Xiaolong was arrested The thunder continued to struggle But there is a group of sacred dragons on the opposite side He was only the first level of a saint, and he couldn't break free from the cage at all "Heaven's Punishment Thunder Dragon, you are so shameless that you use me as bait!"

Xiaolong's intestines are full of remorse, if he knew this, he would not have conflicts with his master, and now he is dragging the old man into the water again "So what about being shameless, two dragons from outside the territory." The Heavenly Punishment Thunder Dragon said proudly, he came from the ancient thunder dragon clan, he came from the ancient thunder dragon clan, he had an ancient origin, and he was dignified. Naturally, he looked down on the foreign dragon clan, so he disliked Ao Xinghai the most The little dragon's scales are crystal clear, and the dragon's sound is shining, and he said contemptuously: "The ancestor dragon has a saying, the dragon is the spirit, not the race, the one who strives for self-improvement is the dragon, and the one who strives to be strong is the dragon, but you have a narrow geographical difference, no wonder you can't comprehend the eight sounds of the dragon. .”

"Bewitching words to confuse the crowd!"

Heaven's Punishment Thunder Dragon snorted coldly:

"I'll imprison you under Fulongze!"

The power of the nine layers of holy land is undoubtedly revealed, distorting time and space One thought divides the sea, the void creates dharma, and the bottom of the marsh turns into a crystal cage With one palm, Xiaolong was sealed at the bottom of the lake, like a hundred thousand mountains suppressing him, unable to move. Then with a flick of his hand, Daze turned into a pool of lightning, intertwined with electric arcs, completely imprisoning this piece of time and space Die Yuyi frowned greatly Heaven's Punishment Thunder Dragon said in a low voice:

"Don't stay here, get ready to go!"

Afterwards, the group of dragons dispersed and stationed in all directions of the holy dragon city, waiting for the sea of ​​stars Chu Qingyin smiled brightly: "You are so calm, don't you worry about Xiaolong? Are you going to rescue him?"

The corner of Qin Li's mouth twitched playfully: "This kid is promising, but he still needs to be polished. It just so happens that I also want to attract Ao Xinghai, integrate the dragon clan, and enter the dragon grave, so I can only wrong Xiaolong."

"Besides, a friend in need is a friend, I don't want to disturb Xiaolong's good deeds."

The two then left Fulong Daze Restoration of the past calm Only the thunder seal, the roar continued Suddenly a ray of light and mist hit, without anyone noticing Falling into Daze's cage and turning into a misty fairy, it was Die Yuyi She concealed her breath and came to the bottom of the cage, and saw thousands of thunder chains, trapping a mountain green dragon, miraculous and natural "Are you okay?"

Die Yuyi asked softly "Something happened!" Xiaolong was quite helpless He was pinned to the ground, unable to move and extremely helpless "My back is itchy, please scratch it for me, otherwise it will be uncomfortable."

Die Yuyi curled her red lips, and her eyes were speechless: "I kindly wanted to save you, but you let me tickle you, are you going to be my maid?"

Xiaolong was extremely calm, and he analyzed his interests and disadvantages: "You are no more than a saint at the third level. Once you tear the seal, you will inevitably attract the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Dragon. Even if you are a dragon priest, you will cause big troubles. Why not tickle me."

Die Yuyi calmed down and thought about countermeasures, but found nothing in the end, so he could only honestly come behind Xiaolong and tickle him Take a closer look The dragon scales on the back were broken Flashing lightning arcs, eroding life "Heaven's Punishment Thunder Dragon, what a heavy measure!"

Die Yuyi looked distressed, raised his hand and sprinkled the longevity substance "Speaking of which, why did you leave Senior Ao, go out alone, and still be captured?"

Xiaolong moved his eyes and sighed: "Recently, I had a falling out with my master, so I sneaked out. I wanted to sail far away in the world of Qianyuan, but I met the Heaven's Punishment Thunder Dragon, which broke my spine with one blow, and almost died."

Die Yuyi's beautiful eyes were surprised: "Why are you anxious to go to the distant Qianyuan?"

"I want to worship someone."

Xiaolong's face was sad dragon world Stay away from Qianyuan Until many years ago He just received the news of Qin Li's death Envied by the heavens, he turned into Xiyang to quell the plague I wanted to return from my studies and assist the boss, but I didn't expect that life and death would be separated forever "Who? Is it your wife?" Die Yuyi's heart moved "I don't have a wife."

Xiaolong smiled foolishly and explained:

"That man is my boss, shining like the sun..."

When Xiaolong talked about the past, Die Yuyi was also willing to listen, yearning for the outside world and the vastness of the heavens Qin Li secretly peeped So there was no rescue and I didn't want to bother The Emperor of Heaven took over the physical body: "I found the trace of the Baili Sword."

