Qin Li nodded, carrying his small bag on his back, and walked to Tan Weihe's side People have already come in, Tan Weihe can't say anything if he wants to say anything Cao Ge patted Qin Li on the shoulder with a smile: "It's been a long time since I saw a newcomer. I was also the last one to join this team, but I went in during training in the military camp."

"It's the first time I've seen you. Before carrying out the task, I arranged for someone to come in. But at your young age, the strength of the fifth rank is not bad."

Qin Li also smiled: "I will try my best not to hold back!"

"Heh!" Tan Weihe frowned. He is a general in the military region and always likes to put the overall situation first And his subordinates are similar to Qin Li's age, and there are many recruits Therefore, looking at Qin Li's distaste, he was sure that Qin Li was a burden "By the way, let me introduce to you, our captain is the pinnacle of the ninth rank, and may break through to a half-step master within two years!"

Cao Ge introduced Qin Li immediately showed a look of surprise, and looked at Tan Weihe admiringly Tan Weihe couldn't help puffing out his chest, who doesn't like to hear good words?

It's best to let this rookie take a look and know that there are no weak people in this team!

"Besides that, we have three rank-8 and one rank-7 in our team."

"One is the eighth grade, and these two are the big Chen Lin and the small flat-headed Wang Sen."

"And the only girl in our team, Chu Miao, rank seven."

Qin Li looked over one by one Chen Lin was indeed tall, at 1.9 meters, but his skin was a bit dark Seeing Qin Li looking over, he nodded coldly But Wang Sen's height is relatively average, he looks 1.7 meters, and his head is a bit square, which really seems to fit the title of Xiaopingtou And when he heard the girl's surname was Chu, Qin Li couldn't help thinking of Chu Qingyin, and he felt a good feeling in his heart But when he looked at this woman, he caught the undisguised disdain and contempt in her eyes Qin Li raised his eyebrows, forget it, what's the favor!

The interest of several people, except Cao Ge, is not high Obviously, Qin Li, a newcomer, is extremely unwelcome!

Cao Ge is thirty years old, has just had a child, and his father loves him a lot Looking at Qin Li is also very pleasing to the eye, and the whole team is only talking to Qin Li at this moment A group of people went to the research institute by car, and as soon as they entered the door, they saw a 50-year-old uncle with a disheveled face standing there, who had already packed up and carried a briefcase The uncle was accompanied by six or seven bodyguards, and at a glance, almost all of them were fifth-rank warriors Tan Weihe glanced at Qin Li abruptly, as if to say, did you see it?

Rank five warriors are nothing!

If you didn't rely on that one, who the hell let you in?

Qin Li saw Tan Weihe's gaze, but continued to look around as if he hadn't seen it The old man and Wang Shouyi had already gone back. Now that the old man was gone and Cao Ge was out, they didn't regard Qin Li as a teammate Completely ignore it Qin Li didn't care, and listened to the basic information of the researcher introduced by the people around him Fifty years old, male His life is secret, call him Dr. Yu Then, everyone took Dr. Yu into the car and drove towards the airport As soon as he got in the car, Chen Lin who was sitting next to him said, "Now that the lord is gone, I have something to say to you directly, and you know it by yourself."

"Qin Li, this time the task is to work hard, your strength is too low. You have to know that every level of warrior is different."

"You must have seen it too. In the research institute just now, the bodyguards around Dr. Yu are all fifth-rank, so you should also know that fifth-rank is the foundation."

"You are really a drag in our team! So you must understand that if something happens on the road, our first choice must be to protect Dr. Yu. Your life is in danger, and only you can protect it!"


Qin Li nodded: "I know."

Several people looked at Qin Li in astonishment, and felt that this rich second generation seemed to be different from other rich second generations Isn't every rich second generation very arrogant and domineering?

Surely you won't be able to listen to such words, right?

Chen Lin glanced at Qin Li, and the disgust in his eyes was slightly less. If it's a sensible person, that's okay, let this person do whatever he wants without affecting the team's plan "Don't worry about it, everyone is for the mission." Cao Ge said, "Chen Lin speaks straight."

