Qin Li asked:

"Help me calculate the future once."

Chaos froze for a moment, got up and turned into a human form immediately The atmosphere was silent Everyone was silent and did not dare to speak out They may know the terrible accuracy of Chaos prophecies "Are you sure you want to count? I'm afraid of bad results." Chaos was a little worried Qin Li nodded heavily: "I have reached the extreme, and I should be able to rewrite my fate and escape from the ending of returning to the ruins, so just take a look!"


Chaos no longer refuses Raise your hand to condense a mysterious rune It hit Qin Li's eyebrows, wanting to see the ending Everyone raised their hearts to their throats, quietly waiting for a new prophecy However Nothing happened Chaos was puzzled: "It's not right."

"Why is there no response, there is a problem with the supernatural power."

He tried a few more times, but the result was still the same, the way forward was uncertain, and he was confused Qin Li sighed slightly, and explained: "There must be a cause and an effect. After the beginning, it will end. But with the return of the Dao, the fate is completely disrupted, so no one can predict the future from now on."

"I had already expected this result, but I was just looking for the result by chance. It seems that I was thinking too much."

Everyone secretly called it a pity But quickly cleared up the mood The Emperor of Heaven said coldly: "No result means infinite results."

Bailijian also encouraged: "In the past, the fate was fixed, but now the general trend is against the current, and the road ahead is full. This is actually a very good thing."

Li Pingan's heart was surging, and he said loudly: "From now on, our fate can only be determined by us, and we will definitely open up a prosperous world that has never been seen before."

Everyone nodded The banquet continued with great excitement At the climax, Qin Li opened his mouth and said:

"By the way, I have prepared a gift for us."

As he said that, he took out five divine jade slips and gave them to the Immortal Emperor, God Emperor, Heavenly Emperor, Lingtai Temple Master, and Wugong Tiger respectively "The Great Dao Jing!"

The five supreme beings all exclaimed in unison "My God! Beyond the supreme scriptures."

"This is the understanding of Dao, and it is also the rule of heaven and earth."

"It's such a terrifying scripture. Under the Supreme Being, no one has the right to peep."

The eyes of the master of Lingtai were flooded, and he couldn't help panting heavily: "It's so wonderful, I don't know if I can reach the other shore after studying?"


Qin Li replied lightly:

"That realm is too illusory."

"I once suspected that the realm of the other side does not exist at all."

"Maybe it exists, but it's too far away, and I don't even know the Dao. Do you have any guesses about this?"

Everyone was silent and unable to answer Birth, old age, sickness and death are all scenes from this shore Even the Dao Dao Tian Dao cannot avoid the macro laws Because the universe will eventually return to nothing, and as for the other side of detachment, it should be just a romantic fantasy Bailijian thought for a while, then said slowly: "'One Sword One World' symbolizes the beginning, and 'One Sword Breaks Ten Thousand Laws' symbolizes the end. If the two great celestial arts combine into one and penetrate life and death, we should be able to reach the other shore."

If Li Pingan thought about it, he also expressed his thoughts: "By absorbing the will of all sentient beings throughout the ages, condensing the supreme spirit, breaking the limit, maybe we can transcend this case and prove the other side."

As the oldest existence, the Emperor of Heaven also has his own speculation: "If you want to be eternal, you need a true immortal body. If you can go back the long river of time and jump out completely, you will probably be able to reach the other shore."

The martial arts tiger nodded, and praised: "I think the method of reversing the long river of time is the most reliable. Presumably only the invincible fairy body with three paths in one can do it, but it's a bit hanging!"

Qin Li was also able to flow backwards in time, before ten breaths flowed backwards, his limit was already reached. This is because retrograde is tantamount to fighting against the general trend of history. Every moment, it seems that dozens of big worlds are crushing over "actually……"

The master of Lingtai suddenly said:

"The other shore, is there really the beauty we imagined?"

Everyone was stunned, and looked sideways, with doubts in their eyes: "What does this mean? Don't play charades!"

