"we won!"

"Although it is a small victory, it is exciting."

"The emperors of the heavens use their soldiers like gods, I admire them!"

Many strong men questioned Qin Li's decision to divide troops before, but now they are completely convinced See here Qin Li was not happy The Immortal Ship from the Other Shore is his strongest means Even so, the Nether Formation cannot be shaken, and the heavens are in danger He just relied on a few lies to intimidate the Nether Army, otherwise the Bronze Underworld Lord would definitely choose to fight fiercely instead of retreating "Honey, you are amazing!" Chu Qingyin swooped down and gave Qin Li a big hug, praising his strategizing Qin Li shook his head: "It's all about Brother Baili's work. This star barrier has disturbed the spirit of the Nether Army and scared them away."

Bailijian said secretly: "Brother Qin, your bluff is really powerful, but it's a pity that the barrier can only be defended, not attacked at all."

"Is the barrier really invulnerable?" Li Pingan's heart skipped a beat "cannot!"

Bailijian sighed helplessly:

"Star Dome has only one attack method."

"The stars fell, the fairy formation collapsed, jade and stones were burned, and the heavens were destroyed."

The principle is very simple, that is, smashing down the stars in the sky can indeed destroy the Netherworld, but the heavens and continents collapsed, and countless creatures died This is a suicide method that kills a thousand enemies and harms all of them "Big trouble!"

The Emperor of Heaven was worried and said:

"In the Netherworld, there are many famous formations."

"It won't be long before they break through the barriers and attack with all their might."

Qin Li was distressed: "Do you have any backup?"


The three emperors spoke in unison "It's a pity that it can't be used now!"

In the final analysis, the realm is too low, and the second hand cannot be activated Qin Li sucked in a breath of cold air. He was strong on the outside and weak on the inside, and it would be over if he was found out "Now we can only rely on bluff to delay time, preferably for a few months. After we are promoted, we no longer need to be afraid of the Netherworld."

The heavens are most short of time, as long as they delay their tactics, they can grasp the chance of victory "Clean the battlefield!"

Everyone moves The biggest takeaway is undoubtedly the Death Star This is actually the wreckage of the ancient secondary star, a fortress made of sacrifices There are not only various methods of corruption, but also a large amount of dark matter, which can be used as nutrients for the three great immortal roots "You are stationed at the frontier, always pay attention to the movement of darkness."

"We're going to be in seclusion for a while."

Say it The Three Emperors of the Heavens left They entered the Time Pagoda With the help of a hundred times the speed of time, absorb the power of the Death Star If the delay is long enough, they can fuse the immortal root and turn the world around Qin Li stayed outside, turning into a round of fairy sun, hanging high in the great world of Muye, showing the temperament of one man who is in charge of one man and one man who can't be opened by ten thousand men, and purifies the underworld by the way It not only boosted morale, but also made the darkness on the opposite side dare not act rashly This is a typical empty city plan See here Dark surge The Bronze Underworld Lord gritted his teeth:

"A small defeat and a loss of twenty Death Stars."

"Damn Qin Li, why are there so many followers?"

All the underworld masters have a kind of fear for Qin Li, which is the lack of self-confidence and fear accumulated after repeated failures "Don't be discouraged!"

Lord Twilight has a detached gaze:

"We should study the star wall well."

"I always feel that this barrier is not as scary as I imagined."

The rest of the underworld masters know some formations, and there are famous people who have studied the formations for countless years, and there is even a formation emperor who explores the reality of the fairy formations The battle ceased Just to brew a bigger battle Qin Li was anxious and sat upright for nine days, his mind wandering His will came to Jinxi City, entered the Hall of Virtue, and stood beside the Merit Pool As soon as the heart moves, a wave of life erupts, condensing a little soul, and injecting it into the brows and gods of the Taihua divine fetus As long as he can be born, he can use the power of the true emperor to feed back Qin Li's deity and be promoted to the sixth level of the holy. In this way, it can carry the will of more sentient beings, and the Immortal Ship of the Other Shore will become stronger, defeating the Nether Formation However The soul is broken Qin Li seemed to be lighting a lamp The divine fetus is the lamp, and the soul is the flame Fired again and again, extinguished again and again "What's going on, where is the problem?"

Qin Li was depressed, his will returned to his body, and he spread out the "Golden Book of Shinto" After reading back and forth, I just couldn't find the root cause. The main reason is that the Taihua Divine Embryo is too peculiar, and there has been no precedent throughout the ages Sudden!