As he said that, he shot out a rainbow sword energy with a sharp edge, which was exactly what Jianxia got Qin Li raised his hand a little, and the rainbow split into seven swords, intertwined and killing, and extended the mystery of the immortal way: "This is the seven holy swords of the Baili Sword. It seems that his sword can break ten thousand spells and reach perfection. where?"

"have no idea!"

God can't figure it out Qin Li savored the sword energy carefully "It is also the highest fantasy of kendo, which is of great benefit to me."

He is now stuck in a bottleneck, eager to fuse the last two moves and forge his ultimate move "Take it!"

The Heavenly Emperor raised his hand and threw it away Qin Li took over a jade slip The jade slips are ancient and heavy, with fairy marks carved on them It is one of the books of the Six Paths Immortals, "Yi Jian"!

According to legend, it contains fairy art, one sword, one world "You are too kind, I can't afford it." Qin Li smiled However, the Emperor of Heaven was extremely generous: "Now we have a united front, and if we succeed against the sky, these are nothing."

"Thank you!"

Qin Li spread out the jade slips Immemorial writings burst out like swords Each piece is intertwined with mystery, complex and fierce The Emperor of Heaven explained: "The sword marks are mixed and vast like a sea of ​​smoke."

"One sword breaks ten thousand dharmas is famous for its complexity, it can be said that one mind sword can kill billions of trillions."

"Even if it's me, it took three thousand years to calculate with all my heart, but I only got three points of true biography. Even if your aptitude is superb, it will take a lot of time."

Qin Li was speechless Take a closer look at the fairy jade slip Although the sword marks in front of him are complicated But in the fairy eyes, a world of swordsmanship is reflected "That's right, I've already understood three points of the profound meaning." Qin Li closed the fairy slip The Emperor of Heaven jumped up in fright, and said in disbelief: "It's only three breaths, no matter how evil you are, you can't realize it in a short time."

Even after seeing strong winds and waves, she still couldn't believe it Bang!

Chanting with a sword all over his body In the beginning it fell into the hand Qin Li carefully understood the mystery With a wave of the fairy sword, Dao marks are outlined, extending thousands of brilliance The vitality is moved, and the sword marks are transformed into yin and yang and five elements, forming a phantom of the world The Emperor of Heaven was completely dumbfounded: "How did you manage to integrate the mystery from the complicated "Yi Jian"?"

Qin Li explained: "I have fought with the Baili Sword before, and I have experienced the power of one sword to break ten thousand spells. And I have three thousand immortals, which is enough to open up the world, so it is very easy to use, the most important thing is..."


The phantom of the world trembled Eight melodious dragon chants erupted unexpectedly Immediately, the world collapsed and turned into eight sound dragons, disappearing invisible The Emperor of Heaven was even more astonished: "You have fused "Yi Jian" and "Tianlong Bayin"."

He felt that the world was too crazy, Qin Li not only went beyond imagination, but also crushed her three views back and forth Qin Li shook his head and denied: "You think too much, I don't have the ability. It's just that the two supreme dharma gates have a close internal connection. They seem to be irrelevant, but in fact they are external and internal to each other, so I can realize it instantly. "

The Emperor of Heaven suddenly realized: "Ancestor Dragon is the immortal emperor's spiritual pet, accompanying him day and night, he must understand the mysteries of immortal arts. Therefore, creating "Tianlong Bayin" is enough to open up the world and return to the original chaos."

Both find it interesting to discuss their roots with each other Rumble!

The dragon gate moved again Ninety-nine streets come alive Circling the dragon gate, it generates even more terrifying suction An extremely rare natural phenomenon, the collapse of vitality, was formed The vitality of the ten directions turned into a raging spiritual tide, and one wave was stronger than the other, rushing towards the Holy Dragon City. Looking at it from a distance, there is a piece of gorgeous nine colors, agitating the situation "There's too much movement!"

"It's going to affect the entire dragon world!"

"In the dragon grave, what happened?"

"It's like the resurrection of the ancestral dragon, swallowing the vitality of a world with its breath!"

In the chaos of Dragon City, countless strong men left the secret realm, looking at the unmoving Dragon Gate, there was an instinctive fear The emerald green dragon was worried: "The dragon gate is completely out of control. If the star dragon doesn't come over, it won't take many days for the vitality concentration of the dragon world to drop, turning into a fatal natural disaster."

Heaven's Punishment Thunder Dragon smiled faintly: "Don't worry, he's already here."

Qin Li couldn't help but look up Sky Bright day But thousands of stars appeared Converge into a waterfall and wash down A huge dragon came across the sky, engulfing the star stream,

The body is thousands of miles long, like a mountain range, majestic and majestic His scales, blue crystals, were born with dao marks, outlining the totems of the stars Like a star, the lord of the sky, at the moment of his arrival, the nobleness cannot be looked directly at "Star Dragon, you are finally here!"

All the dragons were overjoyed

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