The woman approached slowly, her eyes full of absurdity: "My God, I can see you everywhere!"

Qin Li narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately recognized who this person was Wenle Chu Qingyin's classmate, the woman who kept him and Chu Qingyin divorced Seeing that she is wearing a famous brand, judging by this woman's character, she might have fallen for some rich man And as expected, as soon as Wen Le approached, Sun Wenze's eyes froze for a moment, and he said, "Miss Wen?"

Wen Le smiled: "Master Sun, I didn't expect to see you here."

"It's just that, how do you condescend to talk to such garbage?"

"What?" Sun Wenze was stunned, "Miss Wen knows this brat?"

Wen Le laughed, and said sarcastically, "It seems that Young Master Sun was also deceived by this guy."

Qin Li's eyes flickered, and he looked at Wen Le with a cold heart also been?

How do you say it as if I, Qin Li, have lied to you?

"I know this guy. His name is Qin Li. He came from a small county town. He likes to cling to glory and wealth!"

"Several times, I provoked people and ran away."

Wen Le didn't care about the authenticity of the matter at all, and only said her own guess: "I like to pretend to be aggressive, and I don't have any background influence at all!"

"Not only that, but I used to be a dumb trash, eating and drinking my wife's food at home every day! It's useless!"

The more Sun Wenze heard it, the more gloomy his face became: "Qin Li, you can do it, you are amazing! If it weren't for Ms. Wen, I wouldn't know that there are shameless people like you!"

The other rich second generations also expressed disbelief: "There are such useless men in this world!"

"How did you get into this banquet hall!"

"That's right, Young Master Shen, you also brought in people like you, are you deliberately disgusting us?"

"Young Master Sun!" Shen Feng said suddenly, "You don't understand Mr. Qin's strength at all. If you continue to talk nonsense, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Hey, isn't this the young master of the Shen family?" Wen Le suddenly laughed, "What? Does it mean that Young Master Shen still believes that trash like Qin Li is some sort of master?"


Suddenly Qin Li slapped the table and stood up, looking at Wen Le with cold eyes: "I bear that you are Qingyin's friend, and I don't want to do anything to you! But it doesn't mean that I can let you slander me again and again!"

"I, Qin Li, don't need you to judge me!"

"Young Master Sun, from the very beginning, you said you wanted to befriend me. From the beginning to the end, I, Qin Li, never said a word that I am an expert!"

"Now, Ms. Wen and Young Master Sun are laughing at me at Qin Li. Do you think it's very interesting?"

"Well, since that's the case, I, Qin Li, will leave my words here. From now on, if either of you two dares to say another word, I will let someone walk out of this banquet hall!"

Qin Li's eyes were cold, and Sun Wenze's words made him completely angry!

Create something out of nothing and forcefully throw the pot "Oh, it's amazing, it's incredible." Wen Le suddenly laughed out loud, "This is the truth, why can't I say it? Qin Li, do you think I, Wen Le, is the same Wen Le who was in the capital?"

"Tell you, I'm a celebrity in Tianhai City now! My godfather is the head of a big family in Tianhai City who can be equal to the Wang family!"

"Your words are not threatening to me, but they make me feel extremely ridiculous!"

Qin Li also sneered immediately: "Since that's the case, Miss Wen can give it a try! See if it's you calling your godfather faster, or me, Qin Li, who is quicker!"

He doesn't hit women, but that doesn't mean he doesn't hit things that can't be called human beings!

He didn't know what happened during Wenle, how he came to Tianhai City, and even got a godfather But he, Qin Li, is definitely not something an ordinary person can handle "Young Master Sun can also try!" Qin Li's eyes were cold Sun Wenze's face changed, remembering the embarrassment of the Second Young Master and others just now, he gritted his teeth and looked at Qin Li "Just one..."


Before he finished speaking, he suddenly slapped him with a slap!

Sun Wenze didn't even react, he was hit backflip by the way, and his face hit the table next to him fiercely!

Nosebleeds and eyes were instantly bruised, and the cheekbones were sunken!

Many people were dumbfounded by this scene, but Qin Li really did it right away without any pause!

"Qin Li, you're crazy! This is Young Master Sun! You're a piece of trash, you beat Young Master Sun, and you still want Qingyin to wipe your ass!"

"Shut up!" Qin Li suddenly yelled, "What about me and Qingyin, why are you talking nonsense here like an outsider!"

"If you continue to talk nonsense, I will let you go down to meet Lord Yan!"

Qin Li's eyes were full of tyrannical murderous intent For a moment, Wen Le trembled all over, stepped back reflexively, stared at Qin Li's face and felt that this man was scary for the first time "Qin Li, you dare to beat our Young Master Sun. You have offended so many high-class families in Tianhai City. You are waiting to die! The Shen family can't protect you at all!"

Qin Li's eyes suddenly looked coldly at the person who spoke: "I, Qin Li, have said that anyone who wants to trouble me, Qin Li, will definitely accompany me to the end!"

Everyone around turned their heads and looked over at this moment. In the huge banquet hall, Qin Li was attracting the attention of all But everyone's eyes were full of contempt and sneer In their view, there are too many people who can say such things, but they will undoubtedly end up tragically in the end!

Shen Feng's face was extremely gloomy, he didn't expect to come to a birthday party, these people are so idle that they insist on asking for trouble!

It's not enough for the Second Young Master to make an example of others, here comes another Sun Wenze!

With so many people watching the excitement around at the moment, Mr. Qin must be very angry!

Immediately, Shen Feng called Wang Zhe directly: "What's going on with you, it's a mess here!"

Wang Zhe was stunned for a moment, and immediately came down from the upstairs. Seeing the confrontation, Sun Wenze lay unconscious on the ground Qin Li was full of terrifying aura Wang Zhe's face changed drastically immediately: "What's going on?"

