The voices of the two made Shen Feng and the others startled, but when they looked up, they found that they didn't know who this person was at all "Ah! It's you!" Xu Yinran recognized it first, "Aren't you that, what is that girl, what is that language!"

"I'm a classmate with Brother Qin, and I've even made a list of big money!"

"I didn't expect to see you in this restaurant today!" Xu Yinran narrowed his eyes and sneered, "It's really surprising that you are working as a waiter here now!"

"Yinran knows this person?" Shen Xiao was very interested "It's just an old classmate." Qin Li said suddenly, "Let me take a look at the tea list."

Compared with Xu Yinran's exaggerated surprise, Qin Li didn't have any mood swings Fang Jingyu's face turned red. What Xu Yinran said just now made her very embarrassed Back then in the capital, she insulted Qin Li not once or twice, and she had too much vanity, as long as she was given money and power, she was willing to do almost anything But after going through a lot, he even almost lost his life before fleeing to Tianhai City After going back and forth, I finally found a job as a waiter. Although the salary was not high, I lived a stable life every day Today, she has changed a long time ago. Although she is still vain, she no longer wants to betray her self-esteem Xu Yinran's words just now were like tearing open the scar that she had so hard to cover up But she knew that she had done these things, so she didn't refute "Two pots of Biluochun."

Qin Li handed the tea order to Fang Jingyu Fang Jingyu's fingers trembled a little, her face turned from red to pale: "Okay, come right away."

She paused, tears welling up in her eyes At this moment, she felt that Qin Li's indifferent appearance was not as comfortable as Xu Yinran yelling at her She had seen the person sitting in front of her on TV, whether it was the young master of the Shen family or Wang Zhe of the Wang family They are all big names in Tianhai City Qin Li was among them, like the stars holding the moon, everyone asked his opinion and let him decide In this situation, Fang Jingyu couldn't be so stupid as not to see Qin Li's identity In the past, she could actually tell that Qin Li was different from before two or three times, but she used to value money and power too much After rolling over the edge of near death, I suddenly realized how neurotic I was!

Can't understand clearly, don't understand, don't want to believe, look down on anyone, think of themselves as noble But now, when she met Qin Li, facing Qin Li's indifferent attitude, for some reason, she felt uncomfortable as if she had been tortured "What are you still doing here?" Xu Yinran frowned suddenly, "What? Do you want a tip?"

Xu Yinran hated Fang Jingyu very much. Xu Yinran had a deep memory of her insulting Qin Li on the street in public Now meeting here, even though Fang Jingyu is a waiter now, he still doesn't feel that this woman has changed her personality!

"No, no." Fang Jingyu quickly shook her head, looking at Qin Li, as if expecting him to speak for her However, Qin Li didn't even look at him Seeing this, Fang Jingyu's eyes turned red instantly, and she turned and fled except for the box door "It's really strange." Xu Yinran sneered, "When I was in the capital, this woman scolded Brother Qin more than once or twice, but now she acts as if Brother Qin is sorry for her."

"I didn't say it, Brother Qin, there is a saying that is good, poor people come out of poor mountains and rivers."

"Whether it's Fang Jingyu, or sister-in-law's old classmate named Wenle, I really hate it."

"That's all right, Mr. Qin is not angry, why are you angry, Shuang'er's birthday is today." Shen Feng laughed Xu Yinran was taken aback for a moment, then laughed: "Yes, yes, yes, my fault, my fault, I will punish myself."

With that said, he took a drink of the boiled water on the table "I'm relying on you kid, just boil water!" Wang Zhe shuddered and landed on Xu Yinran's head "General Wang, be merciful! I haven't found a girlfriend yet. I'm so disfigured!"

Xu Yinran jumped up, grabbed Wang Zhe's arm and dragged him aside The two suddenly became a mess Seeing this, Qin Li and the others smiled helplessly and remained silent "Mr. Qin hasn't been so leisurely for a long time." Shen Feng chuckled Qin Li raised his eyebrows. He has been busy with various things, and there are still many things that he has not dealt with right now But to be honest, it's really not true, having a good meal with friends, not thinking about anything so relaxed, just sitting here, watching Xu Yinran and the two fight "It's never been so relaxing."