The master of Lingtai recalled the past and made a metaphor: "If it is in the physical state, there will be a lot of troubles. I hope that the Dharma gate will be achieved, and I will be free from worries. But after reaching it, I will be involved in the whirlpool again, and there will be new unsatisfactory things. "

"At this time, I am longing for the next level again, but even after reaching the supreme level, I can't control my own destiny. I think after reaching the other side, there will be such problems, right?"

heard the words Everyone thinks it makes sense The martial arts tiger drank the fine wine, laughed loudly and said:

"Thinking too much, it's purely because the old farmer thinks that the emperor uses a golden hoe to work."

"Now all the realms are on this shore, exhausted by life and death. But if you go to the other shore, there will be absolutely no worries."

The master of Lingtai retorted: "But the absence of worries means no joy, no sorrow, no love and no sex, and also represents the mortal world. There will be no love, hate, hatred, love, family and friendship. Isn't this a kind of trouble?"

immediately Everyone was silent The more he pondered, he couldn't help nodding Layman Plum Blossom could see it openly, holding Fairy Rouran's hand, said with a smile:

"If it succeeds against the sky, this side will be the other side. I already feel very fulfilled when I write my own future. Why should I abandon my family for the sake of a higher realm?"

Dugu Laomo praised: "The layman is open-minded, what he said is very good."

The atmosphere of the banquet became lively The cheers are still there The banquet lasted a long time But it still broke up, and everyone performed their duties Qin Li was much more relaxed, and was going to rest for a few days before going to the decisive battle "Boy Qin!"

Old Demon Dugu chased after him He squirmed, and seemed a little embarrassed Qin Li had already realized it, he didn't speak, but walked calmly The two stand side by side, just like master and apprentice, like relatives, and more like comrades-in-arms After walking to a secluded place, Qin Lifang smiled and said, "Senior, do you want to revive your family?"


Old Demon Dugu nodded quickly and said with a smile:

"I know this is too much. They don't have military merits, so they are given the quota for resurrection. I feel a little embarrassed."

Qin Li also felt the same way, so instead of resurrecting in public, he went to a secluded place: "It's okay, and they have already been resurrected."

"Senior, don't you look back?"

Old Demon Dugu was astonished "Dugu!"


Two gentle female voices came Dugu Laomo instantly moistened his eyes and looked back In the dimly lit place, Yiren is still there, as gentle as water, and the spring breeze will not change There is also a little girl next to him, who is three points similar to Dugu Laomo, very heroic, presumably his daughter Dugu Yi "This...they..." Old Demon Dugu couldn't stand it any longer. Even though he is now the Great Emperor, his heart was still trembling, his tears were streaming down his cheeks, and his lips were trembling: "Boy Qin, I don't even know what to do..."

He couldn't tell what he was excited about Qin Li patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Go ahead and reminisce about the old days. They must also want to hear stories from so many years."

Say it!

Qin Li rode away with the wind The beauty of adults is the wonderful thing in life Not long after, he returned to the mansion In fact, it is a fairy boat to cross the disaster, and it is controlled by the women Just entered the door "husband--"

With a soft sound, the phoenix cried softly Qin Li was so shocked that his bones were crisp Chu Qingyin posted it with lotus steps, and the little bird was so cute "Sister, you are tired today, I will wash your feet!" Yun Shiyu was beautiful, but she was holding a jade basin of spring water, and she smiled very affectionately "ah?"

Qin Li felt something was wrong Just sitting down, the second daughter came over Rubbing her shoulders and back, pounding her legs and pressing her feet, she was a little too enthusiastic "Ask me for something!"

Qin Lixin smiled like a mirror The second daughter felt a little embarrassed and asked, "We want to revive mother."


Qin Li gasped This matter is a bit too difficult!

With his current strength, it doesn't matter if he is resurrected Reviving a friend is a good thing; resurrecting an enemy can be killed with a flick of the finger; but resurrecting the mother-in-law is quite embarrassing But do not resurrect! A little heartless, after all, she is a lover's mother, she also seems to be stingy, and both have Dao level power, and it is really unreasonable to be entangled like this "Honey, as long as you nod, no matter what request you ask, I will accept it without reservation." Chu Qingyin held her slender hand and stuck out her tongue, like a cute and pitiful kitten "I promise, after my mother is resurrected, I will strictly discipline her so that I won't offend my father-in-law again." Yun Shiyu swore to the sky, saying the same thing, revealing determination

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