Leaving Wang Tianci's side, Qin Li asked Wang Shouyi to take him to the villa on the top of the mountain along the way, and found that it had been completely tidied up Qin Li immediately decided to move in tomorrow!

Anyway, he has a car, and this place is remote, so no traffic jams will waste time Back to the villa in the city, as expected Xu Yinran was still waiting for him in the villa "It's getting late. Tomorrow in the daytime, I'll go to Xu's house with you." After finishing his sentence, Qin Li went back to his room to sleep Xu Yinran, on the other hand, was so excited that she didn't fall asleep much the whole night Just thinking about how exciting Xu Bing and others' faces will be when they learn that he has broken through to rank five warriors after returning home tomorrow!

the second day When Qin Li went out for breakfast early in the morning, he saw that Xu Yinran had already packed it up, even the Lamborghini he was listening to outside had been polished to a shine "Brother Qin, I've packed up, let's have breakfast."

Xu Yinran showed his white teeth and looked sunny It seems that the increase in strength has made him different Qin Li squinted his eyes, feeling stabbed by the light on Xu Yinran's teeth: "Have you eaten?"

"Haha, I've eaten it a long time ago, and I bought this breakfast."

Xu Yinran said with a smile "He got up earlier than me." Chu Qingyin pursed her lips, "I've finished dealing with my affairs, so I'll take a rest at home these few days."

Qin Li nodded: "Okay, call me if you need something."

"Don't worry, I just took advantage of these two days to go back to Yangcheng to visit my parents."

Chu Qingyin was talking After Qin Li had breakfast, he brought Xu Yinran, who couldn't wait, towards Xu's house "Xu Yinran doesn't stay at home every day, what is this kind of person still staying in Xu's house?"

In Xu's courtyard, a young man sneered, playing with a Wenwan walnut in his hand, "If you want me to say, father should kick him out!"

"Xu Shaoming, don't talk like that!"

A man beside him frowned, and his face was that of Xu Bing "What's wrong with what I said? Big brother, you too, you and I are both the sons of my father's principal wife, and even now I'm not as good as Xu Qiang of the third chamberlain!"

"Then Xu Yinran would have been kicked out a long time ago if he hadn't relied on his sister's ability!"

The one who spoke was Xu Shaoming who, apart from Xu Bing, had always hated Qin Li At the military banquet back then, he satirized Qin Li for sitting at the wrong table Both of them are the children of the eldest son, and both of them have evil temperaments Xu Bing paused when he heard the words: "That's enough, don't talk about it, my father is at home today, he heard it, there is no good fruit to eat."

As he spoke, Qin Li's figure flashed in his mind Then Xu Yinran is not only because there is Xu Shiyu behind him, the main reason is that there is Qin Li behind him!

That... a half-step grandmaster who is only twenty-three years old!

Thinking of this, Xu Bing took a deep breath Of course, he hid this matter very well, and didn't let his father know half of it Otherwise, if the upper echelons of the Xu family knew, Xu Yinran had a brother who was a half-step master behind him I'm afraid that the balance of this family has really abandoned their big house!

At that time...he and his younger brother will be completely ignored!

My mother is now very old and suffers from minor and serious illnesses. She has been feeling a little uncomfortable recently. If the Xu family changes blood at this juncture, my mother will definitely not be able to accept the blow "Xu Shaoming, don't say such things in the future, do you hear me!" Xu Bing scolded Let's talk in private, in the Xu family compound, what to say!

Xu Shaoming glanced at his mouth and nodded reluctantly "I'm back." Just then, a voice came from the door Xu Yinran led Qin Li into the compound, and saw Xu Bing who was watering the flowers and Xu Shaoming who was doing nothing For a moment, the four people stood in place with big eyes facing each other When Xu Shaoming saw Xu Yinran, contempt flashed in his eyes, and when he saw Xu Yinran brought Qin Li to Xu's house, he immediately exploded "Xu Yinran, is there something wrong with you? This is the Xu family, and you actually brought an outsider in! If the secrets of the Xu family are stolen, will you be responsible?"

Xu Bing's face was a little stiff because he thought of Qin Li's strength Hearing Xu Shaoming's words at this moment, he immediately wanted to go over and cover Xu Shaoming's mouth, but it was too late "Nonsense! What are you talking about? Didn't you bring your friends?" Xu Bing shouted angrily Xu Shaoming looked at Xu Bing because he didn't understand: "Brother, are you confused? Are you turning your elbows out? That's the son of the second room, not your own brother!"

