Qin Li holds the sword The blue shirt is moving, no joy and no sorrow The sixty orifices of the Nitian Immortal Sword in his hand turned into a sword of immortality "How is it possible that there is such an artifact that shouldn't exist!" Tiandao was shocked and felt a deadly fear "One sword breaks all spells!"

Qin Li was speechless, only the sword light was brilliant A sword goes down, and the sword light of the avenue is stirred up, unparalleled in sharpness, and the ultimate killing "Twilight Falling Drum!" The Heavenly Mother of Pain hurriedly beat the skin drum, emitting evil sounds, in an attempt to hinder Qin Li's pace Tear!

However, under the might of the sword The skin drum at dusk runs through on the spot It came too quickly, even beyond everyone's expectations "die!"

Qin Li took advantage of the victory to pursue Angrily slashing with a sword, absolutely invincible The blade sliced ​​across the chest of the Mother of Pain With a stabbing sound, Guixu's armor cut a hideous gap Even this kind of defensive treasure can't stop the Heaven-Defying Immortal Sword, and even oozes out the black blood of the Heavenly Dao, making it even more crazy "Very good!"

"Tianmu can't resist!"

"Let's go support Daozu!"

The five supreme beings were pleasantly surprised and killed them again The Heavenly Mother of Pain is insane, with three thousand evil eyes on her body, igniting the light of destruction But the five supreme beings swallowed the Dao Xianguo, and had a certain defensive power, and Qin Li was even more fearless, and the moves of the fairy sword became more and more fierce Tear--

There was another crack The head of the Mother of Pain was beheaded This blow was inspiring and greatly boosted morale Tiandao sneered, "Qin Li, Tianmu is not a fragile thing."

The voice fell The fallen head dissipates The Mother of Pain has grown her head again "How did this happen, I can't see clearly!"

The five supreme beings were terrified, not knowing what happened at all The way of heaven is proud: "The Heavenly Mother of Pain has a dark celestial body, which is a physique that surpasses the fairy body. As long as she stands in the darkness, she will be immortal."


Qin Li narrowed his eyes:

"In that case, I will give you light!"

As soon as he raised his hand, the annual rings in the palm intertwined, turning into the strongest immortal formation With a sudden grip, the rhythm moves three thousand ways, endless vitality, and the void creates a round of nine suns, dazzling and dazzling, and the temple is brilliant The moment it was born, the blazing light swept away a billion miles of darkness, turning this piece of ruins into a kingdom of light, which made me feel warm "not good!"

The Mother of Pain screamed It hates light and warmth the most "It's not over yet!" Qin Li spread his palms again Immediately, all Taoism rang together, the vitality rioted, and another Nine Yin Bright Moon was born Cold as jade, holy and flawless, although not as dazzling as the sun, it can sweep away the darkness, turn into night, and protect all living beings "In the palm of the hand, the sun and the moon, yin and yang are intertwined, the world is bright, and there is no limit!" Qin Li broke out with all his strength, pushing the sun and the moon horizontally with his palm, unmatched The sun and the moon rotate like a Taiji diagram, converging from yin to yang, crashing into each other, bursting out an unimaginable ray of light, covering a radius of tens of billions of miles in brilliance, and even shining into the heavens and continents "It's too bright!"

"As expected of Dao Patriarch!"

"A lot of bright chains!"

The five supreme beings can only be amazed They also saw thick chains stretching across the void The chains circulate yin and yang, penetrate the sun and the moon, and form ten thousand bright avenues, trapping the Heavenly Mother of Pain in the center "Ah! It's so painful..." The Heavenly Mother of Pain was deeply immersed in the light, with black air evaporating all over her body, with death marks on her body surface, a large area of ​​rout, and she had lost the ability to not be bad, so she screamed extremely terribly "I'm here to end your pain!"

"One sword breaks all spells!"


A sword fell It is a sea of ​​swords Hundreds of millions of sword lights were bred in it, which rushed down Not only that, this move is also mixed with One Sword One World, because it is more powerful Apparently, Qin Li became very interested in Bailijian's words. If he combined the two fantasy swordsmanship, he might be able to reach the other shore And under such a magnificent sword light, everything will be annihilated, and the dao marks will return to nothing. Even the Heavenly Mother of Pain will disintegrate layer by layer, shatter and disappear, and finally turn into black smoke and disappear only remaining A black cocoon of heaven Falling into the light, whining "Qin! Li!" Tiandao was furious Hundreds of millions of years have passed the general trend, once they disobeyed, they were completely defeated This kind of breathlessness is hard to describe, and he watched Qin Li rise step by step During the Bronze Plague, Qin Li was thought to be beheaded, but he made a comeback, shaping the Continent of Immortals, sweeping away the Netherworld, and destroying Hell Now, he killed the Heavenly Mother of Pain and used up all his preparations "finally!"

