Liu Minghao thought of this, and his heart blossomed with joy Qin Li, aren't you amazing? Isn't there a network of people all over the capital?

That's just right, when the time comes, the fact that you are green will be known to everyone because of your connections At that time, where should you put your face?

And he, Liu Minghao, naturally did what he wanted to do, and then patted his ass and left!

As long as he is figuring out the clear sound, take some pictures and save it From now on, as long as Chu Qingyin is afraid of that thing being spread online, she will never refuse his every request!

This plan kills two birds with one stone!

"One more thing." Jiang Jun continued "What?" Qin Li and the two didn't know what Liu Minghao was thinking at the moment But still talking about business "Yesterday at the People's Hospital, that He Yu whose leg was cut off by you was taken away."

"My people told me that it was He Chengliu's subordinates who went to pick him up."

Qin Li snorted coldly: "After all, they are father and son. Even though the He family was bought off, He Chengliu has some money in his hand."

"He Chengliu can turn a second-rate company into the top five in China in just five years. Then he can also put a bankrupt company back on track."

"Even if we don't reach the peak of the He family this time, it's not a problem to enter the ranking. He Chengliu is a talent, but unfortunately he has a stupid son."

Qin Li shook his head and smiled: "Don't worry about it, as He Yu is like that, there's nothing else he can do."

A broken leg and a broken family It must have taught him a lesson When he reacted, he knew that there were some people he couldn't touch As for the Miss Zheng family who was killed by Jiang Jun, Qin Li didn't ask any questions "Let's go, I'll go to Jiang's house with you and pack up the things. After all, you are a family, and you must be prepared to leave."

Qin Li waved his hand The two drove towards Jiang's house But at this moment, the sky is already dark Within ten minutes, Chu Qingyin came back from the company, brought delicious food, and came to the clinic as usual Seeing this cold light flashed in Liu Minghao's eyes, he seemed to feel that there was a rising sense of dryness and heat Chu Qingyin glanced at Liu Minghao, feeling a little relieved about this man who had never caused trouble It seems that Liu Minghao has really calmed down "Today we won't eat in the medical hall, but take everyone out to eat."

Chu Qingyin said: "It's booked, it's in the nearby five-star hotel!"

Song Yan and the others were shocked immediately, and Mu Xiaoxiao rushed up excitedly: "Really, sister Yinyin!"

Chu Qingyin nodded: "Of course, pack up and go, and close the door."

Liu Minghao frowned upon hearing this, why don't you eat here?

So what, he can still find a way to make Chu Qingyin eat this thing!

As soon as the door of the medical hall was closed, a group of people walked towards the five-star hotel And when Chu Qingyin and others were going there In the Jiang family mansion Jiang Jun sat in the meeting room with a smile. At this moment, apart from Qin Li, there were also a few old acquaintances sitting around Jiang Zecheng, Jiang Wanci, Jiang Rou There are also some newly promoted high-level Jiang family members "I went this time, and there was no one to take care of the Jiang family. I discussed it with Brother Qin and planned to reactivate Jiang Wanci and Jiang Zecheng."

"Of course, they are not asked to be deputy heads of the family, but to take care of the Jiang family temporarily."

Jiang Wanci and Jiang Zecheng were taken aback They have been left idle in the Jiang family since Jiang Jun came to power He was not allowed to go out, nor was he given a job Day after day, they ate and waited to die, even though they still thought of a lot of ways to get into the upper echelons of the Jiang family But they were all captured by Jiang Jun, just like Jiang Wanci didn't let Jiang Jun enter Jiang's house back then In various ways, it was pushed back Today, why use them?

"Patriarch..." Jiang Wanci said, "Is this really true?"

"Really." Jiang Jun smiled, "It's just right, just using this opportunity can be regarded as an assessment for you."

"If you do it honestly, then I will consider letting you join the Jiang family's senior management forever."

"But if you have bad intentions, don't blame me for being rude."

Jiang Jun said with a smile, but this smile made people feel cold Jiang Wanci nodded immediately: "The old man must do his best to take care of the Jiang family!"

