The funeral is over The sadness is still there But there is not much free time The hell is so powerful that it may counterattack the heavens at any time Therefore, it is necessary to rectify the army, establish a defense line, and defend against the enemy "Qin Li, Confucian Immortal said before his death that there will be unimaginable changes when he practices the Nine Great Sovereign Techniques." Qi Xian calmed down and said slowly Qin Li nodded: "I also have this feeling, but the attack on Hell has been delayed, and now there is a precious period of time."

"Qin Li, you have only practiced half of the "Sacred Law of Deceiving Heaven", this is the remaining half!" Danxian took out half of the holy book Qin Li was a little surprised, and also took out half of the holy book. As soon as the two came into contact, they merged into the completion of the supreme technique: "Why is the holy book torn."

Qixian smiled awkwardly Danxian glanced around and whispered:

"Because we tore the holy book apart, the reason is the Emperor of Heaven."

"At the beginning, we were sleeping in the fairy key boat, and we were dragged out to serve by her. Although we received the top treatment, we were suffocating anger in our hearts."

"Suddenly one day, the Emperor of Heaven wanted to learn the "Sacred Law of Deceiving the Heaven", and asked us to drive the fairy boat and fetch the holy book. So when we lost our temper, we tore up the holy book and compiled the supreme technique, which was jealous of the sky and could not be completed. rumors."

I see Qin Li really didn't expect it The supreme skill is incomplete because of the anger of the two immortals But the emperor of heaven has this character, although he is not bad, he is absolutely conceited "Okay, then I'll start with "The Holy Law of Deceiving Heaven." Qin Li spread out the holy book and carefully read the second half "We won't bother you. If you want to learn other Supreme Techniques, just tell us." Pill Qi Shuangxian said goodbye and left Qin Li began to practice hard "Holy Law of Deceiving Heaven" is his first supreme technique So get started quickly, realize instantly, and understand the deep meaning of it This supreme art is divided into two stages, the first half is to hide oneself, and the second half is to deceive the rules If you practice to the extreme, even ordinary monks can intercept power beyond imagination, but the premise is that you must be able to withstand the power of backlash, and you cannot touch the level of the Supreme Supreme at this time!

Within the Celestial Immortal Ship Immortal Emperor, Divine Emperor, and Heavenly Emperor gathered together They worked together to use their means to get a glimpse of the reality of hell Bailijian raised his eyebrows and said: "Fortunately, the Taihua Supreme and the Chaos God died together, and the Lord of the Lingtai retreated on his own initiative, so we can leave safely."

Li Pingan had lingering fears: "It's a pity that too many heroes have died, and there are frequent petty moves in hell. It seems that they are building a dark altar. I don't know what they want to do."

Chu Qingyin was worried: "Hell will not let it go, let alone sit and wait for death. It may attack at any time, but we have no more means."


A soft voice came From a distance, Chu Qingyin came faintly, walking gracefully "I'm late, I don't know how your discussion is going, can you have a countermeasure?"


The whole audience was stunned Why is there an extra Chu Qingyin?

The heroes of the heavens also stared wide-eyed, dumbfounded "Honey, why are you imitating me!" Chu Qingyin didn't know whether to laugh or cry False Chu Qingyin's body twisted, turned into Qin Li, and stepped out of the air: "It seems that the supreme technique has little effect on the supreme powerhouse."

"Even if the "Holy Law of Deceiving Heaven" is cultivated to the extreme, you can see through it at a glance."

Bailijian was pleasantly surprised:

"It's only been a long time, and you actually know a supreme class."

"We were worried before that it would take several months for you to finish learning the Nine Arts, so we didn't dare to bother you. It seems that we were worrying too much."

Qin Li didn't speak, but stretched out his palm. There was a mark in it, which was a mysterious fairy pattern, which was extremely irregular, like a wound, or the stubble of a broken knife, which split the avenue and produced a mysterious effect "Supreme Rune!"

Han Xinwu was overwhelmed with surprise, and explained:

"The fairy marks that can only be possessed by the master of the supreme technique."