Qin Li couldn't help smiling But it doesn't mean to relax in the slightest The real source of evil has not been solved yet!

The Nitian Immortal Sword was trembling endlessly, this was Qin Nitian's excitement "Qin Li, I advise you not to disobey the macro laws, otherwise I don't know what will happen!" Tiandao threatened And the black cocoon turned into a ray of light and fled quickly "I don't think anything will happen!"

Qin Li rushed out The power of the Dao is fully injected into the fairy sword A sword pierced out, drawing a fairy waterfall, to end everything Seeing this, the five supreme beings were indescribably excited, as if they saw a bright future On the fairy ship of the heavens, countless strong men cheered excitedly, Qin Li was absolutely invincible, turned defeat into victory, and was about to create greatness Layman Plum Blossom was expressionless, but on the contrary, there was a hint of worry. He looked at the scenery in the mirror and thought of Qin Li's worry. Maybe something terrible would happen after killing Tiandao but no matter Pooh!

The fairy sword never moves forward After catching up with the black cocoon, he stabbed fiercely The sword's edge is unparalleled, cutting through layers of black threads of the heavenly path The five-foot-long sword penetrates deep into the black cocoon, trying to smash the young fetus of heaven It looks like it will succeed "Qin Li, you forced me!"

Tiandao was angry and desperate, and chose to be born Accompanied by the rumbling sound, the black cocoon burst and turned into an annihilation wave, sweeping across the ten directions, tearing apart the chains of light, and disappearing all light "Do you know? How long have I waited? Even though I was almost there, I will be able to achieve Dzogchen and be born successfully."

"But you should have died, but you came back to life several times, ruining my good deeds again and again, disobeying the macro laws, and making all my efforts go in vain."

Heaven was born In the most helpless way At the beginning of its birth, the world resounded with evil sounds Everything ends, everything returns to ruins, everything ends, everything ends He is the symbol of ultimate horror, the executioner of catastrophe, the end product of despair, unknowable, unheard, unnamed Even the five supreme beings can only see a cloud of black mist in the way of heaven, and they will go crazy just by looking at it a few more times. After all, the gap between realms is too great On the immortal ship of the heavens, all the heroes saw nothing, they didn't even have the qualifications to see the power of the heavens, they were ants in the true sense But all sentient beings have felt the prelude to destruction "You were born early!"

"This also violates the macro laws."

Qin Li had expected it a long time ago, so he was extraordinarily calm In his eyes, the way of heaven is not black mist, nor indescribable It actually looks like a baby, with dark skin, a bloody mouth, nine eyes born, as deep as a black hole, without any emotion, except for the greed that devours everything, it can be described as extremely evil But because of premature birth, it was skinny and extremely weak Ninety-nine rounds of dark light are derived from the back of the head, and the death patterns on them have not grown completely, which shows that it is not a complete body "so what!"

"I am Heaven, you are Dao!"

"I occupy two-thirds, you only one-third!"

The way of heaven roared, pouring out the power of the way of heaven, endless, shaking the universe, and permeated with an aura of extinction The heavens and the universe are like a tree, and two-thirds of the way of heaven has been corroded, so only the last third of the avenue is left, which is still a little insufficient "Qin Li, I want you to die without a place to bury you!"

"Fist of the End!"

Tiandao came to kill him and punched him angrily The power of heaven surged, and the rhythm of boundless darkness gathered in the fist The fist fell, and the scene of the destruction of the heavens and the fall of the sun and the moon was created. It can be described as terrifying and extinct "not good!"

"The only flaw!"

Qin Li was shocked and resorted to a killer move Suddenly the speed surpassed the limit, breaking time and space So much so that before he traveled back to three breaths, he wanted to avoid this trick "Do you think I can't travel through time and space?" The way of heaven will not be the only flaw, but with absolute speed, it can also travel through time and space This punch Tarsal maggots, there is no escape Qin Li was horrified, and blocked his chest with the horizontal sword clang! ! !

The death bell rings It was as if the great world was whining The Immortal Sword of Absolute Beginning bent down abruptly Qin Li was hit hard, and his whole body was gone a million miles away The power of heaven is too terrifying. It tears the immortal mark and dao pattern in his body, and it is an irreparable injury

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