
Lu Yan responded, started the car quickly, and drove towards the suburbs "My cousin's family has always been very poor, so he lives on the outer ring road." Lu Yan smiled wryly, "When you get to the place, sir, please don't dislike him."

"What did you say? If you haven't forgotten, what was my identity, Qin Li, when I first entered Beijing?"

Lu Yan was taken aback, and quickly apologized How could he forget that Qin Li entered Beijing as a small Chinese medicine doctor with no background in a small county At most, they have some relationship with the Jiang family, Li Shu. Ji, Liu Zheng and others in Jiang City But in the eyes of these people in the capital, it's really not enough It can be said that when Qin Li was poor, he was not much better than his cousin The outskirts are still a bit far from the center of Beijing. The two drove for an hour and finally entered a small village Most of the houses in this village are two-story small buildings, but the road surface is uneven and often dirt roads The villagers raise more cattle and sheep, which is a bit of a smell The two drove in, and many villagers came out to watch "I don't know which leader is here? This car is really gorgeous!"

"That's right, there are quite a few cars in our village, but they all cost 40,000 to 50,000 yuan. I have never seen this car in our village."

"Hey, this car... seems to have lost the direction of old Cheng's family."

"That's right, only Old Cheng's family is at the northernmost end."

"Isn't the old Cheng's family dying of old age recently? This car is probably here to see that thing!"

"How about we follow along?"

"What are you going to do, bad luck! Be careful of dirty things!"

"Go, go, go back, go back."

Hearing the voices of the surrounding villagers, Qin Li's eyes flickered "It's in front." Lu Yan said, "Mr. Qin, don't pay attention to those people, most of the villagers here are like this."

The car then stopped at the entrance of an alley: "Mr. Qin, get out of the car, we can't enter this alley, we have to walk through it."

Qin Li nodded and got out of the car. As soon as he opened the door, he felt a faint feeling of being watched But those are not human eyes, as if they are being stared at by some ghost, wanting to be haunted?

Qin Li frowned, wondering if he was thinking too much?

"Mr. Qin, please."

Lu Yan didn't notice anything wrong. He led Qin Li through the alley and arrived at the gate of a house "This is my cousin's house."

Qin Li looked up and saw the iron gate, the wide field, and the concrete floor It is a very rustic decoration, but different from the surroundings, the yard is empty An extremely low breath of life floated up and down Qin Li immediately frowned, walked into the compound in two or three steps, and then glanced at the master bedroom "Who lives in that bedroom?"

Lu Yan was taken aback: "That is my cousin's room."

Qin Li frowned: "I'm afraid, what you said about your cousin's illness is not a simple illness."

"What does Mr. Qin mean?"

"I guess it has something to do with what your cousin dug up!" Just like the dragon scale in his hand!

Among the dragon scales, there are mostly aura and evil spirit But because Qin Li holds it in his hand, Qin Li's strength can control the dragon scale But if the dragon scale is placed next to an ordinary person, he can't feel the aura, only the evil spirit Within three to five days at the most, he would be submerged alive by the evil spirit, and then die suddenly!

"Things dug out?" Lu Yan is not the kind of person who has no brains, and he can figure it out after a little thought "Mr. Qin, please follow me."

He brought Qin Li into Cheng Zhe's room, and saw a scrawny person lying on a bed in the room On the bedside table, there was still a large pile of medicines "These are all from the doctor I told him to keep. He said that he was just weak and would be fine with a little recuperation, but none of them worked!"

Qin Li smiled: "That's natural." After sizing up Cheng Zhe with his eyes, he said directly, "Your cousin, your mind has been affected by the evil spirit of ghosts."

"What?" Lu Yan was stunned, "Bad air?"

He had only heard this kind of word from Mr. Feng Shui, but he never believed it. Could there be such a thing?

Qin Li snorted coldly, not to mention lowering his head, he had seen it before. Just say that he is a master, he can fly in the air, what else doesn't exist?

"Then, how about I wake him up and ask where those things are?"

Cheng Zhe was too weak and was in a daze 24 hours a day Qin Li waved his hand: "No need."

He can feel it!

Immediately, he pulled open the cabinet next to the wall in the room, and saw that there was a coffin-sized safe inside the cabinet Qin Li didn't try to decipher the code, but made a move, using the dragon scale to swipe lightly The dagger with spiritual power cut through the iron sheet as easily as cutting tofu "A good knife!" Lu Yan's eyes lit up, "Mr. Qin is indeed a master, to have such a knife!"

Qin Li was speechless, there was no gold in this flattery!

The safe was opened, and there was a huge basin inside, and there were a lot of strange things in the basin Lu Yan hurriedly brought out Jia Angpen "This guy, this is a robbery of a person's tomb!"

Lu Yan gritted his teeth: "It's really... a loss of morality!"

Qin Li stared at the contents of the washbasin, and saw a rusty long sword at a glance!

The long sword has no scabbard, and the blade is covered with moss and rust!

However, Qin Li felt a vague fluctuation, which was exactly the same as when he got out of the car!

"It's this thing!" Qin Li immediately went to grab it!

Lu Yan turned his head and looked!

But at this moment, the vision suddenly appeared!

Suddenly a red light burst out from the long sword, and the red light split into two, rushing towards Qin Li and Lu Yan with killing intent!

