
Qin Li resolutely said:

"There is still hope for resistance."

"Without resistance, there is really no hope."

Seeing this, Chaos no longer advised, but turned into a sea of ​​chaos "Guys like you don't look back until they hit the south wall. It seems that you have to be serious, otherwise you don't know the cruelty of the world."

The sea of ​​chaos boils The Qiankun Avenue is trembling Sweeping all directions, devouring all matter It is possible to return to the nature from the day after tomorrow and return the world to chaos "The south wall stops me, then I will smash the south wall!" Qin Li stepped forward Turning into a fairy ship from the other side, it descended from the sky and smashed hard on the Chaos Sea, killing Chaos to pieces "Not enough!" Chaos was forced to take human form "How about this trick?"

"One sword breaks the law!"

call out!

Qin Li lore A sword draws the avenue of the sword Simplify the complicated, the ultimate killing, too fast to catch He could only see a streak of light, and then he heard the sound of his body shattering, even if it was chaos, it was twisted into nothingness "sharp!"

Chaos trembled in his heart Feeling a mortal threat "But if you want to change your fate against the sky, you are still delusional."

Qin Li calmly said: "Senior, a journey of thousands of miles begins with a single step, and it starts with changing your stubborn ideas."

call out!

Another sword Approaching the ultimate fantasy of kendo Unparalleled sharpness, to completely subdue chaos "You are too childish!"

There was a chaotic cold voice, and the breath changed drastically It turned into a cloud of dark mist, empty and dark It also shot out a dark light, like a gun that destroys the world, a key to the end Passing through the air, all material vitality decayed and returned to nothing, and even the texture of the avenue was obliterated As for the avenue of sword drawn by Qin Li, it was instantly torn clean "This is……"

Qin Li was startled in his heart:

"The trick that destroys the existence of the world."

Chaos said lightly: "I have seen the ending 800 million times."

His tone was too calm, with a whine: "Once upon a time, I was like you, thinking that the future could be changed."

"That's why I secretly helped Shenchao and Xianchao, but unfortunately, the ending has never changed a bit. It's ironic that I keep witnessing the destruction of the world, and I imitate a trace of the charm of destruction!"

"It is also this trace of charm that made me deeply understand the horror of the enemy, and I was completely desperate. I shrank in the cage, feeling that the world is nothing but a big cage, and no matter how beautiful it is, it will be destroyed."

Qin Li was dripping with cold sweat Like a bucket of ice water, watering the forehead The original joy of improving swordsmanship is now gone Chaos came over, patted Qin Li on the shoulder, and said sadly:

"I have some unfortunate news for you. Since you merged with the eight hundred worlds, the lifespan of the heavens is only ten years."

"Instead of working hard against the sky and having nothing in the end, it's better to accompany your family, go to the world of the heavens, enjoy yourself in time, and then wait for death."

"Don't be afraid, we are finally free."

ten years!

Qin Li's pupils shook "Is it really only ten years?"

Chaos laughed and said, "Maybe five years, maybe three years, nothing less."

Qin Li can finally understand the helplessness of Chaos, all efforts are useless, and now there is only less than ten years left So he felt that it was against the sky, it was too ridiculous, he might as well lie down and wait to die "I will change the ending."

finally Qin Li gritted his teeth Holding a fairy sword in his hand, he wants to fight again "In any case, the Immortal Sword of Absolute Beginning must be repaired."

"Look at your bad temper. It's tougher than fairy gold. No matter how much you persuade it, it's useless." Chaos got a little angry, and he had never seen such a stubborn temper "Qin Li!"

"You forced me to do this."

"I want you to see it too, 800 million times of destruction."

Chaos saw the shadow of himself in Qin Li's body, and he didn't know whether it was anger or shame, which prompted "the last breath" Qin Li did not resist Pooh!

The Chaos rune fell between the eyebrows They enter the illusion and witness the end again Still the endless darkness, and the sunken and ruined heavens However, compared to the last time, the ending changed slightly. Qin Li boarded the fairy ship, but Qin Lianyi was not there all dead Only Qin Li was left Start the fairy ship, wanting to escape However, the tide of darkness engulfed everything, and everything returned to ruins Chaos said: "See, even if you board the fairy ship, it is impossible to escape the pursuit of darkness."