Qin Li was taken aback "What a strong wave of life."

Looking down, it turned out to be Old Demon Dugu He is also cultivating at the moment, watching Yoyo spit out without fluctuation In fact, life is exuberant, like a melting pot of hell, rhythmic with the law of the avenue, with an inexplicable power that is extraordinary "Boy Qin, you're here!"

Old Demon Dugu opened his eyes and looked at the void in front of him His spirit was so extraordinary that he directly "saw" Qin Li's will "Senior, I haven't seen you in decades. Your strength has improved too much. You must know that Master Mojun has just been promoted to the third level of the Holy Realm, and you are already at the seventh level." Qin Li said in surprise Old Demon Dugu smiled, and shared his experience: "I practice the way of hell, so after you die, you will go to the fallen hell and fight countless evils. I hope you can get enlightened and advance quickly."

"Unfortunately, I greatly underestimated the ferocity of hell. A saint is insignificant there, and a large number of evil spirits are killed every day."

"Just when I was exhausted and about to fall, a person saved me."

Qin Li was amazed and asked curiously:

"Who saved Senior?"

"Emperor Ksitigarbha!"

Old Demon Dugu recalled decades ago Although I experienced it myself, it still feels unreal and unreal:

"I didn't expect that I would meet the patriarch of hell. He saved me and admired me very much, so he took me to a mysterious place."

Qin Li was fascinated by this, and asked, "Where is it?"

"Lingtai View!"

Old Demon Dugu continued:

"You may not have heard of this force."

"It sounds like a nine-stream sect, but it's actually extremely terrifying."

"Among them, there are countless masters who inherit the god-refining system, and there are four great true emperors under the master of Lingtai Temple, and the true emperor Dizang is only one of them."

Qin Li was very surprised. Old Demon Dugu actually had such good luck. He not only met the Emperor Dizang, but also entered the Lingtai Temple. No wonder his cultivation improved rapidly: "Senior, have you learned the Lingtai method?"


Old Demon Dugu nodded "But I'm just thinking by analogy."

"There is no complete study of the exercises of the god refining system."

"But Emperor Dizang gave me a small stove and taught me a magical secret technique."

""Da Luo Xuan Miao Guan", if the visualization is successful, it can solve all the confusion in the mind. With the help of this, I can transcend despair and understand hope, so the improvement of the realm is out of control."

Qin Li was surprised and delighted, licking his face and said: "Senior, you came too timely, and I happen to have a huge doubt in my heart that I can't solve. Can you teach me the "Da Luo Mysterious View"?"


Old Demon Dugu didn't refuse In his heart, Qin Li was his disciple Watching him grow all the way, why would he not want to teach it!

soon Qin Li's understanding is amazing I quickly learned "Da Luo Mysterious View" Old Demon Dugu reminded: "I forgot to tell you one thing."

"The means of refining gods cannot be used in the heavens. If you want to visualize, you'd better go to the Fallen Realm. It will get twice the result with half the effort."

Qin Li smiled, and said to himself: "Don't worry, senior, I am a fairy body, and I will not be suppressed if I jump out of the great way."

Let's talk a few more words Qin Li began to visualize It's a strange experience The essence of Qi practitioners lies in letting go of the old and absorbing the new, absorbing the infinite vitality of the world The root of a body refiner meets the tempering of the body, the sublimation of the blood, and finally achieves a self-contained world and self-mastery The root of cultivating a god lies in imagination. If you visualize the Buddha in your heart, then you will become a Buddha after practicing to the extreme, sacred and majestic The process of "Daluo Xuanmiao Temple" is not complicated, it is to use spiritual thoughts as materials to cast a Taoist temple, in which every architectural layout, detailed murals, and even formation patterns must be clearly visible It is said that it took half a year for Dugu Laomo to visualize successfully Qin Li only spent half a day working hard His spirit is too magnificent, and it is more than enough to visualize Taoist temples Moreover, Qin Li has a feeling of familiarity. The Hall of Valor of the Shinto is essentially connected with the Taoist Temple of Daluo "It seems that my guess is correct. The calabash vine and Lingtai Temple come from the same god-refining civilization. The former is open and establishes an immortal god dynasty, while the latter is conservative and retains the inheritance in the fallen realm."

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