Jiang Zecheng nodded again and again, the jump from the young master of the Jiang family to an ordinary person in the Jiang family was too great There was not a day when he didn't think about when he would come back There is not a day without fantasy, is all this just a dream, he is still the young master of the Jiang family?

But the reality told him that all of this was true!

"Haha, since it's agreed, everyone should live in harmony. Tomorrow, Brother Qin and I will go to the Western Regions, and we will return within a week. But we can't be sure, there are no accidents."

When Jiang Jun said the accident, his eyes fixed on Jiang Wanci Jiang Wanci's heart skipped a beat, what does Jiang Jun mean? Could it be that he knew what he was thinking in his heart, looking for someone to ambush Jiang Jun in the Western Regions?

"Accident?" Qin Li smiled, "With me here, what will happen? Didn't you forget that I am the Grandmaster?"

After Qin Li said this, he also settled on Jiang Wanci Jiang Wanci's complexion turned pale immediately, and he lowered his head in a jerk He was so stupid that he wanted to ambush the Grandmaster!

This Jiang Jun is really invulnerable now!

Jiang Wanci closed his eyes, it seems that he doesn't want to take back the Jiang family. Jiang Jun's trip was absolutely not. He took a fancy to him as the head of the Jiang family and was good at taking care of things Instead, make sure whether Jiang Wanci, Jiang Zecheng and others should all be kicked out!

If he really laid an ambush, I'm afraid Jiang Wanci might not be alive when Jiang Jun comes back.. Thinking of this, Jiang Wanci immediately tore up the thoughts in his heart He Jiang Wanci, I'm afraid there will be no turning back in his life!

"Okay, a few high-level executives remember to go to Jiang Wanci for everything these days."

"Jiang Wanci, if I come back and something happens at home, I will go directly to you."

Jiang Jun said with a smile Jiang Wanci nodded immediately: "I know!"

"Hahaha, since we've agreed, let's adjourn the meeting."

"It just happened to be late, so everyone must have not eaten. In order to thank you for your dedication to the Jiang family, I will go to the Western Regions tomorrow."

"Today, I booked a hotel and took everyone to eat and drink well."

"Let's go, everyone, don't refuse."

Jiang Jun stood up and pointed out the door: "International five-star hotel, plum garden box on the top floor."

After the words fell, Jiang Jun and Qin Li went out Then drive towards the International Hotel Jiang Wanci and the others stood in place, then pursed their lips, picked up something, and walked over there The same is true for several other high-level They didn't dare not listen to Patriarch Jiang's words, and besides, this was a meal, nothing else A few high-level people were entertained, but Jiang Wanci and Jiang Zecheng's faces were not very good-looking Since the next time, the two of them will not go out if they can't go out There used to be too many contacts, but now there are too many people who know their predicament During this trip, it is inevitable to encounter ridicule from acquaintances, but what can they do?

It looked like a rabbit back then, but it turned out to be a wolf!

"Brother Qin, do you think Jiang Wanci can be trusted?" Jiang Jun frowned It was Qin Li who mentioned this matter Although Jiang Wanci kicked out a lot of family divisions, it is shameful, but his thunderous methods and some private black hands still made many families feel uncomfortable If such a person is left unused for nothing, it will be a bit of a loss After all, Jiang Wanci and Jiang Zecheng can use it directly without paying any money or price from the Jiang family And the two of them knew the Jiang family better than outsiders "If you don't believe him, you should believe me?" Qin Li's mouth twitched "But..." Jiang Jun was still worried "Don't worry, hurry up and get the green light." Qin Li waved his hand The car stopped all the way to the hotel entrance, and the two got on the elevator and drove towards the top floor But on the tenth floor, the elevator stopped for a while, and then a few people came up Just at this gap, Qin Li raised his head and saw the door of a box outside the elevator Liang Qing and Mu Xiaoxiao stood there Qingyin and the others also came here to eat?

Qin Li was puzzled for a moment, and thought about taking a look at it for a while But a voice sounded from here: "There are really everyone in this hotel. The level of a five-star hotel is no longer acceptable!"

Qin Li turned his head to look, and saw a woman with heavy makeup, who glanced at Qin Li with disgust, and then shrank herself in a corner "It's disgusting to look poorly dressed!"

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