Su Shi's words really deserve a beating, even Qin Li couldn't help shaking his head when he heard it But now it is being broadcast live, and the people on Hong Kong Island frowned when they saw this There are a lot of trolls on the Internet "Isn't this inland person too uneducated!"

"That's right, who led this kind of combat team? There is no moral bottom line at all. If everyone loses, they must discuss the battle plan. Don't you feel ashamed when you say that inland!"


“What a disappointment for the Outback!”

"The instructor has an unshirkable responsibility!"

"Go forward on Hong Kong Island and beat them up. The existence of such people is a disaster!"

"That's right, we don't need people like this to protect us!"

"Trash, get out!"

"Get out of Hong Kong Island!"

On the high platform, Su Shi's face was icy cold. Once upon a time, they were also ridiculed by Hong Kong Island But they are not as shameless as the people on Hong Kong Island, standing below and not on stage What they choose is no matter what, even if they fail, they will try their best!

Just like the purpose they have always believed in, they must not shrink back before the battle Their responsibility is to carry China on their backs and fight against the enemy!

In the face of a real war, there is no chance for you to react at all. What you need to do is to make up for it after the sacrifice of your teammates!

That's all!

Once his father died at the front of the cannon barrel. He rushed towards the cannon barrel with his body, trying to block the cannon barrel so that the brothers behind him would die less At this moment, Su Shi looked at these people in Hong Kong Island. Although he knew the situation was different, he still felt that these people were really cowardly and unworthy of their positions!

Qin Li frowned slowly: "There is no intermission in the game, right?"

Wang Guoxing snorted coldly: "What? Don't you even have time for soldiers to rest?"

"During the battle, life and death are unknown for an instant. There is no time to rest. Moreover, it is not written in the rules." Qin Li narrowed his eyes "Within three minutes, if Hong Kong Island can't choose another person, I can easily think that Hong Kong Island will automatically admit defeat to one person."

"Every three minutes."

Qin Li's tone could not be refused, and his eyes met Wang Guoxing's, full of gloom The army on Hong Kong Island is obviously considering Su Shi's move just now, and they are constantly discussing Su Shi's weaknesses If everyone discusses this way, how can this battle be fought?

Qin Liben was in urgent training, so he definitely wasn't all-round tyrannical If Qin Li went up by himself, he would definitely not be afraid of these people, even if they discussed it for a month, he would still abuse them But Su Shi and others are different. If those people see the weakness and dodge Su Shi's attack, the inland side will definitely fall down in an instant Wang Guoxing was furious when he heard this: "Qin Li, this is my royal family!"

"This is a battle in the military region! No one can change the rules without permission!"

Qin Li smiled: "You also said that no one can change the rules privately. There is no half-time break in the rules, right? Why, our people can only stand there and wait for you to discuss a countermeasure?"

"This is Hong Kong Island!" Wang Guoxing was furious, he really didn't like Qin Li, "If Mr. Qin doesn't want to see it, please leave!"

"What? Is General Wang speaking to me, or to the people of the whole country? This is a live broadcast, do you understand?" Qin Li sneered Wang Guoxing immediately felt like a blow to the head, and suddenly remembered how much time was paused here, and how much time was paused in the broadcast!

The one above must be able to see all this in his eyes!

"Hurry up and fight!" Wang Guoxing was furious The members of the Hong Kong Island team frowned: "Forget it, Master! No matter what, just go all out!"

Su Shi sneered: "Yo, I'm finally willing to come out."

The person who came up was about the same height and build as Su Shi, and he was also good at attacking He sneered: "It's just to let you live a little longer!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he flew up on the spot, his hand turned into an eagle's claw, and slapped Su Shi towards Su Shi!

The battle started in an instant, and Qin Li's expression became flat However, Wang Guoxing kept looking at Qin Li, with waves of anger in his heart Originally, he thought that in Hong Kong Island, Qin Li would definitely be embarrassed, but why did this Qin Li know that Sanhetang!

Qin Li suddenly turned his head slowly, and looked at Wang Guoxing Wang Guoxing's eyes twitched, but Qin Li smiled: "General Wang looks at me, I can't let your team turn defeat into victory."

"It's better to look at the high platform, what kind of person you are at the moment."

As soon as Qin Li finished speaking, there was a thumping sound from the high platform Wang Guoxing's heart skipped a beat in fright, and when he turned his head, his face turned black!

