, and leave the Paradise of Paradise. From then on, you will be the next Buddha Emperor."


Wangyou Bodhisattva exclaimed I didn't expect Qin Li to be so decisive The cultivators were also anxious, and could not help persuading:

"Wangyou, open your eyes!"

"Close-eye meditation can be reworked!"

"This is the ancient seal of Buddha!"

"Don't let us down!"

A question full of anticipation only in exchange for.. "Hahaha!"

Wangyou Bodhisattva laughed Crazy and self-deprecating, mixed with banter The more you laugh, the harsher it is, the more cold you laugh "Unexpectedly, I have deceived Master, but I have not deceived you!"

Wangyou Bodhisattva opened his eyes, there were no pupils and the whites of the eyes, only a deep, dark, vacant void, revealing the coldness of death "Son of Vacuum!"

King Nu Zha Ming couldn't believe it Although it was expected, it was still difficult to accept "Why did you betray?" Dozens of bodhisattvas were even more angry Wangyou Bodhisattva lowered his eyebrows: "Because the "Buddha Sutra" is right, the other side is illusory, and the vacuum is the home."

Qin Li shook his head: "Detain him and let Emperor Lingshan deal with him."

"Don't think about it!"

"Wind of Forgetfulness!"

Wangyou Bodhisattva has been saving for a long time Open your mouth and spit out, it is the breath of green wind Dao marks of sorrow burst out, sweeping all directions, and blowing the treasure house Many golden arhats smelled a scent of fragrant herbs, and then fainted to the ground Some bodhisattvas are also dizzy "Hum!"

Qin Li spoke The Qi sinks to the dantian, and breathes out the truth Thousands of thunders exploded in the darkness, and thousands of dragons roared on the plain The majestic Buddha's voice swept across thousands of miles, tearing the wind of forgetfulness and awakening everyone Even Qin Li spat out a golden Buddhist inscription, intertwined with laws, like a dragon or an ox, charged out and shot down Wangyou Bodhisattva "catch him!"

"Almost ran away by him!"

A group of Buddhist monks hurriedly surrounded the past "Damn it, the six-character mantra originally belonged to me!"

"Bi'an Taoist, you took everything from me, I will kill you!"

Wangyou Bodhisattva no longer hides, and the power of vacuum pours out of his eyes, instantly filling this small world and blackening the void "Back off!"

Qin Li revealed his third supernatural power Borrowing the power of heaven and earth to mediate the power of the world The combat power has been rising steadily, reaching the realm of the holy king "Vacuum Buddha!"

Wangyou Bodhisattva is the first to win people Three thousand black stupas were struck out with one palm, rushing in like a tide, crushing everything "A vacuum is useless to me, use other skills!" Qin Li drew out the Immortal Sword of Absolute Beginning, slashed the chaotic sword mark with one sword, and split the Three Thousand Buddhas "be terribly upset!"

"The cuts are endless, and the reasoning is still chaotic!"

Wangyou Bodhisattva reveals the body of Wangyou Grass Endless innate aura burst out, turning into grass vines, tough and transcendent, containing vigorous vitality, growing crazily, sealing everything "Niexi Immortal Pupils!"

Qin Li's eyes were as bright as the sun Red light and golden light burst out, turning into evil fire and Xiyang The combination of the two turns into a raging fairy flame, and both good and evil will be destroyed Even the innate grass and vines will burn to ashes, without a trace of resistance, only ashes are left on the ground "It's only been a few days, how come you are so much stronger!" Wangyou Bodhisattva exclaimed Qin Li said calmly: "After reading a few books, I gained some insights."

"Damn it!"

"Worry-free hometown, vacuum dream!"

The Bodhisattva of Forgetfulness hated him and used his strongest trump card He is also a hero of a generation. He has absorbed the essence of the vacuum method, combined with his own characteristics, and created a magic trick As soon as it is shot, it turns into a forget-sorrow grass, takes root in the void, pours out the endless night, and there is a gentle breeze, making all living beings forget their troubles and fall into a deep sleep, never to wake up Bang!

Trembling in the beginning Qin Li's eyes were calm Recall "Six Character Mantra" in my heart!

"The sword emits Buddha's voice, the mighty thunder roars, opening up the world!"

The celestial sword slashed down, bursting out the energy of chaos, as if opening up the world, sending out a deafening thunder sound, enlightening the mind Om Mani Padme Hum, this is an ancient Buddhist scripture, which translates to "use the supreme wisdom as a sword to cut through all mist and evil, and reach the realm of the other side", which coincides with Qin Li's way of swordsmanship a sword Burst six tones Open up a small thousand Buddha country Endless auspicious signs, infinite bright clouds Tear the darkness, destroy the worry-free dreams, and shock the audience "How is it possible!" Wangyou Bodhisattva was horrified, his body collapsed and he spat out blood He didn't expect that he was defeated so thoroughly Taking the opportunity to run away, I want to leave However The treasure house door is locked This is a prison world Moreover, with the blessings of the Buddha emperors of all dynasties, it is impossible to tear the void "No wonder you led me to the treasure house of Mahayana because you wanted to catch a turtle in your urn." Wangyou Bodhisattva was like a trapped animal "Seal him!"

King Nu Zha Ming took the opportunity to step forward Dozens of bodhisattvas display the Dharma of subjugating demons One layer on top of another, imprisoning Wangyou Bodhisattva tightly "The winner and the loser, I lost."

Qin Li shook his head "You just lose to yourself."

"Escort him, let's go to Landa Temple!"

All the bodhisattvas joined forces and left the treasury with forgetfulness Buddhist world There is a temple The origin is extremely legendary This is the first Buddhist temple in ancient times It was established by the Buddha and is the residence of the Buddha emperors of all dynasties "Is that the Landa Temple? It's just like its name." Qin Li smiled far away a low mountain An old temple on the top of the mountain The courtyard door was broken and the tiles were broken Moss climbs up the rocks, and rainwater leaks from the ruined house It was just a small dilapidated temple with a rotten wooden plaque hanging on it "Buddha resides in the ruined temple, and the Bodhi root is calm!" Qin Li discovered that a holy Bodhi tree took root in the courtyard, blooming with wisdom "Friends from the other side!"

Mo Buddha came out with a smile He and Moonlight Bodhisattva serve Lingshan Buddha Emperor "The Buddha Emperor suddenly left the customs, saying that you are here and need to see him!"

Qin Li nodded Lead the crowd into the temple It is said that the heart of the Landa Temple is not big, and there is no inner world There were only a few meditation rooms, and the Buddha lived in it, sitting on the cloud bed and waiting for a long time "Kneel down!"

King Nu Zha Ming pushed Wangyou Bodhisattva was powerless and fell to the ground On Lingshan Buddha Emperor's pale face, there was a look of displeasure:

"You are my most valued disciple, I never thought you would betray and degenerate."

Wangyou Bodhisattva did not repent: "I have never betrayed, I just believe in the truth, the way of vacuum, far more real than the other shore."

Moonlight Bodhisattva shook his head: "The future Buddha can easily destroy the vacuum incarnation."

"So what!"

Wangyou Bodhisattva looked at Qin Li coldly:

"The other side Taoist is an odd number, but we are not an odd number."

What he said was right, Qin Li had the body of an immortal king and could restrain the vacuum, but the rest of the monks had mediocre physiques and couldn't defeat the evil cultivator of the Buddha "Lingshan, you will not live in peace. The Buddha Lord Buddha has left the degenerate realm. I advise you to let me go. After the black sky, we are still in the robes."

Wangyou Bodhisattva tore up his face and even called the teacher by his first name

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