Qin Li was horrified: "This long sword is already alive!"

Long sword life, this kind of thing he heard from the old man, said that in ancient times, the long swords in the hands of some sword immortals were spiritual However, living beings are still different from living beings Life is a long sword already has its own ideas, but its ideas are only for protecting the Lord and self-protection!

And the birth of spiritual wisdom means that this long sword can already think. For example, choose the master by yourself, choose to kill someone by yourself!

But at this moment, the long sword in front of Qin Li is the former!

Qin Li reckoned that the person in the tomb was the owner of the long sword. Cheng Zhe brought out the long sword, and the long sword thought that Cheng Zhe was going to destroy it Then he shot to show a warning, it was the few people who were taken away at that time!

It's a pity that Cheng Zhe didn't understand the warning of the long sword, and buried it in the ground of his own house The long sword was angry, and used his evil spirit to confuse his family's mind and cause them to have trouble In the end, he found that even if he killed someone, it would not work, so he became even more furious, and decided to kill Cheng Zhe's family!

Qin Li narrowed his eyes. There is such a tyrannical spirit in this long sword, it must be related to the owner of this long sword before his death!

The owner of this long sword must have been the one who beheaded many people with his sword!

Otherwise, how could the red light emanating from the long sword confuse people's minds?


Lu Yan punched and smashed the red light of the long sword together with Qin Li!

Qin Li immediately squinted his eyes, grasped the long sword, and without any pause, released a wave of spiritual energy, and slammed it on the long sword!


Suddenly, there was a scream from within the long sword, like the roar of a ghost. But immediately, it was calm!

Qin Li snorted coldly: "It's a good thing to live with a long sword, but if this spirit is an evil spirit, it's better to smash it to pieces!"

Just when Qin Li crushed the evil spirit, the green moss and rust on the long sword fell down with a crash In just two seconds, there was no trace of dirt on the long sword!

"This..." Lu Yan stared straight at him He looked at Qin Li with a look of horror Qin Li did not explain, but found a piece of cloth from the side, wrapped the blade of the long sword, and held it directly in his hand He has always been a weapon in his hand, and the dragon scales are too short, which makes him uncomfortable It just so happened that Qin Li was going to the Western Regions recently, and Qin Li was still thinking about whether to go to the blacksmith's shop and make a long sword Unexpectedly, here, I got a sword that gave birth to a spirit!

Then he accepted it bluntly!

"There is an evil spirit hidden in this sword, which intends to devour human life and blood to increase one's skill. I just killed it."

"Your cousin's body will gradually recover."

Qin Li made up a reason "As for the long sword, I saw that I liked it, so I took it. Just treat it as my reward, how about it?"

Although Lu Yan still had doubts in his heart, he could also see that there was something wrong with this matter, but Qin Li was a master, and he, a rank nine warrior, dared not ask more questions He nodded again and again: "Thank you sir for your kindness! Since you like this sword, you can take it!"

Qin Li nodded and looked at Cheng Zhe. This long sword is definitely not an ordinary thing If he took it away directly, he would feel ashamed After thinking for a while, Qin Li took out two pills from his pocket: "These two pills are for you, and this one is for your younger brother, and it will be back to normal tomorrow."

"This one, when I give it to you, taking it can increase your cultivation."

Lu Yan was taken aback for a moment, and was overjoyed immediately: "Sir, are you serious?"

"Of course it is true. If there is nothing else, I will go back." Qin Li was a little anxious, and wanted to go back to observe this long sword, what kind of sword it is He just put it away quickly, but didn't look carefully "I'll send Mr. Qin away now." Lu Yan hurriedly fed the pill to Cheng Zhe, woke Cheng Zhe up, and roughly explained it Ignoring Cheng Zhe's astonishment, he hurried back with Qin Li And Qin Li did not go to the villa in the city center, but stayed in the villa on the top of the mountain, watching Lu Yan leave Can't wait to open the cloth The whole body of this sword is pitch black, without a trace! After careful observation, people only feel that this sword is generous and kind, and its murderous aura is restrained!

Although it is a long sword, on the surface, it does not contain the slightest sharpness!

Qin Li swung his long sword with a trace of aura The long sword cut across the air, unexpectedly drawing a ripple visible to the naked eye!

The hero of hardware, the essence of the sun, has a spirit in it, and a power in it!

"Could it be that this sword was obtained by King Yue back then, the Zhanlu Sword?"

Qin Li was horrified in his heart According to legend, after King Goujian of Yue obtained the Zhanlu Sword, he passed it on to King Wu because of his defeat However, because King Wu had no way, Zhan Lujian left by himself, and flew to the side of King Chu, who was the king of Ming Dynasty Later, Zhanlu became the representative of justice and benevolence However, with the passage of thousands of years, Zhan Lu has long since disappeared, and he did not expect to be acquired by him!

Qin Li's eyes are full of blazing heat!

If this sword is really Zhanlu Sword, then.. Of China's five great masters, none of them can beat him!

Even if Wei Kaiyuan tried his best to force him, Qin Li, to join the alliance, he was sure that he would fight out from the thousands of troops!

Qin Li's eyes sparkled, he didn't expect such a reward from this trip!

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