Qin Li rushed Hidden breath, extremely fast In addition to reading books on the road, he also observed the scenery of hell Seeing that Hell Yama started harvesting in unison, intercepting dark matter Maybe they never paid much attention to the living, but Qin Li fought this battle so beautifully that they forced them to start preparing for the battle Three days later!

"It's finally here!"

Qin Li crossed a continuous mountain range There was a smell of decay and decay, and the stench was incomparable This means that you have come to the decaying hell. Looking into the distance, there is a dead land, swamp waste water, dead wood and gravel, and yellow mist in the air After the decay of vegetation, miasma is born; after the decay of flesh and blood, filth is born, and the mixture of the two is a natural poison. Moreover, in the void, there is still a slight trace of the poison of time "Time is the most vicious poison that can corrupt all good things."

Qin Li stepped into it, becoming more and more careful If you continue to go deeper You can hear the splashing water Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a khaki river This is the Yellow Spring River, filled with yellow spring water, which contains a large amount of decaying air After refining, the famous Wangqing Water can be refined. If it is drunk raw, it can melt the stomach "If you go up the river, you should be able to find the Twelve Yellow Palaces. There is the source of the Yellow Spring River, and the Shuangxian is trapped in it." Qin Li combined various sources of information and followed the tributary of the Yellow Spring, all the way up Huangquan River Also known as Jiuqu Huangquan River It twists and turns, stretches endlessly, and spreads all over the decaying hell Qin Li spent a lot of effort to reach the source, which is a sea of ​​decay The sea water is orange-yellow, with vast waves, and every wave is ruthless, capable of decaying all living beings and everything In the Yellow Spring Sea, there are also living creatures, all of which are water ghost bone fish, with eyes all over their bodies and their bodies soaked to death. There are also some corpses floating on the sea, relying on a mouthful of pure resentment to resist the ravages of time "This place is like a cesspit."

Qin Li gagged Along the way, this place is the most disgusting As far as the eye can see, it is full of pickled dross, waste and rotting matter "Finally I found it!" Qin Li revealed his fairy pupils and looked directly at the center of the sea There is a huge vortex of the underworld, forming a time turbine, which is not only a kind of cage, but also a millstone, resisting all prying eyes In the vortex, an ancient ship was suspended, dilapidated and old, and seemed to be falling apart at any time, but a layer of glittering fairy light appeared on the surface, and two lotus flowers hovered, resisting the erosion of time "Wan Yao Huang Lian, Frozen Blue Lotus, they really are twin immortals!"

Qin Li was overjoyed and finally found it But don't act rashly because Next to the ghost ship The Lurker is a world-destroying monster This is a monster, millions of feet tall He was lying on his stomach in the sea of ​​yellow springs, and the sea water only submerged his legs If you look carefully, he is the splicing product of twelve animals, with two wings, six legs and twelve tails, dragon head, horns, mouse skin, tiger body, rabbit eyes, snake spine, horseshoe, lamb leg, monkey tail, chicken wings, dog teeth , Pork belly This thing also has twelve mouths, under the armpits, crotch, navel, and back, there are bloody mouths. He seemed to be sleeping, and yellow saliva was left in his mouth, which dyed Huangquanhai yellow and diluted it into Huangquan water "Corrupt Yama!"

Qin Li secretly called trouble in his heart This guy also has a famous name, Nian!

"I can't beat Yan Luo now, so I attack rashly, just looking for death."

Qin Li took out the jade slips sent by Old Demon Dugu, which recorded the size of the Thirty-Six Prisons, one of which caught his attention "Sunny Fanghua!"

"The innate spiritual root of the rotten Yama."

"It contains the power of time and is known as the most beautiful flower."

Qin Li's eyes flickered. This flower was the love of Rotten Yama. It was planted in the Twelve Yellow Palaces and cared for carefully immediately A plan emerges "It's better to use one trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain."

"I concealed my breath and took the opportunity to steal the moment of youth."

"Corrupted Yama will definitely rush back to the Zodiac, and I will return to save the two immortals."