Qin Li took a deep breath and was about to say something else Suddenly, a shout came from the next room "What the hell are you pretending to be pure!"

The voice yelled sounded like a middle-aged man, and his tone was extremely bad: "Since you are a waiter here, you are serving customers. I am a customer, so what's wrong!"

"I'm a waiter, not a PR!" Then a girl's voice sounded, tinged with fear "Please be respectful, or I'll call the police!"

The voice was so familiar that Qin Li and the others froze when they heard it Xu Yinran frowned suddenly: "Why is there something wrong every time this woman is around?"

Qin Li's eyes flickered, he didn't want to have any entanglement with this woman What's more, Xu Yinran and others don't like women, so why bother to get involved But at this moment, a slap suddenly sounded from the next door, and the figure of a woman was suddenly thrown out of the door The man who came out immediately kicked the woman!

"How dare you put on a show for me, I want you to see Lord Hades!"

None of Qin Li and the others expected that the people next door would do such a thing, and that the one lying on the ground and thrown out was Fang Jingyu herself And that man's voice was obviously that of the man just now. Seeing Fang Jingyu being thrown out, she was so painful that she couldn't speak, and curled up into a ball But at this moment, the man's kick came in an instant. If he was really kicked, Fang Jingyu would be crippled if he didn't die!

Seeing this scene, even Xu Yinran, who just kept scolding Fang Jingyu angrily, changed greatly The three girls Cheng Siyu and Shen Xiao frowned even more, their faces pale!

She is also a woman, and it is almost conceivable that if that kick landed on her stomach, what kind of overwhelming pain would it be?

Fang Jingyu was in despair at the moment. She was really good-looking, and because of this, she had been molested as a waiter in many small restaurants and bars before That's why she found this hot pot restaurant with great difficulty, because it is relatively high-end, and most of the people who come here are the children of high-ranking officials They are all people who value face more, but they didn't expect that there are wicked people among the rich!

She closed her eyes, and the pain that came out of her face after being pulled by her arm just now made it impossible for her to estimate what kind of crisis she was encountering at this moment She hugged her body tightly, trying to curl up into a ball, her eyes closed, and her whole body was tense Just waiting for the terrible pain to hit But after waiting for a long time, she did not wait for any beating, but heard a muffled sound She opened her eyes suddenly, and suddenly saw a young man with his back turned to her, kicking the fat man to the ground Fang Jingyu was stunned, and looked up at the young man "Are you okay?" Qin Li turned his head and looked at Fang Jingyu who looked up Fang Jingyu's eyes turned red suddenly, and tears flowed out instantly. She never thought that one day, she would be rescued by Qin Li!

"Qin Li... I'm sorry, thank you."

Qin Li nodded: "Get up and go to the hospital."

Fang Jingyu got up tremblingly, just about to say something, her eyes widened suddenly: "Be careful!"

But the fat man who was lying on the ground just now raised a stool and threw it at Qin Li's head!

A cold light flashed in Qin Li's eyes. Before he could move, Xu Yinran kicked the man away with one kick!

"Did I draft it and sneak attack!"

Xu Yinran's face was extremely gloomy, and he cursed loudly The man was kicked flying, his face slammed on the door of the box, and he spat out a mouthful of blood: "Help me!"

He yelled, and the door of the box behind him was suddenly opened: "Who is causing trouble? You can't die if you want to! Don't look at who you are beating!"

When Xu Yinran heard the words, he turned his head and looked at the person who opened the door: "Grandpa, I can beat it, how can I do it?"

"Yellow-haired boy, you still pretend to be grandpa, your crime is unforgivable! Let me die!" His face was gloomy, and he shot at Xu Yinran and grabbed him!

Qin Li looked over immediately, narrowed his eyes suddenly, his figure flashed past, and suddenly grabbed the man's hand!

"What? You just forgot about the beating you received this morning? Do you still want to experience the pain of flesh and blood? How dare you attack my brother!"

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