As soon as Qin Li said this, Li Yongkang's eyes burst out with murderous intent, and he stared at Tang Bohuai: "Tang Chinese medicine doctor, I need an explanation!"

"What do you mean!" Tang Bohuai blushed and pointed at Qin Li and shouted, "What identity do you use to say such words, you are responsible for these words, you know!"

"Li Shu. Ji, I, I, this is an ancestral formation. This kid doesn't know how to talk nonsense. If I pull it out, it will be fine!"

"Of course I will be responsible." Qin Li's eyes turned cold, "I am a Chinese medicine doctor at Qiankun Hall, and I use this identity to speak! As I said, if you pull it out, you can't bear the consequences!"

"I don't know when, a little boy can call himself a Chinese medicine doctor! My ancestral formation, you know nothing!" Tang Bohuai roared!

Everyone looked at Qin Li for a moment. Who is this person who broke in suddenly?

Liu Zheng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Qin Li and nodded: "This is the Chinese medicine doctor I brought, Qin Li!"

Liu Zheng's words left Tang Bohuai speechless for an instant!

After Qin Li finished speaking, he didn't look at Tang Bohuai's expression at all, but pointed at the silver needle on the old man's body!

"This acupuncture method is Huiyang nineteen stitches, which is the acupuncture method handed down by the Tang family." Qin Li said slowly Tang Bohuai opened his mouth slowly, Qin Li was right, this was indeed Tang's acupuncture method, but how did this kid know?

After Qin Li finished speaking, he took out a silver needle, and in the middle of the nineteen needles, pierced the old man's belly button!

All of a sudden, the old man returned to his original state, his face gradually turned rosy, and his breathing calmed down This scene stunned everyone Li Yongkang, who was angry, also froze for a moment Tang Bohuai's face was ashen, and Mao Jianfeng gritted his teeth At this time, whoever dares to say that anyone is wrong will hit the leader's head!

Qin Li sneered: "Your Tang family's ancestral array has always been flawed, don't you know?"

When the old man taught him the art of Chinese medicine, he learned all the acupuncture methods. If he is not familiar with Tang's acupuncture methods, no one would understand them that day!

Tang Bohuai's face turned pale, he didn't know how Qin Li understood their Tang's acupuncture technique, but Tang's formation has always been flawed, he knew it clearly!

It's just...he thought that the old man's illness was a common disease, and acupuncture and moxibustion would not do any harm to the old man, but he didn't expect.. "The old man's old chest disease was caused by the exhaustion of traveling and traveling. In addition, the dry climate and the smog in Yangcheng caused the lung disease. Originally, you only needed to use ordinary acupuncture to let him ventilate."

"But you really want to perform in front of everyone, and the result is not worth the loss!"

Qin Li's words are pearls, and Tang Bohuai has no place to be ashamed "Li Shu. Ji, Qin Li is a Chinese medicine doctor in Qiankun Hall, and his medical skills are really good." At this moment, Fang Mao, who was standing outside the circle, suddenly said, "No one in Yangcheng can cure my family's illness, and no one even sees it abroad. Well, once this little brother goes, my family will be fine."

Li Yongkang looked at Qin Li in astonishment: "Really?"

Qin Li bent down slightly: "I don't dare to do it, I just have some medical skills. Secretary Li, your father's illness has been cured. I will prescribe you three traditional Chinese medicines, and let the old man take one every day for the past few days. Eat more fruits, Rest more."

Listening to Qin Li talking here, Mao Jianfeng's eyes were clouded Tang Bohuai stared at Qin Li, as if he wanted to eat Qin Li. This time, he was reaping the fruit of himself. If Qin Li hadn't appeared, Secretary Li's father would have died in his hands But he was not grateful to Qin Li. On the contrary, he felt that Qin Li's appearance had robbed him of his brilliance, and stepped him into the dust, making Li Shu.ji hate him to the bone!

Thinking of this, Tang Bohuai felt gloomy in his heart Boy, the Chinese medicine doctor in Yangcheng, but I, Tang Bohuai, are the big ones. If you want to get mixed up in the Chinese medicine circle, you have to pass my Tang Bohuai!

Who made you piss me off because you don't have long eyes!

Tang Bohuai didn't feel any guilt at all, instead he hated Qin Li, and he even dismissed Li Yongkang "Thank you little brother." Li Yongkang asked someone to take the traditional Chinese medicine list, and then looked at the crowd, "Comrade Liu Zheng and Comrade Mao Jianfeng stay here, and the others leave."

Qin Li left with the crowd, and as soon as he left the gate, Chen Yang followed behind: "I rely on you, you are so awesome, everyone is helpless, when I first entered, I thought that old guy was going to die, As a result, you'll be fine with just one injection?"

Qin Li glanced at Chen Yang, this guy is really sorry for the reputation of the second generation of Guan, the whole image is a dick!

Qin Li shook his head: "Please send me back."

Chen Yang responded, but his eyes were still on Qin Li's body. This attitude was completely different from when he went to pick up Qin Li at the beginning After returning to the clinic, Qin Li received a message from Liu Zheng: Thank you, Mr. Qin!

Qin Li could tell that today was a Hongmen banquet This is because he cured it. If it can't be cured, I'm afraid Liu Zheng's black hat will be lost!