"I just went to answer the phone, but I didn't hear any movement here. The person at the top of the Tianhai City Military District called me and said he would come over."


Shen Feng was stunned for a moment: "You mean, the Han family?"

In Tianhai City, although the richest man and all kinds of wealthy businessmen are more famous But no one can directly ignore the Han family, the first family of the highest level in Tianhai City!

This is a big military family, a family with great military achievements!

His old man was such an elite as the founding father of the country back then, and his younger generations are all able men and generals in the military region!

The position of the Han family is equal to that of the He family!

However, because his family has helped the higher authorities do a lot of things in recent years, they have been promoted again and again Its position is already far higher than that of the He family!

In Tianhai City, if you can mess with rich people, you may still have a way to survive But if you dare to provoke the Han family, there is only one dead end!

Because there is no need for the Han family to do anything, the people below him who want to cling to you will deal with you secretly!

This kind of power is terrifying in the entire Tianhai City and even in China!

But the Han family has always acted in a low-key manner, and they do not favor anyone. Therefore, no one rushes to be arrogant and domineering under their noses The Han family kept a low profile. They hadn't held a big party for decades or hundreds of years The birthdays of the family members have never been mentioned And today, the one who is in charge of the military area of ​​Tianhai City, the head of the Han family, is going to attend Wang Shuang's birthday party?

Wang Zhe and even Shen Feng were full of disbelief!

Whether it is Wang Shuang's weight or Wang Zhe's presence, there is no such weight at all, so Patriarch Han can come here!

What else did Shen Feng want to say, but there was a cold stand in the hall at the moment Qin Li was getting angry, but the idiots like the rich second generation were unwilling to back down, Wen Le kept trying to show his presence to show how noble his status was But at this moment, a few footsteps suddenly sounded at the door A young man in military uniform walked in quickly, and then said loudly: "The Patriarch of the Han family is here to celebrate!"

From the very beginning, there were people shouting at the door who was coming, but because they were all familiar people, everyone didn't pay attention. In addition, everyone in the hall was chatting enthusiastically, and no one paid attention to who was coming But now, the entire hall was silent, and everyone heard this voice Almost instantly, there was a sound of air-conditioning in the entire hall Everyone, even Qin Li, turned to look at the door I saw a figure in a straight military uniform approaching the hall against the light, with a hint of a smile on his resolute face Everyone felt a sudden cardiac arrest!

"The Wang family... is the card game so big? This... Isn't this the head of the Han family?"

"My God, Han, the Han family!"

"I am not wrong, right!"

Wen Le, Sun Wenze's friend, and the onlookers all looked horrified at the moment Wen Le's face was even more excited, his hands were mixed together, and he even wanted to go forward to cling!

But when she glanced at Qin Lizhi, she suddenly sneered and said, "Did you see it? This is the big crocodile!"

"You dare to beat Young Master Sun and offend so many rich second generations! Let me tell you, Qin Li, it doesn't matter if you have skills! Unless you can have the strength of the Han family and rank above Tianhai City!"

"Even in China, one can say the same!"

"With this kind of strength, maybe you can even out today's situation."

"But unfortunately, today you are finished."

"These people will never let you go! Young Master Sun's father is already on his way!"

"As long as he brings people here and surrounds the entire banquet hall, then you will have nowhere to escape!"

"I can tell you, what level of people are in this banquet hall! You can't afford to mess with it!"

Wen Le's voice was kept low, but many people could hear it Immediately, many people sneered and nodded in agreement The complexions of those rich second generations were also extremely pale Wang Zhe ran down the stairs quickly and saluted Patriarch Han: "Patriarch Han!"

Patriarch Han smiled and waved his hand casually. Behind him, a soldier came forward with a gift box: "General Wang, this is Patriarch Han's birthday present to your sister. Happy birthday to your sister."

Wang Shuang was still upstairs dressing up to receive girlfriends, not knowing the situation at the moment Wang Zhe thanked him immediately, and looked at Patriarch Han anxiously: "Thank you, Patriarch Han, for coming here..."

Patriarch Han raised his hand suddenly and interrupted him In front of everyone's admiration, fear or shock, he said, "I didn't make a special trip to celebrate Wang Shuang's birthday today, but I heard that a big crocodile from our capital came here."

"I'm here to meet him."


Patriarch Han came to see someone else?


Everyone immediately looked at me and I looked at you, where is the predator?

Wen Le's heart skipped a beat immediately, wondering if it's because of his godfather?

"Dare to ask, who is the big crocodile mentioned by Patriarch Han?" Wang Zhe asked immediately, "I'll ask someone to help you find it."

Patriarch Han smiled: "No need."

He stared at a corner: "I saw someone else."


In an instant, everyone followed Patriarch Han's gaze Then I saw the direction Patriarch Han was looking at, which was just a corner where there was a lot of chicken and dogs jumping around At this moment, Sun Wenze had just opened his eyes and woke up, and his face like a pig's head happened to meet Patriarch Han When he saw Patriarch Han walking towards him, he froze suddenly "I... I asked my dad to find someone for me, but he actually found Patriarch Han?"

Sun Wenze muttered in disbelief However, Wen Le felt that Patriarch Han was targeting her, smoothing the wrinkles on the clothes up and down, and immediately walked towards Patriarch Han The people around looked shocked. Is this Patriarch Han looking for that Miss Wen? Still looking for Young Master Sun?

But when everyone was guessing, Patriarch Han suddenly spoke loudly "Hahaha, General Qin, I have admired your name for a long time! I made a special trip to see you!"

After saying that, Patriarch Han walked over to Qin Li, and solemnly extended his hand towards Qin Li: "It's our first meeting, Qin Li."

In an instant, the entire banquet hall suddenly fell into dead silence

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