As she spoke, she stretched out her slender hand, which also had a supreme rune on it "Then it seems that I have achieved great success in many disciplines." Qin Li smiled, and two more supreme runes appeared in his hand, reflecting each other's brilliance They are from "Boundless Immortal Formation" and "Great Zen Purdue Technique", which is also the supreme technique that Qin Li practiced the most Han Xinwu smiled even more, and sent out a holy book: "Your progress is much faster than we imagined, which is a good thing."

"You take this volume of "Nine Worlds of Reincarnation". Remember, if you want to practice this supreme art, you need to feel the despair of death and the hope of survival."

Qin Li took the holy book and didn't read it, because he had already read it in the Sun and Moon Holy Land, and now he sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and breathed out, and began to practice Between breaths, the traces of the Dao rhythm moved, and the great thousand trembled, so that in the void, Taoist immortal marks emerged, intertwined with each other, turned into a supreme rune, fully grown in a short time, and fell into his body "alright!"

Qin Li stopped practicing All the powerful people around were shocked Han Xinwu was inconceivable: "You are too fast."

"It took me hundreds of years and many dangers before I finally achieved great success, but you only spent ten breaths."

Qin Li smiled, and explained: "I am the Dao Yuanling, I am naturally friendly to the Supreme Art, and I have died twice, so I can suddenly realize it."

Li Pingan slapped his thigh excitedly: "Brother Qin, it's only been a long time, you have already learned the four supreme techniques, and it won't take long before you can get the master of the great way."

Everyone was also amazed However Qin Li remained calm Had a big failure He is much more cautious and has no pride:

"Actually, there is no need to have too many expectations and sustenance for the great successor."

"No one can tell what the changes are. What is really useful is for me to advance to the eighth level of the Holy Realm and ask about the years."

Bailijian nodded: "It's a good thing that you are so clear-headed. It's just that your path is too grand, and we really can't help you too much. We can only help you answer some questions and provide some opinions."

Qin Li asked:

"I just have one question."

"What is time? It must be the answer that touches the root."

He has already mastered the power of time, and he still has a moment of youth, but he has been unable to be promoted for a long time, which shows that he has not touched the fundamentals The Immortal Emperor was silent for a while, before opening his mouth to discuss: "Time is a mighty river, and it is also an inevitable process, like a thread, connecting the beginning and the end."

"Outside the house, there are thunderstorms. Raindrops are born in the clouds and fall to the ground. The short existence in the middle is the time and life."

The god emperor closed his eyes half-closed, and said leisurely: "Time is a relative concept, such as length, beauty and ugliness, speed and slowness, it is a force that exists in opposition."

"For the mountains, a thousand years is spring, and a thousand years is winter. As for the spring, summer, autumn and winter we see, to the mountains, it is just a breath."

Qin Lixin had a feeling, and came up with an astonishing idea: "Perhaps, time does not exist at all. This is just an illusion of living beings. The so-called power of time is just a decaying speed."


The Emperor of Heaven spoke With a calm expression, he said lightly:

"Your answer is plausible, and it doesn't touch the root."

Qin Li was dumbfounded, and after thinking about it, he couldn't help but be overjoyed The Emperor of Heaven is the master who studies the way of time and space, and none of the monks present understands time better than her "Dare to ask seniors, what is time?"


The Emperor of Heaven explained slowly:

"The so-called years are just the scale of civilization."

Qin Li's eyes flickered, and he was a little dazed: "Senior, what do you say?"

The Emperor of Heaven stood up, dressed in immaculate clothes, exuding a cool demeanor, and couldn't help but look up at the starry sky: "Beyond the universe, there is 'nothing', endless, even a hundred billion years, it is just a moment."

"Because that's 'nothing'! Whether it was 100 billion years ago or 1,000 billion years ago, it was exactly the same, and everything was nothing. So time is meaningless, so there is no power of time."

"Time is the scale of civilization. The stories of a thousand years ago are absolutely different from the stories of today. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish time and reflect a consistent continuity. For example, the predecessors planted trees, and the descendants took advantage of the shade."

"In other words, only living beings have the past and the future. If the last living being in the heavens dies, civilization will be destroyed, and the years will come to an end. Therefore, the way of heaven is born, and everything returns to ruins. Everything is gone and there is no change."

The words fell Qin Li was terrified Feeling enlightened again, enlightened:

"Give time to civilization, not to civilization!"

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