"Hong Kong Island, three defeats!"

The whole hall was in a state of mourning!

Three consecutive losses!

Just like how Hong Kong Island dealt with the mainland in previous years, this year it is reversed Wang Guoxing gritted his teeth: "No one can defeat him! Are you all useless! Come on!"

His words were recorded live, and the person who made the recording was shocked, but when he wanted to delete it, it was too late Hearing this, the He family's eyes were full of contempt "This Wang family's Wang Guoxing has a big temper and not much strength."

"Wang Guoxing's name will definitely stink after this time!"

Just as they thought, everyone on the Internet was scolding Wang Guoxing. As an instructor, not only did he not encourage him, but he even abused his subordinates!

As a general, you are a role model, but now who is this role model for?

"Hong Kong Island lost four times!"

Like a black serial nightmare, one loses the other on the Hong Kong Island side Su Shi was exhausted, but his eyes were still shining Seeing this, Qin Li smiled immediately: "Su Shi surrendered automatically, let Du Xuan go instead."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was stunned Automatically admit defeat?

Su Shi also frowned, but saw Qin Li smiling and said: "It's okay, thank you, let them be alone."

Immediately, Du Xuan and others burst out laughing Wang Guoxing slapped the table angrily: "Qin Li!"

"My people are tired. Is it wrong to admit defeat automatically?" Qin Li sneered, "Does General Wang have to take care of this?"

There is a low air pressure here on Hong Kong Island Du Xuan was replaced immediately. The Hong Kong Island side thought it would be better to change someone, but there was no difference at all!

"One inland concedes defeat, Hong Kong Island loses five!"

"Six defeats on Hong Kong Island!"

"Hong Kong Island..."

The host shouted in a cold sweat Wang Guoxing's face was almost as dark as the bottom of a pot, and Qin Li's eyes were already dull The entire inland network completely exploded!

On the contrary, the people on Hong Kong Island were very angry and turned off the Internet TV directly Wang Guoxing gritted his teeth and looked at the high platform unwillingly But Qin Li didn't let him have a good time, so three or four people were replaced by inland people In this way, a total of four people inland automatically surrendered Hong Kong Island has lost 15 consecutive games!

In the entire hall, the atmosphere is extremely subtle "Fifteen consecutive defeats..." The host didn't dare to shout anymore, and tremblingly opened his mouth boom!

Suddenly there was a shock, and everyone turned their heads to look, and saw Wang Guoxing overturning all the water glasses in front of him, standing up and pointing at Qin Li "Qin Li, you cheated!"

Qin Li raised his head slowly, and suddenly smiled: "If you can't beat it, is it cheating?"

"Fifteen consecutive defeats, how is that possible!" Wang Guoxing gritted his teeth, "If you didn't cheat, it would be impossible!"

When he said this, the surrounding high-level spectators also felt a little strange Isn't the inland area too strong this time?

Du Xuan and the others blushed instantly when they heard the words: "Why, we cheated if we won!"

"That's right, when we lost, why did no one say that people on Hong Kong Island cheated!"

On the Hong Kong Island side, they suddenly stood up, pointed at Du Xuan and the others and shouted, "It's you who cheated!"

Qin Li's eyes gradually turned cold: "Six years ago, there was a 15-game losing streak in the interior. It's not like this kind of thing has happened before!"

Wang Guoxing didn't listen to it at all, and laughed: "So what, the inland itself is weak! So they must have cheated if they won!"

Is it cheating if the weak win?

What crooked logic is this?

Qin Li's eyes were cold: "Then, what does General Wang mean? Shouldn't the inland win?"

Wang Guoxing raised his chin and glared at Qin Li: "It's a tie!"

"General Wang's face is really unusually thick." Qin Li's face gradually darkened, "But what I want to tell General Wang is that there are surveillance everywhere here."

"And the one above is also watching the broadcast in real time. Why don't we just let that person judge, if my Qin Li's team cheated!"

"I, Qin Li, would like to be dismissed directly!"

"But if I, Qin Li, didn't cheat, would you, Wang Guoxing, dare to be dismissed by Shuangkai voluntarily?"


This... is too much to play, right?

Everyone around was shocked by hearing this, and stared at Qin Li with wide eyes Wang Guoxing's face twitched instantly: "Qin Li!"

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