Now it seems that Mao Jianfeng is the one who will lose the black hat, and I am afraid that Tang Bohuai will not be much better According to the jade found in Liu Zheng's house, Mao Jianfeng might attack Tang Bohuai But these have nothing to do with Qin Li Li Yongkang left Yangcheng two days later, probably because he was afraid that his father would get sick again But today, Qin Li returned to the Chu family, and wanted to attend the class reunion with Chu Qingyin "The date chosen for this party is Zijin's birthday. I have prepared your gift for you. You can just give it to her when the time comes." Chu Qingyin put a set of CL lipstick on the table and turned to look at the casual clothes Qin Li has complicated eyes Qin Li came back this morning, and when he entered the room, he was stunned for nothing He and Chu Qingyin had always slept in separate beds. Chu Qingyin said that she was not used to being with people, but today, the other bed was full of sundries, obviously abandoned And Qin Li's quilt was also placed on her bed by Chu Qingyin Chu Qingyin didn't say anything, but Qin Li could tell that her dislike for him had disappeared, and she even had a lot of affection for him Qin Li's heart skipped a beat for no reason Chu Qingyin was in university, she was the goddess of the entire medical university, she was still a virgin since she graduated, and although she had a bad temper, her face and figure were really fine!

She is different from Liang Qing's glamorousness, she is full of femininity, exuding an alluring feminine fragrance all over her body With such a beautiful woman by his side, no man would refuse Qin Li didn't refuse, but he didn't accept it either. His admiration for Chu Qingyin had long since faded, and now he felt that it was good to just let things happen "My parents asked you to come home as much as possible in the future, and my father said that he took back what he said before that if you don't have children in the new year, you will get divorced, and asked me to say sorry to you. The Chu family has been too harsh on you for a year, so don't worry about it. .”

As Chu Qingyin said this, her expression became more complicated How could she have imagined that that dumb and useless man was now valued by the leaders of Yangcheng, and even because of the relationship between Qin Li and Fang Mao, the Chu family swallowed Feng's entire property Qin Li nodded and didn't speak. He naturally understood the warmth and coldness of human relations. At this time, it is best to keep silent "It's almost time, let's go." As Chu Qingyin said, there was a knock on the door Qin Li followed Chu Qingyin out, and Tan Zijin stood at the door impatiently: "Why don't you be so slow, you agreed to pick me up, but I came to you and you haven't left yet."

"My fault, my fault." Chu Qingyin touched Tan Zijin's face with a smile, "I invite you to go to the bar for a drink some other day."

"That's more or less the same." Tan Zijin's mouth curled up, and Qin Li glanced at Qin Li, with a look of contempt flashing in his eyes, "You won't just wear this, will you?"

Qin Li raised his eyebrows "Get rid of it, it's a class reunion anyway, who isn't glamorous? And we're going to the Huangtu Club, a super VIP box, it's a glass hall like a prom, you're wearing this inside, isn't it funny?"

Tan Zijin looked disgusted Chu Qingyin felt a little uncomfortable when she heard that, she tugged at Tan Zijin: "It's okay, just let him go, get in the car quickly."

Tan Zijin rolled his eyes speechlessly, and directly pulled Chu Qingyin to the back, obviously meaning to let Qin Li drive Qin Li shook his head. He had seen Tan Zijin's young lady's temper before, but he didn't intend to change clothes Just be yourself, why live for the eyes of others?

He, Qin Li, would never cater to others Driving all the way to Huangtu, the three of them saw a man sitting in the hall as soon as they entered the hall. The man stood up immediately when Chu Qingyin entered "Qingyin, you're here. Miss Tan, long time no see." The man said, and walked over with his hands behind his back. Standing in front of Chu Qingyin, he suddenly took out a large bouquet of roses "For you, Qingyin."

Qin Li, who was standing beside Chu Qingyin, squinted his eyes when he saw this, and looked this man up and down He was tall and tall, more than 1.8 meters tall, and Qin Li's height was about the same. His face was indeed more handsome than Qin Li's, but he was not good-looking. Wearing a black suit and a pair of silver leather shoes, so coquettish!

In short, the evaluation is a beast in clothes "Let me say, Ling Zhenyu, you only have my Qingyin in your eyes, and today is Miss Ben's birthday!" Tan Zijin reached out to take the flowers, and glanced at Qin Li from the corner of his eyes Then he took Qingyin's hand and teased Ling Zhenyu Qin Li was taken aback when he heard the name, Ling Zhenyu? It turned out to be that guy, he said who it was When I was in the medical university, the whole department knew that a rich second generation chased Chu Qingyin very hard, but Chu Qingyin didn't respond That person is Ling Zhenyu!

This Ling Zhenyu's father was one of the top 100 richest men in Qing Province, and there was even news that he was going to attack the capital recently His weight as a rich second generation is very high!

Chu Qingyin didn't speak from the beginning to the end, and didn't even look at Ling Zhenyu Ling Zhenyu smiled slightly: "I must have prepared a gift for you, but I will give it to you when the time comes."

With that said, Ling Zhenyu looked at Chu Qingyin: "Qingyin, I have carefully prepared a candlelight feast for you today, I hope you like it. I am waiting for you to accept my love, and I want to give you a bright future!"

Chu Qingyin frowned slightly: "No need, I'm already married and have a husband."

Ling Zhenyu's eyes froze, and the corners of his mouth curled up: "It's okay, as long as you say you are unhappy, I can take you away immediately, and no one dares to stop me."

The corners of Qin Li's eyes twitched, did he pretend that he didn't exist at all?

Is this deliberately embarrassing him?

Qin Li immediately took a step forward, and put his arms around Chu Qingyin's waist: "Young Master Ling is really cheeky to flirt with married women in front of other people's husbands."

Ling Zhenyu only looked at Qin Li at this moment, as if he had just seen Qin Li here, and said in astonishment: "Oh, so there is someone here, I thought it was a dog that Qingyin was leading."

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