Tower of Babel!

Kill the sky straight, the stalwart is immortal "This is the supreme masterpiece of the god refining civilization."

"Known as the tower of civilization, it bears the will to defy the sky."

"In fact, Lingtai Temple is also one of the buildings, which is specially used to collect books."

The master of the Lingtai Temple looked at the traces on the tower, which came from multiple inheritances, connected with each other, united as one, and only for the sake of defying the sky On the other hand, Qin Li saw a golden divine vine wrapped around the Tongtian Pagoda. It was incredibly long and could completely wrap around the Heavens and Continents He just clings to the tower like this, spiraling around, revealing endless divine power "here we go!"

The master of Lingtai suddenly said:

"Eternal night will soon come, and the second era will be destroyed."

Qin Li was startled, and saw darkness sweeping in from far away, devouring everything, silently living, like a destructive winter At this time, it was noon, and there were seven suns in the sky. Unfortunately, under the erosion of darkness, the stars fell, the sun and the moon dimmed, and it entered the night ahead of schedule The speed of the darkness spreading is too fast, and the power of returning to the ruins is mixed with it. Once it is shrouded, even the Yang God will decay and shatter As for other mortals, they were instantly turned into bones and smashed into slag "it's dark!"

"We lost a lot."

The master of Lingtai lamented, with endless sadness in his eyes Qin Li was silent. Watching the children turn into bones and the hundreds of millions of rivers and mountains turned into the night, it was an indescribable shock The future predicted by Chaos is just a silhouette, but the destruction experienced now is beyond imagination, as if being there, the body of the fairy is trembling instinctively, emitting fairy light, trying to resist the erosion of darkness "God!"

A roar split the world On the Tongtian Pagoda, the calabash vine glows Like an oil lamp in the dark night, the last light, the last hope "Shinto civilization is endless, and it will never die here!" The divine vine is like a dragon, and a peerless god stands proudly on it Take a closer look, it is Li Pingan, but even more mighty and stalwart, holding a brilliant gun, fighting bloody battles, the armor is broken, still not giving up, emitting light, trying to turn the tide "He is the vine master!"

"The spirit of the calabash vine!"

"It is also the Supreme of the Second Era."

The master of Lingtai watched the vine master struggle and sighed helplessly Qin Li understood that this was Li Pingan's first life, a great existence pity!

The mantis is like a cart Under the darkness, everything returns to ruins Even the vine master was destroyed and annihilated, and disappeared finally!

Babel fell There was a loud bang, and the night wailed This supreme masterpiece of Shinto civilization disappeared Its fall symbolized the destruction of the second era, and all the past disappeared In the wreckage of the tower, there is still a Taoist temple, which is the product of the blessings of the gods. It is immortal, buried in the darkness, and successfully survived the long night until the birth of the founding world besides Shen Teng also escaped in the end There is also a green lotus in the fairyland, escaping into nothingness Obviously the Emperor of Heaven also participated in the Second Era, but it was a pity that he failed again against the sky "How, did you realize anything, do you need me to play it again?" Lingtai Temple Master asked "Need not!"

Qin Li shook his head He has found a way forward And this kind of tragedy, he really didn't want to watch it a second time "Thank you, Lord, for your guidance. I have learned a lot." Qin Li was grateful in his heart, and was about to bid farewell and return to Qianyuan "Qin Li."

The Lord of Lingtai shouted On the jade face, there is a little entanglement "Monastery Master, what's the matter?" Qin Li's eyes were full of doubts He noticed that today's Lingtai Temple Lord is a little different, it seems that there is something on his mind, and he seems hesitant to speak "If the Master has something to do, it's okay to say it." Qin Li said with a smile The master of Lingtai let out a foul breath: "Can you not go against the sky?"


Qin Li was taken aback and asked back The master of Lingtai pointed to the second era of Guixu:

"The two epochs suffered a crushing defeat, and the third epoch cannot escape destruction."

"Instead of betting everything and fighting against the Dao of Heaven, you might as well give up early and build an ark, just like Lingtai Temple, Wugong Mountain, and take your family and friends and escape to nothingness."

"At that time, we will be able to drink and talk happily in the fourth era."

Qin Li smiled "My lord, thank you for your concern."

"Actually, I have a friend who persuades me like you."

The master of Lingtai's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help asking: "Then what do you think?"