Nice plan Qin Li acted instantly Fly half a circle along Huangquanhai You can see a palace built with topaz Continuous, towering and huge, it adopts the style of the ancient period Among the thirty-six Yamas, the Corrupted Yamas are considered old qualifications. They have fallen in the ancient times, so their accumulation is extremely strong, second only to the three supreme Yamas Palace interior Evil spirits have formed an army, and evil beasts are everywhere There are even eight ghost saints at the gate to guard the gate Qin Li activated the "Sacred Law of Deceiving the Heaven", and it seemed to disappear, and got mixed in The first stop, the Rat Palace The next floor is the Ugly Cow Palace The third house is Yinhu Palace In fact, it is the zodiac They were once important ministers of the heavenly court Zhou Tian Xingjun operates the stars, and the twelve zodiac signs patrol the world Day by day, countless myths and customs have been left behind, but it is a pity that the Fallen Domain is too strong, the heavens are destroyed, and the twelve zodiac signs betray According to legend, bewitched by chaos, they devoured each other, gave birth to Nian, mastered the power of decay, and left many horror legends for the disaster of the world. Finally fell into hell and became Twilight Yama "arrive!"

Beyond the Zodiac Qin Li reached the deepest point Here is a nursery, colorful Plant all kinds of precious flowers, and it is rare to see green in hell And in the flower garden, there is a beautiful flower, the crown of all flowers, one flower blooms, and thousands of flowers have no color. These rare flowers and flowers are all foils "Sunny Fanghua!"

There was a gleam in Qin Li's eyes This is probably the most beautiful flower he has ever seen in his life Glazed branches and leaves, dreamy flowers, in a flash of a finger, twelve blooms and twelve withers, giving rise to brilliant colors and ten lights, beautiful and magnificent It contains the way of time, the more you stare at it, the more you will be shocked by that ultimate beauty, which erupts in an instant and withers in an instant. No wonder Dusk Yan Luo loves Moment of Youth so much, and he won't get tired of watching it for a thousand years "My second supernatural power, Setsuna Utama, seems very excited!" Qin Li realized that this flower fits with the second supernatural power, so he was even more eager, but there was a flower-keeper monster here a tiger Covered with yellow scales The forehead lines converge into "years" He is one of the incarnations of the decadent Yama Also known as Huang Sui Mingzhu, he is very powerful and should not be underestimated "A false emperor to guard the garden, Qu Cai!" Qin Li flicked his fingers Snapped!

far away There was a vision It's strange, with a strange atmosphere "Something's wrong!" Huang Suiming was startled, and went over looking for the sound He left the nursery Qin Li moved brush!

Very fast Grab the moment of prosperity It is necessary to pull out the innate spiritual root and put it in the pocket However, the root system is tough, rooted in the prohibition, and it is difficult to bring it out in an instant "There are thieves!"

"How dare you steal Fanghua!"

Huang Sui Mingzhu reacted instantly The tiger is like a steel whip, and like a scorpion's tail, with a needle hidden at the end It contained the poison of time, and stabbed towards Qin Li, quickly and ruthlessly, with decisive means clang!

Unsheathed too early Qin Li's reaction was not slow As soon as the sword light moved, the sword intent was rampant With a side cut of the sword, Huang Sui Mingzhu's tail was severed With a backhand cut, cut off the hidden restriction underground With a single stroke, the moment of youth is pulled out The movements are done in one go, flowing like clouds and flowing water Qin Li retracted his sword and hurried away Boom!


The coercion of destroying the world strikes A huge yellow claw slashed down angrily The palaces with a radius of thousands of miles were all crushed into ruins "Who is it that dares to steal instant youth under my nose!"

Sensing the theft of the love flower, Rotten Yan Luo rushed over in an instant, and unceremoniously destroyed the palm, scaring hundreds of millions of evil beings to tremble "How is it possible, I can't sense the thief!"

Qin Li wiped off his cold sweat Rotten Yama is definitely beyond the true emperor Although it has not reached the highest level, it has reached the edge "Hurry up and take away the twin immortals and return to the heavens!" Qin Li took the opportunity to leave the Zodiac Palace Rotten Yan Luo has gone mad with anger, his eyes are full of evil lights, scanning all directions, trying to find the thief, and kill him quickly However!

The supreme technique is powerful It is not supreme and cannot be cracked Qin Li took the opportunity to touch Huang Quanhai In the vortex of time, the ghost ship is trapped in the center Qin Li jumped into the vortex of time, passed through the barrier of fairy light, and stepped on the ghost ship "finally reached!"


Qin Li drew his sword Showcasing the power of the fairy sword Break open the door of the cabin "It's not right! It's too easy, the fairy boat shouldn't be so fragile..."

Qin Li has not recovered yet Inside the cabin A large number of tentacles gushed out This is a kind of prohibition, which is extremely hidden What's more, it was arranged by the decadent Yan Luo, who was caught off guard and trapped Qin Li "You got Fooled!"

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