Both Qin Li and Chaos are from the perspective of bystanders, looking at the other self, struggling in despair, and can vaguely hear the ridicule in the dark:

"Qin Li, the price of angering me is ultimate destruction."

"Let's return to the ruins with the heavens!"

Dark madness However Qin Li was fearless Compared with the previous crying fear This time, he stood calmly and proudly "No!"

Qin Li smiled There was a hint of contempt at the corner of his mouth It seems that the winning ticket is in hand, and there is a big backhand But when the darkness rolled, Qin Li died, and the world was destroyed again "ah?"

Chaos was puzzled and said:

"Death is imminent, what are you laughing at?"

Qin Li was also puzzled: "I don't know, have you encountered such a situation before?"

"Samsara's 800 million ending, I only saw you cry, and it's the first time I laughed, it's kind of evil!" Chaos felt baffled Qin Li is similar so Watch it a few more times It was still Qin Li who died with a smile "It must have been a blow, laughing like crazy!" Chaos guessed Qin Li shrugged his shoulders: "My eyes are clear, and I am not crazy at all, but where does this kind of self-confidence without fear of life and death come from?"

Both thought hard Still puzzled Qin Li was very straightforward, persuading:

"Senior, it seems that the future is not hopeless."

"Just help me restore the fairy sword, and add a little bit of strength to the cause of the sky-defying cause."

Chaos stood with his hands behind his back, his numb heart began to agitate. He was not really willing to wait for death, but there was no hope But Qin Li's smile aroused people's imagination and made him think "Why!"


Chaos paced back and forth, hesitating to speak Seeing him struggling, Qin Li couldn't help asking, "But what?"

Chaos touched the smooth egg head, and complained: "But I used to boast and never help, isn't it slapping me in the face now?"

"By the way, you guy, if you don't know how to observe words and expressions, you won't warmly ask, give me a step down, and make me feel more comfortable."

Qin Li was speechless Such a bare egg head No eyes and no mouth, I'm a fart But if you can help, that's the best thing, just be a little more accommodating "I invite the seniors to make a move, just for the sake of the sake of all beings in the world!"

"All right!"

Chaos nodded and whispered:

"I'll do what I can to help you."

The more I get in touch with this guy, the more I feel that he is a weird one, a big and funny comparison Qin Li put out his complaints, took out the Immortal Sword of Absolute Beginning, the Half Immortal Short Blade, and handed it to Chaos, waiting for his answer "See things and think about people!"

"I bet three rounds with the Immortal Emperor back then."

"A crushing defeat, not only losing Neidan, but also losing freedom."

Holding the two swords, Chaos sighed with emotion: "In this situation, I can't help but want to chant a poem..."


Qin Li quickly interrupted:

"Say it straight! Can it be fixed?"


Chaos nodded "It's just that you are in a hurry."

As he spoke, he swallowed the Immortal Sword of Absolute Beginning, Half Immortal Short Blade "Essentially, they are all treasures conceived in my body. Now that the baby swallows have returned to their nests, they are inherently chaotic. It will take a few months to recover."

Qin Li was overjoyed, but a problem also came up: "For a few months, I don't have any weapons. It seems that I can only use my fists to fight the enemy."

"That's indecent, use me to fight in the future!" Chaos said Qin Li was taken aback "How to use it?"

Chaos rose into the air and began to compress After a while, it turned into a dusty scabbard This is a supreme treasure, which is equivalent to a fairy weapon, and the supreme fairy sword is also bred in it Qin Li was overjoyed Holding up the scabbard, I like it more and more Chaos has no properties, so it can be adjusted freely It can be as light as a feather, it can also crush the sun and the moon, and it can even split nine heavens Holding the scabbard of chaos, Qin Li couldn't help playing it a few times, and immediately moved the avenue, stirring up the wind and clouds for hundreds of millions of miles "Holy Emperor!"

"Please also accept the supernatural powers."

The twenty-three sword masters were terrified and begged bitterly Embarrassed, Qin Li put away the scabbard, bowed his hands and bid farewell:

"Everyone, thank you for your continuous hospitality. Now that my purpose has been completed, I want to leave. I hereby bid farewell."

Jun Zijian is quite reluctant to give up. It would be great if such a big man sits in the Sword Cultivation World forever, but unfortunately it is just a fantasy after all "I'll send off the Holy Emperor!"

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