Qin Li said: "The more you persuade me to surrender, the more I refuse. There is a flame in my heart that burns more and more vigorously. I vow to succeed against the sky and create a great cause that will last for three centuries."

The proposal of the master of the Lingtai Temple is very good, but Qin Li has no way out, because Chaos has seen the ending 800 million times, and everything is destroyed, including the three immortal roots, and the fairy ship of the heavens, which may include the Lingtai Temple and martial arts Inexplicably, he remembered the proverb in his hometown Nothing more than three!

Maybe there is no Fourth Era In short, this time of destruction will be far better than before "You are very stubborn!" The master of Lingtai smiled sweetly It's like a youth in full bloom in an instant, with a beautiful face, and a smile without color Qin Li also smiled back subsequently We chatted a few more words Qin Li bid farewell, meaning to return The face of the master of Lingtai turned cold in an instant With a trace of sadness in his eyes, he sighed slightly, feeling helpless "Guanzhu, what did Qin Li say?" Dizang entered the Xinhuo building and asked cautiously "He insists on going against the sky, I can't persuade him." The master of Lingtai looked at the endless and deep darkness, as if he wanted to blend into it .. at this time!

Qin Li returned to Qianyuan Everything is business as usual and all is well "It feels like you fell asleep, and your breath changed a lot."

Chaos is very keen, and clearly perceives Qin Li's strength, becoming more and more ferocious "Wandering away from things, chatting with old friends, and discussing the way of swords by the way, I have found an opportunity." Qin Li said slowly "What opportunity?"

Chaos was curious and asked a question Qin Li didn't answer, but held the Chaos scabbard Even without a sword in his hand, he can urge a sword to break the spell, showing a kind of annihilation power that destroys the world and ends the era Although it has not been fully condensed, the true sword breaks all magic but!

It has already begun to take shape Able to penetrate to the heart of Chaos Like a big hand returning to the ruins, it pushes away the lines of the avenue If Qin Li successfully touched the chaotic chicken, he could crush it at any time if he wanted it, and could destroy the undead body of Chaos "do not!"

"Stinky boy, stop!"

Chaos screamed in fright, and the scabbard trembled "Damn it! You're progressing so fast, you've already realized that one sword can break all spells."

Qin Li accepted the means, shook his head and said: "It's just a fake fairy art, but I have found the way, and I will soon be able to compose the strongest fairy art."

Say it!

Spread your palms A kendo rune appeared Innate profound meaning, intertwined with hundreds of millions of sword marks It seems complicated, but in fact, after layer upon layer, it is just a sword This is the innate sword rune that Qin Li sacrificed back then. After decades of learning countless sword techniques, it was finally restored The chaotic runes were beating, and only Qin Li could understand the painstaking efforts poured into them. He used to think that this was a sword breaking ten thousand dharma, but later he realized that it was just a fake one sword breaking ten thousand dharma certainly The effort was not in vain Because if the supernatural powers were not sacrificed, Qin Li would not be able to accommodate all rivers Now, not only has he found the way of true immortality, but even if he sacrifices this innate sword talisman, he can condense it again He has gone from "know how to use" to "know how to make" He can even transplant runes to his sons and daughters In this way A fake sword breaks all laws It is the supernatural power of the Qin family's blood His descendants and grandchildren can all awaken from the bloodline "Swallow this kendo rune and help me smelt it into the Immortal Sword of Absolute Beginning."

As soon as Chaos inhaled, he ate the Innate Sword Dao Rune, and said: "This is not a difficult task, but the time of birth in the beginning of the world must be delayed."

Qin Li nodded boom!

Suddenly there was a muffled sound The majestic power of the immortals swept across the world "Half a year of retreat, are they finally going out?"

Qin Li looked out the window far away The nine colors of the sky All things surrender, and the sound of nature resounds A fairy tree stands upright, with the power to lift up the sky, and the power to overwhelm the earth Obviously, the Pantao Immortal Technique has returned to its peak, and has transcended the material, turning into a virtual image intertwined with countless immortal marks, which is the ultimate manifestation of the immortal way The gourd god vine flew out, shining golden, and the dragon vine nine days, also completely got rid of the shape, turned into a divine way, carrying great ideals The Celestial Kingdom Qinglian has not changed much. It is solitary and independent, blooming slowly, without vines or branches, like a spectator, witnessing the rise and fall of the universe, naturally revealing a kind of aloofness, not in line with the world

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