"What are you talking about, obviously you are the only one who has a crush on him." Wang Sen, who had been silent all this time, also spoke Seeing this, Chu Miao couldn't hold back: "I've wanted to say it for a long time, you just got into this team because of someone behind you! But, you have to understand that even if you are a rich second generation, what do we want? You, you can't resist!"

"If it wasn't for your lord to be a fortress, who would want such a guy!"

"Chu Miao." Chen Lin frowned, "Everyone starts as a rookie, no one is a master from the womb, so let me say a few words."

He didn't dislike Qin Li, but he didn't like it either At least, he felt that Qin Li was sensible, so such words between teammates hurt feelings "It's okay, everyone's mission is important, don't worry about me. I just want to see the world, but I didn't expect to be assigned to this important mission."

"However, I will definitely do my best."

Qin Li said with a smile, his affection for Chu Miao completely disappeared You don't have to like it, but don't belittle it either This is not required, but it is basic courtesy Dr. Yu listened to the words of the people around him, but did not respond at all. Holding a handheld computer in his hand, he frowned tightly, muttering and making some assumptions as if possessed by an evil spirit Qin Li glanced at it, and with just this one glance, he was stunned!

He remembered seeing the information on the computer, and forgot where he saw it for a while, but he definitely saw it!

Moreover, Dr. Yu is constantly calculating with difficulty, and then overthrows and recalculates the data, he knows everything behind it!

Even, even remember the answer clearly!

Qin Li gritted his teeth, and couldn't help but open his mouth to test next to the doctor: "It depends on the density of spiritual energy."

Dr. Yu was taken aback, and after reflexively filling it in, he turned his head and looked at Qin Li: "How do you know it's the density of spiritual energy?"


Several people didn't realize what Qin Li just said and why Dr. Yu was so excited Qin Li was flustered, why did he know?

He suddenly remembered that when he was a child, when he was playing in his parents' room, he saw those papers on his father's desk I just watched it, but remembered it Later he asked, Mother, what is spiritual energy?

His mother said it was air, so he lost interest But thinking about it now.. Seems to explain everything!

That old man, those inheritance techniques, why were his parents taken away, and why is there no news until now?

"I, I guessed it." Qin Li pretended, but his face gradually became gloomy The old man's words slowly echoed in his mind "Have you ever considered that if they had..."

He really didn't think of this at the time, but now he felt that there was something in the words, did it mean that the old man knew where his parents were?

or rather.. Does he have any definite news about his parents?

"At the end of the mission, I have something to talk to you about."

Doesn't this sentence mean that the old guy plans to tell Qin Li about his parents after he comes back Dr. Yu didn't pay attention to Qin Li's answer, but stared at the computer screen with bright eyes, and the following calculations were carried out quickly Thanks to Qin Li's sentence just now, the density of aura determines all the formulas to be established!

Tan Weihe glanced at Qin Li with a strange expression, and snorted coldly, secretly thinking shit luck Several people quickly arrived at the airport and got on the plane Dr. Yu was forced to turn off the computer, but he kept his eyes closed and muttered non-stop. Listening carefully, he turned out to be doing verbal calculations He held a small notebook in his hand, and he kept rehearsing the calculated results on it Qin Li was sitting right behind Dr. Yu. From here, one could see Dr. Yu's pale face and blue eye bags I don't know how long this guy hasn't rested The researchers are all lunatics, Qin Li completely believed this sentence The plane took off slowly, and Tan Weihe's voice sounded: "Don't fall asleep, stay vigilant, there are many people on the plane, and the news of Dr. Yu's travel will definitely be under their control."


When several people answered, Qin Li followed suit Turning around, I saw a man put on his seat belt and stood up just after the plane stabilized A cold light flashed in his cuff!

And the direction the man was walking was exactly where Dr. Yu was!

At this moment, except for Qin Li, none of the other team members noticed anything unusual!

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