"Which one is not your real brother?" A voice came from the main entrance, and then Patriarch Xu's figure appeared in front of the four of them His eyes were on Xu Shaoming's body Xu Shaoming suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and pursed his lips: "No... I said... I said that there is no one who is not your own brother."

He said, his face pale Damn, why did father come out at this time The Xu family is in the red wall compound, which is the site of the main family Generally speaking, only direct descendants can come here Usually, Xu Yinran and Xu Shiyu are in the villa outside, but today he came here because he had something important to do Master Xu's house is not too big, it resembles a courtyard building like a small Western-style building There are three entrances, and everyone is standing in the courtyard of the second entrance Living here are Patriarch Xu and his three daughter-in-laws, and their sons all live in the third courtyard or the first courtyard Today, Patriarch Xu was resting, so he was practicing calligraphy in the study, and came out when he heard someone shouting outside When he saw that it was Xu Yinran, he was stunned, and when he heard Xu Shaoming's words, he was a little unhappy But what made him even more strange was that Xu Yinran, who used to get angry when he heard such words, didn't speak Moreover, Xu Yinran even brought an outsider here If he looks good, is that the Qin Li whom he met at the military banquet before?

The one favored by Mr. He?

Speaking of which, recently he discovered that Mr. He was very close to Qin Li, but he was busy with military affairs recently and had no time to visit It seems that I have to find time to go to the He family However, right now... why did Xu Yinran bring Qin Li here?

Ignoring Xu Shaoming's explanation, Patriarch Xu waved: "Come with me."

Xu Yinran was originally full of anger in his heart, it was always like this in the past, but Xu Shaoming despised him vigorously every time there was no one else around My father pretended not to see it Hearing his father's shout at this moment, Xu Yinran was taken aback Xu Bing and Xu Shaoming were also taken aback Father, why do you care about Xu Yinran?

"Dad!" Xu Shaoming frowned, "Your study is not accessible to ordinary people, so let me say what you want here."

"Yes, Dad, we are not outsiders."

Xu Bing also said that usually he can make concessions, but when it comes to his own interests, he absolutely cannot give in How could Patriarch Xu not know what these sons were thinking, but he felt that a family was like a country To become a king, one must go through all the wars He is not opposed to fighting among his sons, on the contrary he is more supportive "Yinran, what do you think?"

Xu Yinran pursed her lips, looked at Patriarch Xu's face and sneered: "There are no outsiders, so let's talk here."

Patriarch Xu was stunned, Xu Yinran agreed to talk outside You must know that his youngest son has no military power, not to mention that he doesn't have any vision, let alone business acumen If it wasn't for Xu Yinran's elder brother who had made contributions to the Xu family, Xu Shiyu's strength would not be low He would never allow a moth like Xu Yinran to live in Xu's house all the time Xu Bing and Xu Shaoming were also stunned, but Xu Yinran agreed?

Xu Yinran is definitely not afraid, he is not pleading for Patriarch Xu today, but.. "I came here to tell my father that I have broken through as a martial artist and have reached the pinnacle of a fifth-rank martial artist!"

When Xu Yinran finished speaking, everyone was stunned!


"What did you say? Fifth rank warrior?"

Xu Bing and Xu Shaoming were the first to react, and Xu Bing turned pale with shock!


This Xu Yinran was only a first-rank warrior before, how could he suddenly become a peak fifth-rank warrior?


There is Qin Li beside Xu Yinran!

Qin Li's question!

Patriarch Xu was also stunned for a moment, and the corners of his eyes twitched: "Really? This is not a trivial matter!"

He had already planned to give up on Xu Yinran, but today Xu Yinran actually told him that he was already a rank five martial artist!

What does a family value most?

Especially a military family!

That is the warrior level!

Xu Bing was only at the fourth rank, so he was reused like this, while Xu Qiang, who was at the sixth rank, was now a deputy commander of the military region by virtue of his military achievements!

You can imagine!

In the military region, how important is the level of warriors "The reason why I came here and said this is because I want to tell my father. I, Xu Yinran, have already begun to grow, and I hope to be reused!"

The head of the Xu family was taken aback when he heard the words, he was silent for a while, and then slowly smiled: "Yinran, I am very pleased that you can grow up, but you must know that the Xu family is not a small family."

"You want to share my burden, you still need to learn."

Xu Yinran's expression froze at Patriarch Xu's words The ugly faces of Xu Bing and Xu Shaoming were suddenly happy! What my father meant...was that he didn't want Xu Yinran to get involved!


So what if you broke through to rank five martial artist?

The Xu family has long since settled the game. If they want to get a share here, how can a fifth-rank warrior be enough?

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